HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-08-16, Page 3• r ,'""*ill asa eat rit L Address communications to Agronomist, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto THE STORAGE OF FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. The storage 'of fruit and vegetables for home and market must receive fall - been attention than it has hitherto milk, flow, other than the natural been accorded: The amount of waste ing-off toward the end of lactation annually is very. great. As a first period; further, the cows were in step towards eliminating this, every good healthy condition in the fall, . farmer or household with sufficient I Oatspeas and vetch, when sown land to grow vegetables, and perhaps together,make an excellent mixture fruit trees, should understand more about thefor green ;feed for dairy cows, because storing crop. Some crops it is rich in protein and carbo keep best in an atmosphere that has a hydrates. I high moisture content, whereas others i •Careen feed will do much to reduce require a' low percentage of. humidity,, 1 the cost of rearing calves, Teti pounds So it will be seen.that there cannot of good oats, peas and vetch have ap-' be a condition to suit all vegetables proximately the equivalent in feeding and fruits fn the same cellar or stor- value of three pouuds of ground oats age building. Apples, pears, potatoes, In other words, if `oats are worth carrots, cabbage, soon deteriorate in. $37.00 per ton for feed, green feed very dry storage; while on other hand from oats, peas and vetch would have winter squash, pumpkins, marrows a feeding value of $11 per ton. and other such crops like a dry atmos-! When teen feed in the form of phere. Moulds and rots soon destroy . g 'them clover, rape and oats, peas and vetch If you know your cellar is a very l is provided for our brood sows we are dry one and you wish to keep apples, able' to reduce the meal ration from' etc,, in it, make provision for adding six pounds per head per day to three' more inoieture to'the air by introduc- pounds, which is a saving in mill ing wet sacks spread out or by sprink- feeds of three pounds per • day, or 5 ling the floor, the idea being that a cents per sow per day: The following. large surfacemust be wet and evap- method is adopted for supplying green oration quick. The atmospheric hum- feed, for pigs:—A small area near the idity can be tested with a wet and piggery is sown with common -red dry bulb thermometer. Take the rend clover and alsike, with, a cover crop ings and check up on the chart which of oats. As the oats reach the milk stage they are cut and fed to pip in' is supplied with it. A humidity rang- pens, The clover will come on early Ing from 75 to 85- is satisfactory. in tlie'following spring and be fit to pasture of by the middle of .June. Two more small paddocks are sown! with rape es early in May as the soil' is fit to work, This is usually ready, for pasturing from. the first to the middle. of July. A third paddock is sown to oats, peas and vetch. This is cut and fed to pigs in pen, being regWee about the last of July. In this way! there -is provided a continuous supply of green feed for the brood sows and growing pigsthroughout the greater] part of the season. Oats, peas and vetch are mixed as follows: Banner oats, 1% bushels; Gold Vine peas, % bushel; vetch,', bushel; and sown at' the rate of 3 bushels per acre. Rape is seeded at the rate of 8 pounds per; acre, broadcast. Common red clover, is seeded ` at the rate of 10 to 121 pounds and •alsike at the rate of 2 to 3 pounds per acre. It is not a good- ', The utilization of green feed in plan to turn the pigs in on the •oats,! some form is rapidly becoming recdg- peas and. vetch, a$ there is too ;much I, nixed ae the most economical method waste from '"tramping. : In feeding the' ofstock feeding. Not only can more rape, allow the pigs two or three, live stock be kept per acre, but it can hours per day at first; later they ma ' Y. be fed at proportionately less cost be allowed full range of paddock, :If - I'oi .example, on the Experimental the practice of growing green feed for Farm, at. Nappan, fifty head of dairy stock is once established, its value as i cows were carried, through the sum- an economical stock feed will soon' i:aer season on twenty-five acres of become apparent. pasture (twenty of which was very rough, :poor posture), .by the aid of green feed from four acres. There was no appreciable deerease in the. In case Of squash and pumpkins, etc., any frost proof place, 'which is dry is suitable—the top shelf of the pantry for instance, orr shelves in the passage. Quality is often lowered by poor ventilation. Where crops " are stored in large quantities ventilators should be open as much as possible to carry off gases and heat coming from a Iarge bulk of any crop. When se- vere weather occurs 'elose up the ventilators. Do not store a large volume of any crop while it is warm from the field unless you know that you` can reduce the heat by proper • ventilation. More attention must be paid to this when commercial storage is being done in the fall and our growers must help when asked to 40 so. :GREEN FEED AND ITS VALUE, Small Fruits, Roses and his It Is a great mistake to neglect the about five inches from the base; but small fruits