HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-08-30, Page 1• • ."4"4-"' 4, ' • 11011XXIV Np V.;0011.101•1010.0111.01011111111111111111111.1,111 sowsmowstsusomissrowssoms~0..wooperripmewsomminornew Seasonable Footwear WITH THE ROT SEASON RAP- IDLY ADVANCING AND cooLgit DAYS WILL SOON 13E A CERTA- INTY, WE WISH TO DRAW YOUR ATTENTION TO THE FACT 47.ezi4sw THAT HEAVIER AND MORE DURABLE FOOTWEAR WIL L SOON )3E REQUIRED, WHICH WE ARE IN A POSITION TO SUP • PLY YOU WITH. OUR SUPPLY IS UNLEVIIIED OF ANYTHING IN THE STAPLE FOOT - Line, We have Kids, Patents, Calf, Etc., in many or the atest and niftiest Styles that .suit Yoy. All our Sandals, Running Shoes and Slippers are paced very low to clear. . • Get that next pair of Men'sWork Shoes from Us, as we handelee the Celebrated GARB SHOE. W. H. PFILE. ZURICH Om.. • THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES REPAIRING NEATLY DONE t..vessmiliaur HOSIERY .47*.d.O.,a0.417.47.4:0.4%''.4.4:11%c17We'on.-r- •42::,••• SPEGI • 411•=11,1Mili.E. ;C.liae-, Fritz is visiting in Koehler 18 spending two tveels, :sit at Pt, Huron Egbert Heideman at tit°e3inci 'Sbach of are 'visiting relatives reer - • •4T,the.o.week at the borne of Mr i of Kitchener is d‘September 3rd is tee - labor Day and a rm.)* „IX„0:4011lic t „ - ni00.4 Th Ts. Thomas Johnson are itcherier and other ,18 •i• Siebert, nurseoff. e;:tietriiit',,, . spending ,her vacation . . Wrillt iiot.;:ii4e.,:tits here 41' Haitman Elsie of DasitW4...4'Were Sunday visitors at iftheliOn f',Mr and Mrs E Oesch rrIi;t;lid,Z7u°1•IircelilleBeo' 3(?rcriralolleodrito tr,lendnliottvillage one day last , ..,._ , on : •'.ei-kip.... Writmer of the Babylon ., . ', ,.: - i ,: NI , it ,.,.,.,,,, iller of London, and • .,- W...2.17KAPKtr-7:402•112.4110->ilf401=410-=-40.1..111=411W.:7-741-91 We are now putting on a.Special Sale of Ladies i ui were Stincl.aysitors at Goderich underwent .an • . operatiO 1,,pr .nemoval of tonsils on MoridaY...',Drs. O'Dwyer and. Mac - T • and Children's Hosiery and. for the benefit of those p Kinnon 'plierformed the operation. who want something good an.dcheap we know w e ara Mrs Ed Howald of B Sd. Una visitors a• t the home. ox -Mr and Mrs Cyrus Col- ''. have here just what you want at greatly reduced prices(cp. • NOTE A FEW ()F,T4E-BARGAINS: IN''TLA:pic,,,,:,7,4y;lilriTEI AND.. rEAN,•••,i'sg,plAirlIxidED, 4. • „.rg44,049„*5P4Sg•41"i:#447'q4-,;44)t00:Hx,',.;.$0/04“:':: LOD At „ •; • ,, • , , •• -I.J6IES', 'COTTON" HOSE 'IN BLACK:WHITE ANDrIAN'sPCX..4.X, PRICED AT LADIES' BILK LISLE,' HOSE' IN BLACK AND NV HITE. SPECIAL PRICED AT .... c&LADIES' SILK. HOSE, BLACK ONLY. SPECIAL PRICED kL "1?:le*h.fedi20 revert that War IRei•Sie.".'i'!k•,thee. Town Line lind around res rkpfs4 -ef...:3141.ank7„-; • Boteenbqrry of ,Eayfield 'Visited in the'-: Village on •11toriday; heleft for .Thedford, Where he will •spend la week or 'to • • . Mr Mrs Oscar Koehler and " p they ../..•*+,44+4+4+44+44+44+44.4•444,4++++++++++++++++++.44.4441,, BARGAINS Phonograph. Repairing We carry a full Line of Main Spr- ings for all makes of Machines Prompt Service HESS the Jeweler PHONE No, 174 Chester L. Smith, --/TiblisbEir $1,25 A Year In 4,d'Vaitossik $1.691N ARRA 4118, *2 4.A BB OR(I) Incorporated 1855 Capital and. Reserve $9,000000 Over 125 Branches TUF MOLSONS BANK Farmers will secure sympath- the needs of C'anada's A.gric- etic banking at any, of our br,.. ultural.interests has ,alwaryis be- en a feature of The Maisons anches. Careful 'attention te Bank. Savings Departments at every Bratieh'. • D,eposite et $1.`.00 and upwards invited. C. H. JOY Manager Zurich Branch 4.•••404. 