HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-08-30, Page 5• Thursday A txgust eOtli, 1923 BUSINESS CARDS ,►r0udfe0t, Killoran & HOLMES. I)arrteiera, Solicitors, ,Nutarlee, Rebus Etc, Office on the Square} iod door from Hamilton St. God- erieh, Private funds .to loan at letWest nates. ' Yroudfoot, :IK,C, J, L. Killoran D. E. Holmes, IYtrr. Holmes will be in 3ensa1l on Friday of .each week, Andrew F. Hess, Townsliiip Clerk eseuer of marriage licensee, Notary !abllic, Commissioner, Fire and Aut- *mobile Insurance, Representing moron and Erie Mortgage Corpora- tion, The Canada Trust Co. Zurich, O tarie. Dr. G. Li Smith. L.D.S. (ri'oronto.) iD.D.MChicago) Cei DENTIST `,fir AT WALPER HOUSE, ZURICH, EVERY WEDNESDAY MAIN OFFICE - HENSALL OSCAp. KLOPF Graduate Carey M. Japes Nat- ionalSchool of Auetioneering. Try, me, for Registered Live Stock; (All Breeds). , Terms in keeping 'with prevailing prices. . farms for sale. Will sell ,anything 'anywhere: Zurich. Phone 18-93 or write, Licensed Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer for County of Huron. In a position to con- duct any auction sale, regardless eisci 'size articles sell. soif not cit your business,. and satisfied will make no charges for cervices. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. Phone 31 r Zurich Fleet MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna . Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for WoulUI CASH FOR SKINS & HIDES Tungblut &. l)oichort ZURICH LIVERY I am in a, Position to accomo- date all 'requirements in the Livery 'have Auto for hire. - Any- thing done in the teaming line. GEORGIE,J. THIEL,. Phone .5>i Zurich, e S. A.TKINSOI+t, L.D,S.,, D.D.S, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College let Dental Surgeons of Ontario and et the University of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every 1TUhSD.A.Y AND FRIDAY. feces 110.00 a.rn. until 5.00 p.m at the Com- enercial House. Main Office at Exeter, Ont., Phone 34: -19 LIVE.. POULT R WANT D 'Taken every day till 3 Oclock p.m. De not feed fowl salve mdrning When 'brought. in. i she. st Cash Prices --CASH POR-- Crearrl arnd Eggs W. O'Brien Y Phone 94. Zurich C, , i t c 2. 4 SEASON 1923 Summer Deliveries The Deleware & Hudson Co's. LACAWANA COAL We have now in istock, car of High Grade Soft Coal. Also car Pea Coal, try a load of this foe banking your fires and for general use. Arriving soon, car Bullets, Get' Our order he for a load of these y: will go quickl, Prices for e car only $13,50 per Ton. ,";telt),. & PRODUCE MERCHANT ()thee 10w. troupe 103. &Coal Yards, Brock Street,,. E �S LL ONT, PUT YOUR`. Wants, For. Sale, lost Found, No;ice, Etc. Ads IN THIS ,COLUMN' • FOR SALE t A quantity ole 0. A, C. Noe 104 seed wheat at $1.25 per bushel. Apply to Wen, 0. Roars, Rate, Kip-. pen;, Phone 8019; Rensall LOST . A Standard Oil Gas Book, con - taming $10.00 worth .of Igas cup.-'' ons, Finder please leave 'swine at Herald( Office, asit is of no use to finder and receive reward • Miss Albena Ducharme, of the -GO 'WITH ,THE CROWDS To 'the Gode,ich • k'ai1 'Fair neext week, Wed„ Thursday and Friday, Sept. 5th, 0th and 7Lh. In creased prize list. $000 ixi purses for rat: es Thursday and Ii ric.ay, 2.20 Far- mers' trot, 2.30 and 2.12 classest, Goderich man:ufacturees are putting on a fine exhibit of made in God- erich goods in main building, which it will be worth craning a long way to see, Large midway,- including side shows and riding; devices,' on the grounds:" LOST About a week ago, a patch work cushion with red frill and red back. Finder please returi to J. 0. Reid & Co's. store, Drill wood; or Herald Office, Zurich. FOR SALE A. goo