HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-08-16, Page 2ou Can LearMore
front a teapot test of
H 26$
Than we can tell soda in a IP/MP IP/MPtY2 advertisement
His I ate Was Preserved Fish
A BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION, the evrn from six ears and
o it
half a green pepper chopped fine,
Millions of dollars are.paid for cos -
a small onion, likewise chopped;
metics in a single year. That gives melt a tablespoonful of butter in a
an idea of how much we crave beauty, an and turn these vegetables
frying p'
the beauty that is skin deep, Our into: it and toss them about until the
hearty country girls are just • as ear coral begins to brown slightly. Mean
nest as their: city sisters in -their ef- time scald, peel and scoop the centres
forts to give. nature a boost in this fr°ih, six medium sized tomatoes; fill
direction; and their brothers,' too, with the corn mixture, scatter bread
show' more than a passing interest criinibs and bits of butter over the top
So it is evident that complexion is a
matter of very special importance,
and that the disfiguring skin disease
known as acne, blotching the face with
pimples and blackheads, means great
Mental distress, even though it does
not very seriously impair one's physi-
cal powers.
Most young people who suffer with
this complaint and are anxious to have
it remedied spend too much time on
the face and too little on the rest of
and' bake in a hot oven until the to-
matoes are done.
Corn Oysters—This is a good sup-
per dish for cool evenings or when,
something tasty and substantial is de-
sired. It may be made from corn that
is a little too old for boiling, and will
be very nice. Grate the corn, and to
a pint of pulp add two well -beaten
eggs, a tablespoonful of melted butter,
half a. teaspoonful of salt, and enough
>7onr to make a rather stiff batter,
the skin. They will massage the face sifting one and a half teaspoonfuls of
for twenty minutes, but do • not wish baling powder with the flour. A little
rts: They milk may be added if desired. Drop
to give five to the covered pa
PART III. "Oh, why couldn't you'?" - There s must remember that the skin of the
was twentyand the "Star" I nothing that makes a sensitive man face will not respond kindly to txeat-
When ouni feel worse than being rejected.
had announced that Preserved fish ,,Because of your name," she sus- meat that ignores all the rest of the
is growing a blond mustache," he fell skin.
t of his adoration wered. do The very best complexion treatment
in love. The object "I don't see what that's got to
was a large, twittery young lady with it," said Preserved, although he is a cold or cool bath; once daily, pie -
had recently come to town to keep ferably in the morning. This should
books iii the lawn -mower works• Pre- did see. be taken . in a warm room and the
some lavender "I could never, never, never be MTS.served bought himself reserved Fish," she revved, "I've water should be cool' enough to get a
eox, had sundry boxes of candy chars- _reserved
always looked forward to the day brisk reaction, but there is nothing
ed a ainst his frail salary in the drug name. Every- gained by extreme cold temperatures.
g when I could change my Even more important than the bath is
store,enes set about his courtship n- one has always made jokes about
earnest and. wholly orthodox. young
, the brisk rub that should follow. It
Every -
ner. Apparently the large young. d I' 1
lady did not suspect his intent until
one evening, in the porch hammock, he
delivered his carefully rehearsed
"Oh, I couldn't, I couldn't," said the
large young lady.
mine. But I- just won't,won 't, wan
change it to Mrs. Preserve is i. now- prescribing for young people of
"Oh, Amy!" he groaned. „ vigorous habit, who desire a good
"It's no use," she said firmly. I, d g
rather stay Amy Hogg. That's sari complexion. Such treatment is not
enough...I `want a man with a good. safe for the'old and feeble, but to
those able to bear it the effect is; to
plain name like Brown or William.
No, Preserved, it cannot be." quicken the circulation and to improve
He stumbled home and thought of not only the skin but every organ in
that the body. Improvement will not come
drinking poison, but decided
there was still hope. He'd change his in a single week, but it will sagely
name. It wasn't the first time he had come to reward persistent effort.
The diet of young persons with acne
from the end of a spoon into boiling
fat and fry to a rich, nut brown.
