HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-09-13, Page 4BORN
arety-.&t Bauble Line, Hay Tie
xq eepte;ober 5tb, to i<iv sand. Mrs
DelioMy ,a eoxi _0
Ceffm siee eel. Goshen Lino, Hay Tp
1�L September Oth, to ISl.r and Mrs
nitron IT.orfmsn, a icon
Sept. 6th ;i' ordwic.b
apt, i :h, Wroxeter
S+ept;. 10th, Ethel
` Sept 'lith, 'Belgrave
Sept. 12th, Blueedle
Sept. 13th, St Helens
Sept 1l.th, A,slifiel,d F
Septy17, Carlow
Sept 18, Clinton
,Sept. 1.9th, ZURICH
Sept. 20th; Dashwood
Sept. 21st, Winchelsea
'Sept 22; Porter's Hill
Sept 2e-25, Wiinghane
'Sept 26, W.altera
Sept.27, Dublin
' •Sept 28, Blyth
OOct 1st, Varna
-Oct 2, Crediton.
Oct. 3rd; Grand Bend.
• Czar and Harald E ellermian at -
%ended Toronto Exhibition last we -
Miss Margaret Hanover is vis -
Ming with relatives in Buffello
Miss Richmond of Blyth has ac
veeptcd a position with J. C. Herat
C ea as • milliner
Miss Pearl Kraft has salsa accep-
-1raG. d a position as assistant
Mr and Mrs Schlemmer and Mr
Slane Mrs Frank of Detroit visited
with Mr and Mrs Baumgarten last
Miss' Alice Reihm of Chicago is
Visiting with Miss Pear' Kraft
Miss Verde Fassold has accepted
ilk position with Miss Yellen(' of
l xeter
Miss 0 Edmeston: of Chicago, is
*mewing ,acquaintances with fri-
lends and ulelati yes do toown
Mr G. Detwiler is holding a
Monster $12,00; Sale of . men's Fur-
nishings, at' Palmer s old ,stand;. It
VI need of clothing, this is the peace
Mr and Mrs A. Whitesides left
Use week, on; w motor trip to. Chic-
ago; and different parts 'in the
Mr Win.. Gram, of Michigan re-
tently visited his parents, Mr and
airs George Grain, of town(. •Miss
eekel.a.els9 of ].Mich is visit-
led with eee parents here
Wei McKay and Miss Lillie, re. -
* turned home freer a trip to the
est Theyboth
a veryr
eriisited her parents, Mr and Mrs
a Ronnie over the week -end
,Mrs D. Urquhart and Miss f3eat-
*ice are at present visiting relate. -
sees in ,Chatham
Tom Pari ner and eon Roy of
Brantford were in town o1*er Sun-
*ery rSmith Sr., who has been
Working for the -past few months
eletFlamilton,returned home on Eat-
earday lase.
Berl Ashton, of Gerrie, has re-
turned to town and will .again
`,save charge of -the millinery, dept
ed E. Rannie's store
. Mr and Mrs Isreal Lindenfield
*Lad Mis's . Blew:or, of London, vis-
• edthe eformer's parents, Mr and
ars J. Lindenfield.
School started on Tuesday morn
lug lest when 25 scholars were
enrolled in Forme 1, and 23 in worm
lir of our Continuation Sehool,niak
ung, a total of 48 all told. The
• .1tooms now, used for a High 'School
are somewhat crowded and before
long it will become necessary to
/either build a new schoolor
--secure some other larger building
"Thedeath occured in Hensal1 on
Saturday, last ofan aged resident
of this community in the person of
tars. Douglas. The deceased had
tot been in th ebest of health for
some time :and at the time of her
-death was residing at the home of
firer daeghter Mrs. A Sparks. Ms's
Douglas lived most of her life at
Make, but for the past few years
las been visiting amort; her chil-
dren •spending part of her thine
with her !son, Mr. George Douglas,
•.of town;. The :funeral was held on
•i&Ionday last, interment in , the
Bayfield cemetery
Miss Gladys Douglas of :Blake
er sitod her cousin Miss Pearl Dou-
glas 13ruce!ield, last week
Thomas 11 c ilzracn, 'Who Iit'es to
'Clic"north of }Lipper, on going omit
10 the, field for :hips work horses 'last
Moieday :morning, was very ; roast)
enrprised to find then both dead.
eeethe horses had beeia killed cluring.
the thunderstorm' on Su;)day even-
A potty wedding. took place
;lht'the manse, leippen, or. W'ednes-
°clay, August eSth, wham: Miss l4Yary.
