Zurich Herald, 1923-08-23, Page 1URI Vol. XX1VNo 7 ZURICH, T1-IURSDA.Y MORN AUGUST 23, 1928.. . •..._�•sveys+srm rel.lri�rmlu®w•-�_._.•�__•__.•z� p �'.. .. .:.. rY�Y�'dwfwGv'�i'1:'.WUW.:u'/C%. _"1.FI ,. :... .•.:. ..: /I.��Y�IYI�r�I�ilOYil�!'YRIIIr rMI ';IMiYMY [Seasonable Footwear WITH ,THE. HOT SEASON FLAP -- IDLY ADVANCING .AND COOLER DAYS WILL SON 13E A CERTA- INTY, WE WISH (20 DRAW YOUR ATTENTION TO 'IHE FACT THAN HEAVIER AN'D 11101LE PLY YOU WITH. OUR SUPPLY .IS UNI1IM1iED OF ANYTHING. IN THE STAPLE FOOT-; wear Line, We have Kids, Patents, Calf, Etc., in maw,' of the atest and niftiest Styles that will suit Yoy. All our Sandals, Running Shoe's and Slippers are priced vary low to Blear. Get that next pair of Men'sW;ork Shoes from Us, as we handelee the Celebrated GREE SHOE• DURABLE FOOTWEAR WILL SOON BE REQUIRED, WHICH WE ARE IN A POSITION 1T0 rS.TI;P.. W. HPFILE, ZURICH THE HOME OP GOOD -SHOES REPAIRING NEATLY _DONE aMise ••••-• :pOG•4� 'oC�aoob000vbc 000a'' o-4 000'o.0•ea'• e2oc�• �•O'•�9• d• Y1 G''40•d00'O'l>Yi°1 �'d'!i'•l!•4.`�•PY.1•4•t9•l!�•00'!>• Mrs N' Sararais is spending the vfeek at St. Marys Miss. Mildred Hoffman is spend- g the week at Stratford •The first light frost of the sea- ozi .took place on Monday morning onstable Jul Bloch, and Mr. Jos. guar were to Goderueh on Wad- ley Miss Mariam. McDougal, of near Enter, is the guest oL hersister, T 'L :Williaius- verybody say ."THANK YOU" Providence for the nice showers i Saturday evening at,d on Tues - s John Walper and three chil- en of Harrow, and Miss G. K.es- e `df Exeter, arevisiting at the Me:of Mr and Mrs Herb Mous- ( -? vq , .11 MO M r . and Mrs George Meaner of v.Hauiburg and Mrs Staebler of eveland, were Sunday visitors at "Ea*aingelica4 parsonage a.biSiirs Milton Hey and Lennie ;Brien aceompani,ed by three boys +fofn" Clinton, were camping at' yfield the past week he flax pullingg ang of F. C. a,bfleirsch completed this year's u!1 on Monday evening. doing the ,:fie'ld at Kippers.. that day n!4 Mid -S m e °. ,_ Frano • F lvlrs, (Garvey Church and two aigirtei s, Ruth and Ruby, who pot four week's at the home of he, fornier's Parents, Mr sand Mrs *v . Iflope, hale retui%ned to their � ae at \\rel'land iA Here is an opportunity to obtain one of the mos desirable and popular dresses of the summer season:. D at a remarkable reduction. Clearance is a firm and hard master, it respects p neither value nor fashions. Everything in the line. ,p of Summer Dress Goods rust be sold regardless of cost, We have a great variety of styles and the col • - .'� ors are the choice of Fashion •,�\ "C 100SE EARLY" 1.6 Yote the remarkable reductions on the following Ratines Or wadies Foulard Voil Et Ratines Odi r.•ab' es Foularas a REGULAR $2.25: REGULAR $1..35. REGULAR 90c. REGULAR $2.25 S. $1.75.CLEARANCE PRICE REGULAR $1.25. CLEARANCE PRICE CLEARANCE PRICE ... -_. ......... $1.52 CLEARANCE PRICE 90e CLEARANCE PRICE ... 65e REGULAR REGULAR G i W tiL ULAR I' REGULAR REGULAR REG•UL AR $2.25. CLEARANCE pRicie $1,75. CLEARANCE PRICE 1LL 65. CLEARANCE CR I: C t i i ?rocs _• . $1.25. CLEARA.IN-CE PRICE 90c. CLEARANCE PRICE 50c, CLEARANCE PRICE $1.00 QI nl 90e. z..._....:..._ $1.75 $1y25 1125 .$90c fisc 35c s AS WI HAEV ^AT PRESENT A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF THE GOODS, DON'T FORGET SOME OF iTHESJ 1IE ONLY DRESS LENGTHS. REMEMBER THEOLD SAYING; "THE EARLY i,]:PD CATCHES THE WORM." '+3,M.1. .a+e-43. °+'•1'++++44 +' 44++2••3.4 'HOZ •1'+ 3.4+++43-4.4•41-4°•l••i•• .l••II.4.44 -•i'• +++°F•'r'i 444- ° fi••H'++++++•3„I°•e� J 31.R. 4.1. ;; hone 59 ZURICH Bring us our Alsi e and Clover Seed. We always pay the highest Market Price according to Quality Produce Wanted .l✓ r4:74.4 ✓+rlJ'+. + + ✓✓+,I�.✓""'.,A '. G +f.�✓' + r/'�. / .'. ✓.3'.,/v + . w�J+,G'✓ l..7' xh � '`'..�.a�r�'"� � ,w�Wr' ,'�'h. +C �.. "�r.�.' �.1' `t,S. �•.S^ ' ��6°��.1''C'.' �t•+Cu`a' G�ti.r�°�'w2>."`'y�'.',;,^s."�'.�r•�,.'.."ti"'�."R''3e '^.""5r:"'�ut'CS° �'+ "ti'1 C>t I• -T•ew rW J ;'S!ager of Dash- god, oc?&upy the 'pulpit in the Ev- atigelicat: church on- Sunday morn - r ftbE- Wil Jae no (service ill f Lew � ii is .'