Zurich Herald, 1923-08-16, Page 4'MiY i41..�. SIR:�.:.Fi...ar+.�"P.FI..f%-M7g00
D. C., Phtc., D. Ari. T.
�C�.� � � �
Post Graduate, Diseases of Women and Children
Hours -19-12 a, in ; 2-5 p. in.; 7-9 p. in. Phone 6244-1306.
oe+l++l 4 +l++l+4oe'-e+l+'l++++l++l+'{ 4ete+II+f+l•+l* eae-e ++1-g,+++÷+++ fea++ +oaf +'fiofea
Auto RepairingI
:We have made arrant.gements with
the Ford Motor Co. as well as with4.
I Cook Bros. Hensall, to handle
Genuine Ford Parts 1`
and always keep a good supply on3
hand. 4'
Also repair any make ® car, .,d4.
Mr. Peter Kroff, mechanic
+ L. A. Prang, Zurich Ont. 4
` 1+; lel++II++€++ ee+'s•+F'+ +•t +l++FeletY lee+i i"+ : +l+fi++'rr 4.+ +$ •F+++++ ++e++i++II++i"+II++II++ i++§'++&++1•+I+4
Dioplaiy Advertising -Made known
;$trasy Animals—One insertion 20e.
three insertions $1.0(L
"A'arm or , Real Estate, for sale
.4.3 for first month, $1: or each sub-'
eequent insertion.
Professional Cards .not exceeding
inch, $5 per year.
:lees, reading matter, 10c a line for
Card of Thanks, In Memoriam, 50e.
Local and Legal advertising not-
st insertionand be per line for
.each subsequent insertion.
AUCTION SALES—$2 . per single
insertion), if. not over fi'v'e inches ID'
Misce•1laneous articles of not
'more than five lines, For Sale,To
Vaemt, or Wanted, Lost, Found, etc.,
*moll insertion 25o.
Address all communications to
;Effective after Jan. lat. 4.920
Subscription Terms; $1.25 per year
Ini advance; $2.00 naay be charged
if riot s'o paid. U. S. tvubscriuti-
elle $1.75 strictly in s.dvance. Ne
paper discontinued Cantil all ar
"tsars are paid unless at the option
:oaf the publisher. T'"tee date to
^Much every subscription is paid
la denoted on the Kabel.
,Consisting of 100 -acres being Lot
id, cont. 12, Stanley Tp. Mae 30-
'Srtree pt. Lot 12, con. 13, Stanlev Tp..
l'here is on the 100 -acre farm. a
ooarood Stolle house, bank barn 36x
*6. driving ishecl and other outsiiild
:nos. The farm! is in good state of
• cultivation, clay loam, drained, and.
--well fenced, 4 acres oro'hard, also
6 Ares of hardwood. bush; plenty of
mood water. The 30 acres are neo-
•et'ly in pasture and make a Fine.
;pasture farm. Everything in good
=condition. For further particula:''s resided in Manitoba for about 26
,phone 15-78, Hensen, or animal* wars, has spent the past two mon-
to . Maggie . Sparks, - :l:W,l . 3,' ilay- chs in, this vicinity visiting her ski -
"Veld. p51-+5 Liar Mrs Clark of Varna, her bathe
7ledard--At Saul)le Line, A
on A.,,
. 9.h August to 1�11
Tuffielel redard, a eeli',lr
U R I G H H E'R A I;:'.
Deichert -In! IXay '1'ownsbi'a r" ora
AuauA ,2th, to AL' and y Mrs
Victor Deichert, a cl aughttr.