Drain well and serve hot. These frit-
ters are truly delicious served with
maple syrup, or plain sugar syrup,
though usually regarded as a meat
substitute. •
Corn and Cheese 'Souffle—Here is
another corn dish which inay very
acceptably take the place of meat. A
large cupful of grated green corn is
required for its snaking, also half a
green pepper chopped fine and a cup-
• » must be borne in mind that we are fill' of grated cheese. Cook the pepper
for five minutes in a generous table-
sprenful of butter, then remove it and
add two tablespoonfuls of flour to the
butter and cook these to the bubbling
point. Now pour in a cupful of rich
milk and cook till smooth, stir in the
corn, cheese and fried pepper and add
a mere grating of onion. Cook for a
few moments, then whip in two well -
'beaten egg ,yolks and season to suit
the taste. Finally fold in the whites
Nave a packet in year
pocket for ever -ready
Aids` digestion.
Allays thirst.
Soothes the throat.
For Quality, Flavor and
the Sealed Package, -
get .fir
M th n ather abstemious es ecial-
once, galled to the limit of endurance p of the eggs beaten to a stiff dry froth,
by the "Pickled Eel" joke, he had been, pour into a frnd
lyied gra sy, highlyas to sweets and fats. All rich,
seasoned food coal{ in a moderateovenfor baldng ahalf ish aan
on the point of getting his be shunned They should ea hour or until the souffle changed to "Montague.'
But a vision .came b
in this case, as in others.
bared ,his mother's words,i The face should be well washed at
heaps and heaps and heaps of yellow -
% ht with warm water, and soap, and
backed bills. His! His, that is, if ed should have enough .attention to be
remained Preserved Fish. Hed eeided sure that all the excess"oil of the un-
to remain se. Uncle P. Robinson usually oily skin is removed.
couldn't live forever; and when he's
died, Preserved, his namesake, would T BLE CORN 'DISHES.
be independently rich. He' could snap DELEC A
his finers s=it them.; a11. He practiced Corn and tomatoes always make
snapping them as he� made his 'way tasty combination. This one' � is di. -
home from' the verandah of_' Miss ferent:
Hogg. He could go to New York and 'Tomatoes stuffed, with, cora,--Grate
live at the Waldorf Astoria' and ria , Fish for use the odds and ends of such paper
one would care what his name was so "And I've been Preservedyou may already have in the house.
long as he spent freely.. And he would twenty-six years for this!" he groaned. i Cut circles of white or pink tinted
ed himself and "Here is a note your uncle left";
contemplated this step. ore a should be r
= shouldnamet is firm in
afore his 'eyes,) freely of fruit, green vegetables and the, centre. Serve immediately, for
He remem-1 coarse breads, and should drink about a ' dish of this sort will not bear
and saw half a gallon of water . each day. waiting.
4117. Smart belt extensions on this
dress, effected by slashes at the sides,
are an outstanding style feature. The
sleeve may be in wrist or elbow length.
The Pattern is cut in 4 Sizes: 6, 8,
10 and 12 years. A 10 -year size re-
quires 31/4 yards of 32 -inch material.
Serge, crepe knit and jersey weaves,
also taffeta are attractive 'materials
for this style.
Pattern mailed to any address on
receipt of 15c in silver or stamps, by
the Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West
Adelaide st,, Toronto. Allow two
weeks for receipt, of pattern.
slay itwith
Rid your house of filth -
carrying, -disease -breed-„
ing files. Be free from
buzzing mosquitoes that make
your sleeping hours miserable.
Deal death to ants, roaches and
15 eetles,
saves Powder externdnetas . an these treats.
but la erox-roIsovovs and ]TAntM .BSS
to humans.
The handy 'Sephn Bulb Sprayer sues the
ponder !pts the air killing all Rtes anal
mosquitoes in five to twenty miwitea. Your
druggist, hardware -store or departmental
story dmsupply Sou with a
Sapho Bulb Sprayer at
$1.00, Sapho Powder in
25 and5O and ;1.25 cans -
'r r y the ready -to -use
Sapho Puffer, 15 cents,
and be convinced.
