HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-08-16, Page 8Qx 4 All lines of Summer Goods enumerated here, as well as malty other lines will be sold 'sir, regardless of former price and regardless > COSI. gq''if .[•„" '10 SPOT, REG, 141.75 ei au, NOW' per Yd....... $1.00 calory, itl+:ta, $1.,15 Yd. Now per ): d 85c oViaud rigured and Floral Elects, &lues to $1.25 yd. i '.1 VY 48 Plain, Black, Cream, Grey, Pink :aid Orange, 38 -in wide for 35 HOSIERY fluttcrfly Silk Hose all 'sizes 75c cr i' b lisle hose, all sizes at __, ...35c die cotton hose all sizes at 25c 14 -nun cotton .rl:ose, ali sizes -,-20c T• RINTED VOIDS e $0 -inches width at per Yd.... ...15c ..TIES All ?alines and crepes, Peg. 1?ac+ yd. now 65c Silk Crepe '< ariety of colors now at yd....$1.30 Voile Blouses F;gin While colors, your choice, at each 75c Fancy Chintz House. dresses ,e ply clearance price each _., $1.50 NIGHTGOWNS Pink, Nainsook each -.. ._.$1•.00 �Yr J. MEN'S WEAR IVIee's Slit front Shifts, values to $3.00, now, each .. .._. $1.70 hats, at Half-price $1.50 coon+t weight caps at 85c Sea, fine cotton pr ---------------- Wo .. ti So; pr. 18c DINNER SETTS 1 only 97 piece sett, Regular $e,5.00, Now :$26.00 .1 only 97 piece sett, Regular •*.3.00 for ._. $19.50 1 oriy 50 piece sett, for -- -$9;,75 Glass Tumblers each .._ _..' _...,. 5c BROOMS Leather bound, each ,uLNNOX LAUNDRY SOAP 6 BARS POE _-- --- 1(50c 25c. Produce Wanted Phone 67 Zurio:J.'s'ora. BA FTE RI S! BATTERIES! We are again handing the Battery IP IN NEED OF A BATTERY BETTER CALL AND SEE US WE MAKE A SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATTERY WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO COMPARE WITH ANY OTHER. e e QUALITY AND .SERVICE CONSIDERED We also handle the famous TX. S. La Battery A COMPLETE LINE OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES AND GEN- UINE FORD PARTS ALWAYS ON HAND NOW IS THE :TIME TO HAVE YOL`It CAR REPAIRED. OtJi1 POLICY IS FIRST HERE, FIRST SERVED. COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH. WE ARE EXPERTS ALONG :THIS LINE AND CAN ATTEND TO YOUR NEEDS AXY ACTYLIN WELDING BATTERY CHARGING BATTERY REPAIRING H. Mousseau Zurich 'GI EVEIROUGm .I. I AI! co 0 6 GI Arad General ate. co As Our Mechanic is agaln.able to I cls all kindsa M I of O��ts�.�1c, work, eve are • in a position to fill your require- i rnents in all kinds' of evetroughing w roo ing and general tinsmith work. NOtuiS IS THE IPIMl dP TO HA ✓ L Tl'l'l'SsVOlil� DO�YE 13EFO 11,'' 1as 0 1 H!S' COLD ROPPGH PALL W 1ATHL" i , SETS IN co to SATISFACTION IS TEM MO i'TO t. , v.H0 THA1 'Gi' E AL it A ' S MAIN- ae ::''. Tarr`. 6 w All kinds of Sheaf( and HearI Hardware w Always on hand •w •• • poi S WEIDOI . 1 pREE TE:R BLOCK - ZVAICH 41 wiwo•sows6040604•40,4+00afire, 000 to1iNitrinwMiNlsi ; aeale Mr anti, Mra E O A,+, i ever a''a'alla» nig at Grand 13'nd 1':rt x+ Mee E+ Lei.+ of•Str,tlaicti vis- iting at the borne of :' lr W O Cal- lies Mr George Pfaff aad son. Ryaon: of Milvertoai,, were wLeeescard visit- irs with friends herr. Rev, and Mrs, F. f Houa1d of New Dundee are •t,p' Cuing their tC+lrected every Wednesday) nutter . 35 , . Lewd "apples per ib. _,. dutch setts per• Ile Potatoes per bag Wheat per bushel ,.. _.. .,, 149 Oats 49 Flour per cwt .3'.00-3.75 Bran per. toga 28.00 Slrurtsp er ton ._,30.00 Hogs 18 2e holidays with frieiidherr VIr and Mrs Fr-l'r':- Eecla, of :De- troit are visiting at the home of and Mrs Elmira Willoit, 14th, Coe!. Hay. Me and Mrs W.