'riebner—In .Hay • .Towry'sbip, on
August 3th, to Mr and Mrs. John
Triebner, a, 'son
waxen—In Hay Tax nshll,, ox Aug-
ust lith, to Mr and Mrs Herbert
W urn, a son, (stillborn)'
1' 3
passmor4--In Hensall oar 7« Y 1 +
to Mr and Ivirs Jolu, :t esbntor'e, a
Sa'muxel. Rennie is home frorn De-
troit for holidays
Geo. Case an; dit+ifc Mi. and Mrs
A L 'Case averee to Goclorich a few
"days attending e xeeinion of eel-
ativles. C (• e
T. C. joyrit hay, reti,rned: from a
business trip to Toronto, Montreal
and New York; makuag large pur-
chases for his Mores
E Fee has been making isp-
lendid improvements ttq his dwe-
'Para. S. Vain, of Toronto, nee;
Margatet Bonthron, is visiting her
parents, Mr and Mrs 'R. Lonthron
Mr and .yfrs Daley and ,Mr and
Mrs Forest of. New York _trisiteed
here the past week
Mrs,. (Dr) Cam.ibell "spent the
week -end with her parents; Mr and
Mrs. T liurdoc:h, and returning be-
ing accompanies by her daughter
Miss Jean, and son Keith, both of
whom spent the :summer . holidays
here. ,
Mr and . Mrs Percy ,Smith. land
daughter Helena. Mrs. ,chortt and
daughter of Windsor were recently
guests of Mr and Mrs Andrew John
stop„ they terse on their'tvay to
Lneir summer borne at Southantp-
If. Arnold, Manager of :the
sons Bank, who recently piircha `ed
Mr Warreher's dwceiling hes work
Men., at it making changes nd in-
tends completely relnoclei�,rng it
and making' it one of tli"i matt
attractive dwellings on King 1st.
.A. telegram was received here
by G 0 Petty, announcing i,' the
death on Sunday haatof 'P Weir
Acheson, who was well and :fa:vor
ably known here as proprietor at
the Cprmercial Hotel for a nuns
ber of years, but echo moved from
litre with his family to Redlar de,.
i. The annual picnic of the Hensall
churches was held at. Grand Bend
on Civic :Holiday,' Moday' last.
The w,eather,,:was ideal.' h; nt
,'ng, and a <large, number •from.all
the churches, attended. The .yo-
unger folk :and many °..of the older'
people took advantage of the
Line bathing beach. F A fine pro
anoam of Sports was Jeno off: in the
L. D. S., D. D, S.
Miss . Tillie Miller of Toronto,
accompanied by Mildred. and Oa11
vin Shore of Woodbridge are vis;
Wog with the former's mother
Miss Della Neeb of Pontiaci '►,
v<isitiug with her mother at wee
Miss Cathern Frnkbeiner is relatives in Sarnia.
Hiss 9 Tiernan of Detroit is sp-
ending a few weeks .with relatives
Rev. Thun of Napoleon,' 'Ohio
is visiting friends in this vicinity
Mr and Mrs D IVIeCormick of Br-
idgeburg are vitising Mrs. F.
Mrs. Ed Siebert and children of,
Detroit are visiting with Mr and
Mrs H K Ehlers
Misses Addie and Mina Ehlc.ers'
Of Kitchener were weelo-end -visit-
ors in. town
Mita Hazel Vernon of '�'F thdsor is
this week visiting Mr and Mrs 0
Restemeyer •
1Vr 13 O'Rourk spent the week-
enc1 in London
• Mr Elgin Schatz of +Co'llingwood
is visiting with relatives.
Rev, and Mrs Eifert of T.rviatoel
are renewing . old e.cquaintanees:
here this week.
Mr Louis Held of Kitchener is
holidaying here
14Ir and. Mrs l Williamson of
Hamilton, visited at • the home of
nMr Wilson Armstrong last week
Mrs H. Eratt and daughters
Ruby and Olive spent •a few clava
Yet Hamilton. visiting Mics Eratt's
sister, Mr s.E. Louden
Mr and Mi's N Peal: of IH.ensall,
spoilt Sunday at the homes of their
son, Bert of 11aby1on Line
Mrs Robt Nicholson,; who has
nulls kept quite a 'number of hand.
On Sunday eveaaing last, the
lar,;e bank barn,. on the farmof
Percy Little on the 9th eon, of
McKillop., about ,a •tails east ' of
Vr'anthr*op, was discovered to bean
fire;' acrd had gained 'such headway
baforet being discovered that no -
thin a could be done to 'save the
.London,' O'n'.
s t.,if' -e,ar, Sem 8th to 151h, ton is visiting at the old home on
"etc y , ,
The Western Fair of this ,year Goshen
c el FK it hmi t a doubt be the lar- • Mr and Mrs D J Stephenson and
tors ar t bet ever held in .Lon- PIr and Mrs Ed Boyce •spent Sum,
tily:in The new inanuf:ictnters:13u» day With friends in Goderich
holding over 30t hxhibits 416
r;rniie' Of manufactured goods i1krrie l:a v `stsis t,iidi ever wwil,
awe} er.eupy at: least a. whole days i,i; 1:ir'=+.;aril t'nt: year, in 'West{s'a,.
