Zurich Herald, 1923-08-23, Page 4OU
You Want to Get
hen come awl have a free
cud �.,onsu li::at on nal Anda'.. ,. August 27th
The best is the Cheapest—Why not have the Best >;:.
.C.PixieD. M. T..
lee 40 :NT INT
HOW'S -1.0-1% a, m2-5 p. nes 7-9 p. an. 1.>lcn;e 62si-1306.
��aR1 �gy..^.u. ,gyp, � �e�,`��. '�Fy 7 ��'aai� ..i�'4's,.'�\ T"y,'��
' •Wrw'*`''.•�'�%.%y:���`.6c". t\�4Y�.3. •\\•'``�..G.��•�1\'KN�s•« �-CC'�C .:.� .a. w.\ ,.� �� !/�'.'�a.\\� '.
pal 1 or
ire have made arrangements with
the .cord 'Motor Co. as well as with.
Cook Bros. Hensall, to handle
G."eine Ford Parts
and always keep a good supply on
Ms repair a y make of c,..r
Mr. Peter Kroh mechanic
L. A. Prang, Zurich Ont.
4. •
Display Advertising -Made known
&tray ,Animals—One insertion 50e
wee insertions $1.00,
;' 'arm or Real Estate for sale
-tefor first month, $1 or each. sub-
que.nt insertion..
iPrt1essional:Cards not exceeding
inoh, $5 per year.
es;;e reerel;e -tee( see aline fpr
ae d of 'Thanks, In Memoriam, 50e.
Local and Legal advertising nota
"dist insertion and be per. line for
-each subsequent insertion. e
AUCTION SALES—$9 per single
ereserticee it net over five inches iv
Miscellaneous articles of not
;more than five lines, For Sale, To
Tient, or Wanted, Lost, Found, etc.,
*each basertion 25a.'
;adress all eommunications to
Effective after Jan. 1st. 1920
.Subeeription Terms ;$125 per year
is advance; $2.00 may be charged
if not so paid. U,S. Subseriuti-
one $1+75 strictly le Oversee. No
paper discontinued csntil all aree
uceann are paid unless at the option I s
sal the publisher. Tile date to i i
which every subscription is paid
es denoted on the label. il
Owing to their •sca.+eity bananas
are selling in Berien, at 5000 marks
The Londor, Sketch sass amen
should laugh every fifteen minutes
to eekp in good health. It's :a
nder there's anw-1,c,ciy hying iu
the world today at all, for a good
healthy laugh veli heard some-
times for a whsle week or month
It is better try• keep in health
than to fly to Medicine -The any
chezxniet will. tell., us w. Ere int-:' i.
e�tercieee, and in -Aeration in� list iir
are the soz•e.rir,in bairns. nut'
"while healthy conclificns are ' de-
barred to so n,any' wr e must look
upon the chemist as one of eve
most valuable fe edicts.—Lx.
tip in Goelerieh theme le appar-
ently. some dissatisfaction, accord-
ing to a Zieltor iia London to-dav,
with one of the appointments made
by the Drury Goverilrn�ent. The
Present deputy aanie warden of the
district, diver Goldthrope, does
not even live in the c -nun trspx in
which he acts. Mr Goldthorpe,
whey is chauffeur to Mfrs Stot, of
Iroquois ave., Detroit, it, lives in the
American city, and it seems the
good peony of Goderich are alit
Iry neeyed to fed than an official
f the province 'should live in the
tates and at the s:i tie time act
n hie official I3p ecity as deputy
*acne warden. The visitor from
nderich hinted at some action be-.
ng taken to effect a change of
(fairs—.London :Advertiser.