- "Nib1•ler and cnniily of Listownll w nde honze rl•i 'il?t•` 1111pp • a +`•x,{/ days with -sly and Mrs 0 F'ri,ta, Mrs FUber't Stel 1;.. and d,ru,Tu•_ ter Miss Hazel of f, 6':•^rr,'a "are vis 'tin.; at the r,onyee 7+/Lre.'.J,Max gtelck, Me and Mt ,3 'Ieq, h. and Mr and Mrs Ed. Steele: 7 4th,`eon. ,-rev. H, Rembe. vein., is spending e two wigelee vae1.ti"n at Hamil- ton, was called horn ° o Zurich ov- nr the w€isk-er.cl on ::^count 'of the two funerals which r,,nk place Mkses Mildred ani! Milver'na Ge-- i,•er•,"'the two caii hter-i of •Mr. and Mrs, Josiah Get, were operated on ly Dr's. 1VIatK•n•-o.i and O'Dwyer on Monday for removal of tinsils. Harry Ubelaeker. '. camper on( the Exeter side of Grand Bend, acs i•idi nty shot himself in the'' hip while cleaning' a involver on Sun day. Medical attention was` sec- ured immediately, and a1tho>tgh • Mr Ubelacker will 1•r laid lip for. weeks, nothing' serious is Expected to develop John McKinnon who gave.„ his address as hroughe..'e. London, lied his right -ear cr atplete1y.;sev f•red when, he was h•erled through the v,inclslrield of a c rr-ln amotor accident near Dab]'. td, oiii4fon- day. - There were three other passengers in the car when it le- aped 'lnto a' deep 411tch; but a- part from a' lever* ,shaking -up, they escaped -without injury' On Sunday last Mit Mary Ann 0 Brien, of Hay,Townnhtp, who•.was eeii bratin 4 her 94th 1 uithday-, had a de'i htful suvprise 'vhen her ther from Sarnia, se' c;+el nieces'a relatives dropped ir, on her a held 'a little faintly rrnunion. though suffering free.? the •efia of a fall she recsivt-.d some ti ago, Mrs ' O13cien is very happ t a.ud clteeftit„_. &id...ii pie ant tame was .pe'nt i= Sunday c ening .-.,.� Again we wish'make the :aouncernent of the Xrmiens' Inst- itute annual picnic, wbieh has been dated at two •,fferenttimes 'Ih'e lastand final d.ite is nowset as Thursday afternoon, August 30• The eventwill be held on the s„acinus lawn of Mr end Mrs.Peter Manson; Goshen Lint_ Stanley. A special request is marl' for all reerx, bees to be present a' -id to have as many of their gens a, presentr as possible., as a go -y.0 good time i9 assured. DATES OF FALL 'PAIRS hayfield Sept 25-26 Sept 27-28 Oct 4-5 wept •17-18 ,Sept 5-7' ep 27,--28 Sep 25-20 Sep 20-21 Oct 5-6 f'• u;�s41s C Kt.tcr _ Ci o dr:.i ich Lyse now .. Ntitchell rt_alorth -, ti� illgham _., Sept 27-28 SCHOOL ..FAIRS Sept. 6th. Fordwich Sept. lith, Wroxeter Sept: 10th, Ethel Sept 11th, Belgrave Sept, 12th, Bluerale Sept. 13th, St Helens Sept 14th, Ashfield Sept. 17, Carlow. Sept 18, Clinton. Sept. 19th, ZURICH Sept. 20th; Dashwood Sept. 21,st, Winchelsea Sept 22; . Pouter's Hill S. -apt 24-25, Winghain, Sept 26, Waltno Sept.27, Dublin; Sept 28,'Blyth OOct-1st, Varna Oct 2, Crediton Oct. 3rd; Grand Bend. LOST About a' week ago, a patch - Work cushion with red friil • and red back. Finder: please ; return to J. C. Reid & Cass, store, Dash- wood; or Herald Office, Zurich. NOTICE. On and after Sept: 4th, 1923, We will discontinue &Jing credit bro Business. The conditions .of the nd Country compels us to 'make this lel change. Kindly don't ask for any Al- more credit after this date. Pro- cts duce will be taken the satire as me cash. Pay- your own debt and y, let the other fellow pay his, Less as- Profits, and a quick turnover will v- be our motto after Sept 4th. - 'Tina ly, T. L. 1QURilt `Z1rRICtI +, •6-3' an- • The silent Policeman that has ween put up on the r•,+ltiare in front of the 1Vlolsons Bair': is there ,fol the purpose of dires.