Zurich Herald, 1923-09-13, Page 5Thu'rrida septoaaalior. i3t,u,. I023 BUSINESS CARS' +reudioot, Killoran & HOLMES. Barristers, $olicitorei Notaries, Fal3rlii Etc, Office ar) the Square. Ind door from, Hamilton .St. God- srich, Private funds to loiltro at Inweat rates. WA, I'roudfoot, K.C, J. L. Killoran D. E. Holmes. AU. Holmes will be in Hensall op Friday of each week, w.�r.rwrR=s...„-... . PVT'YOUR Wants For Sale, Lest, Feund,.MNMotioe, Etc. Ads IN Tars (Orrin N' NOTICE CIDER MILL Andrew F. mess, Township Clerk We will operate user eider mill loner of marriage licenses, Notary every Tueday acrd 2.1"4"44Y of each, weeks, roue, Coua)rrissioner, Fire and Aut- MINN() STECKLE, Bronson lemobile' Insurance, Representing $rrron and Erie Mortgage Corpora - Von. The Canada Trust Co, Zurich, Ontario, Dr.: G. L. Smith_ L.D.S. (Toronto.) !P..D,S„('Chieago) L;..i 'DENTIST WM AT• WALPE:R HOUSE, ZURICH, t EVERY WEDNESDAY MAIN OFFICE HENSALI, A -U C -T -1 -O -N -E -E -R OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones Nat - inner School of Auetioneering. Try, me for Registered Live •Stock; (All Breeds). Terms in keeping 'with prevailing prices. Choice farms for. sale. Will sell anything stnywhere: Phone 18=-93 or write, Zurich. MI Ilk Licensed Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer' for County of Huron. In a position to con- duct any auction. sale, regardless as to size or articles, to sell. I solicit your business; and if not satisfied. will make no charges for services. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. Phone 31 r 13, • Zurich. Mean MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats BoI;ogna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool; I CASH FOR SIMS dc. HIDES Tiingblut &i Detobert ZURICH -LIVERY I am in a position to accomo- ' date all requirements in the Livery Line, have Auto for hire. Any- thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL Phone 58 Zurich, • S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTIST Graduate- of the Royal. College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and of the University of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mil- Ita. Dietrich No. One, London,Ont Office home at Zurich every ' TUESDAY AND FRIDAY fronxl, t 100 a,nv. until 5.00 p.m at the; Com-' naercial House. % ?lain Office at Exeter, Ont., Phone 34. -19 LIVE' P O U L; T R WANTf3 D Taken every day till'3 ()clock p.m. Do not feed fowl same morning ' !sen brought in. !Highest Cash Prices . '----C•ASR FOR -- Cream and Eggs ' W. O'Brien 1ph'obe '94. Zunieh COAL SEASON 1923 Summer Deliveries 'The Deleware & HudsonlCo's. LACAWANA COAL We have ,,now in stock, car of :High Grade Soft Coal. ` Aliso car Pea Coal, try a loadof this for banking your, fires and for :]general use. Arriving Soon, ear Bullets. Get your order in, for a load of these they wilt ;go quickl. Prices for the ear only $13.50 per Ton. ' Carstele xa- soli4 & PRODUCE. MERCHANT *hone- Othee tow. Rouse 10j.' Of(ic'c&zCoal' Lards, Prock Street, HEN ALL ONT. l;lake was to drive three times a,-- the soil with their crude lmvlemeuts, round. with his horse. Unfortun going aver the Held time and time r,tely for Dan the tracl. was too again; -crossing and re -crossing until long and hie wind was rapidly dei they had worked up a few inches into uinashing }vlien Clic horse ,bvori. 