Sapho Liquid sprayed in closets
and on clothes, furniture and
draperies kills moths, prevents
destruction a even keeps
moths away.'
586 Henri Julien St.,
Some t' thing that will please the
children without much" expenditure of
either time or money is what many
mothers -are considering for that ap-
proaching birthday or any other party,
casion of thrilling importance to
the' younrgsters.
Buy a quantity of lollypops and
some gayly colored crepe paper, or
vidual servings of ice cream. They
may be marching in file round the
table or as cake decorations. And in
the end'they posses the useful quality
of being edible.
spend freely, he premia said the lawyer. Weakly, Preserved
the world that.. Yee; he .would pay Fish read it
the puce for that wealth by remaining
Preserved until the legacy should be Dear Namesake.:—I enclose my eol-
his; It was a big price, he thought,! lection of Confederate money. It was
for any amount of money. ' In his my dearest' possession. It took t' enty
dreams that right he saw piles of
re 1years and no end of trouble to cbllect
yellow bills as high as the five -storey it. I hope you'll cherish it, as I. done.
Your aff. uncle,
P. (Preserved) Robinson.
Clintonia Trust Company Building.
Uncle P. Robinson refused to ex-
pire. He stuck to lifelike a barnacle
for five years more. Five years of
notoriety and torment for Preserved.
Amy Hogg married a pants drummer
named Ignatius McGoorty. Preserved
sent them a plaster Kewpie for their
parlor, and wept into the soda foun-
tain's fresh strawberry syrup. - The
"And I said it would run into five
figures," bleated old Mr. Fish.
"So - it does," broke out Galahad.
"All ciphers." He turned to - his bro-
ther, who sat dazed and aghast.
"WeIl," he observed cheerfully, "I
guess it's back to soda -jerking, for
calcium continued to glare into his Preserved Fish"
blue eyes. But he continued to draw
trade into the store, and Old Man
Kepler gave him a three -dollar, raise
and taught him to roll pills.
On Preserved Fish's twenty-sixth
birthday his brother Galahad came
into the drug store importantly,
ordered and did not pay for a pine-
apple frappe, and remarked:
"Well, old sardine, Uncle P. Robin
son isn't.'"
"Isn't what?" demanded Preserved.
"Any more," replied Galahad.
"You don't mean-" began Preserv-
ed, trembling with joy:
"Dead.' Defunct. Demised. Passed
away. Expired. Gone to the barn
from which no traveler returneth;"
said Galahad, "Here's the telegram.
Say, old can of shr{mnps, can you lend
me five bucks?"
tStA % AruY xYie n ettis,o �o¢ kinin .,
eseus Boder and titaT • •in u
,tate... , . • y
1St; J No« 22
The bearer of that name sprang up
and faced him with wild eyes.
"Don't you never call me that name
again, Galley," he bellowed. "I suffer-
ed with it all these years to get this"
—he gave the walrus bag a venomous
kick—"and look what -I get" -he gave
the bag another kick. "I've been a
joke all my life -for Confederate
money. But it's all over now. From
this minute 1 ain't Preserved Fish
any more."
He thumped out of the room,
marched straight home, threw his
lavender sox and zither into a bag,
and took a train for Bucyrus, Ohio.
Why he chose Bucyrus he ,could not)
have said. But it sounded remote and
his one thought was to leave Clintonia
and his old name behind him forever.
On arriving at Bueyrus he picked a
A week later, Preserved Fish, ac- j propitious -looking drug store, and ad -I
eompanied by hisfather and Galahad, I dressed the owner.
who had generously taken a day off j "I'm an experienced soda dispenser
from the glass works to . help count; and I'd like to get a job. I gotl,twenty
the money, stood in a lawyer's office five a week where I was."
and was handed the old walrus bag,! "Well, I need a man," the owner:
His heart throbbed and his breath! admitted without enthusiasm, "I'll .
was unruly; his reward had come at give you eighteen. What's your
last. name?"
