Zurich Herald, 1923-08-23, Page 5ttara,tla; koro wet 23rd, x a BUSINESS CARD$ Pr'oualoot,: Bilinear) & fIQI/AiEs, sarr)sters, 5o1i6toro, NutaineSi fde11i ), . Etc, Office on the Square !And door `from If'arniltan St. God erilcia, Private funds to loan a lowest rates. G. I'roud;foot, K,C. J. L. Eillaraaa D. E. Holmes,, Sr. Holmes will be In Bewail on Friday of each week. �r.sgara,iprcn®wwas,wcar.m.�: w�.nnu,.n,raNyc+d.*n Andrew F. frees, To'wnshi'p (Berk totter of marriage ldceusos, Notary "nblic, Commissioner, Fire and Aut- omobile Insurance, Representing Normo and 1:rie lV ortgage Corpora- tion, The Canada Trust Co.. Zurich, Ontario. :., t Q.D.S. (rro'ronto.) ,D.D:S•,('Chi.cago) Mil gT N W .AT,PER HOUSE, ZURICH, EVERY W DNESDJ\.Y , MAIN OFd?'ICE n:ENSALL OSCAR 'ICLOI'P Graduate Carey M. Jones 'Nat- ional School of Auetioueeri 3g.T y entice for Registered Live ; (All Breeds). Terms in keeping 'With prevailing prices. Choice farms for sale. Will sell anything anywhere. Phone 18-93 or write,: Zurich. . Licensed Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer for County of Huron, In a position to con- duct any auction sale, regardless as to size or articles to sell I solicit your business, , and if not satisfied will make no charges for services. Dashwood. Weber, . - ghoae 31 r 13, Zurich. fleet Fresha d Salt Meats B'taiogala. Sausages, etc. Highest Cash Price for Would CASA' FOR SKINS & 'RIDES &tAdelollert, ZUFIC LIVERY ood I am in a position to accomo- irate all requirements in the Livery Line, have Auto for hire,„ Any- thing done in the teaming line: GEORGE J. THIEL Phone 6.8 Zuric'n, ti. S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College. of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and of the 'University of Toronto. Late Diatrict Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No, One, Londan,Ont Office hours at Zurich every TUESDAY AND FRIDAY from 10.00 a.ni. until 5.00 pallet the Com- mercial House. I1ain Office at Exeter, Ont., Phone 3.4, -10 LI VE POULTRY d WANTED !Taken every day till 3.Oclock p.m. Do not feed fowl :same morning; when brought in. Highest Cask Prices ...c 9 tali reel .•,- Crea and- Eggs W.O'Brieri Phone 94, Zurith SEASON 1923 Sumer Deliveries The Deleware & Hudson Coss. LACAWANII COAL Wo have now in stook, oar of High Grade Sett Coal. Also car, Pea Coal, tr,y a load or this for banking your fires and for general use. Arriving soon, car Buliets.'Get ,vaur order in for a load of thesca they will go .quick'. Prices for the car only $13.56 per Ton. & PRODUCE, MERCHANT T arae • Office 1Oww, kiouse IOj, tlioe&Coyalt Yards, Brock Street, ti LE, 8 `t3 A A. N: r J 1 PUT YOuxt ,. erns, For Sale, Lost, Found,oti ai Etc. Ads IN 'nits COL TA2tNT L067 About a week ago, a patch work cushion with z'ed full and red back. Finder please re'tin'as to J, i:, Reil , : C o's. 