!!erste Tilogarth, ,of Teettersreith,
Vas united in Marriage to Wesley
':ireena, of near l ipprtn
On Sunday, Aug. 2tth at Clinton
atter e lin c� �.n.. rilnees Jahnet
'I lrcC, tr hey J con gof "1,. r ' 0 1 n sl
a ,, r a, I. arse lVlrsi
- '. eleC<,ehey, passed away at 'the
*telt age of 21 years, He is ems:
;*shred by hire wife and orie little de.-
'tighter; his parents, one brother
mind four sisters
Joi.,ni Flt%�ci ill wilt, 1)+s;t'd .
'„way on Aug, 2r,tit, t1 ..5 azie 01 tin
oldest and most• highly esteemed
residents of Tueltersrnitia township
He wa's born le Trelaiid 88 yeal`ssa-
go, ane carne to Canada ie bis
youth, settling on a farm, he was,
married to Margaret L. itta, who
,pie-d.eeea'sed bile .00111e yean a-
go, and is 'survived by a fancily
of three daughters and three sons,
A. very pretty wedding took
place at the Methodist Parsonage,
Seaforth, on: Wednesday afternoon
August 29th, at 2 p,m,, when Mee
Flossie i1'Iakins, of Clinton, daul
ghterof the late Wth,' alakirrs, be-
c:atme the bride of Rime): J. Webster,
Eldest son of Mr and Mee Robert
Webster, of Varna, Rev. R, Fulton
Irwin officiated.
A very sa' dalecideht oecured
near' Goderich on Thursday after-
noon last when the 18 months old
babt of..Nonrlue Young, of Mearord
was instantly killed in a motor
accident Mr and Mrs Young and
babe, were on their way to their su
timer cottage about 3 miles out
on the hayfield road, when a bee
lighted in the car. • ilir Young at-
tempted to brush the bee away
frorni the child red lost control of
the car, which turned over in the
ditch with the above result
Robert Austin of Wii;ghani was
•almsot instantly killed at Wingbam
ors. Labor Day when he became
frightned and jumped from a car
ie which he was riding; P. McCue,
owner of the ear, was drivingie.-
long the Teeswater. Road, aboutu'
mile out of Winghani %hen the
axle. broke an dthe car swerved
into .the ditch. Austin, apparel-
ntly fearing that the ear was go-
ing to turn over, jumped and land
ed on, his head. the was rushed to
the Wingham General Hospital,but
died frons hemcrrhags shortly at -
ter being admitted
Mr and Mrs E A Howald 'aad
daughter Muriel are taking a =ten-
ths holidays st New Iiaaiburg,
Xitchener and New Dundee
Victor Hogarth, of lvihuim Farm
Stephen Tp., who has made a' sp
ccialty of raising chickens, has ltc-
cepted a position to nun a chi-
cken, ranch for Silverwoods, of
Roy Cave of Toledo, Ohio, cal-
led on friends here. It is about
32 years ago 'when a young lead,
that he left here for the U.S.
Miss Vera Rowe returned home
after spending a month at Peter-
i,oro, Toronto and. Sarnia
Mr and Mrs Horace 1 Taff 'and
oabe, of Detroit, visited Mr and
Mrs. H. g1af1 and, relative( in Hay
Tel.. -the past week
Jean and Irene Blebme1d have
returned to their home in G oderich
erich after . visiting Mr .and errs.
til-� �peati t:ikeelteac
sailed by Mrs .Ed Sanders of Musk
egon Heights;' Mich:, Mr and -Mrs
John Schnell. and another Mrs Sch-
.nell of Zurich; were Sunday visit
itors with Mrs Jane Swill Huron st
.,One of tee aged residents of Us -
borne. Tp., passed away on Thurs-
day, August 30th, in the person of
Jane, Hazelton, widow of the late
Charles Washburn, aged 95 years
She hard been[ in her usual good he-
alth up to three menthe ago, when
she took ill
Exeter High School registration
of pupils shows a gain of about
25 over last year—being now a-
bout 200. It has been found neces-
sary to engage a sixths teacher,
and the public library Ti'esen ent
wilt be, fitted up as a .school xoom
for Miss Taylor's public ischool
chess and her room used as as High
School room
The Moore Fruit auto truck :frons
London, while on its way to Exeter
.with, a load of fruit overturned in
the ditch About two miles south of
town on Friday last. The truck
turned out to 'pass a 'vehicle when it
overturned, Oranges, . bananwas,
tomatoes and other fruits \vere thr-
own together •
A` pretty wedding took place in
the Trivitt Me morilai church on
Wednesday morning last, when Miss
Ada Belle, second daughter of Mr
and Mrs Adam 'Case of Exeter, be-.