dll•-disk ftrttlizex"drill, nearly new. Apply at Herald of- fice for particulars NOTICE. • On and after Septj 4th, 1923, We will discontinue duing credit Business. The conditions of the Counti y. compels us to make tette change. Kindly don't ask for any more credit after this date. Pro- duce will be taken the same as cash.. Pay your own debt .and let the other fellow pay his, Less Profits, and a quick turnover will be our . motto after Sept 4th. lours Truly, T. L.. WURM - ZURICH 6-3 FARM FOR SALE Consietingg of 50 acres of good farming land, being Lot 5, Cort- cession ii, Hay Township.. There is on, the harm a good veneered house, bank barn with .concrete st- ables and foundation, also lit fine young orchard. For further par- ticulara apply en John Becker, R. No 1, leaeawood, Adtninistrater of estate of Wm. Heckman!. tf6 HOS E \'' FOR SALE We .are »ow in :a positj,on to sup ply your «ants with No 1 clover homey 15c. Ib. Have 'also some che- aper grades for ,sale. We will Lilt your containers . for you. Also some ` eery :fine comb honey J Habes•ee & Soils. t8 Dr- McCLENAG}IAN Graduate of :ealmei s School of Chiropractic, 02 Godelich will be at McCormick biota, every day from 10 o'clock a.nv. to 6 o'clock, p;n'. and ,from .7 to 9 pan, Have had 3 years at prreticnl experience in the 'west. Consultation and Spinal analysis free. 1-3 Tuxedo �Chatterless ,411TO OIL FOR FORD CARS, . GU .AR AN TEED TO STOP THE CHAT 'TERING OF BANDS. Sold Ely L. . A Prang, Zurich t-9 FOR SALE For 'quick sale, a Waterioosep- ai' stir with cutter 36x43 int. In excellent conditibn. Formerly ew ned by J'as. .Overholt.. Must be cold et once -A real baegaire For further particulars and terms ap- ply to 3.• Preeter, F. C. Yealbfleisch R, F. Stade., Zurich,, Ont. FOR SALE Lands described as follows are offered for ,sale. All are situat- ed in. Hay Township. North -half Lot • 14, L.R.E., Con:, containing 64 a Frame r sees, house built thereon. e I- art north-east corner of Lot 11, L. PLR., con+, 4 acres. •W'est quarter lot 21, cone 15, 24 acres. For part: icuiars apply to Canada Trust Co, London, Ont,, or to Andrew 1. Hess 'Zurich, Ont. tf-50 In renewing your ,subscriptions for your daily and weekly papers remember the 'Herald Office is agent for most of them and in r some cases can save you as much It as 50, cents on a single subscript- +1 iOnp, (t. FOCAL NEWS Mrs W H, Hoffman is attending Toronto Exhibitiort . this weelt. Mr and Mrs Sot Martin and daaue ghter Lylyan were visitors at Sav- ille this week Mr and Mrs T, L. 'Wurin and Mr,. Nesbitt Woods were visitor's with friends at Sarnia this week Flax threshing opoiutions have commenced at Kalbfleiseh'ii mill's; and also, ispreaditng of the tow. Mr and Mrs W, C ICaiifnt and ferrety and Mr Urban Nile spent Sunday at Kitchener Misses Dorothy Fritz and Pefu-1 Wurtz,.vi'sited friends in Sarnia and Detroit last week, Z 701 HERALD .... .. ..::i„��„ w.M,,,, ... . "w.!!aT..T�•1F-qIM..-M�+i9M1W E LONESOME WOM 'No . Chance to Exeroiso sTonglge,vo Is titer Plaint Was This Farmer's Wife etu'rect? Is There eny Respite From Moa Molly in the Life_ 0, Runt Women'; --..What is the tninaeee for f'aa'm f ons linNe,s"?,.- flaareliitr Cream l'er Butter. Klentrituteai by Ontmrto Department el Agriculture, Toronto,) t called at a farm bonne one dal In search of water for en overheats. Motor. Rapping gently oil the kit Oben door, 1 was neat by the good Lady of the house. ;Mr and Mrs, 0. L. Sixritlt; Miss P. "May 1 have a pail of water's” 1. Pfile and Mr. D. Smith were Sun.