HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-09-13, Page 8pit Ft* ht All lines of Sumer Goods enumerated here, as .veil as many other lines will be sold regardless of former price and regardless of cost. Organdies AIT?y —REGN1W i NYodw $18,e VOILE Figured an:d Floral Effects, aluers to $1.25 yd. N O W ... 48e. 1'l +rrr, Black, Cream, Grey, Pink, ',find Orange, 38 -in wide for 35c -RINTED VOILkicS 4 (- 30 -Inches width at per Yd: ._,15c RATINES Ail tatines and crepes, Reg. Lac, yd. now 55c Silk Crepe variety of colors now at yd.... 1.30 Voile Blouses 1:ain White colors, yuu_r choice, at each .., .,.. 75c Fancy Chintz House- dresses r ri1y clearance price vaeh .i '$i.50 NIGHTGOWN Pink, Nainsook each . , .,.$1.00 HOSIERY Butterfly Silk Hose all, sizes 75e B i lisle hose, all sizes at ... ..,35e In cotton hose ail sizes at ... 25e •,)Nc1r, cotton i[ose, all MEN'S WEAR Men's tiltf front Sha.rts, values, to $$3,00, now, each $1.75 F •i nazna hats, at Hiiif-price $1.50 Lieut weight caps at 85e Sot, fine cotton pr. ... ... ........ 20e Wo,s. Sox pr. ... ... 18c DINNER SETTS t only 97 piece sett, Regular $35.00, Now $26.00 1 only 97 piece sett, Regular $.)3.00 for .. , . ... .... $19.50 1 only 50 piece sett, for ... , Gess Tumblers each .,. . 50 BROOMS L.cather bound, each .. .50c L.LNNOX LAUNDRY SOAP u BARS FOR ... ,... . .............5e. J. c.scHo & SON Produce Wanted Phone 67 Zurich's Garag;� BATTERIES! BATTERIES! We are again handling the I.X. L. Battery F IF IN NEED OF A BATTERY BETTER CALL AND SEE US iWE MAKE A SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATTERY WYE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO COMPARE WITH ANY DITHER • t QUALITY AND SERVICE CONSIDERED We also handle the famous IJ. S. L Battery :A COMPLETE LINE OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES AND GEN- UINE FORD PARTS ALWAYS ON HAND NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR CAR REPAIRED. OUR POLICY IS FIRST HERE, FIRST SERVED. COME EARLY AND .AVOID THE RUSH, WE ARE EXPERTS ALONG ;THIS LINE AND CAN ATTEND TO YOUR NEEDSAXY ACTYLIN WELDING BATTERY CHARGING • BATTERY REPAIRING H. Mousseau Zurich 4900.0 0.04,6066000• eogelaeossi3seeeeeeeseeeempossece EVE 4J1 t0 Arid General Tinsmith Work A 3 , As Our Mechanic is again able to 1 do all kinds of outside work, we are It in a _position. to .fill your require - a F : ments in all kinds of evetrougiin g 3 roofing and general tinsmith work. : NO`JV) IS T1fl trim TO HAVE THIS WORK DONE I3EFOR iTH13 COLD RC,PGE FALL 'WEATHER SETS IN 0 r SATISFACTIO I5 THE MOTTO THAI WE ALWAYS MAIN- 8 THIN. ITEMS OF LOCAL IN Mr Gordon Til'Stlasox3, .o,t Gosh ern was a Sunday ua0i{or Ti t cefielcl - :STx and 'Mrs W J Mrati t T L2o' oyd 0 .13iien were busmea 'sitors .it London, iu'ednesday: Mrs, Johia Finisleft.on for a Jew week's visit with ber 'daughter, Mr6 SoliiVartz . I C :4 ki da to Ot4,,AL MARKETS (Corrected .every Mutter - ,,.. a'. -,cried apples per lb-. uuttxla setts per lb, Potatoes per bag Wheat poa bu.Iiel Clat, 'trop; ^Hour per cwt. J1, 'draaa• per ton Slaortap :er ton. Mr and Mrs J, M Gelina, t u .' Ann Arbor, Mich . are yisitin,g r fives here, Mrs Gehnas a tea of 1VIr John FUSS of the .va1L Mr and cMr s •i~r:.0.i Stade sra)n Harold, returned 4n, neSdii '*fuer a 'week's "risiL witka ffie ads d '` o11y, Pontiac, and. 