once they have finished do not touch the leaders. In winter bearing for the season. a or early spring all that has to be done If thtbbd the litter which was put down as a -athebase, and shorten the leaders mulch and to keep the berries clean should be raked away from the plants into the alleys, and all runners cut off, Then both can be removed and burned, It is well also to cut off the old leaves, for in this way any diseased or insect - infested` growth may be got rid of. Where there is no danger in doing so, the mulch, leaves and runners may be burned between the rows of plants. The plants may look a little sick fol- appreciate pruning after flowering. lowing the scorching, but after the g first: good rain they will send forth; They are of the simplest possible cul - new leaves most vigorously, and thel tore and invariably thrive in any fair - ashes left between the rows will serve as manure. When all rubbish has been cleared away or burned, the beds most be hoed to kill weed growth and loosen the soil. Weeds growing close to and among the plants must be pulled by hand. Hoeing should . be continued innumerable varieties, hybrids and throughout the season, so that the beds sports of the type have been raised and plants will be free from weeds when frost puts a stop to garden ac- tivities for the season, • As a strawberry bed is past its prune when it has stood for three e srawerry eis to remain is to cut the laterals to about one inch The Farm Water Supply. In locating the farm home the .first essential is •a :sufficient eu ly of pure water easily accessible, The origin of fresh water : in the earth is usually traceable to -the rainfall upon the sur- face. The earth's crust consists of shpply ehoelld " be adequate to meet eta andethe people on the farm lest, time 'to carry water. It is rnaxe,d 'that the average farm fam of 5, with 4 horse's, 88 head of eat- p't sleep and 10 pigs, requires strll gnlloxis 'of water Per day. conclusion, then, the farm water many layers of varying thickness' the maximum requirements every day; These, when considered in connection it should be reasonable in cost, simple with water supply., are divided into. in cone truction, durable and easy to two classes; porous, or those that operate; it should be fresh., pure and allow water to percolate or flow; and cold at the taps, and it should be impervious, or those that prevent the available for fixe protection, movement of water. When a porous stratum overlies an impervious one there is the collection of the local rainfall from the imine- - Natural swarming may be termed diate surrounding drainage basin, the bugbear of beekeeping and to con - When a porous stratum underlies an trol`it is, the most difficult problem of impervious formation the water will the beekeeper. Natural swarming be collected at the outcrop of , the .usually occurs during a honey flow, former, which may be at a great die- *especially at the beginning and if the tame from the well. Should that swarm is allowed to issue it may be point be at a higher elevation than lost" or the honey crop reduced. In the locatien of well, artesian or flow- order to get the maximum crop of ing water• would be secured. This honey frorn a colony it is advisable to overflow might have sufficient head to keep the working force of the colony elevate the water into homes . and together by using some method of barns. In the course of time under- '`swarm control. I ground streamlets and have Swarming is usually caused by formed, and fortunate is, the person oven/owding or• congestion of the that locates one of these when digging• brood nest and any manipulation that for water. These streams usually will, relieve thiscongestion will often flow along the surface of an impervi-; prevent swarming. i ous earth layer and frequently termin- All colonies do not require the same ate in a spring on a hillside. } treatment and preparations for The source of our farm water sup -t swarming may often be checked by ply is usually a well that penetrates applying the following manipulations: the ordinary ground -water level or 1. :BY giving the queen more room for that taps an underground stream.' egg production. 2, By' adding more Some are fortunate in locating near supers for the storing of nectar. 33.' a spring, and others get their supply By giving the colony more shade and from a stream that flows through theventilation, 4. By raising' a few faxen. These sources are all good,, 'combs of brood from the brood nest provided that they are free from con -i to"a super. 5. By destroying queen tamination. There are three types of cells before they are far advanced. wells in common use: the dug well, for f The swarming fever may be so shallow depths; the driven well for ixtense that some colonies will not' earth formation; and the drilled well , respond to the above measures and where the water bearing :stratum is may persist in their determination to overlaid by rock or hardpan. , swarm; with these more drastic mea These wells should be protected slues must be applied. 