HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-08-16, Page 5b2' s, to s. it it it it: i�P• Thursday, .August Kith, : 1922 BUSINESS CARDS •eoudfoot, Killoran & HOIeMFS• Hamsters, eollc:itors, Notaries, putuli:, Etc, Office on the Satiate, hd doo.0 from Hamilton Be. God - *rich,. + Yriyate .funds to loam at 1oWeet rales, ip..X''roudfoot, K.C. :3. L. Killoran D. E. Holmes. #r, Holmes will be in Rennet' an•� Friday of each week. Aedrew k'. Tess, Township Clerk Inner of ,marriage licenses, Notar9 '>itblie, Commissioner, Fire and Aut- omobile Insurance, Representing Huron and Erie lVfortgage Corpora- tion, The Canada Trust Co. Zurich, Ontario, Smith L,71.S. tjl'oronto.) 1D,D.S„Chicago) DENTIST AT WALFER HOUSE, ZURICH, EVERY WEDNESDAY MAIN OFFICE H1;NSALL OSC ILOPP AR Graduate Carey M. Jones at- ional School of Auctoneering. Try, me for Registered Live Stock; , (All- Breeds). Terms in beeping with prevailing prices. Choice tangs for sale. Will sell anything ytuywhere. Zurich. phone 18-93 or write, LiGensed Auctioneer I;icensed' Auctioneer for County. et Huron. In a position Con- duct any auction sale, regardless as to, size or articles to sell. I solicit your business;'' and if not satisfied will make no charges for services. Weber -Dashwood. Arthur Web , Pbone 31 r 13, Zurich Feat Fresh and Salt 1Vleats etc $oYOgna Sausages, Highest Cash Price S & g� IDES CASH FOR SK Tungblat SL, Deiatut LVERY I am hi a position to accoino 'date all requirements in the Livery Line, have Auto for hire, Any- thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL 'Phone 59 Zurich; el, S. • A.TKINSONe L.D,S•, p,D.S, DENTIST t raduate of the Royal College 'Of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and of the University of Toronto. Late District. Dental Officer, JaiI- ltery District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every TUESDAY AND FRIDAY from 10,00 a.liv. until 5.00 pan at the;Com- uerc-ia1 House.: Main Office at Exeter, Ont., Phone 34. -19 LIVE POU LT R WANTED. Taken every day till 3 Oclock p.m. Do not feed fowl same morning, when brought in, 'Highest Coes Prices --CASH FOR— Cream Cream and Eggs W. O'Brie Phoaie 94, Zuriich PUT YQUE Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found!, Notice, ds IN THIS COLCMN, FOR SALE .A. new Maelaey-Harris corn Bin - dor for sale oe rent. Lt A, Pveli ,--Znrich U6 • FARM FOR SALE C'o.n:sieting • of 50 acres of good farming land, being Lot 5, Con- cession 1T, Hay Township,. There is on the farm a good veneered House, bank barn 'with concrete yet- ables and foundation, also e fine young orchard. For further par ticularo apply elo John Becker, A. R. No 1; Dashwood, Administ''ater of estate of Wm. Heckman, tf6 SEASON 1923 Summer Deliveries The Deleware &'.Hudson Co's. LACAWANA .COAL We have stow in stock, Car of. High Grade Sort Coal. Also car Pea 'Coal, try a ,load of this for banking your fires and for general use. Arriving soon, car Bu1'1etd. Get your order in for. a load of these 'they will go quica. Pricee for the car only $13.50 pet Tom at. +ri ,191 '& PRODtTCE MERCHANT hiotie• Offlee 10.0. House 10j, lCyl`.;littfa&Cgal Yards,' Brock Street, HENSALL ONT. HONEY FOR SALE We aro now in a position to cup ply year wants with No 3. clover honey 15c. lb. Have also some ehe- aper grades foe salt:. We will fill your containers for you. . Also senie very efine 'comb ha ie y Fabree & ' Sues, t8 Dr- McCLENAGHAN Graduate o'f ' almer s School of Chiropractic; of Goderich wilt be at McCormick block, every day from 10 o'clock a.m. to 6 o'clock, pen. and from 7 to 9 p.ni, Have had 3 years at prectic.nl experience in the west. Consultation and Spinal analysis free. t-8 LOST At. Gi and Bend, a purse contain- ing •a quantity of money. ,'Owner :all at Herald Office for particul- ars. i _ . 