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Zurich Herald, 1923-09-20, Page 4
rl 1 ay S,'*pteinl er 2Q{.lea .1.,;13 • f[lff >uu(t FCiri heisea ort•iar's T:fill 91„,„2), 'Wi1a;fliam Wali no 27, Dubli)r ;pt 21 %'r;rla t)tlet lst, Varna 400:t 2, Credikni Cict. 3rd; a•rand Bend. Received Big Waco The Prince of Wales, who arrived Quebec on \VndnEsday-last, .01. $he Canadian Pacific Steamship ;4"Ernpress of France'', to "spend. :cseveral weeks attending, to his at- ;dairsom the ranch lie uou;nt near algary, Alb.,' on his lest memor- ;fable visit .to Canada BORN • ipfer -At Parr Lime, H.1i Tp, to lir -and Mrs Jacob •Kipfer .a •son a,tillborn)., on,, Sept 1111. • .a'nner-ln Stephen Township on September 11h, to Mr ai,cl Mrs. Russel Wanner, a son enomy-At Saubie tone. Hay Tp Oni September 15th, to Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Dc>. omy, a. clan- ' ghter DASHWOOD. '?Ir and Mrs Jack Kepky and Mr 1Iolty of Pont Elgin visited with itr nd Mrs J. 0. hied In:t:'week r and Mrs Sial Ireland of Stt- titford were wek-wend z'.aitors at •ffi, Tieir an. 1VIr.• and IVIrs Rudolph Rade of Zurich spent Sunday with .tile, for titter's parents.. Mr and Mrs 0. St - •Ade Mr and ,Mrs Hatay Kraft,. Mr. lack, Wein, Mrs. C. K,nkbetner and aught4r Oathern \were (.zsitorsto • T ' 1 . M.'X aw... . ic1L-'r ufi'herweni eat operation in London on Sat 'aariay for appendicitis. Wt e ho'ee for a speedy recovery Messrs Charles and Wrt Linden- (. field of Parkhill spent Sunday with Ur • and Mrs 0 Steinhagcn t Miss Dora .lirart of London is gher home here I4ENSALL 'Miss Mary Tent of: Toronto sp- -i!ant a weak with her, aunt. Mls.'J aouthoiland and Mrs G. Scott. George Moore of ;Vleaford is sb- ^een!ding a west: or so with friends George 0 Petty has returned .from Will extended :ti ip to .' the West, me- eting many* relatives and friends awhile there \ ,,. Mrs. '3, ' J. Keys and daughter, Miss Dorothy of Nashwrlle, 'Tenn. *lavebct.n visiting Mrs. 1Ccy's sis- -tar, Mrs.:Geo. _'Douglas, ami alsoto- 1,atives at Varna 1VIrs, Ji s. Rocs was hi the 'pillage renewing aequa.intanct+s Soule ;Ante ago Mrs Rosa was al :Niagara Valls and had the misfortune; to UR and bra her arm Mr Wm. rate rs snaking further bnprovernents tohis neat dwelling canifMarn and Ring st. and will soon' trays e e x thi5gthat cotknts For rnfort a.id ecrivenie nce Mr and Mrs Maik DryAlaie hove' returned From a plsasa n) weeks outing attending this marriage of a aiolotive and also` were tit theFasll Mils Salina I3eaver of 1.itchener pent the past week ,visiting her grareuts, Mr and ' Mrs Wan Dca.vewr Mesa Es:sery, who hast had charge of the Ladies' Dept' of T. ' q loy'nt's store, has resigned her pos- ition Mr, and Mrs Albert Whiter:sities kayo returnsld from a tine two we- -rk's auto trip as DAV is Chicago, An3 report a Ispieitdid trip with friends to 'Chicago EXETER :rhe corn kpack has been . cont, snoticed at the canning factory Mr and `Mrs F W Hess tof 1knsr,1j 4,»o t the week=end in town, the i 4ts of G S Howard's 14&arg fret Weathy left to spend lat'tia,.n in, New Jersey 'i°5 .dWell had a final r ,njur- and tx nIc worlc,n; in the T., as Tay- lor *galling trill ad t{otvalc! who is not tocling clly i..i ticking a .few Ay&tiTS otf Item Ina wort.' at fIarvey s Altll anti'. )4,11:11. his wife and daugl.t(i 41ro v);; Aland in .Kitchener and other' places 1', J Milox 1r, t n-rl:Y1C 01' th ! ry1i.31iz Cathy!ic Church addressed 3#k bid tiiYiq `ll+cetiti, in 4 ,n,vs St .rrcil 01) Sontl i;,' Sept. 1,, Iasti Come to t! arra 'ements with fi Q jy illi Ii lI4/'4rr b ,f''W , •+x 'j .,y fili'. Your buying here! special I3argains for Also lectured to amen only 'on Mon day, Sept. 1 r, Orval Beaver, son of MIA. Ida Beaver had the t =,startup.: to be kicked is the rigili let;' l.E;iow the knee by a horse, while pa eparin the, lona for fall wheat. , lle rec- eived a nastly flesh wour d and the bone was injured Ed, Harness left for "Wxodeor wh- ere h: intends opening' up a . retail produce busir.