HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-09-20, Page 7201.1i, 1138 'l:"h�.aa.°i1cla� t`t�pt.il.alla4.t M `� ,",�,...�..-+..,.wM, �ww r ...M,w.,.�+•,�—w...,,-.'....m „`.... k,�oM,fM�M«.�.M1M�IMWI„.+�w.»......,,,�M„Mn.. VS i 11 SS CARDS .,PUT YOUR row toot, I(ilioV'ae & HOLIi $. wa t , For Salo, Lost, f3a'xtlett�lo;:, ..Soiic9'itot'A, ,Notaritla, t'zazlli,, tic: O .fiat can the Squares, hound . , otic°, etc. Ade ' grid door• .'leozn Hamilton St Cxutl• IN THIS COLUMN* ieriuti Private funds to + loaza at :� laweet rales. ° proudfoot, K C, J, L, Killoran I�. E, Holmen, Ititr. Holmes Will be in lensall. on Friday of each week, ... «,+AIM,..+«,., .A,ndrevr 'p Rees, 'rownsb:ip C1.erlt liergues, of 'marriage liceaasos, Notary tablic, Commissioner, Flee and Aa'lt- oMobile Insurance, Rellz'eaeuting Stove, and JTh1eMortgage Corpora- The Canada T.ritet Co. Zurich, Ontario. 0 G. L Smith I.,..3,5..erorontcl+) ID,D.S,.PChie go) DENTIST tiRil AT WALPEP ROUSE, ZURICH, EVERY WEDNESDAY AIN OFFICE , -. HENS.rALL OSCAR KLOPP Jones Nat- ional Carey M. cerin' : Try School of Auction Mock; ytge for.Registered Live, ,i(All Breeds), Terms in keeping vith : prevailing prices, Choice ,arms for sale. Will sell anything anywhere. Zilriela, , ,Phone 18---93 or Write, .,., Licensed, Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer for County of Huron, In a position to con eluct any auction sale, regardless las to size or articles to sell. • I 'solicit your business; . and .if not. °satisfied will make no charges tor. aer'yicres, Arthur Weber, - Daebwood, Phone 31`r 13. o atesipsmriornowarmase,....M.omimmolumewag6, Zurich Meed filiRKET -Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna, Sausages, etc Highest Cash Piece for Woul: CASH FOR SRINS & RIDES 7141:19gbiltethOtt ZURICH i LIVERY I am in a position to accomo- date altrequirements in the Livery Lime, have Auto for hire. Any- thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE 3. THIEL Phone 58 Zurich, i&. S. A.TXINSON, L.D.S., DENTIST • . Graduate of the Royal College at Dental Surgeons of Ontario and of the University of. Toronto. Late District Dental Officer; Mil- itary District No. One; London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every TUESDAY AND' FRIDAY from 10.00 'a.m. until .5,00 p.m at theCom- Anercial House. Main - Office at iii °seri Ont. Phone 34_ -19 • L,,IVE OU LT Y WANTED .,ken every, day till 3 Oclock p.m, .,DO not feed fowl" eanae: morning iii ;erJ. brought in. }Iighest ,. Cash Prices -C:A.SH FOR--'- Cr'.ear~n ,,,,and Eggs W. O'Brien Phone 94. ,. Zuzaich eon SEASON • 1923 Summer • Deliveries e Dleleware & Hudson Co's. LACAWANA .COAL We leave now in -'stock, car, • of icgh Grade Soft Coali • ileo oar Fee Coal, try a load of. this For+banking your fires and for general use. ' Arriving 'soon, car Bullets. Get voaxr order• int for a load of these Jewry Will go jpickl. Prides for Oat only $5.$.50 per Ton.. Canteltal dt PRODUCE MERCHANT Phone • °like ]louse• 10j, lOtti40e.tdo;i.1 Yerd.e,•1 rockd�Street, H td I+; At,,L�' ONT., z<U. D FOR SALE Two good grade holier% svttkz elf, clue in; September, Also • iz litter of sinnil i1i e 3 weeks old. Hr. Stoiubac h CLERK'S NO'.I'1:t el' OF FIRST POs'I'l.Nl4 OF Vo'[ .t;BS' LIST° VOTER'S LISTS 1 3 1txUNIC1P.ALI.i'Y OP am TOWN- SHIP row t -SHIP OF IIA if • NOTICE IS 1fJ eliY (LIVEN that T have oonnplied with station 19 of the Voters' List Act, and that I have' pirated up at lacy oifioe at Zurich, on( the lith day of !Sa•ptem•- bat, :192.), the list of ad persons en- titlecl to vote in the :said Municip- ality at Municipal Elections, azad that such list redeems thine for in- spoction and the last d for ap- peals being the 8th clay of October 192.