carne' the bride of Mr Elgin. W
Rowcliffe,'sonl of Mr and Mrs John
Rowcliffe, of the Lonodn Road
north, Rev. A. A. Trumper per-
formed the ceremony in the pres-
ence of immediate relatives
Mr and Mrs Godfrey Nicholson
and Me and Mrs Wilf. Mack of Ex-
eter motored to pones in Mich-
igan •
Alf. Wuerth and fainily,, accom-
panied by Mr and. Mrs J•S:wartz
motored to Detroit
,Ma. . and Mrs Ezra Feist ,and Fred
and Mr and Mrs FI heaves,' motored
to Hamilton: '
Mr and Mrs E. Truemner of Cayes
ley visited at the uon,e,of Mr and
Mrs IW. 33 Gasser, thence to Taranto
win f. Geiser returned :home
from New York At here he. spent;
about three months the past 'sunt-
Miss Loretta Holtzman returned
to London, to resume her duties as
nurse in Victoria; Hospital
J. 11; Holtzman_ has received a
wire from the Missior,:try Deport -
meds: of the Methodist Climate Torr
onto, inane -nine hien -o f the eafety
of Rev andeMrs and fam-
ily who ,aro[ residin; in`7o%>e, Japan
Neer many frieeee were anxious
their f.afety aaoid will he picae-
ted to learn 'of the reassuring news`
Everything in
commences Saturday
September 15th
n the . Palmer Store
Are You V���ri�ag Wuerth's
Clothes? =You. Should Be!
You want Style
You want fit
You want Q:UALITY
You want Workmanship.
They have it
They have it
They have it
They have it
LOTHES made with all
You want . C these....
oints STANDIN OUT` •at rices to suit our
,points � � y
W MAKE TH we 'r ,a
11[i�S an o oY
tunit to demonstrate Y rate our.cla><m.
E. Wuerth, Tailor, Zurich
In the Crow's Nest
()How's err r: ,
UiN 411401WAY TO• CROWS _r;eI$u-i'iltl,:
FilGiii7a v
le -opener 'x:41)rr . IN' 'viae!) •
• • WOIS.1.1).:
Dolling up to the Crow's Nest Pass are olive s:4:er. rousetu:,`attw,..r.
tree upon teem—natural cattie rains„ clothed ttetlt suer:eint seo •t, ': _,.• n
Here are seen occasional oetcrops of rock, which in tie i; fees or
" •� :.
height show all the characteristics of a mount. in range; r,i;;t terry of tai,.
Rockies, with crag and precipice and col reproduced on the sin:Ilir-s+ s els.
With a bag of salt one could lay mi. -glaciers, touch the peaks eith \vieii.' am
have a toy range which any Eastern • schoolteneher oonitl ort up in her seas -
room with advantage to herself and.her+ pupils. Ca • i y
I A n.nr nrir�s east of �icc,icdr..
Hat know toe little about the construction of this Continor - t and about tri..
glorious engineering of Nature.
Consider the Crow's Nest itself. • Theiiame brings before someof
schedule of railway -rates; to others, a series of coal mines. These us
ative impressiones. The original Crow's Nest is a mountain are ,Ooo
feet and more above sea -level and visible for many miles. Thtas
one looks from the foothills is set like a fuzzy, round crow's-nest an ine
ally -Brie. Leading up to it are the olive-green billows fading into a soft,
blue haze. •
In the distance e
• near the peak is asnow-white
.. which
tns is'twoemries wide and amie hi h. It is all chile. leneepan lveli lovtheeliness
one travels twentygThen it gleams like the fangs of a wolf.