'store, Datil/- wood; .or Ii. raid Office, Zurich. '.'OR SALE A goo dii-disk fertilizer drill, clearly now, Apply at 1Scrttid floe. for particulars NOTICE. On and after Sept. 4tln, 1923, We will. discontinue cluing credit Business, The. conditions of the et/Italy: oontpels us to 'make this change. Kindly don't ask for any more credit atter this •date. Pro- duce will be 'taken the same as cash. Jay .your own debt and let the other fellow 'pay his, Less Profits, and a quick turnover will be our motto alter ,Sept 4th. lours Truly, T. L. WUR1M. - Z UR ICH 6-3 FOR SALE A new 111osley -Harris corn Bin- der for sale or rent. Li A. Pi an,g, Znripli t.f6 .FARM FOR SALE Consi.iting of 50 acres of good farming land, being Lot 5, :Con- Ces3ion 1?, Hay Township. )There is on the farm a good veneered house, bank barn with concrete st- ables and foundation, also la fine young orchard. For further par- tieularo apply _jt'u• John Becker, .S,. R. No 1, Dashwood, A,chninistrater of: estate of Wm, Heckman., illi HONEY FOR SALE Was are now in a, iaUS1t1C)21 to S.ilr ply your wants with No 1 . clover honey 15e: lb. Have; also some che- aper grades for ,salt:. 'We will fill your containers for you. Also shine very fine comb hooey �. Haberer...& Sons, ti Dr. McCLENAGHAN Graduate of ' allnex s School of Chiropractic, tit,` Godeiich will be at ° 1lIcCor:,._,.k 'block, o\ ery day trona 10 a'elock 1o.,;n. to 6 o'clock, pini•, and iron. 7 to 9 p.m. :have had 3 yeaaa : t practiced expeoir'ncr in the writ. Coasaltation and Spinal an;?ys1s free. C -1i LOST At. the -oak: Garden Partyo) 1'14/Anson s Lawn a Waltham gold. t\rist v aLpi,. Funder kinldy re t•.itn to ]Ii ale] Officio and receive a .rowarr],. tf-.4 Tuxedo Chatterless A.U:t''O OIL FOR FORD CARS. GU APA.NTEE) TO STOP J H.E CHAT (1?1't1NU OF i3ANDS. Sold 1}y f. A Prang, Zurieh t-3 FOR SALE l'or quick .sale, a ZV.tterloo stip orator With cutter 36x48 in. I excellent condition, Formerly ow nod by Jas. Overholt. i1Tust b „silo. at once -A real bai'gatoo +or 1 arthor particulars and to -ins ap- li'y to J. Preetor, F. C. 3ialbfleisch 11, F. Stade., Zurich, Ont. n e FOR SALE Lands described as follows are offered 'L'n' sale, All are situat- ed in Hay Township. North -half Lot 14, L ,R, +'., Con, containing 61 acres. Fralne house built thereon. d• art north-east corner of Lot 11, L. fi•..E.; con., 4 acres. West quarter lot 21, con, 15, 24 acres. For part- iculars apply to Canada Trust Co, London, Ont., or to Andrew F. Hess Zurich, Out. • tf•-50 FARM FOR SALE Cnuisistin of 12. acres, bring Lot li;•s8 anr7 ' 0, L. R. • W., Stanley Township, !There is on the pr'eixl- ises a tine bank barn with cement stables, plenty of water in the stables, a good drive shed, garage, comfortable frame house, with good color, the -fame is well frence.d, And, well drained nice orchard, is ;of a rich clay loans, a very desir- able property and a fine home. For further particulars phone. 13-00 xleasal'l, or write.Geo. Dewar, R. 13 3, Bayfield.., In renewing your subscriptions for your daily and weekly: papers reniezrlber the Herald, Office is agent for .most of them and in some cases can :save you as much as 50 cents: on a single' subscript - 10 rO ACE I ha we • talten out License for Auctioneer for the County of slur - on, and am inn position to ' con- t duct crates by auction, Give me a trial' and I will assure, you satis- faction or no charge, tl`-211 Sauaes Denorney, R;, R. 2, Zurich, Phone hte. 10..43 l LOC.