ZURICH, ONT. School Fcd 's hi Huron County
Consisting of 100 -acres bring Lot S
13, coal. 12, Stanley Tp. A:s , 3s3.. sin
'sicres p•1, Let 12, con. 13, Stance -y Tpe
There is on the 100 -acre far=m a i t!
good 'stone 'house, bank barna ?rx iu
:5t1, driving shed and other nut slrild' w
.lugs The Tarot is in good. state of i:r
•uulti ��ation, clay loarn, drained, andea
'emelt kneed, 4 acres orchard, also !til
acres of hardwesed bush. plenty of i
ood water. The 30 acres are mo in
''tatty in pasture and make a fide ia
,pasture farm, Everything in good, eh
condition. For further' • Itarticutar's six
tphone 15-78, Hensel), or apply rttc
to Maggie Sparks, R.R. `2, Bay- th
4 iela. 01-5 sirs
w i11 begin two u -t eka from Thure-
e An aci e feature M1'{o our
ahool Fairs this year will be a
cep exhibit. This is being are
nged thenrens the assistance of
ie Federal t3raneh of the Dena/l-
ent of ?- rienituee•. en -operating
itle the lof al Drench here, The
rock will sent r.,a School Fairs,
ri'yirr representatives of some of
e loading h' ria of sheep Las
ell as representatives •of the
arkct classes ,;f s heceap. A specp
1 effort will lee made to sell high
Ass ramp for e 'a1 nercia1, Hooks. .A
pply of rams has 'been' s•eeured
ist of them from Huron Co, g-
o soene have been secured ant
e. Thr*4,e4 will be sold to pur
London, Ont.
rates t.,is year,. Sep • Sth to. 15th.
The Western Pair of this year..
"Ocil1 vet:lo-at' e doubt be the lar
vete ar i best ever held in Lo13—
t+n. The new manu1aetutexs T31i-
sitz , heeding over 300 Exhibits of
thenar of manufactured goods
Li'l occupy at least a whole days
;don fes any visitor to sell .ill
rat will 14. on Exhibition both u,l ,
hair itaad down. This builcl.e .r?
rcr,sting the Exhibition .''. soeiatiun
sever $110,000,0;1 and will fill a long
etefit want for u.wiit'able enact for
>+• elribiter: , It is situated in a 1
61Ceminent plaee on the grorinde
rltiri.d will be one •of the att,activr
_attires of tilt; .Exhrb,t::rn. Ad-
iiilassion at the pates 2ese t`ro ery day
'Venal erne' a tie the (,aloe lean wen it
'serene^1 :ee.ak f Gv; d is ;ty ;eiid
burs fay. Alit infrea l.i:ita en fro.°14 t
S'e't'!'Pr;y, 1;'11:'1'41 O$f7.•,i y Tri -
Inti, Ont
c a:isizrs at cost. It is hoped in
thi t way to it=our ge sheep br-
eeding the,:ttgl rwt the County.
There was an increase of $140,-
000,009 in th., total trade of (:anad•1
during, tail Com/. :11101411.8 of the :eur-
' lent` lineal year ending with July
accordint; fi lees just madelrub
lie by the oetr ent-ofeustotns
landc x^i$a, Poi, ' th[ month of ,lily'
alon;' the ir�riet4e over the prewv
Imre jelly.wo3 /1::0.000,00,4. The in-
creases in the wIticl,: for the four
month j was i es tt t't - well divided be-
wnon imports and e+xports, but the
inereaet in imports was about f,1fi,-
940,000 greater t ha a that in exports.
The total trade ter tl Y f
i~ our rnorrtha
ceding with Jely mit ww as $624,000-
00 a:s competed :with $484,000,004
for the corresa endirr,g per iod of Met
year.' Tho imports tor the four
eiltee o" tie t sell' were $•". i• i3O 0,0oo'
;.'s comp? i d+:. wit') 1.36000,60o 'it hile
ha d,irni.;stte ee ergs foe p c th•.e ctrl w
There passed' away at theism*
of it r parents on•.eeugust 7th, Mare
guest ,only daughter of Mr, and Mrs
Alex Parsons, Front Road,' Staeley.
She leavers to mourn bee }loss, her.
parents and two arather•s, Sandy
at home and Samuel of London);
The funeral took piaci 'Thursday
afternoon to Bayfield; oenietery
M0s9rs,:�R Baker, Howard Selves,
coder and ';leo Rader loft last week
for the harvester's exeursiou ,for.