:alit.+" 1c.. any visitor t'. dell ill Ca,l rde, .'n .ee000n` or the burn-
hat will be en Rznhib ti•,t1 both DV; t Lr . t,1+',1,. Sic c ads tYa;naa 1t 11l be
sk4i xi^ r ,i.,�ydown, This bald itt. . ' run by the -" . sw'a't pacific Rail
ave tin,•'", the Exhibition ;4,.ssoeiatiun' w wrach ti edve,tisii tele, lei -
aver :518t.4.d►nti3O'i Rea wie fell a ;wog ii,il l+,:v r. to of $15 t+s Wiann;'t g.
Belt want for suitabi& snact fro plus; Yi h tri -cart rot. gado beyond
i ithibttorik. It is sitiort ti in A to du tin,iii(Sl'B 'IYY d�Id115tobel. +tablt-
rata, r,ar the "rrcrtlrstla x.,.,.+ +t all and Alberta. :ilfittts•i'1-
�rtrriri ng, r1 t place ,�
Vila will he one of tree` attonelive iitg fares weal br• ,$20 f.o.o V, moaner
teratures trf tlif. ;L:xl,tl,.t,•:sit: Ad-'I,lus �t. Dalt cent 1' e Arlie frost,
2° t, , ,':,tot rang point dicing* dates ai'e
1tftnssioil a4 else's � rtC':r ,,..r +, va i�, dl:v, r, i �,
%Rota' prices on the Aran twin with-lttrit.ist 1. 1a, 'Zi Ae,a 2'tt'•,, accost.-
m 11 "': ui fe`let: alar n' t.• the i, a'e t.i,4' i t tZait st'It',. 17
lrawst.rv, d .;r,at� :,11 '4v ..t y
• All 71Y?+'," °':..i ';v,','i} ,itt' i?xi.'.il :a, S1 nest a. ci refer. due
fess'`' S'ar f'''trGen re! O'fl ,{,.F4 t,o a »? ,i;,,; lir%.t [' a" ('l lei.:".et, 1e1r,1`•;r Y,r 1 r, e•,..
y' s, war, irtl cars Will Li,' 11"c,vir3<'ri
�esia, gni `
1P:lr Robt McKinley of Goshen and
other relatives and friends
Miss Eleanor 14.IeKinioy of
Mi'ss Pearl .Geiser who has been
visitingrsitzvisitingwith her parents, t , Mr and
Mrs. W :13 Gaiser„ retuned to Tole
ego, Q.
Mi* and Mrs J U Marr of doe
0., are visiting with Mi+
and Mrs Chas EiIbttrl.
1' 52x70
bilildiil�' It was .>a fine barn,
�x ith splendid . timbers and had Lloyd Tahner has been informed
practically been rebuilt three that he has beeen •bu'•cessful in his
;, ears 'ago., The cause of the fire
is unknown
JahnSullivan, ti'
n who
urned to Stanley from Detroit,
died on Monday last at the home
of the Cowan Bros. after a long
illness He was buried fast Wed-
nesday in Baird's cemetery, Rev
J Foot of Exeter having charge of
the ''services. Among those from
a distance who attended the fur,-
•cial were, his brother Wm. Sull-
ivan and wife of Toronto; Peter
Murray and son James of Detroit;
Mrs Bryant of London and Mr
Strant of New York
Dr A G Elliott one of the prom
inept men of Luckuow, dropped
dead in. Kincardine . on Aug. 2nd.
He had just witnessed the baseball
match with Le. know and was az
his car about to return home. His 1 ou
car got stuck in the sand and the
efforts that he put forth'to release You
the car inj all pi'obahility affect-
ed hist heart antd he fell over cleat!.
Dr . Elliott hal .been practicing, in
Lucknow for 3i years,
William Henan Zeal, of Elimville
diad on Friday, last at the Aagoe
of 67 years,. 7 %months and 21 days
Deceased was born in Devonshire
Entrance Exams. His name' did
not appear among the succful pup
its in, the report
Mil; Dan M:clsaac, andc t
Helen and Lester accompanied by
Mrs Merton Morley, motored to
Detroit last week
Martha .Wenzel of Detroit'isle,
Thursday,_ August 16th, 1924
holidaying. at Year hotue� here
] 1r and Mrs :r)aupner alit son of
i a sing ;Pliers,, 'are visiting Mtila
.paupers pa.rc;aits, Mr a.aad .Mvs�
Gott sib Drown
Mr� Wundi,t ,;end faanily, agger••~*
fanned' by Mrs W, L'umart, Mrs
Dl, G'ie'1 of Ktteheaer, pent osotaae
Dtr,ne with the fornitr's parents„..