&;L N 'WS ,11xr .1 li Steele in as 1 visitor to London on S'ul,day, Messrs 11 J Hess and M 0 Mil- liken were to Lolaclon one Tuesday Mr Norman O'aseho of Kitchener spent the past week at his home. kzertk _ 1VIrs Fred kloweld aaatl daughter of ht Marys : t isiketit in, tae villas ja. Lina blondnty 1Virs1)., M 'Tune and little Soni of London, is the guest of 111r and Mrd Chas Weber :.. Mi' nod. Mrs i;:tt iiiieslay Of i)ts- troit r eerntly spent tilt>ri vacation at Ut trait 1tiliss Irene Vnllltutl of near Hen:, sa11, da visitiug visitingwith bliss Lizzie Vella/id 'Miser Cecilia[ Tarwell,4 who spell!. solea weeks at .Buffalo, has return- ed to WV home ti Mr Bort Heffner and Sister of: Detroit, visited i'vlr and Mrs Wen- del Smith tact week, Mr and Mrs Lloyd O'Neil ant'. family of Hamilton, are visiting relatives here Mr and Airs- Jacob Kelteranan of Dashwood, visited al. the home of Mr and Mrs Fritz, Suualt % r Mr Kenneth 'Williams of 'Clinton; who relic ed at the Maisons Bank here, has r'e'turned to his. home Mr a uil Airs T Joyce and £Ir and Mrs 'Toll of Detroit, were recent vlaitors al, the home of rri.r. and Ms's Alex, Frister 111153 Ti tv1 5tcick, of London, who had 1>tre-1 spending her holi- days here, returned to the city on Tiles it a y. Mr and Mrs Ralph Litt and fain-. ilv, who sprint some time al the I,', an y e real parsonage, returned to Toronto Mr 1'i T Dunlop, of Frankford. a foliar?), Manan .1 01 the Itlolsons Paoli it Zurich, renewed old acq- uaintanc4.s here last week Master pa via Kyle, the C --year- old sou of Mt' and Mrs. Thus. Kyle Part Line. hadthe. misfortune to fall at a load of ants the other day, and fractured • his collarbone Mr and ::+i1rs Alphonse Foster, of Hensall, ''_4Ii and Mrs Jacob Batt- ler and family of -the l3abo ion line were,: 1+it�r' ,.' 7\, tehene1' thepast week Mr Andrew Yiittleho'itz and son Leo of Kitchener, bliss Leonora lii3S of 1(11 sp*ant Sunday at the horn o. .31::7 and Mrs. Thou 1Vlittleh jol Lz AIr and Pt':. H ..1ry Volland and two children of Tuckersnalth, Mt, and ,Mrs .t' Vc,llaucl of Hensall,and Mr John Albrecht of finish . are ,den Jiog the week • at Midht:] I, 14lich' L.FQ,iLI) ......r.n.'w'WI'wwsr."n�I,�uMlil+Waia..+uM'n,vwr•.rt. `AN .UIN3 THE NAM An n�9 In :eit . t � 9 Ly'ak"talid•w, Sii)aitrtfOng, t)rve ;1;,11 •;prism; Ta>th l l,tt 1 c)\>r t, 1)1.4.1 t )bell--. lit el) silo eons X'iae,fist nod true 'z' earino rails Impieineni ' lrifal'd: CCioitt 11 0ted ,:.p tplit,rlo Department ot. Agri( (lit tiro. Toronto.) 1'hc iron smoothing narrow, btiin• a rattler eitl)asy implement to 4 ta+.i10; is shpt to Ili, 1l le'ct1'd t tile c x reit ,t ljol t� 133Ar1:11)1 inose awl teeth 111,1 •111;. out, A -Sinai] wrench should al.. t) s be at hand. prat[ I ..bly strittirAil iu the .adjusting lever, with whit 1, :411 bolls Cleoid be tigl,tent•ti.uncl kepi la 'proper adjustment. The tetra should be kept sharpened If the Gar. love is to`;do its best work with the least expenditure of horse tit t a tt:) of labor:. '1'be harrow sections await' be tested 'for uniformity of set Ire, queptly, by !ming up oho teeth ancl, seeing that all are cutti.•g the sano 1150111, Long, abort, (*rooked, or doll 100111 reduce 1115 ehanenuy of thin 1t„ ,leineiit Wen not in use the bat row should be pil• .1 in sections uu, of haute's way. in storing away'aftel seeding din? it is a good practit:e to daub , 11tl.le`maci,ine 011 or grease 00 1111' bright' ht' pol'tion of Lich tooth, using brush. or cloth to do so, it an - arts, sUUCh as, bolts or teeth I,a\i (.k4.;i1 Il1Et 'Make note of it on a "aid tying the carol to the section. so ,iia. repairs will be ilniu(r. bef 1•e :isle'. row is,.:, equired for use again. 