1. Artificial from polluted surface water. For' this, swarming, in which the bees and reason the well.should be located on t cpieen are all shaken on to a full set rising greeirl i, so that the surface' of.enipty combs or full sheets of foun-' water will flow away from it. Dug dation. The brood is put into a super wells should be walled with water- and placed on top of the colony above tight material. If stone or brick is the honey supers. In . the production' used, cement mortar should be used bf,:comb honey the brood is placed in to seal the interspaces Concrete another hive standing alongside of the Swarm Control. Home Education "The Child's First' School is the Family".-.•Froebe1." Catalog and Booklet Fust—By Lydia 'Ilion Robert There are all Weds of pamphlets, booklets and diseriptive matter, print- ed nowadays to advise and show busy. people about almost everything,' A great many of these find their way to Ia housekeeper's door and are often glanced at carelessly and :thrown away, This is a mistake if there are children in the home, for out of these booklets may come many lessons and some good times. A mother will find it worth while to watch the magazines and send for the most attractive of these, not only to learn about the new- est and best ways of doing and buying things but to help the children learn about this big, unknown world, When 'a rainy day, or a "what shall I do now?" time comes, the lucky mother brings out her group of book- lets and gathers the children around her. Many a mother' can explain about these things easier than tell a story, and this is the way she can use the booklets. It will start a lot of questions, all of which she cannot answer, but it willprove an interest- ing time. There are booklets telling of our parks, scenery, birds, woods, and the kind that tells how things are made. These are,free for'the effort of writing for them andgive the children some idea of what is going on in their country. • The pictures niay be used for scrapbooks and clippings made of i the most interesting facts told. It will make the children think about the bigger things of the world andwant! to know more about them.As an illustration of the uses to, which these ' booklets may be put, a few of the ways we have used themi in our home may help other mothers.' There cane in the mail one day a' booklet describing a set of nature books, in which there. were colored pie -1 tures of birds. Tian oldest boy of the : family became inte feted in the many, varieties of birds and :!:•aided to "start; tart; bird scrapbook. We sent for other, booklets and he cut out the bird pic- tures, many of which were very beau- tiful, and one of them had en inter- esting account of Audubon's life which was read carefully and added to the book, Another time we sent for a cata- logue describing different kinds of wood and giving a short history of the different trees and the way the wood was used. The children were much pleased with this and gathered woods of many kinds and uses and noted the differences. The railroad folders' are often illus- trated artistically and we used these to help in geography lessons, as the pictures and descriptions of the train routes and scenery, besides the brief' accounts of important landmarks helped geography seem more real and vivid to the children. Almost all of these catalogues help- ed in school work as the children had interesting or odd bits of information to give to the class, and when making collections to go with the booklets, took these to school to show the teach- er and the children. The teacher liked this and encouraged other children to bring outside illustrations to the les- sons. In the children's bookcase there is a special shelf for booklets and cata- logues, and ata-logues,'and they are very useful for references and handy to pick up in idle moments and read. The tiny tot of the family likes to have a slight story woven around some of the illus- trations fn which a little girl or boy visits the various places pictured, and has mild adventures. The mechanical. boy of the -family writes for every booklet on machinery that he can get, and studies them to see the new ideas and inventions of : the world, getting all the information •possible to help him in his chosen work. It really seems as if there is a catalogue or booklet to suit each one of the children, and if a child has a special talent or interest, it is wise to help by sending for every thing that will in any way broaden and en- lighten. makes•a good, tight wall: Wells driven of ginal colony; in this case enough' �°--�----- through clay are usually safe. Drilled bees should be left in the old hive to wells vhould be lined with wrought take care of the brood. 2. Remove °l^ � 1�l1 �'� iron casing extending to the rock and the old queen from the hive and de -i driven into it to form a. water -tight stroy all queen cells. Ten days later! HOUR joint. again destroy all queen cells and intro-. There are three methods in common duce a young laying queer_, 3. In use in conveying the water from the localities where the honey flow is short source of'supply to the farm' buildings. and very heavy the removal of all the First, by gravity, when the'source,I -Brood and bees from the brood cliam- higher than the buildings; second, by beg to a top super and; leaving the the use of an hydraulic rani, when queen on a full set of empty combs there is an abundant supply of. rui?