11 a 'seed bed, The Roman farms were rarely oirer five acres .in extent, and cecon:d trial by Arthur Ricket' and when dor torefathera in Chia country Oliver Badour proved the same, uset'1-the old wooden plow, the clear- way, the horse winning iu 10 sec- tugs among the stumps were'small. ond.s 0 The. two century gap between the old HURON PRESBYTERIAL rooter that scratched the soil surface an the new *multiple bottom tractor's The semi-annual conference of p1orT of to -day is a long stretch for the Huron Presbyterial Society was the numerous pldw milestones that old. in Carmel Church, Ilensall,, 011 Stan by the waysto maria the pro- uesday, Sept. llth, !There was grefi of„ Guelc4lture.--L.:Stevenson, orning and afternoon 'sessions at O+ 'e'` C., Guelph. ares, and 2 pan. ,A.dresse:;.were delivered by; Dr. or Mr's. Stiuth- rs,, of Ronan, North China, and rs. Johnstone, President of , the. oronto Presbyterial Society, a sis- r of Dr.Wilke, India. These ad- resses were very selectwot'di olid ery educational. The lace utt,de. ovum' at Flen!sel:I was filled to,. pacity' at both. rsessione. Srr»i- nous lunch was served at both ssionh. The next •conference will o held at Exeter Dr. H. H. C0WEN L. D. SS:, D. D. S. , DENTAL SURGEON RAE/mg/vs BLOCK, DASHWOOD h T ..... nt • DATES OP FALL I, AIRS ' 10 Gaz'tieltl .Sept 25-26 e� Meth Sept27-28M Brussels --- .. Oct 4--5 T Exeter .- ... .,. Sept 17--18 to :Sept 5--7 d. .,-......Sep 27-28 t° Sep 25.26 it Sca ............. pet C . rich . Sept 27-28 se b Line, Stance•;y. Fcane 6-38 t 15 BRICK AND FIELD TILE FOR SALE T have made arr.angenit,nts with Mi. Alex. Mou'sseau of Zurich to selelr all sizes 'of field tile and brick;. These will be delivered by me ,at his yard in Zurich. For partic- ulars earlier phone or call on Mr, Mousseau or myself,—.Aaron Wtin, Tel. 13. Crediton. t14 FOR SALE A quantity of 0. A O. No. 104 seed wheat at $1.25 per- bieshel. Apply to What. 0. Ross, R.It.3, Kip- peii,:, Phone 86x1.9, Hensel].' LOST A Standard Oil 'Gas Book, con- taining $10.00 worth of gas cup- ops. Finder please leave ,same at Herald Office, as in is of no use to finger and receive reward NOTICE. On and after Sept( 4th, 1923, We• will discontinue cluing credit Business; The conditions of the Country conipeis us to wake this change. Kindly don't ask for any more credit after this date. Pro- duce will .be taken the same as cash. Pay your own debt and let the other fellow pay his, Less Profits, and a quick turnover will be, our motto after Sept 4th. lours Truly, T L. \VURVI — ZURICH 6-3 FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 50 acres of good farming land, being Lot 5, .0on- cession 11, Hay Township. sphere is on, the rare: a good veneered house, bank barn with concrete st- ables and foundation, also la fine young ,orchards For further par- licularb' apply (ccs JohnsBecker,, R. R. No 1, Dashwoncl, Administrater of estate of \Vm. . eelrrnan. ` tf6 'T> edo- : w aha.##erless .; AUTO OIL FOR FORD CARS. • C;+U AR;\NTEED TO STOP THE CHAT 'T l:,iciNG OF BANDS. Sold By L , A Prang, Zurich t-9 FOR SALE For quick sale, a Waterloo sep- arator with cutter 36:c48 in. In exceilent condition. Formerly ow ned by Jas. Overholt. Must be fold at once-- s' real bargain/Joe further particulars and to:'fns ap- ply to J. Prceter, F. C. Kalbfleisch R. F. Stade., Zurich; •.Ont. FOR SALE Lands described as follows are offered for sale. All are situat est in Hay Township. North -half Lot 14, L R.E., Con., containing 64 acres. Framer house built thereon;. t art north-east corner of Lot 11, L. R,..E., con, 4 acres. West quarter lot 21, con(. 