4-4 LOST At the Blake Garden Party, on 1? Manson s Lawn, a, -Waltham gold wrist watch. Finclee kinldy re- bel). to Herald Office and receive a reward. tf-4 FOR SALE • One good. Deering ]tinder, 6 -ft. •cut with shear cariinr. •:Wil'l be sold cheap. Apply to J. E. Druar "burich, Ont. tf--4 •FOR SALE • 1 • good. General -Purpose mare t rtheron (3 yrs. old), suitable to •Terk and drive.., also one heavy 'dealt lore Clycitr, sired by Com-. u' orae (3 yrs. pa^te good size and quality,; will meek. : a heavy Learn burse. Both horses are sound. and reeb , and will price them rightfor pick sale John C. Durst, ,Dashwo 74th con. Hay Tp. Tuxedo • Chatterless AUTO OIL FOR 8'O.RD CARS. GI/ ARANTEED TO STOP THE CHAT TUkuNig OF BANDS. Sold •Ey L.::A 'Prang, Zurich t-9 FOR SALE For quick sale, a Waterloo sep- arator with cutter 36c48 in!. In ex;:etlent condition. Formerly ow ned 'by Jas. Overholt. Must be Jule. at once -A. real bargaii>ltFox turther particulars and terns ap- ply to J Preeter, F. C. Yealbfleisch R. P. Stade;.,. Zurich,' Ont. • FOR SALE Lands described as follows are offered for sale. All are situat- ed in Hay Township. North -half Lot 14, L.R.E., Con,, contain ang 64 acres. Frame house built thereon. E art north-east coiner of Lot 11, L. con., 4 acres. • West quarter lot 21, coni. 15, 24 acres. For part- iculars apply to Canada Trust Co. London, Ont., or to 'Andrew F, Hess Zurich, Ont, tf-50 'FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 125 acres, being Lot .E48 anti. 9, L. R. W., Stanley Townrshipl. (,]`here is on the prem- ises a fhie bank barn with cement stables, plenty of water in the stables, a good drive shed, garage,. comfortable frame house, with good celar, the farm is well fenced, and 'well drained, nice orchard, is of a rich clay loans, 'af very, desir- able property and is fine home, For further particulars phone l33-99 Hensel, or write Geo. 'Dewar, R. A. 3, Bayfield. In renewing your subscriptions for your daily and weakly papers remember the Herald Office is agent for most of theme and a in some cases can save you as mach as 50 cents on a single subscript- . ons --- NOTICE I have taken out License , for Auctioneer for the County ofllur- on, and am in a position to con- duct sales by auction. Give me a trial and 1 will assure you satis- faction or no charge. • tf-29 i JaJames1;t•*nomt.y, R. R. 2, Zurich, , Phone No: 1O.,93 • Mr. and Mrs T I. Wurrn were t' ; London on Thursday Mrs. ,Sarah Mines spenclin few weeks at C''arao, Mich Mr and Mrs Hy. Semon of Lo don, were Sunday visitors in t°,kte vii1aS+? . Mr and Mrs G Wilson of Cen- tialia were Sunday visitors an the i'age. Mrs Annie Fassold of Toronto, le visiting with Mr alid Mrs Jos Geiger Mtn. Irvin D. Smith, of Hamilton called on, his . brother, C. L. Sleuth a few hours' on Tuesday Mr and errs Herbert Kraft of Kit chener, are holidaying with t foxrner''s father, Mi. Louis Kraft. Mr O'Dwyer and family of the West called on, his brother, Dr. I'` J•. O'Dwyer, on Friday Mr and Mee Herb Howeed of h.it chener hohdayed with the' former a parents the past week Mr• and Mrs Jas. Howard . of Goderich called in the village one day last week. A number from the village at-. tended the Old Boys Renunion, a: 'Mitchell on Thursday Miss V Perch . of Cross lith is. spending a few days at the home of frtr Alex Rennie, Babylon Line Miss Adell Witmore of •the Town Line, spent the past' week visiting ielatives and frieends at Landon Miss Olive O'Brien has returned froin a few` weeks visit with rose coves at Detroit ane . Michigan Mr and Mrs A. Melick, andt . Mr