He fumbled at the lock and the bag "John Fish."
popped open like the mouth of a croco- "No need to shout; I ain't deaf,
dile, With excited eyes Preserved) remarked the man in a bored, tired
stared at the heaps and heaps of Only.! tone, "You'll find a white jacket•
"It'll run into five figures," gloated under the counter where the mops is.'
the venerable Mr. Fish. (To be continued.)
A sharp, horrified oath from Gala- ------
had brought them back to their senses
with a jerk.
"Gawd!" cried Galahad. "it's
"Phoney?" Preserved's knee joints
went weak; his head spun dizzily.
"Phoney!" piped old Mr. Fish.
Galahad plunged his hand into the
hag and held- aloft a sheaf of worn l
"Confederate money!"
Preserved risk folded up like a nap.
kin and flopped, White-faced, into tt
chair. ,
paper the size of the candy and fasten
it over the waxed paper in which each
lollypop is wrapped with two or three
touches of glue: Next mark on these
circles all sorts of funny faces. From
the gay paper fashion bonnets and
dresses held in place by bits of nar-
row ribbon and touches of glue.
Thrust' the end of the stick through
an•empty spool and you have a charm-
ing doll that can stand alone.. En-
dearing colored• babies may be made
by using black paper for the faces:
These lollypop dollies may be used
as place cards or to decorate indi-
Mr. Man—
You feed Life{ uoy's beelthine se
right down into the pores.
After Lifebuoy --- you feel
cleaner than you have ever felt
The delight and comfort of
using Lifebuoy . are famous
around the. world. "
The odour vanishes'
quickly after use:
A new invention is a powerful elec-
tric light attached to the life -boats of
a - steamship, which is • automatically
switched on as the boat touches the
Minard's 'Liniment for Dandruff.
Telegraphs in Uganda are not ah
ways reliable, as'the natives covet and
often cut down the copper wire fors
making into bracelets, necklaces, and,
leg -bands.
A builder builded a temple,
He wrtetight it with grace and skill—
Pillars and groins and arches
All fashioned to work his' will.
And men said as they saw its beauty,
"It- shall never know decay.:
Great is tiny skill, oh builder!
Thy fame shall endure for aye."
A mother builded a temple
With loving and infinite care,
Planning each arch with patience,
Laying each stone with prayer.
None praised her unceasing efforts
None knew of her wondrous plan,
For the temple the mother budded
Was unseen by the eyes of man.
Gone is the builder's temple—
Crumbled into the. duet,
Low hes each stately pillar,
Food for consuming rust,
But the temple the mother builded
Will last while the ages roll:
For that beautiful unseen temple
Was a• -child's immortal soul.
MJiinard's Liniment Heals futon
�s e rn •
Tyi we airgetl-
erator will heat
room in your house.Itis,
easy to operate and costs
tessfor fuel than any -
other heating method.
Heats both smell and tar e
houses with equal satisfaction
° I ° „ ;ay ' 9ROCKVIU.E ONT.
Fresh air and
—or, as the :Report of the Ministry of •Health of Great Britain
said: "a sanitary environment and sound nutrition"—
are the great s„'.eg,t.ards of Health.
Amenx K >; `"C ,( '€;,f " •#S\•X+`.•.!:r,.Yc:Ooa`SF.^2Mv5 `y .�• il.? ? '6•''
always satisfy
the housewife
Delicious Desserts
easily made
When you're hot and thirsty--
This beverage--ice-.cold--a bleed of
pure sugar, fruit flavors and other
choicest products from nature—Is
!ready in a bottle which is the most
sanitaty package that can be made.
It comes
wher a every bottle is our absolutely
Ready at hundreds of places.
Buy it by the case and
keep a few bottles on
lice at home. -
Save time, trouble and ;
Just add mill{ to contents
of package. Boil fora min-
ute -rand serve.
:Equally delicious, hot or
Chocolate, Cocoa»ut, 7''al5loca
Lennon, 'Vanilla, Aerot roost'
N:<tlecg, .Almond, Plain
At ail Grocers
Specify 113L'"
Mader by li'lhi,AaelsAiS L,Li'4m%
1THmintofi ate wiilnl>i se.
'roraars, Witaitpeg,'u'aaeotroor
' we