15, 24 acres. For 'part- iculars part-iculars apply to Canada Trust Co. London, Out., or to Andrew F.Hess Zurich, Ont. e tf-50 In renewing your subscriptions for your daily and weekly papers remember 'the Herald Office is agent for most of them and in some cases can save you as much as 50 cents on a single subscript- NOTICE ubscri it NOTICE i have oaken out License for Auctioneer for the County of Hur- on, and am in a position to con- ductsales by auction. Give me a trial and i will assure you satis- faatien or no Charge. tf-29 James Denorney, R. R. 2, Zurich, Phone • No. 10-93 Dr 1' J O Dwyl�r �s�,1r d wee14 end visitor 'at (salt Miss Susie Johnston is spendin her holidays in, Kitebener Mr Lloyd Hey ,of London, spa the w iel>;:.'end at lira home here: Mrs. B. Strait* of, Port 1"iixren, vraitin gher lrieii 1, I1rs, l?. •i oohle Mr Loen Foster has `returned his home, 'after visiting .ori the Re,,` y ion Line Miss MacKinnon of ,(aladon sisiting at the.home of her brother Dr land Mrs A.. IVIaeKiirnon ¢Miss Anna Deters of 'Hay Town ship, has taken a position in ,;mill liner with Miss V. Siebert A number from this cornea nitY tended the Presbyterial, Conven ,l tion at Hensel'. on Tuesday Mr and Mrs Arthur and Me and Mrs. Boodle of Auburn speiat' Suri day with Mr and Mrs H. 'ungblut' Mr and ivies Syly. Witxner,of :the' Babylon were Sunday ,visitors:; at the home of Mr and Mra Jars: Aih i Goshen north The Misses Pearl, Gertie andV nifred Ortwein of the '.hronsori 'sp exit Sunday at the iiotue of 111r and Mrs. M, G, Deitz x4 Misses Vera and .Leila Siebert spent y Wednesday at St. Tlxornas; they were accompanied by Miss Dora Kraft of London Mies Ada Siebert, who has spent, the past three months, with hereat ents, Mr and Mrs Wrn. •Siebert, left; for Detroit last week. ' Mr and Mrs.J. '4T�ilh.elm ,Jr.,' and Dir and Mrs J. ' S. Wilhelm f Baden were week -end visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs. -C• O Smith. The two' latter remaining for a few weeks Miss Adell M, 1-V itiner of the 13ah olone and Alberta ,Finlay of ths. town Line were Sunday visitors at tho,ho`me of Mr and Nye John Man- son, Goshen in i th Mr and Mrs Robt. Elgie of Kip - pen., announee the engagement ,.of their daughter,. Tena Hazel to Mr Frederick R. Rothwepel, ,son of bIr and Mrs John Rothsvel1,'Brucefield the marriage to take place quietly September 12th The Exeter Dist�.ict Young Peo- ples League will bold a `rally tend convention . t Grant Bend, oli Wed, nesday, Septe fiber 26th. cldr :s- ses and . discu s.o,is folloeved bye;a, round table corference will beheld in, the after .on sed canpfile and vesper se :vi:.es will be held in 'the evening, The,. Peeve fop along th/la which 'is only: a ' fair 'yield ..:ht • duar- .W nE w iii s•wing.ttli1i'sree St..: Jr hit are ii-pei ;and next wee the Crawfords will 'be "on. Part-, ies should ger tbeir supply early this voar as 'the famous Alber'.t,a . variety is almost , a ' eompletelf a- llure ;lure this yaxr' Zuri ;ti's tax rate is 22 8-10 mills on the dollar this year a' - Next: Wednesday, Sept.' 19th will the Zurich Sehoo; Fair :he held on the Fair Graourids. This. event .1sualiy. attracts co.osrdr:rable int- erest, and is well paf.r et ized. We have received considerable com- ment on alts article in the herald List week along this neat and trust that people will adhere to the sug- gestions made in this article. flake velopmeat of the Iron industry, it th eschool Fair a good one, play w'as. but. a short time before plows the game fair, and if ;fou should tide entirely of Iron and steel were loes you have the satitfaetion of td'ing made. being on the "quare" Jautes Small, a Scotsman, wets the drat inventor and manufacturer of Last friday a limited nuinher of tle.cast-iron mould: boafti. At that farmers frons these parts motored 'time (1760), the, plow' was generally to Grand Bend weeee'' a u. re o. :the joint manufcture pi the village picnic was held; The afternoon Whelelwright and blaeksmith. Plow - was spent in games. The most shares had been made:g wrougat exciting was a baseball game. ire- iron until 1785, when a patent was geanted to • Robert Ransoms for the tween the Srot:soxl Line tsclones r#takfng of cast�lron shares. The case and the 14th 'Con. Wild ,Cats A hardening process as applied to cast - ,p1.00 prize was, given to the cycl- iron. shares Ivas 'the subject 'of' a ones, a5 they won the game, score patent granted in 1803. 