J. Preetcr ..and family attended. the Children s Day. Rally at Crediton on Sunday - Mr and Mrs A F Bess, Mr eelbe t Hess,. and Misa Mer,, ,ret Fees, attcrrded the Oid Bogs Reeueieneet London, on Thursday Mr and. Mrs Jack BoiaL1c ge of Dutton„ visited the past week~ et the home of the fortnsr's pa'lents, Dr and Mrs Jos. Routledge Mr - and Mrs Roland Friedl, tit Segina'w, Mich., Mr and Airs .'4L Fenn of Parkhill, visited at Mr ad Mrs CC Fritz •on Thursday Mr. Hy Magee Mr Elmer M agel, Mr Plant, Frederick Mageel and Dick Morris, all of Detroit, z iSiteti m town over the weekend , Mrs. J. Broder i le of Exeter, ltias returned to ho: he lie alter spend- ing same ten, wit's her 'daugltter Ctrs Wen Benoit, Town' Line Mr and Mrs E E leucins, Mr Gar Iield Brown ' and . sister Miss Mary Brown were Thurs:iay visitors tir London' Mr and M.'S M r Srveitzer;' labs A87,1 -{.<Hoffman., Miss Lydia T�;nti,st e eefeeelie" eeeekeeed at CeOZfeeteeee r'id report having. a most enjoy- able tine Rev and Mrs 'R 51 Geiger of Rockwood are pleesar,tly upending their vacation at the home of the forrnr's parents, Mr and Mre.M Geiger • Dr. wee Mrs, J. A, MacKinnon Archie and. Iiugh, are rn:ii.ig a fe,: days this 'reek et 1.11... Doctor's* f miner; home, at ()M- erlon Ont.; rear. Toronto. They 'ntend to return on Friday Mr F 0 E tlbfleisch has precede, ally all this suns' n's crop of fia,e pulled, which is a fair crops. Thse cshittg operations ".are expected -to. commence this week, and which ,ivies' employee nt to cotisiderablt' workers The price of gasoline in the tIS has made e drop of 6c per gulien, owing to severe protests by floe public auto metiers. In Texas it is retailing for ire. a g alien, while the price in Zurich at the local me ,ors still ,r'emaiu,s 300 Mr and Mrs George noels of Deli wood were in the Villas: oo Friday, we are pleased .tosen htr i oeh alile. to be out and around again, wit:. ter .his serious auto accident at London, some time ago, onset lie had several ribs broken and lain loon and head severely Uruised up .; Mr and Mrs Saddingtnn of Chat ham 'spent a few days this week at the hotne o° Mr and Mrs J Ely Jr. A. most enjoyable outing .Wee :anent at Meneeetung Park, and Saltford Heighte. and Goderich en Monday. They were accompanied '1,y Mrs A .Stelek and daughter, Hanel of London, and Abs.Me* Steeek of the village, and all report a Most pleasant time at, this file resort -H YMEN IAL-- Oni Wednesday July 25th, 19e3" at 12.30 'p tn. the. marriage of Mess Alma Pettigrew and Mi'. Ceotl'e R. Hess, was eolemnizeed at the home of Mr and. Mrs Allan F:sler at Biltar, Sask. The ceremony was performed ley Rev. Ie. J:: Smith,as- sisted by Rev', J. B. Barker. The bride wore a cementing gown p1 Silly: crepe -du -chine and • t i iiu`n lace., and carried a 'shower of eel, - tuitions' and roses. A sister, of the bride, Miss Verna . ?ettig•cwl�, played the- ;wedding muic. • Y Dinner followed tho ceremony, at which covers were laid ;for hen( The bridal couple then, Motored to. Jack-S'ish take via Battleford, vhere they, will 'epend their honey- moon: The gloom: is a son of Mr' and Mrs F' W:Bess, .formerly of Zurich, now of. Biggar; ,Sask,, here gr and Mrs Geo. ltess will siva"ide. ' The Herald joins with their ,many Zurich friends • in extra c tg 'congratulations ATMOR �e Impart Too Much Foreign. Agricultural Products. c'anmifans Use a Good Deal of tin - not tell in-nottell Prltii, VVegeeilee; and (at'tatu----'9.'lteir Value ItIstimateci at Ne.il e 5100,000,000 -,•The 11. s- siert of • Niit 'ogoll-eo Alcohol in Contribute,1 ti,y MUM rio Department of eerteetture. Toronto.) Are Canadian turutors getting the Ind advantage oh their home market? A ,shiny