- ;asked. day visitors at Arkona "You may," she said, handing me a pail and pointing to the pump. noticed that her Mastic finger and her chin seemed to worts in unison when Mr aid Mrs Ed. iebert •and fam- ily of Detroit, are visiting at tire home of Mr and Mrs W, L. Siebert, ( Mr and Mrs Gla Thiel, Mr and Miss Hugh Thiel and Miss Gertrude Weber, spent Sunday with friends in Stratford ' • Mr and Mrs F Hp Miller of ee- trait left .Tuesday after spending part of their holidays with 111r and Mrs. Jacob Howald Mr and Mrs Joe Becher and son Frank, of Detroit, spent Saturday last with Mr and Mrs Wm, Lerbold Babylon Line Mr and. Mrs Wear Miller of Kit - ch iner itshiner and Mrs Kathryn 13ari•y of London, 'spent the week -end with their parents, Mr and Mrs Jacob Howald Miss .-Annie Beetle ' left for her home at London after spending a few days with her aunt, Mrs. J. Douglas Mr and Mrs. A, Moritz and fam- ily ,of Guelph -were week end visit- ors at the hdmeof the fornier's mo- ther, Mrs. P. Hauch Mr Lee; W. Roffman visited at Stratford on Sunday, MisS Mildred who has been' visiting there (a few weeks returned with him Mr and Mrs 0. Slemans of Cene Lralia an.d Mr and Mrs Jones, of Exeter,' were Sunday visits at the home of Mr and Mrs, Sol. Jacobe , .Mr and Mrs -John Smith, of the village, Mr and Mrs Robte. Green of the Parr Line., Mr and Mrs. Em- merson Smith of Kippen, and Mr. a .tad 1VIrs Hese, Disiardine were spent Sunday at Kettle Point. Mr and Mrs Syl. Witmer of the eenylon Linn, the tatter's sister, Miss 1Vlatilda Miller. of Toronto, Mrs. Win 13 rti1>r, :',hisses• Mildred Shone wCitane„r spent Thursday with friEuds at London Mr. M. G. Deitz, erected a hands, some garage between the telepleene, office end lee To'Wfi ::Hall, , wthich, will be used for .stori:; o Massey - Harris farm implements, as we-un, derstand, in future Mr Delta will have char, -' of the repairs dep- artment o this business A few villagers are cot:Viatn:- in • that their dogs have been sick Lliranh poisoning. As to whether the poison has been laid inpur- pose for the dogs or -perhaps for some other cause, i snot known. But if any pee -son will in future be found out to lay poison in access to dogs, sub party will be pros coated according to law. Rem- ember, every dog owner has to pay a direct municipal tux for his dog, and the same has ceertain rights to run', at large Mr John Hey, Jr., met with a painful accident on Monday aft- er.nn'on when he was driving west oh the Zurich Road with a colt, in meeting; an nil tracts the animal' ;et frightened and took to the ditch, and stumbling over a knowl Cell, with the result that Mr Heb' going over top of the colt, Ianding on the hard, rough ground and in doing so fractured both hones of his leg above the ankle, ele 1 at once received medical attention and is resting nicely, wee hope for a permanent recovery Mr and Mrs. Ed, Deters of Hay Tp,,. accompanied by Mr and Mee P. Deichert and Etrs, 3. Kalbfleisch Motored to Kitchener and Elmira last Wednesday. taking in I the celebrations at the Lutheran ch- urch at Elmira, of which %ievl Strempfer is pastor, The occas- ionwas the 50th aunivexta.ry of Mr. Strempfer in the ministry. The ehereh being beautifully decorated was crowded to capacity, and many slid not gain ,:entrance. Pastors and elders from malty eongregat•-- ions, .were present, several taking, part in . the 'eervicees, after which congratilations alidg reta irom man} congregations and friends were read and all wishing Rev. and Mrs Strempfer many More years of health and happiness, Then all departed for the: basement where a sumptuous repast ww.as serveed nia da toast by Rev. (.laden of St- atford to Me and Mrs Strempftlrr ev. St'reuipfer Was for many ye- rs pastor of Zurich S't, Peter's, Lutheran Chui'ch, and has many warm ,-friends here who wish him litany more year's