;MIre Ileinbach and children of
Toronto have teen visiting' ;with
friendts, in this vicinity
Mr and Mrs Frank Jsiesenthai of;
Pembroke, who have been visit-
ing+ with Mr and Mrs Jae faehroeder.
have returneed hoin:e, 1Miiss lJkl'xi€>d
Schroeder accompanied the;ro '
Mr and errs Geo, Edighc?ffer and
Blanche and Ale Elgin Schatz arc
spending a week at Learaiiigton
\ Mr aid Mrs Geo r assold of Ro-
chester, N Y, ere visiting Mr ,ancl
Mrs P Fassold •
Messrs Gordon and, Leslie Gate;,
of Chicago are spending ` thein
vacation at their honre here
Mr and Mrs 0 Gage of Detroit,
•are: visiting at the borae of il..ifofe
Mrs Humble and children of
Sarnia are visiting the forme s
Rev and Mrs Yager and Clan
once and Miss M Ehlers of -Kitch-
ener visited in Detroit last wee.,
Me and Mrs L. Truemner and. da -
tighter of Detroit \visited with feel.
end's over the week er,d
Mr and Mrs J 0 Reid and family
.spent Sunday near Brucefield. •
Mrs J. Guenther and Grace are
camping at the :trend Heel Mweelt
Mr and Mrs A. Oestreicher, Bron
son. Line, entertained in horror of
their fathers, Mr. G. Oeetreicher and,
Ir J 11 Lane, on the occasion of
the anniversary of their birthdays,
which by happy co -incidence tell
on( the same dey of the same Year,
Tea tables were daintily errs-
ed on the lawn, -presided of 7•
Mrs J. McNiven, assisted by i\ties
Grace Kellerman and Miss A Lem,
`Dorchester. Those present from.
a distance were Mrs 0 Dibb, Mee.
Kellerman and Mrs Gwinn of Elk-
ton, Mich,: Mr J. H. Lane and .k1je
Alice of Dorchester, and Mrs James
MeNiven and little Flora of Lon-
Dr. Orme and family hrive ret-
urned from camping at Grand Bend
- Rev. McTaeish and family are
holidaying at Ripley
Me sli. E. Walke. of 'hylas, Alta,
are visiting Miss A Walker
Mr and Mrs Ni 0 Roszeli and ;chin
dren of Toronto, are visiting her.;
]Mir and Mr storm T'ruemneeend
daughter. and Mr.s Triitirnner
of Detroit, visited Mr and liars u-�
.The Misses Carrio and Darin Sch-
roeder are ,spending several we-
eks at Grand Bend,' after an extern-
ded cruise down the St Lawrance
to Montreal and Quebec
Viote.t Voelker -and Alava and
,Lavina Senith have returned after
holidaying -at Grand Benet
Miss Jessie Long, who has been
visiti as here . returned to her home
in Walkerton
,(Meei3NN sHoltzman.0nd t
children returned to their home r1%
Detroit, after ,speiluing two wed;
ears with her parents, Mr and Al
Jos Hoist
Frank Taylor, the popular an
tioneer and horse dealer, has di+.
posed. of his two race horses to T
Young, of Sudbury, for handsore
On Thursday, August end, a most
euceessfirl .sale of horses was held
on the 13th coi,oession of Uullee.tt,
at the farm of G D'Elleworth, The
horses were brought here from Al-
Berta, the price ranging from ;j e
to 1210, the a•-4 erage being about
The Donrinion Departneent'``of
,A.geleelture is endeeavoitrixig to.
prevent' the' taking of corn from
liddlesex County into Huron (o• -
testy, on,aecount of the double cju-
'arantine that hors been proclaimed
on the former county ,die to the
coal, borer 'whinli has been re"kag
ing the corn fields for >somp three,
At a point 'south of Centralia gov-
errzmeet men are stationed at the
boundary to see that no .corn is
transported 'rem Middlesex to
Huron, and all cars passing thr'ou
are' searched for green corn.