+i:tg. the traf- fic, which is rather l+,iavy at t4i1 , i13 well as to insure ''tfety to` .:the. lives of t -ho public. The aufo4and \ Melee are requested to "Keep to the .right” of this Policema •il y- u are coming from the west# Uid wish to go' north:, be. sure (and chive around it, and always Stay on the tight hand side of 'tiresam9 and you will be obserlig th;~ traffic rules. County Co'trSt- abie Jul, Bloch, has br:..n instrtt- elect.elect.to warn the public to ob- serve these traffic rules, and if in any way people are found disobey mg them intentionally, it soil' he necessary to apply the Anse to such, KEEP TO i clI Rltalil,. Premier Ferguson of Toronto, is hopeful for a • still lower freight quotation on the transportation of Alberta coal into Ontario .i.n when ho asfeinbles sortain f"•tet and figures .which he is now peep aline; will retake a personal <<isi to• Sir Henry Thornton to impres upon. him ° 'the big business"e: i mean -s in the future for the 'Can- adian National Railways. the rate Heed by Sir Henry is ton frt.iyht for air experimental trainload of 6.000 tons THE WESTERN PAIR I Up to the pi esiioF' 't bait cars crossing into Canada, from the U S. which carried a radio outfit we- re conipelleed to make ac deposit 21 .$75 before being ollowed to,. take it into the country, As a re - .cult, those, who did so had $75 •lessr+ to spend here than would other- wise have been the case. The Cleveland Motor club reported to the Ontario Motor League, that a number of its members Who had toured Ontario recently had the •- money they had planned' to spend on their trip here curtailed to that extent, white others who wo uld otherwise hate enjoyed the. pleausre of having a radio 'along had :left it behind. The. League authorities •ac::ordin,;lyg at into cConiinunication with the Dominion Dept. at Ottawa andthe result hap been, that the Depai tnient :has consented to consider radio outfits carried by visitors tounnsts as part of -the car equipment, without any expense attacher wllatevi;r. BIBLE THOUGHT ...FOR TODAY... Bible Thopr hto memorised, will pr vo a price one crane(' in after yearn. d A Good name is rather chosen a;. than great riches,. and '101 mg favor l•.athat' than siker andg . old -Prov. t 22;1 s - t As I live, eaith the Lord God, T hove' no pleasure in the death o; the .wicked. Tura ye, turn ye from! yrnir woes for why will ye die, 0 house of .lsreale Ez.33;11 Labor not to be rich, erase`from thine own wisdom, Per riches ter Leidy mike themselves wings, they fly away:-Provi 23; 4,5, LONDON,, ON1'1, s` The Western Fair from a Live Stock stand print is ono of tate, bets Exhibitions held. • London situated as it is. in the centre of the garden. of Canada, ;.i.l1 Li'v'e Stock Breeders and Exhibitors al- ways r'epor't plenty of sales of their animals tin Exhibition at London, 1'h' noy's and Cliris calf feediii, competitionwill again be a feat- ure in the Live Stock i)cpartinc itt The judging competition will also be continued. Additional ,roinnd has been purchased and twoteee,- tions of the cattle farms <'nro' eel;. This will give a large amount of extra room for judging etc, If a prize list is required send the Secretary a post card and oneiwrll be mailed at once. All inforl a.t-.. ion at the. General Offices, is d>it,'Ont. 1�, Now,. when the sun 'was Setting all they that h<id any sick with divers diacasee brouget thein onto thein, and hutted thn?-Luh 4;40 The young tions da tack, and softer hu,ige ; bet they that se- ek the Lxti+tl shtill not Uzant .any good thing -Pe. 31;10 + ea+g+ Jesus carne. preaching the gospel of the l ingdom of Goa, ":1,nd say - Ing, The time ie. fulfilled, and the ltingdorn of Gori ii at hand; repent ye, and believe Inc gospel Mark 1;14,15 He that Believe au me, the Works that I do shall he also; and greater works than Geese shall he 1 . ""."