1 o rusty harrow tooth will ball ;:1) 013 iCe1,14',';.glass routs and soil_ 0a, icte: • in tiOcet gi'uur1d, redueing the um et lt^ 1 t'he work. ft pars troll 4•t, keep elite harrow t)'rtll hrigut ant: e 4113 ,,,The place in toe luli)lth,en. t , foil* harrows Where sliest it:. ot•'.:the' way is up un the s,t.t Nails." "-L,ong pegs biz. softies troll wit 44'4',Sections end ut'. U1'IVenl to tt,t ods ur \['all bourotr>g, ales. the 11x1 s.) t\ seellfl s [thug thereon: high, ur; and easy0; getwhe., illi ';harrow geed' t.ii' nil 11')•14.4,'1;!'1 • : , n 11 1 tit to oil Ina.) at,y uG,c. ,3,173itnple rr )t, Lifting and LIF,.. •_ti. os own .btu' ii.1„s. tats b�.w utk, ,;. t tna.)ult etalr.r: to , ake t{' L'aritig tha- is dust Frt-quent and car i.l start the C 'i ,,)raci.iee that wiii save tic 1,. ar Iag: rR fsw? dl�t if the laearll,bs hecomi 1 +.jSu.. a,r" ,.r•ti, Lilt; tire,[ in great., %) increased and the wort; not 1 ,lone. The oil can should' al\,.,,,. at band and oil should 111 itpptiet 2. oilei Wiles an hoelr a r atoro 115ll y sc wia; spa ad with corns rat!te Ates:,.; .1'341 tus o directions iie on the bear,,,;;. 'Ai eaa trot: be expected to last ii..'. 1101 ,,. and it does not, so oil often •%_ a 1 disc si iii stluteatc 'and -the 1, r1': tie .`telt i9 iletnenl3 ruttst-be it light !Lit is CO ao it best work, , �. I I old 1 b v4.rrne i, s i>,a \\ s e on [ ani. and aed when needed. It the di: Deo E 5 I a'1'1)aiaii of C<tisthin, AIb 1`1•[i free•truul rust, well burns,:' 1\'ill 1l ):,d- '11Vint) Ser\•1^PSS 111 the Mann \iu1 idietiali on Friday even ing nt !los week. rlu`bordtal in\it- cold smooth, they,are not apt to 0103 The i sty disc. may cause long delays tit %ar":y spring. Toe discs simian/ ire dry and. clean when put away, ane ati'e:'l it !Ate/Weil for all to attend a iittie rub .Witt/ a soft cloth sattll•- 1.1 ...id 111141 t"a H Jou, who spent ated with 1narililie oil will keep the t t 1 ., Fels \ r.•,i ion tit Toronto and wearing _ parts' 'bright and always other easrero points, have return- ready for theofield. 011, and ilii' Joy t•asimtrd heti bosh-- The Sl)ring TO."' h Harlow. yon as m,i:a t;r: r of the local Mol- The siiring nth 'harrow is an easier b n2len 5 t,to keel, in order Mr anti 114 X Lct1i1 t Trod/limey u.'mnei' and than the :\"!iso Aa•row. With large wheels twice a'r.d,Wr oiling will sullies:. daughter, .1hd riles 7Truerrth'`r, St,, he keeping oke tee bolts tight and Jf Detl'oit. \t't't'1) 4,51tors tit pant 'tile wearing sttrtaties clean and bright \\ rlr al. the homes of MI and Mrs :3rd the principlkl; needs leading to lly. '.t i Ui'nint'r and Itis and Itti s Ii,; t:ie„ trout workliig»:bf' this implement. Lipphardt steels points wtit`St be renewed or s 1ario•tled whirl re.rluireef. The wear - Th.' :•ple'n411,1 showers of rain on, logs Inerts should fie kept bright and Saturday iY eve n'll:; and all (lay 'In- cica;u;•this is b 'clone by going over V.3,l'L indeed \\t ieome, as therm with ti d4*';,i;loth and then Vol .till ft.trl znt v.:1 in i ,)• :4yii m with .an'" i1 soaked one, 'I'i1 ,;n2 11.''