` ,...And I heireby 22d 11 upoti all voters to take immediate proceed- ings to have . any ei rots, u1.+ mins- seine corrected ac,;urdinl.�; to law. Dated at .Zurich thislith day. of September, 1923 ANDREW 1+, HLSS, Clerk, Tu' nship of Ray Zurich, : Ont° NOTICE CIDER MILL • We will operate tUL cider mill every Tuesday and 'Thursday "of each week, IYIENNO STECKLIQ, L'rotiaon • Line, Stanley. Peon° 6-38 t15 BRICK AND FIELD TILE. FOR SALE I have made arrangements with Mr. Alex. Ialousseau of Zurich to st'lii all sizes• of field tile and brick These• will be delivered by me .it:laio yard hi Zurich. :For partic- ulars tither phone or ca11 on Mr. •Mousseau or myself. -...axon Wein, Tel. 13, C(rediton;, . t14 • FOR SALE A quantity of 0. A. 0. No. 104 seed wheat at $1.25 per bush^l. Apply to LA n. C. Ross, R.R.3, hip- pen, Phone 86r19, Hensall NOTICE. On and after; Sept' 4th, 1923, We will d : eonti=tete• cluing• credit llusina-+sr h? conditions of the Countiy cc.-ipeis us to wake.:thi5 change'.: 1, i..adiy' d on't. ask for any more credit after ;this date. Pro - deep will be taken the same. as cash. Pay your own debt and let the other feiloty pay his, Less lrofats, and a quick turnover •vill be our motto after Sept 4th. 'lours Truly, T. L, W URM — ZUE:CH . 6-3 • ' FARM' FOR SALE Consiatiog of 54, acres of good farming land, being Lot 5, -Con- cession. 1t, Hay Township. (There is on the farm. a good veneered house, bank barn with concrete ,st- ables and foundation, also la fine young orchard. For further par lioulare apply ting John Recker, R. R. No 1, Dashwood, Adlnanistrater of e:stato of Wim Heckman;. . ,. • FQt SALE Trot wick: sale, .a Waterton sei3 arsine With cutter 36x45 ire T excellent condition. Formerly o lied by ,Tas. Overholt. Must b sold. , at once—A real bargaiiieF further particulars and terms a ply to 3. Preeter, F. C. Y{albfleisc le, F. Stade., Zurich, Omit. CAL NEWS Ir t)'ive+r Davie of Toronto, eta isil.ing Old f risrei here' Mr .and :Mei tail Martin, Babylon Linn, vent. Sunday' at C;:Ctiitwi • l'+rc t, Alvin SaarC1U11 of ,Chicago is visiting ::t'l his borne on the 11r-, onso In :drs. supe:;l,lalt of Au'ht,a'n is vis- itmg with he tx+,tn 1. ria Ii, 'Yung • luta Mr and Mrs TA':ni. Crall%e.s ,and. T elaaily ' itt1) ;nimbly visatl.caz's tt Thodiorcl * ' and Minn Chris Beehlea.' of Tavistock w oto Siainday • yi51tors with relatives lysate Mrs. S, 13v'own, who visited lier aster, Mrs 3. :Neater, has returned to her liorneo it lei:tehener Mr ireorge EThuonty of the fa - utile Lane, left last week Lo visit his brothers' at =Windsor Mr and Mrs 1'1`ili, M0idinger, who spent a week visiting relatives in Michigan, have returned home A number' from the village at -- tended the funeral of the late John Sheritt at U.c'and hemi on Sunday Exeter Fair was hid on Tuesday and a very uniayor.abie •wo..ather took place, as it rained nearly ail day Mr and Mrs Martin Sweitzer, Mrs P. Rauch and Mas, W. I3.. 