of happy life;" .41t the children of 14Ir and ' Ides Strantpfer were present except Mrs .Rev- Kinneriy of Aliiaince, Ohio,; who is attending at the death bed bed of their daughter Mr and Mrs A Mt•;lick, motored to Sarnia on Thursday, .their dt` n- htor, Miss Ortha, who bad been rt'ro for some tirnxe, returned with tout, NOTICE. I „,neve taken out License for Auctioneer for the County of Hur- on, and am in a position to con- duct sales by auction. Give me a trial and I will assure you satis- faction or no charge, tf-.29 James renomey, le. R. 2,Zurieli, g Phone No, 10-43 ti ltl she Indicated the direction of the pomp. "Shrewd old girl, f thought, . as the water $owed Into the pail. 'i will try- and thaw her out. ..1 wonder low she puts In the time. What is. the thinking about anyway?" e Farm Woman's View of, the Quiet Life. After filling the radiator with the Wlear, cold water, 1 returned to the Moor with the boirowed pail, No :seed of rapping this time. Slie mei ,die with a kindly smile. "You have a aice farm here," "You must have a nice quiet ,fe to the country where everytnii,r a,dbotut'eut.y"ou is just plainwholesoxL, 'Quiet life!" she .,,said with son,. "niphasis. "Just plain nature? ' "Yee hist too touch so, so much so that wi ✓✓ant to get away from it all, ago ,e natural," Somewhat surprised at tier expre '.lions, especially the "be natural," had always thought thatif there was lny place where a ,tt•rs„n could . L� latural it was on the tuna. rhe Monotony of Farm Living. i asked, "Why do you want 'to g;e; iwaye,. Sue replied, "We have no life here :ly husband and 1 get up at titit ;.clock every morning. He at onsa- %oes to the barna to feed Inc stock • whale 1 get the breakfast and atte, the r ,uttry. We hurry throve, oil and then he rushes ave. o the barn or fields, returning a demi for one half hour in which t,. ;at hid rtS,)ner,. Afterdinner he anti ay again until stippee time, w71c,- he returns tired from work in t.. fields, pretty well worn by the lot,. monotonous day Of heavy labor. A for me, why, 1 attend the house woe: Yes, 1 attend the house work in si: once an day long, and that ie who"' gets my goat i do not hear tu. squpd of another voice frcm.one day':, eld,,to another,: No woman to tali. t ;t*no neighbor handy by where ; s ,,,M'ti=i{t'ea l for •it -cant:- No etxatace . t.,' exdt iee'my tongue. FattiL,,Wouten i?ed Up With Silence. "We'L'arni women get fed up wits. so' much silence. +1t is somewhat dif- ferent with the nnen,they are working with animals and do not feel , the loneliness as we women do. Once a week is not often enough for wo- men to get together. Being kept apart so long is it any wonder that our tongues wag at both ends when ah opportunity to talk does come," is There a Panacea for Rw'a1: Lone- liness? After . hearing that little ser- monette, I unconsciously started for the ear that 1 had left standing on the roadway. Coming to nay senses after a time; I began to think, just what there was in what the lady of the .farm home had to say, and re- peated to myself her words, "No chalice to exercise my tongue, so much silence.", Perhaps, alter all, the farmis too lonely a place for the average wo- man ;of to Baty, ' end with the trend of .mbdera living it twill be a more loneeol.ne' place in the Futuro unless something happens to change ideas and , ideals. Cali anyone suggest a solution of the ppabiem?