40.44 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••in • • :4) s . prmITg orse Goods • Tust Received a large number of Genuine Woolen Horse • Blankets •in Assorted colors Size 72x84. .0 Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, prices • • Ranging from $7.00 to ... .... $15.00 • • SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US A CALL. * • A BIG Stock of Harness and Halters always on, hand,. • 4) Club Bags, Suit Cases and Trunks at Right Prices. • • HARNESS REPAIRING A .. SPECIALTYt•• Lhe let D F.' •,-›•1+7444,* .• •••.•*•*•,i). -`411j: '" • • •• k4A • t c+1 4 41. 4 4 4 ez. 4 4 also intend taking in •the Toronto3: Exhibitkin this week: .. 1,+ • g - 1VIrs'I: Snider, Misses Selda Boss- 4 ... NEW BOY'S SUITS ...4 Kitchener are visiting at the home . S, of Mr and. Mrs W ,0 Wagner + • p enberry and Clara Kestleing of . t "41; 11 Rev and Mrs F. -L. Howaid, who ,t spent part of their vacation here and at G-oderich, left for their field + The Zurich Evangelical Ladies; -.1. of labor, at New Dundee, on Mon - Canvass Footwear .T. day • . 4 FOR SCHOOL With One or Two Pair Of Bloomers • WE HAVE A SHOWING OF; BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS THAT ,WILL GLADEN THE HEARTS OF • EVERY. BOY, AND PRICES THAT WILL MORE THAN PLEASE MO- • THER AND DAD,. COME IN 'AND LOOK OVER THESE SPLEN- DID VALUES IN BOYS' CLOTH-. INC+ AND LEAR.N' THE WOiNDER MIL SAVING WE HAVE IN BOYS CLOTHING Also a large assortment of Men's • at Special Prices Aid attended a ' joint picnic at • Dashwood on •.Thursday afternoon and. report a most excellent out- ing • Mr and Mrs James Gow.of Varna 4. Mr Clarence ,Miss Vera V011and of l'uckergmith, spent Monday last at 4. the. bo .nte of Mr Wm. Leibold, Baby T. loix Line Mr and Mrs W; B. Colles and lit- 4. tle Bettie, of Willia.maboro, Ont,, are renewing friends in the village. .1. Mr Co1Jes was a former Manager •re • 4. of the Molsons Bank + Mr ,Wellington Johnston, who •dnot,heen enjoying- the best of + health lately, was stlicken. with a severe attack of 'appendicitis on Thursday' afternoon and was taken to. Victoria Hospital, London on Friday morning and operated on, and we. are pleased to state is lin- pao Vin g rapidly 'SOLDIERS' MEMORIAL SCHOL- • A-RSHIPS. TP. OF HAY Publis School Inspector, J. E. Tom, Goderich, has notified 1 e Clerk or the Tounslup of Hay t at the Soldiers' Memorial Scholarships for pupils living in Hay Town - 3 ship, who wrote on the High school Entrance exa,minalaions, were won this year, 1923, :by the following, 1st place—Margaret Johnston, S.S. No. 14 Hay„ •having a total of 615 nlarks. Age 13 years 2nd place—Ithu•garet Douglas, U. S. S. No, 94 Hay, whose total was 583 marks. Age 13 years, 3H place—Hazel Thonipson, S. S. No. 14, Hay, with a total of 572 nvirks. Age 12 years Value of ist Scholarship, $27.501 2nd Scholarship, $16.50; 3rd Scholar - hip, $11,90. jP'REP ---TER. .• Phone 59 ZUR1OH Produce Wanted ring us Your Alsike and Clover Seed We always pay the ye • highest Market Price according to Quality y • :06040 '0444:010*,:*041164410C-166,06-6C44.-le CASTORIA Vor,rnfants and Children hi Use ForOver 30 Years Always beat t Signature ?f,, ae4A4 • ,q; See our South Window for Big Sacrafice in broken lines of t White Canvass footwear. Prices ranging from 75c. to $1.50. *fib Also many •new varieties of Canvass Footwear in 3ur Stock 4 not listed here. 4,, WE INVITE' YOUR INSPECTION Repairing done by the -very latest methods 0. FRITZ & SON •'SHOE MERCHANTS ZURICH • ONTAIIRO i•••1•44+++.44+++++++++++++++4+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 exercise books, scribblers, paints, crayons hard slate pencils, slates, school bags, and lunch boxes, etc., etc. Highest Prices for Farm Produc . R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL MERCHANT • PHONE 11 -. 97 E3LAK E SCHOOL SUPPLIES - We have a full line of School Books in stock. Large and small drawing books •