16-5. Batteries for Ero:ustin, Jack la itiali Plows the climax in Develop and Bert; for 14th, Milford and Th- i, went. eodore. , Dan deserves praise• as {,The . Rotherham plow, Small's he !made a hon e run on every hit.chp,in piuw, and Small's Scotch plow Umpire Lee Hoffman • 'represented': the: climax in plow de-' A great excitement was e.pe.r- velop.mefat'previous to 1800, and the screed at the Fair grounds on Mori- irgen• whrTse :ingenuity;. spirit,. -and per - S Vermes brought about the devel- day evening when jai• race Was Pule.o ent in plow inking were Ful- led off that will go down in .history d r be Smelt, Wilkie, Finlayson and The condition's of the .event was sones ' The work and develop - that Mr Dan Henhoffer of the 14th meat of the plow during the past coo. Hay, was to go onee around 1$6 years is too well known to all the half -Mile track pushing a. Whe- to' warrant its mention here, elbaerew, 'while Mr. Sam Frey or 'The,oid plowmen amply scratched IN 'S AO " PLO' e Devo!opment o' This t s si i gric;u1tural �l11 11 u1erIt. gen !With `3harfei,ed liie�.res of ►�agtl ,.irnrl !'ruby' ('eel 11 1141. 6Lumaras inlrod;actior,:uf tilt' $UGsuil P101v-.-.ifr•ilimb aitt1•Aauert can Plows she l'liuiu>a iaa l)ev*hiss went, 'ontributed riy-c)ratarto Department e a1arloultUre. Turopto,) Sharpened Stakes and :crrinkec rips of ,trees were the earliest 1 sure Utiles for the plow in lalsturu:a. Caines, anis their use has teen own un,aixlong the nations.' Theancitai, :i,yptiart plow was b.ut a pointro tacks The eaiiy GreeKs used tip; Hunk of • a small tree with twt, ;ranches: opposite, one forming lilt !hare and the other the handle, while rine trunk formed the pole or beam !'tie Crpn. Plow Used by ltotuaos. iron plowshares were used man,; ienturie's before the Christian era U Elie Romans, and the iron was usect toe' a double purpose—for piow oirits one year and for swords ane ;ears" the next, as iron was scarce ro� those days: The .Romans great,; »prdved the plow by putting on - t' heel and also a c..,ulter, $any ranee if; people ahowed a widespread tuns til ly'to the use of iron in copnncliou agriculture, believing that uuas i:.isoned ti erland. S, recd ,ti Pions Used in America 1.51.: 'L'i�tlr! Ago. rhe people of all countries 'New lcu,:igh tare early experience of nue sense a ways and means 01 tilling tn. ;oil, some slowly, some rapidly; au,. •:uriously=enough tae dist plow of al ,:atiens were Much the sauce in spits i1 the fact that some nations starlet, Thirty or rorty centuries ahead clic ot:iers. The wooden plow is •x,ecnturq and a half remote in Ameii' au agriculture. It is cagious to trace the pr,igies' ,1 f piowinaking to Britain, w'her, ;;sar :introduced the piuw •auu,r '-',5 B.C. !'nose of the early cuittva ors were of necessity rude au' :ierfeet,. for in those days the plow, ,wan was obliged by law to matte, slow before he was permittee to 'us. me. It is uncertain whetner tn. :arly ,British plow had wheels, bu eurue of those of the Saxons w' .. 7urnI heej with- them. The Norm: furnished with wheels, it was usual for the plowman to carr a hatchet to break the clods, fntrodueiion of ife subsoil s=low. The 'first attempt at the cum: i t til. tion of•a subsoil plow was mad; , 1677.' It loosened the .laud up to depth of fourteei inches. Lt is nt✓ necessary to do more than point the; various and nunierous.