=L, Stevenson, 0. A. C., Guelth.:• Handle Cream for Butter Carefully, Criiam may be a little sour, but, it it is otean and free from foreign odors'and tastes, it will' make fancy butteeen the hands of an a "pert but termalter. Cream approaching rail- eidityt,a,nd carrying with it particles ofdirt, `whiffs of undesirable odors, and a:taste of the barnyard or cellar never loses its identity. -The butter it enters ilio is that ;which drags on the market and ,sells at a lowv price, To hrgue that because certain neigh- bors are careless with their cream provides a reason why no one needs to be • careful is illogical, Produce and handle your cream in a careful, cleanly manner, deliver It frequently and then demand a price. in keeping with the quality. Flushing Sows. Flushing ewes at breeding time to• increase the number of twiu is a,. aneleut practice among floekowvu. rs, but not till recent years have swine raisers .paid anuch attention to this practice. Prot. Edward, of the lowa Elperiment Station, has been roves- tigating its practicability with pigs, and reports that the sows making the most rapid gain at the time of breeding, produced 00 the average 2.1 pigs more per litter than those making the slowest gain. Another practical conclusion reached as use result of this same set of observa- tions 1s that if large litters are look- ed tore it is well not to breed the soW until the first period of beat atter weaning, Whentwo litters are raised in one year. An extra gallon of gats carried In a can- or bottle under the back seat of your ear will eave you e, w„i some dny. Yi Children Cry T4 or F1 etpher's Fletcher's Castoria is strictly a remedy for 'Infants and Children. Foods are specially prepared for babies. A baby's medicine is even more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the need of a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and Children that brought Castoria before the public after years of research, and rio claim has been made for it that its use for over 30 years has not proven. What is CA. T IA? Castoria is a harmless substitute fox. Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups, . It is, 'pleasant. it contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, a1/4..d by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort—The Mother's Friend. 'GENUINE CASTOR! A ALWAYS Bears the , Signature off n Use ForOver3O Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY If. Yor cannot afford a-. Ford why J not buys a nice Rubber Tire Buggy ggY HESS sells them REPAIRING •.. Painting Feed Car,- One' oat, $15.00, Two Coats .....320.00 iCoyering Ford Top Good Material $27.0 Changing Ford. Curtains to open with Doors $5.00 Parotin o Buggy - t IF ''YOU' WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT ' "WE RERUBI3EB YOUR bUGGY WHEELS. F. M. Hess! , Co.foo Zurich airanionerancwwzranammememmessinemisermim +++4+++4dF+4•+++++++++4•+++., +++4r+++++4.++++++4+++++4.+,b'9 I !Lumber Liths Shia glesI •• Everyth: ng ,in , 4, Coln 4+ bination storms and screen doors made to order, t L4.umber and Building Material 1. +SII+ • 4 + 1, Custom Work cur Sreciaity + fAlias inthe market �'o�. saw logs 4, il• 0• J:A],fl?LEJSQJI÷ PHONE ot) ZURICH :•4.F++++++4,*++++F,m«I +i+4 +4i"H'+4 4.i+++++++++4+++'14++++ih+^Pr+'i+++•p ,i„-.# I«--+- f-+1+--3+-+f+--+3+-+-+-+'-3�--+1+-+-+3+-+-•+i�-�+-+F+--4+- yu' +II+ 00 K a,. z we `r L } •t +t+ l� K. 'gt• .w 4 +i+ 4. +.� 4. Five Geos +WHY WE CAN BOLL SUITS 1'ROM 1'$10 TO $15 LESS eeHAN OTHERS. 1. Westock our own goods. �L. 4'3, 1 Our Suits are made by work- manship, second to none. Have only one price for 'mak- ing Suits. The very best linings put in all our garments. 15. We gtnaranteesatisfaction or money refunded. Reasons '. 4' +TAILOR AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR'. DAY DAA AN27 NIGl•I Z T PHO No. 86 *8+ 1' ` r......�r-...y,..-.';,..:..1....+$,...hL,.�.'i'—.�,.....;�....y4..�p;: .:.. (1.1.,..�..:..�li+:.�„�, .1......�.....1.:-.;1,.., •