of the, import figures for the Brent year ending March 31st last reveals the amazing extent to which the foots stuffs we most pride our- selves In producing are imported for onsutnption in Canada. Taste fruits for instance, Of apples we imported 155,201 barrels worth '775,819. They weren't all early apples either, for 30,028 barrels were brought in during March. During the, year we imported: Berries, •$114,- 892; cherries, $83,3.49; cranberries, 5212,894; grapes, $661,443; peaches, 4 plume 3312'' pears, 0 , p a $566,729; P $303,496, and strawberries. 085,- 150; a total of $3,907,083. Add to this $1 786.b22 fat t t sed apples, apri- cots, ri- cots, peaches, plums and prunes, and $492,828 for canned peaches, jellies and jams and imported, fruits and fruit juices being $26,409,235, be- sides an item of $3,728,475 for nuts. Vfueh of this was, of course, for sub- tropical fruits, but some of these might be substituted, to our financial and gustatory advantage, by home grown products. For instance, wo might eat more roast apples and few- er oranges. While dealing with mat- cere horticultural a bill for $1,064,- 311 for plants, shrubs, trees and vines might be mentioned. Coming to vegetables, our total bill for the fresh article was $3,675,070, of which cabbage accounted for $187,689, -onions for $487,009, pota- toes for $637,291 and tomatoes for $965,941, a total for these four com- ,nonly grown articles of $2,177,930.. Of canned vegetables we imported 3626,210. worth; of sauces, catsups Aid pickles, $518,660. Our total out - ay for vegetables and vegetable pro- lucts reached the considerable sum .if nearly $5,000,000. We have a great dairying country to Canada, yet we purchased abroad luring the year $1,844,212 worth. of Wilk and its products. This included $1,349,819 for 3,767,633 lbs. of but ,er, $327,022 for 916,517 lbs. of cheese, $46,387 for condensed milk, 892,710 for casein, and even $28,27.4 r.sweet milk ano create. Our but- ter importations were supplemeuted by 1,166,440 lbs. of imported oleo- margarine. Our foreign grain bill amounted to e11,275,682, though this included µ47;695,28.0 for feed . corn, and $2,020,596 for Tice, or whleh 8,000.. 000 lbs. came from China,. • Milled products cost us $685,895, and pre- pitred foods and bakery products an- rt1•:er $600,000. Our total imports under the head Agricultural and Vegetable Pro- cuets, Mainly Food” came to the rattier startling total of $108,701,- 762: We could hardly ele expected, however, to produce our own tea, coffee and• spices, though we might considerably reduce our sugar hill, a=hicli._now amounts to. approximately $40.,000,000 a year, by growing more Uccle. We also imported $2.0,935,298 worth of alcoholic beverages, which, as we all know, are mostly derived from the products of the farm. 11: may be, however, that some of our exported grains and fruits returned to us in this highly manufactured form. -R. D. Colquette, Dept. of egicultural Economics, 0. A. C. ttueiph. Tlie Mystery of Nl'.trogcn. Since animal life must depend rpon plant lite for its support, we .:fust first learn how nitrogen gets :roti the air into the plant. Every eerie boy has seen the grain turn ;yellow at tithes in the every early ,priug and especially that which was .,towing .in the dead furrows of the eeids. This cccure largely because .etre 'isn't enough nitrogen in the right form for the plants to get at this 'time of the year. As a single element existing alone, neither ani- mals nor, the green plants can use hit igen, and yet the air.is the source of the entire supply for all life. if we go, beck into history of Ro- man agriculture, we will find . that even the farmers of that time