- or slit \\ t aka. Some of moving parts in the elevating mech. times Bank ..4.1 C �wkiien Cry for Pd l here Page )!1't'rt 4 Fletcher's Castaria is strictly a remedy for Infants and, Children. Foods are specially prepared' for babies. A baby's medicine is even more essential fur I3aby. Remedies primarily prepared for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the need of a reniedyr for the corrunOn ailments of Infants and Children: that brought Castoj:;ia before the public after years of research, and no claire. has been Made for it that its use for over 80 years has not proven. What is AST Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011,, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. it contains c n eine neither• Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. Fur more than thirty years it has been. in constant use for the reilef'of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; rillay;ng Feverishness arising. therefrom, a,d by regulating the Stomach and Bowels,aid the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural lee.. The Children's Comfort—The Mother's Friend.4,4 GENUINE tLoi,--.1%.a p . .O Ri .ALWAYS Bears the Signature of £f2.ys.""i'"7'f.n-'c a I Use For Over 30 THE CEII'rAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY SM.*, _$Tea, ea iet afford a Ford why not buy a nice Rubber Tire Buggy HESS sellas them Painting Ford Car; One r'oat,: $15.00, Two Coats .._ ...$20:00-. iCovering Ford' Top Goe d Material $27,00 Changing Ford Curtains to open with > :aigxiza .I ray' y p I)ooi s �.. a.. -�.^.: _.. ,• 918"011 '• IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERUPiIER YOUR E G',+Y WHEELS. .c y7 ® 15 �� 1a � -• 5 dal ++++++++++++++++++++++++++4.4-H f'd••l,.b•Q..A'r4••:,'Q•+ •:'•Q••C,Q•,b.Q.•-r•;;•p,,o;•++4.r•4•,1.+++++++++++++++++++++i „ •,•II••i•3••d••F+•II•�••I,.II••Qa.Q..g..a.,1..1•+i `pl+ ILurnbe t: '-Laths S.. - �' Everything in Combination 1�' n starmalri� screen doors made to orderei t,,� Vis` ' * s ,, \ ork c it Ejcc1a 113` l t` ays n the 1. ��� C li s l IL for ran i� w Q °�� 0. „r th? Lotter Cilie ns uclvise tis that I tt:sis111 require a,nd-.sliou.ld get sum- 4. 41. tt) y 1111',:' not seen it so d y In v,eat lubricant to keep thsna in condi- thirty ,)'itrs Lon to move freely. Lotti sheJtt,t painting when needed to protect We etre in receipt of .) eommun- toe iron and wood parts anti keel, icatit>lr from Mr and Misr; 1•]. Fi: t.. t wheels tight are very essentia, tltpir'I ,wIm hl4t'e btu.. louidttr 1l) tt :,)a,; and uselli31 lite of this i)- ')yt'rit dor 81)n.o months, advisoo: that 'they 01'1' n ayiilg. 00 •3 c'nunt.i} pia '' m the ,:ul),lrus of ,Jackson, Mich., whore tbay wet r'n„uav it l Lone.