'Detroit, Mich .' Mi' Jul Bloch, has netUrn'e ` fa'oi Detroit on Tuesday, after feiv week's visit, while. Mrs: B1.o , leo„ r am an tltcity,. fo • s aa n '�e• , Mi J Br oderi k of Ii.egIhi, T',Mr8 A. SwayS-Wayie of London; and•I,a;;;anrl. Mrs Ed, ;Broderick 'zr xe'Sun a; ' vis itors with Mr _ nd Mr,a •Wm li nnre Town Line Mr and. Mrs Ed, ,Siebert ac • arcr- lly: Miss Nora and Mr'E a' e Sie,- beet, who ]nave 'spent -o n• time at the home of Mr and '.Mrs WL,L. Siebert,. returned tito .heti olt ,• Mr and Mrs John Snell of• n, the village were recently visrt64. by their soon -in-law, Mr. Ohadleew• and` family of Detroit. Mr, Einriaa' Sanders accompanied them an4.•:ii14 visit for a few weeks ' The Liberal members of the Ont ariiu Legislature have named W. E Sinclair., K. 0,, South Ontario,,,,. as leader of the party in the house to succeed. Wellington Hay, who- has beendefeated at the polls OnJ Saturday last siert }Toho Grand I3end, was tined '$200 is a17d costs of $60 at Gederich, for: ire ing liquor for !safe, the case 'b argued on, Saturday rr ce di the imposition of the fine:, Zurich ".all Fair will be held Sept. 27th and 28th. Oo hci 'd' f- forts- on, the -part of the w?iola r o , munity is necessary . to .,.make :tire Fair a success. 'Become, a `her :mill ha`p to. get otic rs, Bo for Zurich Fall (Pair The' new Mthi•stei• of 'Education, I1on, , Howard Ferguson, premier,, 11.* n.ade annou ncemrnt•tlaat he -ins- tarrdea having fewer bublecLs tau - rt 1k�i.puiJ'ir schools.' , y* Th• e :interestiing announcement, is •rd r n, s h. the,. Dominion Bureau Jr 1 r au of Statistics that 101,007 automobiles were nncnufectured In Canada in 11$2. ITla.is is 53 per cent. more than the output in 1921. The total value o,�'1fis't Year's output was $81,9566,429 Atiwi.nce5'" iia Production were rap- ;sial `notable .in the closed care},This increase in production was also reflected' in the etnvloyraent' figu- res the 'umber` of 'w�,a ;eearirers em ployed rising from a monthly ay. erage o.f 4 429 ir. the previous year to' 6,OEi3 in 1922 TIIB WESTERN FAIR Lgrion,d Ontario September 8th to 15th. l"he .ie�r''11'arufactuiers Building iti. Queen':; Park is coin _detect This buiidixng. 1115 'r�'i`r, eructed for Manufacturer's I�xhihits and con- tains about 350 exhibit spaces,. It cost the Westenr .air Association $165,000.00. To sce thi buildiu,g and its contents will be •w lir worth a ep,_ rsi.t to the Exhibition.. The Pure 'be Wednesday) ..,,,.35 18 50 1;00 40 3.09-3,75 ., 24,,90. 80,00 ,,, „-,,,. 10;00 Food show will be o,, the second !floor las well as a lot of other ex-- laib.itS,. The Canadian National In- stitute for the T3liild has ta.i en onnave ;se"rrarl ;WO) I ers-makiug batikets;^Lroorrxy,-zrprca t.tc., during the e diib;Liun. The lower floor writ bo occupied k,,y heavier EWxhibits such as Stovers oat and Furnaces, Electro washers and The Ontario Departr,iniL of Agr- iculture which has control :over the the agricultural societies has ;1st pointed the following ;lentxotae judges to officiate - at Zurich/, i+air. Horses—W. M, Lockwoo St. Thomas; Cattle, Shesp•:•anda inc', Frank Petch, Cheltenhaa ;.• uitry,,',T.M. Raines, Brauti'o.i.4. Only t'w'o moae wceli fn�`r�l'vi dfig l�acnt': "xr Zuri hVilli Fair Iridic=.r..:rnr"I, towards' this ,year's 'fair • to _'Iiia Vis; cell' all pievio is rears, if yon are not in the s?him you wit(, mina it ,:,;'et your, i xtub,as rea1v° your fancily, friends and neighbor,I It will he. an, education h' w to iinn- p1 nvi, •v'nar pic duets, and sltiiive '•vat other pi'oi.,ie are do ing Bug,*t other household utensils, Automob- ile;s,.etc. This 'building will be of 'special mtereat and Will be visited p. no doubt. by everyone attending d •'he Exhibition'. All infoinmation at Iti+an the General Oifiees; London 1'0- :STANLEY`:. TOWNSHIP. List Sund•ly the I reeky Leri rn;a of. en Vaatia'fieldtheir. :Anna ersary er y.ces' when 'iAv IVIr Bog of Clan n.:t ton,pre�ichec sp(ex cisd '$cannons- to