Mr.s;. Elliott and daughter, ter, 11'IrS
Hooper `of- ;California visited with
elr and Mrd 5 Fitton .
• Mr and Mee G S Howard and
daughter have returned from a
motor tele to Miehig:l,n
After an enjoyable ten 'days
'camp along the Bay`ficid river
near •Varna the' Hueter l3oy •scouts
returned home on Saturday last
W +T Campbell, of Regina, ,Soak
arrived m Exeter, haw•ing' cone
'do'wn' the lakes by boat
E J 'Homey left for Mitchell, wh-
ere the Dominion Stores are'op-
eeing a new.branch of 'which MrI
Tierney will have charge '
Hy Coultf srontinues in a 'very
tow •state of health
Mee Birk, who has been visiting
with her sister in Mancelona, Mich
i,a•s returned home w
Me and Mrs ,Connplin and family
are • on. holidays taking a motor
trip through the States
On Wednesday morning, August
$the a quiet wedding took :place
at Male St.. Methodist parsonage;,
iratrice May .Edwards, ad -
of Silas Stanlake
Stephen, became the bride t of
Mrs' W E Cerli;sse, of 1 eempag,
and •sistereieelaw "Mrs 0 .la (iai°itsle
end children of T•arnntenaxe visite
ing relatives Mere
Mr area Mr,s T w1" Ieartmer incl.
son ,Ruy, have left here for Marne; ford, where they Will reside in
Dr Campbell, eeee. whale treat
ing a sick horse the other day had
the misfortune to, ,git klcl;.ed oar
the erre, fracturing a bone
• ];VIr and Mrs 1Mlihii, Rennie have
retilrnecl from • Grand need where
they were eazrping fora montia,
accompanied• by Mrs leennie's sister
Alice. Dougall, .,and brother, .Dr.
Roswell ,Dougall. of Detroit
Mr and Mrs T Murdock werevise
ited by a number of . relatives
of Sunday last ineluding two of
Mr •Mttrdock's :sisters Mrs T'�riis, of
uLcan and Mos Hoover, of Gueliah
Miss lieargaret Murray of •eW
York, and Miss George Murray of
Londo,n are the guests of • il'%i'�s
James Southerland.
Miss E Robson of ew York ,arid
Stella Robasnon of Toronto, . are
z•isiting • their ,sister Mrs Harry
Thursday August 23rdk i•0;
l Coote :faros nave been appointed#
uptown, agents for the C,inaii.iax,
NNetionai Railways .;o that
w,il>lage is well tsrrpplied by agents.
6r the thi:`ee great.national rai'lw:iye;''.
namely, A L .Casey Joe the Grand
`Trunk; .A. W; 7 Hestielee, for they'•
eerterldiair' Pacific . >sarrd Cook I3roap;
for` the Canadian National. •
Mrs henry Matinee, of Quinn,,,
el Dakota. is Visiting her sister,
Mee Cele Jinks • :{leis butr en is a
daughter of Richard Pielehfoicl of
town, acrd has no ,t been home for;
elven years
. • J L. Iserr wars In t-oi n on Setiar-
day last giving •out the diploma..
to the successfl.il students of the
1:Ieirsall• Continuation Classes
The death oceuned in„Herrsall opo•
Sunday, August ;42th, Of Mrs Win
Hudson, et the horns of her ;son Mr.
Thomas eludsoxr•. •Dcceaeed who
was 85 years of age ted been core.:
fined to her bed for •several months)
prior to her depth: • She .wwnas bre,
ught froth. Seafor•th 'some ticre�agoi
',nd tirade her .home with hereon
(Colin for a while, later going ;.toe.