[. -•-- L. Ste\euson, U. A. t:.. L'i'fe i) ipll)nient 51ted, truck fanning. i%\''t. Wisi1 11Ir..3nd Si Clt,;r. tor too.l's and implements Mrs,. Happel esttsry surcrse 111 tlt4 a a'...,t,lutely necessary durllr tat new, \enturt?, hCipillg the 15 like t `rind when such aro not in action i , The wea,ihering elements will satire 40)11 4021 troy the wood or metal used A. numberoft:t11 3il1;i t' s and tm,tllulnunts, perhaps not fast enninittl','1 are spetrtilt thr:�il' `-',c,is •t, to- 3xcite the inldulont moo half ilt)Iltl;ty ny going to i11n714:d J, z' It"., a1CC1Ulr, but nevertheless, slow. south of Grand I,1 nti, :,lac! ,t'C17, y, store and steadily the Wood wiil de the •io,tutic• tld i ' tray and the metal will. rust, until t11t- gigantic. ,t that Is nom- implement bet/eines too -Weak to stand ning and largening'the big cut front the strain til us'e. A good roof u\•el the Sa,ulbe river to Inclake When Li, floor•thnt is always dry, anti ali,piy this is completed it wit, aid• goo large for • the ilzililenlent and tool atiq•in dl'ainii talo drownt.leyi awl -age requirenrent of the, farm is lends i.7 llosangt*tit township all that is needed. A palatial buill:i- • lug is not.. heeded.' Posts sot Mr. S R-5in:trt, reinesontinb the cement, a: frame .strong enough to United Clcditois 'A.ssoeintirin, Tor- I support roof and wall is ail.tliat Is onto, made 'a bi Sino , Cali in 1:1'it' required if a spet;ial building /oust village one day last v'ie)lc, Tho I be erected.—L. Stevenson,. O. 1,. c ob; .at of this eonxll)anty 'is to in -I 11oeiph, trotdiucr• a systetn to collect all uu. ,. paid. and bail accounts, and hri veOrch 3rd Mag Ale PrunedIn Winter',. the most up-to-date system • ,alongI . ii"i•uit growers -cin not need to wait. this lime that: we. know till', '1£ the! until spring, to prune their .crt:lhtz•tts.: public would follow . the conditionsf There is'littio Or uo difference in the of 'the "Blau Order Tiousos" andgrowth and .Maturity 'of the: wood pay; lis you go, a whole lot of'Tess. wiper:•°' pruning has . been done any tt:lne between November and May, the 1f Cuts the usualelosa to' Carethe is tal-.eai to mti•u111tallsor herein brunches, no stubs willbe left to die and decay,, though the covering of woiruds with a White lead and oil paint ,5r witiz e01nrnon 5rttfting way \earnlpe'd to the conslstoncy of cocci nlelitsses will gine added protection. irnuliD. would • prevail among the local merchants ch. ants . in rutin I1031tinttsr-• arts. The time is not `far off wheal this system .wall 1>t7 intro- dueed right her in .Zuric:h, a5 al- ready one merchant hos .decided to ake this step, and we cannot set, anything but success thereby, 441s the customer will not have a couple large accounts to pay at the lend of the year, wheel]: perh..tlis during he year Ire. has spent his money t things of less impurtancc The boy and girl should be made to 13011 that they are a. main factor in the nlailitentinee of a farl11, and not a slave orlservant to do little errands I on, the parents. ty 1 7 + ▪ PHONE • t o'21; is Y 1 Z.UR TIC Ili ; fir . ,i •7,.+.0 . •,14 1- 1»31 H' 5-•• r 4 i t” Q..ivr , . •1•, .Q,.g•.;..� , 4. ,. .. ,. 54 Q• . k•Q•3 . n E•d••k �••>4•Q•y•i oy•i ••s^'>S••i•esc tt3l S9A KC1 .c. -WHY HY WE CAN SELL SUITS FROM -$1,0 '.CO $16 LESS THAN OTHERS. j 1. We stock our own goods, •1' [Tranship, second to none. -...t.,,,l,._ ;,,-.p.....;.,,._.t._.,,.-.i._- 4._,~ -+.....,,.-ye......,_...+ .1 ✓. Our Sults are made by work. - 1 5. • Q' Have only, one price for mak-' in,g Suits, The very bust finings put in all our garments. We guar•,lntoe satisfaction or money refunded. 4• N DAY '1' B a• 1' t) FUNERAL DIRECTOR* AND NIGII T 1 PHO,...NE No. $6 •