.a.. ,uRI,G�GI,if h•7�x been' gran 40 t o Week's holt lax?i. Ilessias G. Holtzman, P. Heaver, G Eilber'and John Gaseho, atten- ded the funeral of the lute Mat. Noriock, at Crediton on Monday. iV,1r.112oriock was one of the oldest men, in. the district, being 95 years of ,age 1i ,and Mrs Fred W Hess, who ,nt the past five ; ears at Biggar have retarued (t{o Ontario» u°4Hess Navin; purehase•d the stook oft he Heriseli Jewelry bus - Mess' and.: will concha t same in 4 future. We welcome them back to g. the: east, and hope they will have. I' ntueli success in our neighboring + villa z e + alj hcster . L, Smith, kohl* $1.25 a Year In Advsisa4a, eiao IN 4,Fi:ItEAiwk, B'. X1:4.1' BE -ORA AGVD Phonograph Repairing We carry a full Line of Main Spr- ings for all makes of Machines Prompt Service HESS the Jewele PHONE No, 74 Incorporated 1855 •' Capital and Reserve $9,000040 Over 125 Branches MOL T II DNS BANK This institution offers deposit- ors safety for their saviinga,xu- asonable interest compounded every six months, and freedom. from red tape in case of with, drawls. Savings Department 'at every Branch' Deposits of $1 and upwards invited. C. H. JOY Manager Zurich Branch **•00444044.444.4404444.44.44.44444,4444.44......4444,4r. Spring Goodsf qx 4Th 4 Just • Received a large number of Genuine Woolen Horae Blankets in Assorted colors Size, 72x84. Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, prices a Ranging from $7.00 to ......._. ... --- $15. i• SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US A CALL. qi;, ' A BIG Stock of HarDess and Halters always on hand; I Club Bags, Suit Cases and Trunks at Right Prices, 40. PHONE 102 4. HARNESS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY .444444, ZURICH 9?vw0$O•lhbdk'4!Rai �'�RdiY9c9� W� iA4P�F� 4. 4' 4 . •i• �• '. 'Mr Louis Kalbfleiseh, of telfith ;ort, Hay had a narrow escape of his 011e wile threshing at his ome lnCiday last week. The cut straw 'bit( the macine had been blown n t: ie straw sed ,and Mr K:albilei- eh s son Ed. and Mr Hy Staubus Were in, the act of walking over t1u pile of straw •with Mr Kalbfleisch taking the lead. The floor had g,iv'e , away to the extent that he. .tell' :into the loose, honeycombed Part of the pile and only one hand Inlaid be seen out at the top, the cother two men tried at once to pull. )liars out, but in vain, the other thr- eshing hands were at once 6um- 103 ed. and the straw hair to be remove. before Mr Kalbfleiseh -was able to get out of his distress M. Fred, Thiel has sold his dw- elire property, at the north end ae village to Mr jos. Foster, possession given October 1st Dia J 5 Schram of 541 Talbot st. anclon, and his cousin, Frank lt3 hram;. of Lansing, Mich., almost 1 .,�4'st^their lives at .Grancl Bend on iXonday° while"rowing on the' lake ,47 V1ii,h •Was very rough. The two °ko'pt the boat afloat for a Tintx, but suddenly it was upset by kluge wave. Dr Sellraiu and kris cousin are good swimmers, but Both Were caught in the strong un- dercurrent that prevailed, and a •deslxezate battle for ,ale followed. Frank Schram ' after a time show "ted that he eould not hold out, ii.tl =Dr Sehrain, who was closer to short+';'. turned back and managed 0 . to keep the weakened man afloat until'he towed him toward the pier ' where life pies ;rvers that had bey r% •eat : thrown into the Nvater carte within rPaeh. The men rent lied tn1• in�clical aid whenthey finally re- \Wi' ached shore, but soon recovered. ;AST IA For Infants and Children In Use ForO,e*' 3OYeara Always bears the .: fa of 4.4* 4 ° r3. 4.4. •3• f• 4. 1:+44+÷4÷..,÷4.44.++4 +.,.rl°•k.•1.•1••g•.i•.t..g.° •£'+°1,++ +++++++++++44++++++++++++440141444444+4-1.444.4.4444444446 BARGAINS IN Canvass Footwear See our South Window for Big Sacrafiee in broken lines of •T White Canvass footwear. Prices ranging from 75c. to $1.511.. 44. .Also many new varieties of Canvass Footwear in aur Stock 4a not listed here. WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION Repairing done by the very latest methods • 0. R��& SON SHOE MERCHANTS ZURICH ONTARIO Kt SPEC) "AL SIA: UES . WE HAVE JUST OPENE I3 UP A. NICE LOT OF THE LAT- EST PATTERNS AND COLORS IN CRIaPES,. C]IKGEi.ArIS, VOILS, PRINTS, GELATEAS, ETC. ALSO WE ARE MAI(ING A BIG DISCOUNT ON HALTERS, AND HARNESS REPAIRS, MIT rS, AND GLOVES, UNDERWEAR, OVERALLS, ETC., E?TC, 1 GIVE US A CALL AND YOU WILL FIND TIIAT OUR PR- ICES, (QUALITY CONSIDERED) WILL COMPARE WITH ANY OF OUR COMPETITORS.: Highest Prices for Farm .fro:.c (DOUGLAS ENEMML mEtior-i ANT PHONE 11 9LAK