HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-09-13, Page 11 Vo 1. XX I V No 10 .44 • Z'CJR1 THURSDAY,11401ill Seasonable Footwear " WITH THE HOT SEASON RAP- IDLY ADVANOING AND COOLER DAYS WILL `$.0'ON liL A CERTA- INTY; "WE WISH TO DRAW YOUR APTENTION,TO THE FACT THAT HEAVIER AND MORE • Ammo ow. I" 1 E > 13.1 ChL. Smith, i;abitshic N;. $1,25 a Year Tie Ad111# . 1,aaxx 7I�r,:kt�e ria rolai 13 QBARel, teee DURABLE FOOTWEAR WTL Ii SOON BE REQUIRE.D; WHICH WE ARE INA POSITION TO SUP` PLY' YOU WITH. OUR SUPPLY IS UNLIMITED OF :A.IYYTHING IN THE STAPLE FOOT - wear Line, 'We have Kids, Patents, Calf, Etc., in zilaiy of the atest and niftiest Styles that will suit Yoy. All our Sandals,Running.Shoes and Slippers are priced.: very low to clear; •' Get ,that neit pair of Men'sWorlr Shoes from Us, as we handelee the Ce1ebxated {GREB SHOE. fi ■ ■ ■ re'. ZUICH:L, THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES REPAIRING NEATLY DONE a Perge Robertson of Clinton, the :,,tillage on Irioncl .y Mrs W. H, Hoffman were isitors at Hamilton Beeie'n of Kitchener is 1xor..eeister Mrs. J. Preetea; Koehler, who visited at • ozi foz' some time, ,has ret- home 0 Vi{iiinie tttley who spent ltxx M, gyne Ott ,Dashwood has- re- al illit home - irrsdayafternoon' of .this we- e l e. the last half holiday for his ssoiiP. Art a • c�c�o•�eao�oace�000�•ooaoo •oo•e=�c.•o•w:o•©:o•ocro•�•Oeee•0oo•�4coo'o•o•0000'4d� SIERY SPECT _.�=e1IMMORMK-4� �MMr.•L�ti:�a4�"a�•`��..��.ri's�®�°:Na��•°`-..,�'�1��i'�`��', \\%e are now putting on a special Sale of Ladies. and Children's Hosierya:od for the benefit of those 'wlo dant sorethin g good and cheap, We know have here just what you want at -greatly red sed Yprice. i.O.NT HOSE IN BLACK4 • 1 I Cil 11'TC'`LD s ].1 1t.G� �+ION`HO,SE' IN LARGER SIZE+S. SPECIAL PRICED''AT _ ... • 20e. LADIES' COTTON -HOSE IN 13LACC, WHI•I`E ANI) ITAN. SPECIAL PRICED AT. .., 25d, 'C LADIES' SILK. LISLE HOSE IN BLACK AND 'WHITE. SPECIAL PRICED AT LADIES' SILK HOSE, BLACK ONLY. SPECIAL PRICED AT 45q Q Asitiaercus carloads of people are d 4ly?ttia.ttending the London West- einraix;, Which is on this week .G'?ijmfrom rber frothe village at- ten eC�rtize Forward Movement con veixt'ionlgritCredrton on Monday ev- envie,' and: Tuesday and ,Mrs C Fritz who spent t{+o • weeks attending the. Toronto' EXliibitionl and visiting friends, re turned Borne c n Monday trss•Pearl Ortwein returned to her home•on the. Bronson, after sp- endi` iethe !sun,mer with George Deoleston„ Gra+rd scuts J�ie'r O„ H, Stauffaei er of Cedar eIowan gaire kl very interest- ingtiee dress, in the evangelical ch- eh'pn. Sunday evsrdne ISI `Miry. Vera 'Siebert has ope'ned,up 4iilxmery"parlors at Zurich wh- dz.e purchased from Miss.M. E. btri edge ,and, 'ifs' in a position to` Ile •with t.lie public, having a ;;splay, of •' stocle,•on hand; . aiad ,.sp- tit 'wetW"k it Sekixrngx,;i1I ..; li r��t.uet serV ees•, in the `1;vatigel- text cinch, while Rev. Ltifdv , of Kiplis ii. V11 11 ve charge 'of : the ev.- ening '•se;Vicee4 £i•Fz, w Ar"E *EI,IZA:'SNELL • s+,r�be ;>,-®.�� �p.+r t ilr. 2,11 J- '��;.K :.:h,'w\�,r..:;9- &aiii esus --Si :: -" . 4a�, M`�.�k:�.'`C�i.3Y:Sn\�i�i'.,:::� �cLSa���i'?:aA�ecia�-k'•.;�:a\�' •'I \_moi `J•Sa��•.•'.ia NEW BOY'S SUITS FOR SCHOOL With One or Two Pair Of Bloomers WE HAVE -A SHOWING OF BOYS' SCHOOL :SUITS' THAT A WILL GLADE4''THE HEARTS OF EVERY BOY, .AND PRICES ,THAT WILL MORE THAN PLEASE MO- THER 'AND. DAD. COME IN AND LOOK OVER' THESE SPLEN- DID VALUES IN BOYS' CLOTH- ING AND LEARN• THE WONDER PUL SAVING WE HAVE IN BOYS l CLOTHING ( L rices 2.95 to $12 �r :. ..� . �+ a, + ILII • PD °B8 Also a large . assortment of . en's Suits]. DUD at special Prices Te ._ 4d •4. 