HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-09-20, Page 1I , • )(XlV No. 1•1 4044 : firrr S• • • '•••• " " Prr" 1"."...11!!**,r: '• .14 46, ,oio, , .4.44144,11400+4014iii MBER 20 easonable Footwear I r. WeerlVea THE HOT SEASON RAP- DLY ADVA.NCING AND COOLER DAYS WILL $0011 BE A .CERTA- 'Fsset • THAT 'HEAVIER AND MORE ATTENTION '1'0 THE FAOSS .,1 sU/R.A.BIE FOOTWEAR WILL SOON BE REQUIRED, WHICH WE ARE IN A POSITION TO SUP BY YOU WITH. OUR SUPPLY IS UNLIMITED OF ANYTHING IN THE STAPLE FOOT- Itss,,,l' .' -q • ,, s; i . INTY, WE WISH ;To DRAW YOUR 1 -Wear Line, We have Kids, Patents, Calf, Etc., in many of the atest and niftiest Styles that will . . 'nit Yoy. All our Sandals,Running Shoos and Slippers are pained very low to ,clear. Get that ii:xt pair of Men'sWork Shoes from ils, as•we handelee the, Cele'brated GREE S.E10E. s' H. PFILElNs ZURI . i• • THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES • REPAIRING NEATLY DONE kTi •r7.7-'•-"••',••• • ,.er-t4sYf' ir4P, e.r ef;N (: ip ^ . e 100 , Litiester- 14, $vaitb,uhflh (923. a •Year ip $1,50 IN iOliA10,41.1.1) 1)01r1 FOR 'Xor.6.6.rtromew , .• )40 \ • " te • , ss ',ssrs's Yv $nsa lystsr,PsiterS' . at' Staff.) - of Sutton cal- ss,rri O'Biion NI ere r c village. on Tuesday It" • ialC. ,Uttley visited friends: clayts, last week calfe;t1P.arthe viUae'(°nSt d..Mrs Ed. Brand of Lon- Sin�iy at the A'frs. Gertz tide Hessry 3133ripast aswt hr,(75e.ewasIxass her hone at Ciediton *Mira Sam Gascho, Mrs. 0. ne; Ms. 1. Ra gelle were thr Triesday ,• strtss • rot tc::,'••••••,,,,- • • 41,' 4'1 • • _ Sig° F° • grls, .ontN*cre Asitors the past -week p • I, 410 Annie faetory has ' res-ci. ni ; operations last v.:eek and ips'gisitag cnriployrdent to the young *744,1111.3,1rs. John Corisitt of Tor meliT1 F , hursday and Friday. September 27th and 28th a..tva r -x t 4 - ! r g• 1 e E liCa ..-,‚-M .1 t We look forward to seeing many. friends again:. oririg the two Days .of our TOWN.: TAIR. • For - :b. teir :it,ocCut's at a time well swtetl for the FaU at - 41/ r .!' • 1,vi,:r ;4-t.Alte::,1104xte of Mr and Mrs Wna •';,, 8 ,Q Parr Parr Line i3O ' ,,I;Fpri 3..d .re..,iise-2.4,, ,Pitrteie,aeunr, J,, :D ' K Ihr., ZrifishFallS,Fairi Hy. Stem:bWaCe14111:;ich'tvlici, , .,r 1,'s"VrSiSelaert,-.0a-se'& San; Herald. , ..1 cr .4 -.1InssWedpesday, the day of the 'SU' -Dirieb S'chOol Fair, tEs an ideal day V Orlie, ea -Casio?) - large Crowd "s . or ..pre-iiekit a:rul the .exhibits are fine, . rdtp•OsisiSiasIse said next issue •Thursday and Friday is i!s Fill Fair, don'tsjors•et to ' re' 4.rtd. bring all your friends - ile'''.e*PPet'ed te be a big event, 4hat;„nissres we want is fine marked doWn to the lowestnotch A cordial invitation is extendended to You to come and we have in store for you • \ NEW VELVETS 4 Kraft WE, CARRY A COMPLETE ST- OOK OF WATERMAN'S POUN- TAIN 'PENS. EVERSHARP PEN- CILS, AND E1GHEST GRADE OF INK FOR IDEAL PENS HESS the Jeweler PHOVE No 74 • Incorporated.1855 Capital and ECeserve $9,000000 • Over 125 Branches E MOLSONS Farmers will stature synapath- etic.banking at any of our br- anehes. Careful attention to the needs •of Cana.da's Agric- • ultural interests has al waiss be- • en a feature of The Maisons Bank. Savings Departments at • every Branch. •Despesita Of. $1.00 and upwards. invited. C. H. JOY Manager Zurich Branch •. t4444.444mo........444.44.4.44••••••••••••••4044044n ; 4 .1 g „,,, • Sp ring ., Horse Goods! or 4„ 0 1, , "rust Received a large number of Genuine Woolen Horse If: 40, . *• 331ankets in Assorted colors Size 784. isst .0. Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, priciss • 0* * Ranging from $7.00 to .... ... ... — ... .... ...-- so * 0, SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US A CALD, eis s *- at . A BIG Stock a Harness and Halters always on hand. lots, 0 Club Bags, Suit Cases and Trunks at Right Prices. • Z 0 0 HARNESS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY • PHONE Ir lr'' RED THIEL •- R101-1 t ZU eftwe6ii:6_tria . • 6..„3.6toi ., 1,.,•.1 , . , , ,-.. f� w.!Iti:tli''61riAt.l'el'114.°::4'1D.d:tila':'6Zff.i.gfirtftfli:i.I':'-: . n0 at l'":1!.9:.r.v,..4s,,hs:i3ni-;d 23-S old -:;*n.f"a;:t of' 11V:I:' 1 nardlirs skl4in J Swartz of Detroit IpasSe,ct.awiJsr in that city last Wed sics•risaY, the remains being brou- ght tia, zurieb. arid laid to rest in the;Butheran eemetery on Saturday afternoOn." 