+ ss. While ins many friends wish hip= success. For the present the fan ily will remain Iyer`' Bruce Walker KA, was worried rn Toronto a";^t Saturday to Miss ,Cora W alker at her the home of the bride's parents 'Inc happy couple after visiting Exeter friends, ret- rned to 'Toro• ta, where irl - .Vv alk ler has a fella r shi p+ rn the Fniv- arsrty and will continue ins . slud- fes for 'a higher degree A meeting of farmers .nttrestcd 'n shipping . Logs and !ore stock co-aperatE,1y was held in the pub lin library on Friday' eVF:. l kat. , _there was an. it to, estrng xxe..ting. R+ orkinen are, engaged in mak- ing some alteratior:w in the interior of the Jackson M. Co. 1t is ox pected that operations .ill' com- mence shortly CREDITON Victor. Nestle has returned from the ©rest where he spen tthe last three months , Mrs A Oakes is visiting her fa- ther and mother, Mr and Mr s t;r K Braun Martha W,enzei has returned to• Detroit atter T'isitang a few we- eks with'her parents, Mr and Mrs Wm. Wenzel The Waist Eros. of Pigeon, Mich, were renewing acgiiaintnacse hers Albert Beaver and family moved to Welland recently George Eilber has purchased the the vacant lot next the post office formerly, owned by ;1. 13ea%er . `,• Pleai+ed to stale tnat 'Mrs Trick is- ably to be. soup again .ko ,7G>n„xk of Commerce :is `.being translerred toBarrie, 1'Ir. Nichols of P.trkhill is taking; his position here Nelson .Drier is visiting Rev and Mrs Dryer , Mr and 1VIrs John Smith, Crediton announce the engagement of thrie daughter,.Miss Buleaii, (to ,Mr Hill- iard G. Sperling, of , W,arlkexton,the marriabe to take place the' ltattxr part of September r COUNTY NEWS. George Albert Risher, son of Hy. Fisher, Fullvrton was found dead z>t the hay now of time barn at 'his home on; Sept! 5th, hang teen missing since Saturday last. An extended 'search was made for four. days before he was found, Ilia body was touch contorted. .Cor- oner Dr- Wrm+str•ong ;of Mitchell decided that au inquest vas not necessary, : He did not .give a27 opini o a .aa to the canes of the death of Fisher but he had obviously been; dead for some time before he was. found An; accident occured near Centr- alia on Sunday hast, where a tour- ing ear; being ;driven by Capt. Ken- dall of.. Clinton turned eomplete ov- ek Ail Busines this event! er pinning him under the ear411s companion, Lieut. Fowles, also em ploy*ed by the ;sarme 'Co}, was tin, - own clear and received no injuries'. When Capt'. Kendall was finluly re moved hey was found to have bio', ken two ubts and was quite badly bruised • On Sept; .4th there took place at the residence of Dr and; Mfrs, Geo.' i{,lliott Cook, Toronto, the marri age of their daughter, Ucrtrudea Marjorie, to Capt. Win, Proudfoot PPLO son of the late •Senator Proud, foot • and Mrs Proudfoot of Toronto. m en ring others have a, special. with you! 1'hoy wore formerly of C;odericla I Fred Sloman, who arrived at Mr and 1VIrs ;Geo. E. Thomson his hone, Clintr n, this weS1;; b y of IEippalti, announce the engage- train from Local' . after 'wkilknag anent of their daughter Elizabeth front Chicago, to Toronto;'and back to:.. the Huron & ]truce, explained why he walked and a le'w of the incidents he witnessed en route, He was with a Ohatauquit troupe Agnes, to Mr Albert Geo. Alexan- `,der,, -(son!' of Mr and Mrs John Alex °ande , the marriage to take place quietly in September A quit:t wedding took place at the Presbyterian manse, Croinaa,rty, iii Wedneuday last, when Rev., G. Ritchie united ix1 marriage 'Miss Mary Miller, daughter of John, • Miller of Sttaffa, to James Hodgort of Farqulax *+++,14++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++44* Auto• ,¢ We have .made arrangements with . 1 the Ford Moto)..Co. as well as with t Cook Bios. Hensall4., o handle t. 4. Genuine F3d. Parts .. t and aiways'keep a good supply on I AGENCY FOR ALL FARM IMPLEMENTS, PUMPS SOLD AND nt REPAIRED; ETC., ETC. y' ., 7 y 'fp, *44+++++4.4.÷4.144.+44+++++++++,14++++.14+++++++++++++++* 1• A. P:r i ,' Z irich Ont. • .. hand. Also repair any make of car Mr. Peter Kroff, ' mechanic WATCH THIS ADD! Prices to fit your Pocketbook .