Mr and Mns Aug. I.1i11
The WVomens' Institute held their•
August meeting in thee Institute
Hall last Tuesday afternoon.. 'Miss
Orme of Buffalo, gave a very xrtG-
cleating talk on her 14t'st suannxrer-
abroad. Miss Gladys Roeclin of
London played an instrumentail•
which was interesting .rand Miss.
Eva Oesireich'er sane, a ¢'sola. Vise
Stock of Tavistock gave a .detrs-'
ons`tration on 'seed work. At the.
close of the meeting a dainty
lunch was served
re You .�`�� ;� sin,
I�thesP ni You
Eagle and at the age of 1 came
to'Canjada with his parents, settling
at Elimvlle where he has lived con-
Linously ever . t ince
Mr scad Mrs .Toho Cc.e, of Russei-
:i ale,, celebrate 1 the 5b i h anniver-
Bary of their marriage •;,n Wednes-
,,.esday last. Over filly were pre:
ent, and they came from Winnipeg
!3uffele, Tonawanda, NY, and other
i ir; in Ontario. John Cole was.
•oait on the faun on 'cl,ich he has
lived all his life, His wife's n+.aid-
en nacre was Erna Eke. and was
borne in Bruce county For the
past fifty years Mr Cole and Ins
father have been the treasurers
for the township .oof Feliarton
Miss Adell Witmer. of Zurich,
spent Wednesday with friends in
'towel. •
13e''ati`es and friends to the num!-.
'ucr of 35 niot'red here from dile
ferent places and visited.' with.Mr
and Mrs. Sol Hardy on Sunday lst.
For some timet past lAri, !li', Abott
has been erecting on his premises`
Station et., a number of swings,.
slides, teeters, tennis court, etc., for
the use and pleasure of children
and young people of town
Mr and Mrs 'Tolle Routledge of
Dutton are visiting, the latter's pax
pate, Mr and Mrs W iC River5 i
Preston Dearing lost a 7aluable
horse last week, after 'getting. into
.the granary and eating. newly thr-
eshed wheat. •
Mrs Jas Pichard, 'who seine mon
the ago had her hip broken in a
fall, was taker. to Toronto by liar
son Ed. Harwood, who wii:h his wife
were here a few days
Mrs Rauso'ni returne dto her home
at North Bay. Her mother, Mrs.
W J Bissett, areompanied her and
't ill probably, remain a n,ionth.
Dr and Mrs Hallo i) -es, c t Peter-
bore who have been: 'visiting here
have returned, Miss. Vera' Rowe be
companying them
11Irs Thos Elliott retuned.frorn
North Tiat'tleford, Sask., . :,ccemp-
anied by her daughter Mrs. Lloyd
who will reside here in future.
The funeral of theba;t't Mrs. A G
i3yers; iiee Florence Passmore
who died at Moose Jaw, Sask., on
.I'uly 2Sth, Was held on, Thursday
last to this Exeter cern„ tery. The
1 'ceasr;rl was r ed 30 yeara nnt.l 5
W Doerr, cuperinteildent of
Public, Utilities left 'here ih'st'W'ed
nosday for 'a cogple of wrelti hole
its i,ys, accompanied by ilvfo Doerr
and son, they left by auto ' for
Mitchell whore 'they took ' in the
Old :Boys Renunio,n, from there they
are 'leaving for' llitch'enee, Toronto
and Niagara Falls
JL serious fire ()poured at't3)yth
sal Ttrsday last, when the planing
tills naught fire and wet'tc; eom-
ia:tely destroyed. Mr Ooolcerline,
one of the proprietor -s lat the bu'-
ilding at noon when overy,thing all
,,y;ti+ed safe, when he returned he
1:, .•••^. 1-iti the place full or arneel; ,.
t [ About ;Au+iYron, with
iestir:eneo of only $a,006. *.Ri. is, 'a
.. i:a;:3 to' filial town ..... the
want Style
want fit
You want •QUALITY
You want Workmanship
ou!d �.er
They have it
They have it
They have .i
They have it
You want CLOTHES made with all these•
points STANDING OUT, at prices to suit you.
WE MAKE THEM. All we want is an oppor.
unity to demonstrate our claim.