'Floffntan were Sunday visitoi.s at I:ra:,lr- wood •• Mrs. Geo, Hiliebreetit at Brod- hagen is spending a ie'•i' sttlas with friends at Lutich anct Grand fiend Mr and Mrs Simon Greh and de. - Lighters Valeria act Edith motor- ed to :Arkoma on Wednescay to get their 'supply of •pear,i.les Mr and Mrs Jake Battler and fam ily of the 13ahayion were Suuclay vis 'tors with Mr and Mrs. Dail. Weber, Dashwood .Mr and Mr:I Wia1, Rennie of the 'Cows line were Sunyda visitors at the home of the formers father, Mr. Alex. Rennie, Parr. Line Mr A. Metielc atltl son Clain., motored to Kitelieotr on Sunday, returning on . Monde;;. t's. Mel - net, who had been there for sornc• days, returned ' ~finale them . They visited at the hones of Mi' and Mrs tennis Callfas, wli a have recently purchased a ,i'•.,; Cr.:mien prop- erty in that city. • 13:1YFI.uLD TO IL,Vi E HYDRO Hydro; nn' y lay ce tnedeo to Bay - Hewitt next :eerie Residents of that section as :.trey •as 1921 went. in WI the q .u.'Iuton Ind 52 custom- ers signed contratts, but because eina. Zt number did not, warrant the 'struetion of a feettein lint 12 or 13 miles from Clinton, the propos- ition was dropped, S. P, Cliass: ex -M. P. for Feast Midden-tee, again: taken the molter up aucl •he believes it is possibIt 1:0 ,scute a A 600:3) 1I'.la tl' • 11r)i'1132,llta4;n huori t'I}e 1°nliF@,i't's .a iie anal UPlira.,lat°: f,111,pi 11i'ec'i.ite lt•. G.,t a i1k,u 01 t1,ca't 18301'13 *.... .,urtica Given the • liai➢d'ail 1 t..;: aitiaueant;. 3Co}lti'l1, l.•ca i,y aniaark, t oportir11fnt . 0! ,da. racniturt, 'rnvonto,a Litr'1t, ,ud:•nil is the farm 01' vii ^...11 lroa:,1 id' . n sot-11tii3'1g"supply 01 tali! .. 31.{-niii water .1 ro n tL"tr 11 01 ..,r,;,; oIt ilia Ii1L:i11iee's, 1t:; 'alta, {,..an 17 t ho roclioul'd up 119 it i,likiri' oats .ti it ii .lief sttni( U wale} supply on the f'a.rin 1'i: Ills ram C,,+ 'tills 1113 Oki rOc,is 01 t114 beildlill :• arid stored in. tense Ud3d rl;raull11 make, 4;411ed lesterns. it is coals mullet' called soft water in cviltraet to the hard water of welts and springs. i3 Supply of Solt Water a goon. Every 'housewife who' is fortuaatt rluougil to have a plentiful supply of soft . water for washing. dishes, c1.,111e's aoti woodwork, c..11t1 for Usa' in 141e, bath, knows well now t„t;o.• superior it 15 to hard waxer, i eaves a 1o; of soap?, and the uu.{:r ations aro more e„silt' carried 001 and the tusLilts more satisfactory Phis valuable supply of water (,dint -a• lawn :trolls the clouds in fairly cep .;,its amounts uruntil by month,' wile n. i 43 to ipt.a Sinai! tits, tr., ones- , 50, uuca to a Lireti :'„a c..v, tlaugtirng and a scene' :.tilt or cistern. Over • Qntario the averege rained, ,:ant ,April to i>: cember is about ,neeee per- 1,C1Jil til,and it all tu.: eine-lines of an averagkese.ed 1, till : t r provided with ea e ti uu ,tn 1,5 :v los . than' four, barrels of w..:, .lay, 031 the average eves es neon? year would be collet ell. 10 ilitityl;or. water will serve eiticte.': ,f a family of six living 1n e oo,.ir •., t PP:al with modern 1113311)031,43 is - .0 re's. The tidy draw on the v,'e11, tete water,. supply would ' he titt- aanntint reeuired for drineieg and ".'tilting purposes. (x3 d. Li tel i a necessity. Cu safo.i(,1 .,1 against a s:3J1t c;; >f ,,oft ti•.:.., ,:l 3111115 of drotig,'i i .nd tile winter season who: .a ..'o t -,;e, the cistern slrajult. n< ..rgh to hold a 'eve i,` alit ... .,ala' supply. This wool. 10rtuire ,a storage tank ut the vet' (east 1.0 ?pot square aiid 10 €ee deep, or its equivalent in dieeerent di arriensions, or two smaller faults 'tat together this capacity. It .is ,.c:1; to remember that the tank buil: in the cubical form, say feelOxle. is -more 'economical than one of .lrc same size but oblong in tea e, (6.2-3xi5x10) for example. 