-, be 7v s Grill often stop swarming; These ning water•to operate it, -third, by the use of a pump. In' installing these last mentioned, galvanized iron pipe of sufficient size to meet -the farm requirements should be used There are many types of puny on the market. For shallow wells the cistern pump with cylinder in the bar- rel may be used. For deeper wells the suction pump may be used if the cylinder isplaced within 25 feet of. the low water mark in the well. The single and double action pumps, with or without power, can be used to ele- vate water to the desired height. When water has to be elevated the wind -mill is a cheap source of power. 'three manipulations should only be p Y applied when Iarvae in queen cells are, fouzzd. e It is a, good plan to clip the queen's: wings in;the spring, especially in out-! apiaries ^for should a swarm emnerget between visits there is less likelihood of the svearm absconding. Should a swarm emerge with a clip- ped :queee, she will be unable to fly and can be found on the ground at the -entrance of the hive. The queen should be caged, the old hive moved te.nue side and a new hive put ni its place while the swarm is in the air. The. cage containing the queen is placed at the entrance of the new hive HOW_ YOUNG CANARY'S CON- CEIT WAS CURED. , On a beautiful, sunshiny,: golden. day m June, a lovely, sunshiny, golden canary was floatingand flirting and twirling in:the magic suxmer. ale. He kept up''a running ripple of happy twitterings. Occasionally he lighted on a purple thistle and burst into song. He sang beautifully, throwing his head back and pouring forth melody so lovely that all the birds farand near stopped in their work or play to listen to him. Just out of sight but so placed that they could see him, two of his sisters sat and watched him with admiring eyes. "Isn't he wonderful?" they whisper- ed. "Surely he's . the handsomest, as well as the most gifted singer . in all. the world!" "I do believe he knows how becom- A gasoline engine will do the work at and when the swarm returns the queen Mg that purplethistle is to him, and a very low cost, and pumping can be is released- ;The supers from the par - about one-half, accordingto their done while the engine is et other ent colony are then placed over the strength, work. • - swarm and the parent colony can be either placed on a new stand or left by the side of the swarm, -0. B. Gooderhani, Dominion Apiarist. In' the Province of Nova Scotia and the other eastern provinces almost half of the cost of educational and demonstrational work in agriculture has 'Veen provided out of the Federal grhnt. It is of the utmost importance that Water from limestone formations is the• bush -fruit plantation be kept quite clean during the season. Regular hoeing and the removal of weeds will encourage growth that is so essential for next season's crop. Roses, especially those of .the free growing rambling varieties greatly ly good soil. , All shoots of the pre vious year's growth are cut out, re- taining only those of the current year, as it is on these shoots that the finest flowers °'are borne: SOME. OF THE FINEST CLIMBERS. Duriiig the past twenty years or so and introduced, the most notable be- ing Dorothy Perkins, In addition to its being one of the . most prolific bloomers of all climbing roses, Dor- othy Perkins is most accommodating years, it is a good plan to make a as to soil and position, thriving and fresh planting every year—or at least flowering freely where others would each alternate year ---and in thus way fail• you will s.lways have a bed in its Among other popular and really prime. worth -while varieties of this type, the Otiegtw"., OUT RASPBERRY CANES. following have qualities and beauty As raspberry canes that have fruit that place them in the front rank of t ed die off naturally the :fall, it is valuable climbers: Crimson Rambler; rich rosy crimson; .Flowering Fair - better to cut them out now, and thus field, vivid scarlet, splendid for arches give the new canes a better chanee,1 er pillars, very vigorous plant, blooms Cutting makes the new canes more periodically during the summer',: clearly evident, and if there are more White Dorothy and Source of Gold. than five to each plant the weakest Do you purpose increasing your should be removed. If small they can stock of iris? If so, this is now ,the be pulled up and will grow if trans- best season fox' dividing and replant - planted in moist soil. The best young ing the clumps, The flag or bearded iris --rids ger- maitiea—has many forms, which make noble groups during spring, succeed- ing almost everywhere. Even when. canes for forming new plantations are those that spring up between the rows some distance from the parent plants. After removing the old and surplus Oates the ground should be hoed and not in bloom there is charm in tho. • kept clean during the remainder . of Silvery -toned leaves. If adding to your list of varieties, by all means procure the roots as early es possible, as summer o ' early fall p'aiiting will result in flowers the. first season. the season. Blackberries are cared for in much the same manner as raspberries, and currants --red and white— also goose- berries, are all the better for summer pruning, as they usually bear on spurs of the old wood. All side shoots, with the exception of any required to form Tibet is the loftiest region of i tame beenr1'ics, are best cut back wlthirf egunt