knew enough to grow legumes. Even though all of this was isiiown, it was eat until 1887 that the reason for it was discovered. Then it was that the little swellings always found on 1110 roots of legumes were discovered to contain countless numbers of min ute-forrns, of life, now known as bee - vale. Later It was learned that those title workers had a great deal to do with keeping the soil in tit condition for .tlie growing :of- crops, for they, in •their tuagle way of living, are cap- able -of taking. the uitt•'ogen out of the eir•that is in the soil and making it become a pa•i•t. `ef ..thesoil 'com- pouils. In' this way we. have the cheapest means 'of keeping up the nitrogeneeupply`of the soil.- -Hoard's . Dairyman. No Alcohol in Silage Milk. Satisfactory evidence has been ad- duced to show thatby the feeding of earn silage alcohol is transferred to t,he'inilk, Wliil.e it is true that silage does have traces of alcohol hi it; yet it is altogether probable that the al- eohol, as well as the acids of allege, are completely burned an In the cow and never passes even in minute traces into the milk. The pot •'ry house should be built as low as eeseibte without danger of ,the 'attendants inning/1g their Beads against the selling, A low house Is more easily warmed ,than a nfgli one. age kiv. O p'ii?iM1} Children Cry for Flettatier's. ..a��:!a.����i.'•w\,'4�.a.A41.. ,.1,\w�• A_.r•V*.,`;<',...ti,...:.w......:V.+:`fw*.ti•'1.w,.b:isi. 9:�wlym.iw»Mq/1q Fletcher's Castoria is strictly a remedy for Infants and Children. Foods are specially prepared, for babies. A baby's medicine is even more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared for grown-ups are not interchangeable.It was the need of a remedy for the. common ailments of Infants and Children that brought Castoria before the public after years of research., and no claim has been. made for it that its use for over 30 years has not proven. hat Is CAST 1 "tel Castori a is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant, it contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, aa;,d by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort -The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR IA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of n Use dor Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY a_ If Y•or ca not afford a Ford why not buy a nice Rubber Tire Buggy HESS sells them ,REPAIRING Painting Fo,d Car, Onee"oat, 515,00, Two Coats $20.00 'Covet'ing, Ford Top Good Material $27.00 $5.00 $87O6 - Changing. Ford Curtains, to open tis itl Doors Pafxii'in�.•1�3tt p' -� "... 7z•>• o gry , IP YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERUBr3E1i YOUR BUGGY WHEELS. Fa Na Fess Ce eat flf Zurich w 4 4 4 4 4 3 i 1.1✓ •1•.b,b.l•+ +++++++++++• +.,..l.so^<.1.++:- H•D•++•4•+• 4••Y .14.f..H. r+3•++ ÷•I Luinber LShingles 'it Everything in '4. Combination storm and screen doors made to order; Lumber and Building skater i I ,' F �l.Custom,r,Woi`k cur SfEcialty Always in the market for saw logs y •II• — • `ElaLBFLJSCJ:.ya * PHONE 69 I! .3, .3,.2'.p,II-•'++ 4.+ 1-11•d^rq.++4..p4..l•.;,.,.. 4• +++ ++++++++++++++++.e »i as as ZURICH 3,to�',l•�-•�-.l.-.l._,.{,..._.+Y.`.1..._,1,._..a,•-•3---••i•- 4•-•l+=!1•--4•-3+-$•-+1•-0�-+1•-•i•- I I -l-- c 4, H0 Five ve G c WHY WE CAN SELL' SUITS FROM '`$10 TO 515 LESS THAN O;i'I3.1.IS. 11. We stock our own. goods. + ni.anship, second tri none. +3, Have only one price for rnak.; + frig Sults. 15. Our Suits are made by Work - Rea (ins ork- The., very best linings put all our garments. We guarantee satisfaction or money refunded. H. Rea"ns I'TA r► � �' L U E ..,. DAY AND NIGH T PHO,,NE No. 86 4 • ,t.. i,. 1-..';,,