—, , > ^•__ _.: _ :: 'l'hm day A u grist 16tb1 1923 ... �q �:varxMWa.+W1'�-0ss�i!,+ry,Wyy�p.W..RWi�gICSWw+F. .. TiThe store woo the L ;ileroi 61131; Di va lni NOW IS THE TIME TO DO YOUR FENCING, AND WE ARE IN A POSITION ,TO GIVE YOU n, GOOD CHOICE OP PENCE AT VERY LOW PRICE'S, THIS IS, FTIfaIi7]ST GRADE MADE. WE HAV E FENCING >,�.,....m.,,....�.�..,,.,:.�.. COME AND HERE ALSO. AT A LOWERICE. LOOK IT OVER IT MAKES' 'A GOOD F•,Sls'Clj ND +�"Q,+' , .STRETCH UP FIN. IF WELL GALVANIZED A WE PENCE, NOT• HAVE .IUSi1' WHAT' YOU WANT IN THIS LIN "NCE+, WE CAN GET 1 p FOR YOU IN A FEW 'll E - ,.m.. DAYS. Take Notice Every prospective buyersliuuld know this. This is very important. - A Chain, no maetar how large, is only strong as its weakest link Now this is the point we are driving at. Do not be satisfued' with any Fence which has not as heavy a wire used in the lock, asthe line and upright wires, be- cause it is bound to go at hat point first, and time will surely tell. rakadisnonmaxmaave We have ona an aissortm na t ofA "p'M' Price's will be right. Choice Galvai z e We have painted `Gates in .stock from latst year wli "'" We won't refuse any reasonable, offer; You"=take the p last, Barb Wire, 'Coiled Wire, Plain, Wire all galvanized. price, enough for all. Staples, Brack wire., Rig stock everything you . need. Augers, Pliers, in fact 2 large fence stretchers atyour di's o you need it, No Charge. p sal. Ask for one, if NOW, LET'S•GO AND MAKE THIS A..-- ABBUlVMpER FENCE YEAR. e. PHONE 63 5Y ?+er Ce r t. Per Annum Payable .=.�. 3' elf dearly ON CANADA TRUST CO. GUARANTEED MORTGA,.,E 'CER- :. TIF CYATE.S. 5, er Cent. PER ANNUM PAYABLE HALF -YEARLY ON miaow &; ERIE DEBENTURES. CCanada Trust Co. Guaranteed Certificates and Huron" and Erie Debentures are .Protected by Assets of over $25,000,000+00 $100 invested in ;Cana+La Trust Cu.,Guaranteed raiiteed Mono-- age Certificates in twelve, : months will earn .for _" - $1,000 in twelve months will earn $55,00 you ,$5,x0. $400 invested in Huron i si & Erie �� Debentures in twelve months will .earn for you $5.25. . '$1000 i,11 twelve months will earn $52.50.' t i LET IVIS ARRANGE AN NVESTIVIENT FOR YOU NOW, Andrew F. Hess Have You MADE YOUR WILL? DR. Join WARD Painting and Paper Hanging Chiropractor and Optometrist of .. Exeter will be at Walper House Zurich. on Monday, Wednesday 2i•nd Priday of each week, from 10 aim, to 4 p.m. For giving Cluroprac- he Treatments and examining, Eyes, 8-22 I Am in a position' to do any; kind of paper hanging, paintin re graining and, .decorating. H. Elelimeiem, 7uvich tf-•a7 +++0+1,+1+++ +T+4.' '+++++a 4•'4 4'A +4 ffi•'1'+fil++D+ •++II+*+1F4+ i+, LONDON .ONTARIO September h 1993 The Popular Live Stock EXhibitions cif Wcsteri) �'• -a C titan() * N • 40,000 in Prizes and Attra Attractions c�tiOnr.9 I The Near $1b0,000,00, Manufacturers- Building 4 Holding over 'Three Hun die d Exhibits. 'Conic and see Them 1 �\�ONDb7RFUL P ;A'i'1'OhM 1+ A i I R.A.CTIONS. 61,41'. PROGRAM'S� gat SIC -FMB 'G4 s,'RKS--VU'�II. ' Something Doing all the fieri +'l" JONNY a: JONES SHOWS ON 'II:iB 1VITDWAI:' 44, 't°` ,dil.isaion 25r • i* �r all 1 week, ,Cla. d • rl sen„ sac. I1: as, Ill Children free on Monday, September lata&'. flus will be the Big 'Year for the Exhibition., Everybody forme a " Ali Information from the Sectcf,ar. + y+ J. 1. rS,+tVUt4DI+al; S, Pretielerlt+ q, ;~;,1�;, ISCI;ISI':!~, Stc:ty.q,� cloy becauSe I go mato eery Fatltur J0111114,12' •e.e. +i• •4e+ e++ '++3+>1++ + •e,4! ++•4'+t' 4++F+1i34'4-t+1,eetetileseiegiververie 1