It is the rock -face of Turtle eirountain, cleft from top to botto
the destruction of the miui;nig'town of. Frank. min 1905 to
To -day the whole valley; two miles wide is a tempestuous
white stone blocks, sonic of theirs as big l A nous chaos of
and sharp, , , ti as a L'tous ,all with, jagged
corners. They piled from fifty to one lundred feet hi edgese
the original valley level, The railwayline climbs over high neathh
it lies the broken city. On either sidof the avalanche st ndeare.. d e erted
houses, whitlows out, glaring like skulls upon the newer tome , few, Reverted
valley spellsterrorand tra edy. 13ven yet people 'taloPompeli
l•Iereulatieunr but they are like to forgetg.e p ank
,when rock b3tenillions of t ns fell it the more; terrible i Ote of Frank
!tersday September laths.;,190•
aeseeeeee i lee+++++++.".Yl.'14444+ +.11' '++.¢B44R`Y-/ 4',"+
Auto Repairllig
.41:4. We Jive made arrangements with
the Ford Motor Co. as well as with
Cook Bros. Hehsall, to handle •
Genuine Ford Parts
and always keep a good supply l on
Ajor •'
s repair any makeof car
Mr. Peter I(ro#f, mechanic
L. A. Prang, Zurich Ont. .
Z.. U R. I C H
Thursday and Friday
Sept. 27th and 28th,. 1923.
1st, $15.00 2nd, .,$10,00, 3rd, $5.00,
For Horses . which have not won public money • prior to,
September 1st, 1923.
Grand Concert. in Town. Hall
• ON
Zric"h Jubilee Band ..i
.n Attendance
Sneci1 01
d:`GASCH0 & SON' offer $3.e9 cash for: the best hatter'lirolie but
of 1923, handled by a boy of. 16 years old or ander. r ,
MO '�T
�SBAiK Zurich, , offer '�5 UO cash for best G,;eutleman's oiatet..
lit, open to farmers and farmer s sons only.
T. L.`''1i4URee offers a pail of Di;. Hess Stock Food, value $3.2a folic
the best calf under oneyear old, any breed.
THE CANADI AN BANK OF COMMERCE, Dash;voed, offer a hand-
some Silver Cup, suitably mounted and engraved and value*
at $15.00, for the best finished cattle beast, any breed, up to.
two years old.
Dr. P. J. O'DWYER, offers $3,00 cash' for .'best type bacon sow;'
Dr. A. J. Mac"KINNeeN offers $3.0I''cash for best pen of two puller
and one cockerel. The three bird's mast be of oae variety'ante
must not be shown in any other class.
R.SYMPSON Co. LTD., offer a case of Silverware, value $6.00, fox
butter in 1 -pound prints, 6 pounds ,..wrapped .in parchment
paper. Appearance as well as quality, to,count in making^.
award, •
J. PRE1 Ta1R offersgoods to the•value of $3.00 from store to party
winning bighest points in the Grain and Seed Class. First
prize to count 3 points, 'second 2 points, and third,. 1 point,,:
a'TADE & WEIDO offer goods to value of $3.50, for best and neatest
display of fruit, consisting of apples, pears, plums, peaches alet
'1', EATON CO., LTD., offer the choice of the
following-- (a) ellv8r•
pie, plate: ee,. Clock; Hearts. g;
�) r stns, r •(d) Cluia lyag, !vadus9i
filo $6.25 to $7.85, for the best box No. 1 Wealth McIntosh
Alexander or Northern See, apples, duality and Pacsing
to lelie
considered, exhibited by an individual
grower,' who> has Dot
won an Eaton prize at any Fair 'sitit* 1920. •
W 'H. •!'FILE offers 2.00 ash fo
,. � . C , r most suitable and appetising
lunch for one iaan.
T. L. WILLIAMS offers 100-poun:lg of Choice Faxriily Flour foe
best loaf ar bread from this well-know
w n. and popular . of flour..
0. DENOMY offers a silk tie and handkerchief to ,match for the.
largest watermelon, same to become property of donor.
MELIOK & BRAUN Offer good's to value of $3.00 to person winnings
highest number of poiuts -in Classes, l,, 2,a3, 4, 5: First prime
to count 3 points.; - 2nd prize 2 polies and 3rd prize 1 point.
W. G. HBSS offers a handsome 1ediiooni' wall clock to the o
person attendieg the Fairy
Secy.-- 'e