'Much sympathy is ex tended to Mr. and Mrs Swartz in their bereavement especially as it Was- their only child John Sherritt, an ex-M.P. did at his honie in Blanchard. Tsai., on Fri ciys September 14th, in his 72nd ;Heat. Jae had been ill for only a short tinte and was well known thr- onghout this section, o !the country. having contested South Huron rid- ing '.as , a Conse.risative candidate some , year ago. He lived neai Greenway untila few years .asso when Ise moved to Blanchard. His remains were laid to rest all, 3rvip.13. Bend cemetery OD Sunday the ratrettidny being largely atten- ded.:,' ,. L A.TE WILLIAM .M1 LIIOLAN D A SiVell known., and highly respect ed pendent of. Seaforth passed a- NeaY:At lin home on John it, on Th- ursdn, Septsmber fath, in thc per 1 son b'sfs William Mulholland, foliow- 0 ''', • man ' , ing *,...naaralytic strcske, He was. boSsOir Ireland. 78 years ago, tor y ear s - lie farmed most suec- asti' m Hay Township, and is ..„ an l'islass . many thioughout the P Low, him where his industry and p vas., sta.in.ed bim an ample comp- eten •. He was a man of 'nag- nifi krit. physique, and until a year 'ad enjo'sy.ed remarkable good hes' '- Since last winter; however failed rapidly, and diaring st nibuth had been confined Eight years ago he orl of his farm and purch- ;he limns in Seaforth, where ided until This death. Mrs. Band, whose maiden name t. .A lit . satA'floseiissalyllah‘rISMLi*o,Pla‘enddeceLislends . ' V P ' y•.' • '''See what Have Several pieces of. Extra quality Silk Velvets 33 inches wide "which will rnalse .splendiclis Frock, Cloak or any other Velvet Garment ALSO A SPLENDID LINE OF VELVETEENS IN ALL THE LEADING SHADES NEW SERGE NA.:\TE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Ntw. SERGES roR NALL IN ALL THE POPULAR, sinDgs. SEE OUR RANGE AND GET OUR PlsOCES KNITTED WOOLENS If Price Quality and Novelly interest you, see our ex- tensive line of Ladies and Mens Sweaters, Ladies ). Scarfs, Mens Scarfs, Childrens Toques '44 CA.RLIAR-TS Overalls and Smocks every. seam Dou- ble p Stitched; every button re-enfoced 1\ THE NEW -HATS FOR STALL ARE JUST A UTILE BETTER AND: MORE VP TO DATE THAN PREVIOUS YEARS. OUR STYLES SATISFY 1,I0sT MEN BECAUSE THEY ARE STYLISH GOOD LOOKING,AND COMIIORTABLE, ALSO A FINE LINE OF NEW FALL OAPS ' • . • • BOYS SLITS .0 A fine • a „,') B ) s Two 131nomer Suits. Just ainived, and they !are sure worth coming to see • "k haVe"them. ,ciafferelt , shades ranging pnce from 1),) to $1. • • • OVERCOATS • Almost every coat in otre Storc is Something New ,and Different and the clothes are of the vers onl n,son Lieut. George Mulholland 10:0,§t colorings, Be sure and see our line, They are all new and incliade 'acnue vi''Y' an- t' walltilled overssaa in, 1917, lint he „ . . . . ts.ss ),v..ivecl two dasaghter,s, Mrs. ,4,4.4.+4.+++,s++++++++44.C-S4-: ++++++++ .++.. .++++++ p L6P, P.' 13"al'a.Y and 145aa tillab"th siPpy models by . illul olland of 'Boss I orth. A priv- ate, ianeral was held 110111, hi8 tate 17) E E, • ,p 11014,son Saturday afternoon, in-- . 44, •r'' Phone 59 ZURICH Produce 'Wanted. Bring us Your Alsike and Clover Seed. We always pay the highest Market Price according to Quality re.4 ce+4_,,,t ".."' -.4. • ter'inent .being made in Hensall Ls- iois"',5'serriotery $ CASTOR IA sop Oor itoAnts and Children ititselForOver30Years Islways hears • the §Igligiutttf 3:, • BARGAINS IN Canvass l'ootwear ° See our South Window for Big Sacrafice in broken lines of Z • Also many new varieties of Canvass FoOtswear in our Stock * • White Cssavisss footwear. Prices r • anging from 75c. to $1,50‘. • ss„ • ,Ii0!•, • 4; fer. sr. s. not listed besse. •ts. yr. WE 11!.LI'.YOUR INSPECTION + 4. + Repairing done by the very latest methods 4. 4. * G. FRITZ & SON 'SHOE !VI ErC H ANTS ' • 41' + ZURICH ONTARIO 4-ssess++4-2,41-1444+++++41-s+++++siss-s+++++++iss.)+++4-sss: lst4st; 1 SCHOOL SUPPLIES !fl We have a full line of School Books dro stock. Large and small drawing books exercise books, scribblers, paints, crayons, hard date pencils, slates, school bag, 04ad lunch boxes, etc., etc. 11 Highest Prices for- Farm Proco i . R. N. (DOUGLAS GENERAL MERCHANT 1 PHONE 11- 97 • BLAKE 4. __a- ........,..,* s ss, 4