9 he. cy'tiuder form ,takes even less terial titan thee cubical, bat it n lie a little slower and harne, t b(iiltl. ' $olnetines 'the' bottle es rise to constructed. J ttri •r. the cyIia. s. cal or bottt 4 pe 3s�s;suaily"liaut bt aeic 1a\' ni 'i�icli e'en' "ihcs t ,r and finaily,weil coated ou the: lilted, twith a rich mixture of clement, p'ete sufficient : ataibt3r o'f cu.stutu+ is to araably super cement, and tine sand have. the lila a ain't rus ted Re is r1,i1C ' Ux10x10 ,size 31111 hold b,250 in to'ish With tla enbinetrrs of t111perial talions, or approriiniatel}' C i of onili 'ZOO garrets, Iii U'.S.A. gallons tier t1i. } _l.0 El Powm on a•1 with referent;: to this question In a letter to Me Mass Engineer Jeffrey eacplaiiae cithat if about 27 to 30 farm no:'ltracl:s can Le secured along the line b +t view) Clinton and :hayfield it wilt be possible to build the line under the Governm- ent bonus plan. The total k. w_ detntnd represented. iia the 52 con- tracts already signed in isuy fie.li is estimated at 35. Mi Grans es- timetes that at least .25 addlion°tl c;ustomcte could now he. secured in the village this biniging the total eapaeity'would, be 1-5 more, of 7,€p0 gallons. To build the cube'sheped cistern ("lOx10x10) .it would i'eijelis 12 cit, yds, • of concrete, the 'welts,,_ bottom and top being six incites thick. E sing a 1-6 mixture it wo:tle, take .approximately 18 barrels of se- ment and 15 loads of gravel. 'Jaor the cylindrical shape it would exec about. 11 cu. yds. of material., acid for the oblong 'shape (6 2-8x15x1cr) about 13 eu. yds. With a kuowled ;e of local prices of naaterial aaU labor, 11 would be an easy matter to estimate the cost of a 6,000 to 7,0;0 gallon cistern. The Lovation of the Cistern. The house cistern'may be located in the cellar, or outside underground: according to 'conditions. If the cel lar be large and provided with good dratnt'tga for the overflow of the cis• tern, there'. can be no serious objet - tion to !teeing site cistern in the cal tar. ft the roof of the house is act large enough to -collect sufficient rani water`' flit 'the water .service of the once, the roofs of barns an. d othei. landings may be connected up to eit- her cisteri1 .at these buildings and he two cisterns connected for joint. ervite if necessary. ' In this case obably the best arrangement would to build one very large tinder+ round tank, 12 or. 15 feet square nd' 10 'feet deep, ate, point . where'. °iiawater from both house and tarns would gravitate and collect. etween the berme and this cistern 11 would be advieable to 'build a °tiling basin to intercept dirt from roofs.. The water system would 0, connected to this large cistern • to supply the house or barn as,i:equlred. The same Water system could be used; to supply the house or Barin. with the Mater from the well or other suuroe used for ' drinking and cooking urposes. In: buildl'e a cistern do not make the serious,mistake of making" It too mall. !fla t `install some form of Water systilit In order to have the oft water;'both hot and cold, on tato hroughotatl.'' the house, In subse• .,lent articles 1 ;Willdescribe various ypes of water systems for time farm tome. The Department of Physics;' Gut4lph Ont., is prepared to advise you without charge regarding nstallationp,of water Systems, Plumb - fig, sewage disposal, etc, --•-R. R 'raliam, 0. A. College, Guelph, Every farm and dounti'y home hound feed itself, and . to do this, it is necessary tor each family to groe, garden