•.refereuce Which are found in `early history 0. a thins; valuable implement. For seas the ••prow. was�little, more .than • pau,sy..ins-triu;taaeigt, w'lxich,;sery ed ont,. 't'ear up the surface of •sine 'fans t' suiliezently ddeep for -the seeds to ue l?uried ,4t:G was not brought tot any-' tnilig' like a perfect tillage tool tuna -she; close'ot.the seventeenth century. The Dutch were amongst.the ere'. •tell° brought the plow more into shape, and soon Its best features were copied and included in the Britisher's idea of a plow. The Ratberham plow was made by J." Foljatnbe at Ftotherham, and a patent was granted for it in 1730. it ,was then the most perfect in use, ,,and is still' well known after two cen- ' Curies: This plow was constructed Chiefly of wood, the draft iron share and coulter and the plating on the =1i$ould board and sole 'being the only 'Parts trade of iron. With the de - Go tic i. ... .L,i'etunow ... M it cliell :.. b'<.aforth 4 -Ingham . It 1 Plowing Is best from the standpoint of saving time, as it leaves Moire time for spring work and us- uali fnea,na earlier seeding. Spring piori!itas Is more etfective in the con- trol bf ,weeds, as, being turned under just, 'before .seeding, they have less (thence, to crowd the grain. The best tiifre td inspect.a machine Cor its' Weak 'parts is when you are putting it saway for the season: A few writes in a:inemorandum book set defter set the time will help you re wordier tlte new parts' .you should order tiext '''inter Children Cry fo Fletcher' +.+,:1.r,r+.,'tR`4a.+,*.�no.o.�,#,'+,'�h'w'44'V.og,'4�n Fletcher's Castoria is strictly a remedy for Infants and Children. Foods are specially prepared for babies. A baby's xnedicine is even more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was' the need of - a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and Children that brought Castoria before the public after years of researchl and • no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30 years has not proven. What i s CATO R IAr Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance, Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind 'Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, aod by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTO R I A ALWAYS 11 Use For Over 30 ['ears TMG ¢ENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK. CITY If Yor cannot afford a Ford why not buy a nice Rubber Tire Buggy HESS sells them EoREPAlRING Painting Food Car, One' oat, $15.00, Two Coats ,.. ,-. $20.00 iCovering Ford Top Good. Material -__ _-:... $27.00 Changing Ford Curtains to open with Doors ,__ ___ _. $5.00 Painting: Buggy ......... ,- .. . .. ...r..= .. ''8.00' IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERUBBER YOUR leT;G•GY WHEELS. F. M. Hess i& Co. ft Zurich +++e d ++ .e++++++++++++4+++.F4-art+++++++++++.*fi44'+++++.H Shingles !Lumber Laths' e` Everything in f. Combination storm and screen doors made to order; Lumber and Building Materi11 Cusicni ,Work cur Freda/1yti Always in the market for saw logs ; IF. C. \IBFLEISC. (A 1 1 PHONE 69 .� ZURICH rets!..**+++ " ,++lee++++H.+.1.-;.,, +++++++++++++++++++++++++41 4. LOOK Five Good Reasons e.WHY WE CAN SELL SUITS FROM '1$10 TO $15 LESS THAN OTHERS, 1. We stock' our own goods. ;E,2. Otir Suits are made by work,- a+ mansliip, second to none. +3. 'i'4. The very 'best Iinings put in all our garments, 5. We guarantee satisfaction or money refunded. Have only one price for mak-; in.g Suits. 4. aF HOFFMAN TAILOR AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR' DAY AND NICfl T PHOt.INE No. 86 • `i^, +.. .._, , ,1,.,...•A�`•'� — ',"".' ..w 4'--' 44"o-ste-44-4.,-:. ...r..4.—+ -4,w:,. hes *