E. E. Wuerth, Taor, Zurich
Mountain -Climbing on Vancouver Island.
ram....- •.,......,.,.��>:�;:,�:,.,x,.nc,...��..,._.�.
'Gsm eron Lake showitni Mount Arrowsml dila the distance.
Vancouver Island is becoming famous for many
things. Among the chief of these is its climate, among
the more' utilitarian its strawberries; and among the
tourist attractions its marvellous scenery, and .magni-
ficent drives, its many fascinating trips both by boat and.
by rail. But, while tens of thousands of visitors holiday
hi the Island every summer, very few of them are awate
of the fact that within less than a day's journey of
Victoria there are mountain peaks covered with perpetual
snow, and inassive glaciers, which defy the warmest of
the summer sunshine, where those who enjoy that most
exhilarating sport, mountain -climbing, may put all of
'their skill to the test. .•
The most popular mountain from an Alpinist's point
of view is Arrowsmith, It is about six thousand feet
high, and to reach it one travels- by one of the most
magnificent scenic railways on the continent. There is a
diversity of country' all along the hundred miles from
Victoria to Parkesville. Parkesville is on the east
coast of the Island and Victoria, situated at the extreme
south of the Island is the starting point for the journey.
One of the first summits to be crossed is that of the splen-
did Malahat about fifteen hundred feet above the sea.
Here, from the "Lookout," one looks down on a wonder-
ful panorama of green -embowered hills, narrow winding
waterways, the wide stretch of the sea itself and the
Olyniptic mountains on the Mainland in their dazzling
dress of ice and snow, After crossing the Malahat there
are miles along the shores of the salt water, quick
passages through picturesque villages and towns, ourne --
ings. among sweet -scented woods which are always gay
At .Parkesville the road divides one branch swinging
toward the west, And there begins the first trek in the
journey which leads • to tho everlasting hills, As one
nears Cameron Lake, whether one travels by rail or
highway, one sees the beginning of the vast forest of
Douglas fir, than which there is no finer stretch of timber
in America.
Just across the lake from the Chalet one begins the
ascent of Mount Arrowsmith.
The particular day whenwe made the journey was
in early 'June. It was sweet and cool near the water,the
bracken thrustingupbranch and tall maidenh e'
, y air
ferns just unfolding, all of the trees and,shrubs wearing
their new dresses of r fresh, young green.
We started at noon, and from the very outset, found
the trail fairly steep, With only occasional `stops for
breath, we pushed on for five hours before we made the
Rut, a distance of about 2"000 feet up, It was rather
early in the year for mountaineering and die trail had
not been eleared' since. thewinter storms, which made'
'Yui going rather more difficult than it would otherwise
t'^ boon. But every step of the way displayed some
Just before the ends,
magnificence of scene that called forth exclenia'tions ei'
The Hut was practically buried, for the snow 'lay d p,
on the upper reaches. It took us an hour or more to.
tunnel into it for although our packer had gone aheath
with the blankets, he could not accomplish much' alone,.
But we filially dug our way in, cleared the snow from the
windows, made a fire, and before very long the aroma of
boiling coffee and fried ham filled the little cabin, and we.•
sat down to eat with ravenous appetites.
The sleep that comes to one on these high,snowy.
altitudes, far above the slightest sound of life, is deep
dreamless and infinitely refreshing. We awoke at eight
the next morning, frill of eagerness to continue the saunas,.,
which from there on is a real test of *strength and endur-
The final five hundred feet were very steep, and not
without danger for the unwary. We had a few tumbles, :
and gg ,
slides, which early added to the enjoyment, and where
we had pursued our journey to the end our satisfaction..
was very great. For it was an objective worth striving.
The view was grand beyond conception, snow -peaks,
all about is, dazzlingly splendid in the sunshine, clouds.
of mist lifting from the valleys, and ,rolling away to give
a glimpse of lakes blue as periwinkle, of bare cliff -side
coloured with the tints of the rainbow, and bright, green(
valleys, and forests of sturdy little jack -pine, while now
and then when the clouds would roll up and melt into:
the blue of the sky, we could glimpse a farther view, aad
we said it was the sea and the mountains beyond the
sea, but the 'distance made It almost as vague as a half-
alfforgotten dream.
r It is a journey thatone can easily mace within the
day, providing there is no miscalculation, and it is aixtetli:
joyfullyyexhilarating climb while the picture which the
. g ,w otelilau
summit discloses must always stand out oonspiettous'i;,
,in the gallery of 'one's memories,