vegetables a1.a't1 small fruits. All oorn cribs and grain bin, Should be carefully inapeeted to 'see that they faire rat and mouse 12roof A concrete foundation for storage batiidiegs is ndvisa,ble Whenever it 10 In renewing your subscription for you+ doily and weekly paper remember ;the Herald Office.,' agciit for most of them and some. cases can.save you as um as 50 cents on a single subsnrip lolly NOTICE I ha ve taken out License f Auctioneer for the County of Bur on, and am in a position to con ductsales by auction, Give m a trial and I will assure you antis faction or no „charge, tf-2 James Iiesozney, R. R. 2, Zuriel Phone No. 10-x33 Dr. H. H. C 0W T L;.. D. , SS,' • D. 17. S. DENTAL SURGEON RAR TL:E1l'S BLOCK, DASHWOO DAT S OF FALL FAIRS ;;; Bayfield, .Sept 25W--12 lit ,, iii .Sept 27--- tietlssi,ls ,s Oct e tilxelcr Sept 1.7,-1 (Xodozich tbcpt 5 Jn,t+et,.noyv Sep 97+- M:1totlt*ll 25-' rr .,forth .:....:"ep 20- a� inlaaazi' ..Oct 5 Z'. rich ., .. Sept 21 .) ru,jii.'11 �,�}ie t •+ h rt{,.,* (hi +i2 ,. '��' I. rq:. �x •. i °416 a^w •a �Ar.4 e:' 171„ tcher's Castoria is siactly a remedy for Infants and Children Foods are specially prop€;i: n1 for babies. A baby's medicine Is even more essential. f'r B.: fry. Remedies primarily ilrepared for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the i'ieed .of a remedy for the cuanxnon ailments of Infants and: Children that brought Castor'ia before the public after years of research, and no clams has been made for it that its use for over 31) years has not proven. hat is C' TO w Castoria is a .harrless substitute for Castor 011, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. Itis: pleasant. It contains neither Opium., Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. . For more than thirty years it has been in constant use, for the rd./of .of ConstipationFlatulency, Wind Colic' and Diarrhoea; allaying Peverishiaess arising therefrom, a.,,,ti by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; ' giving healthy and .natural sleep. The Children's Comfort—The "2,9:cther's Friend. GENUMIE STO Ri. ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Irt-Lse for Over 0 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY If Yor cannot afford a li ord why not buy a nice Rubber Tire Buggy : HESS seas then]. ]. REPAIRING Painting Fo:cl Car, One fleet, $15.00, Two Coats --- 520.00 iCovering Ford. Top • Good Material $27,00 Changing, Ford Curtains to open with Doors $5,a?0 Painting Buggy $8.Ou IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE :RAVE IT WE TiElei'Sl'iER'`'Olitj Ci VHE T,S. EL Nes all 1+ rill + +++ +++1+'+++++++4.++++'+++++•+3+++'II°+++++lF"it.++'+'+++3 'fix. Lumber Laths Shinglesi 4. +a Everything, in 4. +q Combination storm and screen doors made to order', I Lumber_ and Building 1VVater 1 4. Custo+InaWork cur 'ecial1v 1 :.... IA.lways in the market for saw logs 41. FLEI• 4, a 4g, PHONE b9 ZURACII p. :1•++++++++++++++++++++++++4 +++++++++++++++++++++++++41 +10 + + + . + `€+ +—+ +-- --+--.+ +--+--+ +-* o Oil/ENIGORI five or Reasons "+WAY WE,CAN SELL SUITS F10L1C'. x'$10 TO $15 LESS THAN OTHERS,1:6d. +i 1. We stock; our own goods. I o- i fir• 1.2... Our Suits are made by "work- +1+ manship, second' to none. +3. Have only one price for atsak + ing Sults. 'i`4. The very best linings put in all our garments. • 5. We. •guarantee satisfaction or moan refunded, ,,,,• +€+ 2 4. HOFFMAN t HoR TAILOR AND FUNERAL 1R , 1” R i DAY AND Mall T 131-10oN7 l bl'ax. 136 a 1 a n 4