4,4,i,4,4'..m ;. ,..,.4.4.4••E+ ++++.4•F4• H 3•++ S ++++•+++ 4 :•++++++++*++++ I•+++++++++ 1) R I -T-17' FT E R Fe `2' U R 1 0 H Produce Wanted hone 59 Bring Ills Tour Alsike and Clover Seed. We always pay the QP highest Market Price according to Quality (It will be; Asad news to many of our older eersi,dents to learn of the death' of, a : former well-known res- ident of Zurich in . the person of Eliza 'Snell, relict 'of the late Wm, Zent who dierl at the ;Soldiers' Hoene: at Grand Rapid;, Mich., on Frid ay • August • 31st, at the age of T years, For: the past few years the deceased has been in rather poor health and her death was not unexpected. Mrs. Zen, was born in New Hamburg, and came to Zur- ich when quite'young and oenitn- ued to reside here until about 15 years' ago, when she and her hus- band' moved to Sand Lake, and after her- husban'd's death, four ye- ars ago, she went to live at Grand Rapids: She .is survived by one daughter,' Mrs" Paul of Cleveland; Ohio, and three brothers, Jacob Snell Of Ayton, John Snell of Zur- ich, and henry Snell of Waterloo'. The funeraltook place at Sand Lake, Mich, on. Monday last - NEW HYDRO RATES Official 'notice has Leen received by the Board of Police Trustees of Zurich of • a reduction: of the rats Zfor._litdro electric power. -' The power.rate remains the ,same• et fj,741.0E, p' i• H.P. per year. The 1ol'lowitia -schedule of rates come into feree' at once; DOMES.IOLIGHTING-3. cents per 100 sq 'are feet for service charge First'r�ate fixe cents, :second rate two` cents Discount 10%, Min- imum. monthly bull $1 25 COMMERCIAL LIGHTING — First' rate tun ;cents; second rate live aunts; 'third rate. one cent. Dis-' coent 10%, Minimum net mon- thlv bill $1.25 POWER—$1.00 4eervice charge. Ra-) tan lc,, 4,te; 1.15c • 10% discount Minsmilne. net monthly bill $,1.924 • per H.P. ' The street lights have been re- duced freer $15.00 to :$13,00 which will, enekte a difference 'of $120,00 to the Village per year As"twili 'be noticed the domestic Fate. has •belen , reclueed one cent per K;E[ ,,and, o' t commercial rate two cent3 par', .',H, These re, uctiorxs will make the hydrmatrially cheaper to triose who Irk 'o r the $1.25 a month and should be ,a Means of inducing a, yr,'' 'r to' install electric ranges, beaters, ;ewte •_A� TcrR IA For,Wants and Children In Use For Overr oyer s :Always bee% „a.t • _tiya kgnaturt 440 te 4s. WE CARRY A COMPLETE ST- OOK OF WATERMAN'S 1FOUN- TA,IN PENS: 'EVERSHARP PEN- CILS, AND HIGHEST GRADE OF ' INK FOR IDEAL` PENS HESS the Jeweler PHONE No. 74 Incorporated 1855 Capital and Reserve $0,000000 Over 125 Branches TUE MOLSO1S Farmers will secure sympath- etic banking at any of our br- anches. Careful attention to the needs of Canada's Agric- ultural interests has always bet- en a feature of The Molsona Bank,. Savings Departments at every Branch. _ Deposit* of $1.00 and upwards invited, C. H. JOY Manager Zurich Branch • Y Spring g Horse , Good Test Received a large number of Genuine Woolen Horse m Blankets in Assorted colors Size '72x84, • .Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush Ruga, `grices • Ranging from $7.00 to . ' - $13.0e .0 SAVE, MONEY BY GIVING US A CALL. A. BIG Stock of Harness and 'Halters always on, hand. 4 Cl ib Bags, Suit uses and, Trunks at Right Prises. yH ARNESS REPAIRING A. SPECIALTY PHONE 304.2 • d:' F ED• THIEL ZUI •. • o4,.woos®soo..4►e••io•msee4P;t.o04$04...o**4-04444.....40�t� . !fit 8 8 + +.i„3°"I,+ ••I••Q•+++++ +.F+q•.3••1•+•b+• +^g,.g.•i,.1141,•21444•II44.44t?„+,rr^k•4,.W1"' ` BARGAINS IN .1• Oanvass Footwea:r. See our South Window for Big Sacralice in broken lines of Repairing done by the'very latest methods •II• 4. 4. SHOE * ZURICH °'' • 4. R, 1'• ,.1. ' ' •' •" °. °..'k•+"F'+++. .++.+... ac' +'k'+'y°yaak.•G!T?dr' 4.+4.•i..,l.•&,++.:.'+..1>.% ii* White .Ja+avass footwear. Prices ranging from 75c. to $1.50. .Abel°, many new varieties of Canvass Footwear in :sur Stook not listed here. WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION C. FRITZ SON 8 4 e +44 .e.. 4,4 SCHOOL SUP!TiEB We have a full line of Scho 1 B oke B stock. Large and, small drawing books exercise books, scribblers, paints, crayons, hard slate pencils, slates, school bags, and lunch boxes, etc.., etc Highest Prices for Farm Prod riee . N. DOLIGLA GENERAL !6U RC. .ANT PHONE 11 '- 7 13L, $ ; 4-4 i:. al