Thee Hudson -where shEe passed sae
way. The funeral was held from
the,honie of Thomas oneTuesd�ay,.ire
ternient• being made w 'lMlaitland.
cemetery ;Seaforth
Yo Wearing
ItheP - You
You want' Style
You want fit
You want QUALITY
You want Workmanship
hWd+ +
They have it
They have it
'They have it-
ij They have it
You want CLOTHES made with all these
:i o'a,nan A Homburg of IMioirnt points STANDING OUT at prices to suit you
Forest, Both were unattended
and' they left. the same cl, ib; (for E MAITr THEM. All we want is an o. o
Mount Forest, where they willlive �� _�
ori the g•roo>-ri's t
aim tunityto demonstrate our claim.
Wad was received here . last ,
»veek}.af the death of Dr le 14 3311-
lings, a: former well-known dentist
of Exeter, who passed away on: July
•29thni est Denville, where he had
lived for 'a number of years..Born
m Oshawa, he graudated frona.the
Ont Dental College at . the age of 1
21 years. ,Shortly alter.passing
his exams. he opeensee da dental
office here and practiced for a
years y �
�Iv �.� WORK
tr Yrth, ® e
Mr Harry 7apfe of Brucefield
making a trip out .West's •
The many (Bends of Heenrs Sch;: •
aef 'r of Kippen wili be sorry to
Warn that he is not enjoying ' .his
us•,iai good health.
.a,5iss Anna 13.11 ' McDonald of
Pre( c field, is 'spending her holi f-'
claps at Hyde Perk
Tax rate of the 'village of
13'•assels for 1923 is 42l_ mills, which
is a consdierable increase over
'a+1, ear, when the rate was 38
1- I' nulls. The school rate itself
t,utiute tib 19 mills
t'ire of unknown origin. destroy
eel a barn at the G-rosh Felt Come
parry, Stratford, on Friday> morning
1'Iati ualnage is estimated at *7,000
building is used, as a . stable'
for Grosh's harness horses, but
rJ,w re fortunately are •on the road
at picse.nt
Aft. r an il}nese exte+nideg • for
some time, Mrs AlexAndrersonof.
Ailsa. Craig, passed away on Fri.,
day last. Deceased liae the mis-
fortun:> to .fail about tee doss a-
go, 1'i',lc'tvrieg oi',e et tot limb arid'
;,rarlually •rew weakeer. She
hal bec::i a ,resident of Ailsa Craig
p:ecti ally alt her lite
The fine bink bare of James
Mrfree. on the 1st lino of frlorrisTp
near Mt in ;harp, was destroyed by
fire ladt Sunday evening with hill
the season's crop. etoek was
saved . 'The loss will be heavy and
is partly 'eove,ed by Mann—nee
A cortespondent writing horn
ay Cield says; Large eehools of
ninnows have levee inx'adiit the
eighborhood of the bathing ha-
rhes itt hayfield. •Coincident Witte,
is, many of the campers, prat-•
cularly the children, have, suffer -
from .akin, eruptions, The geebolt rat What is it? - It is thou sht
a: the minnows may secrete soman
bstance which acts as an itrite.
to th flesh: .
enl' year e'er"' 180w 0 0,001 as ago su
n $ ife0.0,0es iso 9
•'�.• . �urt o Canadian
a , `'..�.....,..,.
Neptune: Holds Co
A ,It1r,MARKA�i,Ephotograph • ` .. -:
_„ Of the ceremonies that took lac
set,' of h' place wizen....
France' crossed the line on her remit "round- Neptune
Canadian Pacific bythis a ,
and Other efliscials earns aboard in the world tour. ' Ns tune accomper Lrnpriyse
l the early morning and duly initiated those
ponied in his royal barber'
firsts time, Ibis Majesty's stayhose who were � .,.
r y on board was short, but the sant-wcie le tpid, fo
on board early and stayed until thec cannot be said of the Pitt' r .•tlt€r,
y end of the trip, lagod u
.mile T , as may be gathered Cupid, He carte,
passengers on that femora .sii3Onn mile cruise, no Iess,tha n g� , d £i e the :fact that out of a
n forty caret to ler of the trip aa n,, who 80of
of theilh photograph af. Neptune's curt was made by llfiss Margaret Miller of Waterbury, cry, Cohn,, who was opt '
of `tlie'shifr's passerigers