`Soue of our Strong Points'-- KawgsT iFABRIC'S OF (TUE .FINEST QUk1.LIT1 KNOWING -\IOW '10 CUT AND 1) FITI FASHION PLATES THAT ARE ALWAYS AHEAD BEST LININGS AND FIN1S11.I14,GS. HIGH-CLASS WORKMANSHIP IF YOU APPRECIATE THESE'IMPORTANL PEArURES GET IN TOUCH WITH US FOR 'OUR" ,NBWi, SUIT. Suits and Overcoats to Measure From $23.00 to ` $45.00 WE ALSO DO 1/I3:1 CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING. YOU WILL, LIKE OUR WORK E . Wuerlh, Tailor 4 Don rA.e.Ender and Omer. '' i ' t ta ht, Tor'outo hoLY , the Canadian Pacific e G C7rat one of its oldest • ; ~ +s..er4' in tilrailroads, e' pioneer days of Canadian ra • y roads,. the later Mr, Clarke used to drive ^.,i[! iillx ;' engine iyn.'1}''F'VI! tis a double -ender, and the ' elxgin g eonwhich he made his first run 1 ' ! a r i°: "shoWn ak ove: He born: in England 76 years it o and i;, t., a$ .,.. .7i Vi17,,h th 'old Nildland line, joining the +...5 1'r i=':r'!"ta +,r .ii i 5'✓a n4i : e company from ilfS e y:.ctltr ttagpipxontai t ,,e.first of :the summer and just tow- ok a notion to "walk back home,. School teaching is his profewssitan., but sometimes he finds it dull. Hee served overseas 'and aos'en't , nx raa8' walking; In fact, he prefers it tui; other modes of travel, Ile le,ft,, Chicago+ the 1st iof August ZURICH FALL FAIR Thursda and Friday day. Sept:27th p and 28th, 192a (FARMER'S TROT OR PACE MILE HEATS BEST 3 IN 5 PURSE $30t00i 1st, $15,00 2nd, $10,00, 31:d, $5.011 For Horses whish have not won' . public money prior tot; September let, 1923. POUR TO START OR NO 'THIRD MONEY GIVEN. OTHER ATTRACTIONS Grand Concert in Town Hall ON FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 28th TTI{E PLAY ENTITLE ALWAYS IN -TROUBLE THE I-IOODOED COON (+A,COMEDY ISI' THREE A.OTS)'B'>,THE ZURICH DRAMAfIIC C ,tJ83 Zurich Jubilee Band in A • Attendanec•:: Special Prix HORSES J. GASCHO & SON offer $3.x:1 cash for the best halter broke Ie of 1923, handled by a boy of 16 years old .or under. ' r . MOLSONS BA\TK, Zurich, offer $5 30 cash for beat Gentlernan'EGOett4 lit, open to farmers and farmer' a :,oris only. CAT I'LE • T. L. WORM offers a pail of Dn. Hess 'Stock Food, value $3.25, fele the best call under one year old, any breed. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE, Dashwood, offer aharud-- some Silver Cup, suitably ;mounted and engraved and valued at $15.00, for the best finishc,d cattle beast, any breed, up tet two years old. r HOGS . Dr, P. J. O'DWYER, 'offers $3,00 cash for best type bacon sow POULTRY Dr. A. J:` IVIacKt jN offers $3.01' cash for best pen of twopulletet. and one cockE:r:e1. The three birds must be of one variety andlt must:not be shown in any other class. OTHER CLASSES IiVI R. SIMPSON Co, L7.I., "atter a case of ^Silverivare, value $6,00, fob butler in 1 -pound prints ',5 pounds ...wrapped in parchment paper: Appearance as cell as quality to count ,in -makin,r awarc}y J. F,11EETER offers goods to the Value of $3,00 from store to ar winning, ld hest i p' ` g' goilrts in the Grain and Seed Clsas; Ara prize to count 3 points, second 2 points, and third, 1 point, STADE & WEIDO offer goods to value of $3.50, for best and neatest,; display of fruit, consisting of apples,' pears, plumy, reaches ant grapes • T. i, A,TOIs C CO.. LTD,, offer the choice of the(a) ,Silver pie plate: (b, !CIock, i(e) Hearth Rug; (d) Club bag; 'vaiuei . . 1±Orr.1i6,25 to $7,85, for the best box No: 1 Wealthy, McIntosh A1;exander or Northern Spy apples,' quality and packing tob*, considered, exhibited' by'an ndi'xidual grower, who' has net won an Raton prize at any Fair since 1020. W. H. 'PFILE offers $2,00 cash, for most suitable and appetising cbld. lunch foe`one t9iair, T. L. WILLIAMS offers 100 -pounds ',of Choice Faintly Flour for- hest leaf of bread baked from this well-known arad papulaie brand' of flour, O. )ENOM$ otters a silk tie and handke:rehief "to `match for they' largest watex'rneion, ?same to become property of donor. AI LICK & B€iA11 Offer goods to value of $3.00 to person vvinrain 1rgltst number of »ointg iii Classes, .1, 2, 3, 4, 5. First prize to count t 3. points; 2ndrize 2. p points p and 3rd rite 1' .o .. pint. W. G. NESS oilers a handsome bedroom' wall clock person attendii the Fair.oe t to the olds Wm. SM JOHNSTON, President. Secy. Tre s,.