large` ybng* egations ' . • Next, ,Sunday• Sept. 16th ,tie,Me- thottist church of 'Varna .will `:hold there;;"Jubilee 'A°iiriiver7:y. It' ;is' n.ow :50 years since the church was openied: Rev. A. A. Homes of Clin- ton will preach at 11 a:.cn. land 7 p,.ni;. ,On the following Monday e v- ening there will he, a concert held in the Town, .HTa1L Music ,,will be for Zurich ich •Fail Pair: • On wi da lie sa D fe Du sh Ca LI his Wi las th th S0 p0l pr The second near drowning aeci t took place at Grand Beud thin a few a-eeks:.occured ori Six y last Sept. 2nd, when .Ai t Crit s, of London, one of the beat'1t n of London's amateurs athlot�e wed the life of Larry Dunn,''o rtroit, when he s•tva•nr about'..20 et} out into the lake end broun nn, who was drowning, back't ore. Dunn, a nembeer of i?au ikon's orchestra, playing at th lino, was bathing near the'I?ier is thought be ventured, out;,p'as depth in chasing a rubbegba1 til which he acrd sonnti other conn pions w@rei playing. •His fr.oeonds ought little of his going oat hit ewater, - as a bar extend fo !n' distance into the lake at thi int and they were under th•e im ession that he was still in dial d. furniished by the Crediton Quartet' r �and,the Varna Orchestra. There n will- also be some speakers.' Ad- ims.sion, Adults 250. Children lire n Our Schools have opened again si after the holidays. Miss Isabel' f Ilowelri'of Thorold is the teacher in 0 Goshen, School. The i3abylon scho ht of 'did not open last ;week on ac•- 0 ount't• of.•a a case of scarlet fever, I but -will open this week' with Miss a Bunke Reid, --the former teacher, rri back for another year t On. Wednesday August 29th Miss 111'tossie .Makins of Clinton, •youn' est, daughter of,,.t.he late Mr .a.nd Mrs..Makiias of Stanley, became. the o bride of Mr ;Elmer Webster, eldest ✓ son of Mr 'and Mrs. Eobt, Webster tik•of Stanley., the ceremony was, per- - formed' by Rev. R. E. Erwin of •Se- - $forth: The y'oiia.ag coul?le will settle' down, on the groom's fine fare a mile east of Varni. They have the best wishes of a larger circle; of friends low water. He apparently:step tied off the bar into deep water befoul he realized how far oust, he as. His distress Was raoticrd a;1Y- tei' he beean to .flounder and,nhac1 sunk once. Gillies who is a good swimmer, seized a lifebuoy £rorty one of the boxes on the heackand s1; out to the place where t 'dr- owning pian was fighting to: ain the sandbar, After a sur Zeh ::nannged to place the buoy ,. tuna Dunn and tom hirer to the be bh• AUX SAUBLII RIVER FROM GRAND BEND '1•'O T. b14N* IS BRING DREDGED iiundiecls 01 acres of what ,hat been 'almost waste lend w111;'inure- claimed fnr to gcicultur,l pul.,bosou5' by, the dredging of the'Aux. aulsle Ricer from Grand Bend top W.P. ady three males of • the oxicia pleted and it is expect, al<•t,hat work will - he coanplet. r thin ter. The scheme Which '''441)4+ indeitaokn by the Cana . Saticr will cost thenSalids or llatae river will away from fa' tb ve feet deep.. '1 lir dr t`t9, reg he Aux Sat,blc It he hoost the' district Ii• .wit; h, ets to Lake .T.Jua ora., larrili it a of c,inal about 150 li. ,. aide with a level clary' ooti;I five boating ea» be ea; Grand r3end to 'J ooti, n, the raver, and t;h hi It o£ ri'v'er: with all Its n etrifal tea- s of trees and shrub)), 'i ,; pt'o one of the most ideal loaner, locations tri the prct) , ehe Will be shared by the tbukh• tOWI,shrtl5. '1Th '0tir<r icy, Sriia�I. arty and the Gevet ra ne,ht' Will 20- per emt. Ext.tr,r ,liri7v"§. Air e conn the win en 1 Co The twel �f t t for out sort All kinds of healf and Hearn Hardware ®, � Wc'�.x`e and Always on hand �" tens O ! from • dow s line ISTADE; &WEIDOCE o•P• T . BLOCK UR,C o l' *Mli Nib S1�MD�6gptM9M ; Corn II Im1�P�'1Nf�idiYlhdr"iel **600`00.0 041.4'etll4.411 � " I bear tyle Therefore to hire. that : krtoweth to do 'good, and cioetlr it not, to him it is sin—James 4; 17 Mfr—+ t fI God ;be; for m,..who can .be a- gainst us? --arose. 