on the. glebe. hard, and not satisfactory for wash- -ing. Rainwater, which is always soft, can be collected from the roofs and stored - in cisterns for washing pui- poses. The home and barns on every farm need water on tap wherever required, much more than does the city home; because the farm requires more water A GESIMAN ` Not enough money to :'t1 A it i~ WV, y for ars +ti3iwI lLon&a Daher :y�ai•t that's why he sits on it as he sings. It certainly sets off his yellow waist- coa , oesn't it, sister?"' But in their neat in a willow tree, by a dear little prattling brook, Mr. and. Mrs. Canary were discussing the same young gentleman in quite a dif- ferent way, "My dear, I ani really getting quite worried about "Yellow Ball," said his father. "Things cannot continue like this. He is getting so conceited that soon there will be no living with him." "Our son is so handsome," put in his mother wistfully. • "Yes, but we don't want his char- acter ruined. That's the trouble with you women! You all spoil him; his sisters and his friends, every one of you, make such a fuss about him. I tell you his disposition is being ruined. � Something must be done, He will be- I come a useless member of society and will never get a dear little wife for himself as I have." Mrs. Canary blushed with .pleasure. Have you ever seen a canary blush? They don't beconie rosy, just imagine how unbecoming it would be to their golden complexions! No, just a deep- er shade of yellow darkens their." cheeks. Well, ; Mrs. Canary blushed, and looked extremely pretty as she did so. I "Perhaps you are right, my love," she said. "What do you think we could do to overcome this fault, in our son?", "That is a matter I shall have to give my serious.consider•ation," replied• her husband. He 'pew off to a ,nearby bush and fluffing himself up . into a yellow ball, sat and thought out a plan. That evening, before the children had come home, he said to his wife: "Didn't. I hear you say, my dear, that the children. were going to a - fancy kind of party at ;elrs, Thrush's to- morrow? What kind of an affair is it to be?" "Mrs. Thrush . cells it a flower' party," explained Mrs. Cartery, , "A11 the birds are going to be given the name of a flower—the :dower they most resembled' "Olx," said her husband, "that gives me an idea'! Au revoir, xny love. I'm. oil' to sec htrs. Thrush for a few mite Utes," and away he fie%• - Mrs. Canary, left in her dainty thistledown nest, shook her head over the oddities- of the masculine sex; but as she considered her husband the. most wonderful being in the world, she wisely decided to say nothing and await= developments. The children theinselves were very excited about the party. They talked about it in excited whispers when they were supposed to be going to sleep that night, "Of" :co 'Yellow l coarse e ow Bali' will be chosen the very handsomest of all the flowers,"" said his sisters, "I -wonder 1 what is the very handsomest yellow blossom." The following day saw them start off for Mrs. Thrush's home in a near- by meadow, all bathed and preened and in_a great flutter of glee. "Wait and see the result of this party,. my dear," chuckled Mr. Canary to his wife. "I feel sure my plan will be successful." ... A very quiet troop of birdlings re- turned from the party that evening and Yellow Ball departed to a shrub all alone in the greatest dejection. Mr. Canary called the girls to his side. "Well," he said,. "come and tell us all aboat the party. Was it a suc- cess, and what flowers were .you all • called? "It wasn't a very successful•party," said one of the little birds. "Sister was chosen a butter cup and I: was a daffodil, and—en—we had . a lovely] feast, but—" "But?" "Well, Father, you know we all, thought Yellow Ball would be chosen, the loveliest flower of all, but—but but he was decided to resemble no- thing but a conmion dandelion, the most ordinary of all the yellow flow- ers. Wasn't it awful?" "Awful," said their father, laugh. ing, "do him a world: of good, and, teach him a much needed lesson, i hope," "Wasn't my suggestion to Mrs.. Thrush a fine idea?" he asked his lite tle wife later. "It was, indeed," she agreed. "Be then, of course, every one of my won- derful. husband's ideas are giti`od," she, added to herself. But Yellow Ball was a changed bird from that day. Mrs. Thrush's party had certainly made him realize what a foolish; fellow he had been. , "Well," he said to himself, "a dan- delion may be a very commonplace flower, but anyway if I am like a dan- delion in its sturdy happiness and cheeriness, I shall do very well in the world indeed." Short courses in agriculture for leen and hi domestic science for wo- men have been an important feature of extension work assisted by the Agricultural Instruction grant. Held either under local auspices or offered by the schools and colleges of agri- culture, their :aim has been to give instruction on improved methods and practices. Every branch of farming has been dealt with, from stook. judging to motor mechanics for men and from general housekeeping to the domestic arts for women, often ac. companied by demonstration. The Ontario Live Steck Improve-, vent Train is reported to have had, an attendance of about 700 at each strip, Some 30 bulls and 120 hog; were sold for breedi ,r'' nur noselt..