8; 3.t Only be thou etc ug anti very courageous; that thou 7..•iayest- ob-. serve to do that according' to all the law—that thou I ii,yestt pros- per wliither'soover thou guest -- Josh. 1;7 • Bre• the.rrt, ii' a' triad I.t •ov'Crtnkeri in a fault, ye which are spi itu.it vestal -0 : such .an one in the spirit; of, meekness; considering-- tb,y self; Testi„thciul also be tempted -Gal 6,4, Let Noun 'right dt) shine before Mien, that they may sc e our good works, and glorify your Father wh- ich is in heaven—Matt 516 Ile Whteh ;atawet'h spari:nglyjsh- all •reap. also ' 'rpara>ii,:^ly i , rind ho vi�Iiich sowwtli bouritifuliy shall re- ap also bountifully -Cor, 0;6 `i'lrursilay 1 .'ptomber 130), 1823, Thestore w e thi.. Lib rat. i a li109b0t er NOW IS THE TIM] TO p0 'SYOITR FENCING, AND WE A11E IN A POSITION TO GIVE YOU A GOOD CHOICE OF FENCA AT VERY 'LOW • ?RICES. -'THIS IS HIGHEST GRADE MADE. WE HAVE FENCING HERE ALSO. AT •A., LC3W igly COME AND LOQ. I OVER, IT,MA KES A GOOD FENCE,.„ .:WELLGALVAN GED AND tiILL•STREICH UP •FINE: IF WE I)0 NOT HAVE JUST WHAT YOU . WANT IXy' TI -IIS LINE' QF FENCE, WOCAN GET IT FOR "Y'OU IN ,A , +E W DAYS. Take Notice Every prospective buyersllould kndw this, '-This is very important, -- A Chain, no matter how large, is only strong us' its weakest link. -- Now this: is the point we are driving at.: Do not be 'satisfiied with any Fence whieh has not as heav _ r a wire used in. the lock, asthe line and upright wires, be- cause ' it is bound to go 'at., hat point first, and time will ralire'1y tell. We have on hand an assortment of 'Choice Galvanize Price's will be right. We have painted Gates,,inn stock from last year, while theylast We won't refuse any reasonable- offer; You 'make the pribe. 23arb Wire,_,:Ooiled Wire, Plain Wire all galvanized. Bi re tOk enough for all. ;Staples, Black Wir-;• Augers, Pliers, 3 t everything jou need. , xn fact 2 large Fence 'suet y ... ell:. 'stretchers at your disposal. .Ask far one, it you need it, No Charge. , NOW: LET'S Q.O. AND MASE THIS A .BUMPER FENCE YEARS Goose meLletc&BRAU PHONE 63 51/2 Per Cent. Per Annum Payable' B:alf-yearly ANNUM PAYABLE HALF -YEARLY ON HURON dt ERIE, Ii.EBENTURES. CCanacla Trust Co. Guaranteed _Certificates and Huron and. Erie Debentures are Protected by Assets of over $25,000,000.00 f $100 invested in Canada Trust Co., Guaran.teed Mbrtg- • age Certireates in twelve months will earn for you $5.50. $1,000 in twelve months will earn $55.00 $100 invested in Huron & Erie Debentures in twelve months will earn -for you $5.25, $1900 'twelve months will earn $52.50. C LET ME ARRANGE AN NVESTMENT FOR YOU NOW. Andrew Have Yo F. Hess, Zurich MADE YCCUR WILL? DR. JOHN WA Main St., EXETER, Phone 70 Consultation and Exarvination Fre AT WALPER HOUSE', ZURICH 8-22 D -Painting and Paper Hanging I Am th a—poaition to do arm kind Of paper hanging, p•aint.par. graining 41,24. decorating. + I he We' ate/ .,.. -,1:• , 'The Popular Live Stock Exhibitions of 'Western Obtar10., + 40,000 in Prizes and Attraetions LONDON ONTARI September 81h to 15 4. 0 Holding over I hree Hun (ilea Exhibits. Coins, an,d seeThena Adinisnon' 25e all week Children 15c. All Children Zree on Monday, SepteMber 101.11. Thie will be Ilia 13ig Year for the Exhibition, Everybody * „MI information from lhe Sooret4) y, COMA Sect ti