HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-08-16, Page 1Vol. XXIV No 6 ZURICH rin Epp rs NOW TH.A,T SPRING IS AGAIN NDARING, YOU WILL BE WANTING A REAL, STYLISH, AND UP-TO-DATE SLIPpER FOR THE OCCASION. We have just what Yea are looking for. A Slipper 'for every Foot, in the Correct Style, and a perfect fit, Watch our Window Display and eoine in and ask for our low prices, o WE ARE HERE TO DO BUSINESS WITH THE RIGHT GO- ODS AND PRICES. erm THE HOME OP GOOD SHOES Fi TH U RSDAY • REPAIRING NEATLY DONE vanotstagazewarstsio Aire. Chae Weter is spending the veek at London. Mr Prank Siebert of Detrott as holidaying at his home home Me 0 Fritz- and son Ward, 'made bueiness trip to London ' ' on rednesday Mr Thatner and family -and 3.Ess 'teen -ling of Kitchener -Were vett- ors'at 'the home of Mr and Mrs 0 Fritz ' Mrs Ide and eons, Mrs WI. Cech- rane, and daughter, and Miss Dor- othy Roling, of Kitchener a.re vis- iting with Mr and Mrs J.. Preetex . flits week IVIesirs Wit, H. and Lee Hoffman, Misses Mildred Hoffnian, Muriel , Preeter„ Leila Siebert and. IVIf. A,. Lamont motored to Galt on Wed- nesday lOP eemekieeifilte A sticnt policeman has been placed at the intersectioe •of the Zurich Road and Goehen Line in :the village. This has illipen clone aafeguard nol only the public teit the drivers of autos -andhorse $1,25 a Year In A.dvaleta; EYES TESTil Capital and Reserve $9,0(1000ft eorporated 1855 WE .CAN GIVE YOU pgombT I SERVICE ON DUPLICATINC+ BR- OKEN LENSES AlaiD SPECTACLES REPAIRING HESS the Jeweler PHONE No. '74 Over 125 Branches BLS E This institution offers deposit- ors safety; for their savings,ree asonable interest compounded every six months, and. freedom from red. tape in case of with - Savings Department at evei, Branch, DepoSits of $1 awl upwards invited. Manager Zurich Branch mild follow the "Keep. tb the * regnlations and the chances rill Horse oo s 'Dar an accident will be :43=11 :IS ,te Su e Thef 'big event of the season,- the. Pali ;Fair; Will soon be with . The prize lists are ready for l'Otribution and copies :can be ob- ''ilined. frOm the directors or from : Tust Received a large number of Genuine Woolen Horse :t,', AG ' Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72x84. te 0, ,A.Iso, a Number of Beautiful Englith 'Plush Rugs, prices 13irson in Zur,th and vicinity should SAVE IVIONEY BY GIVING US A CALL. inernaking the event the best • tlie history of the bociety.' The • .A. BIG Stock ef Harness aud -Halters always on. hand. ectore and officiate, caenotrnake 4), Club Bags, Suit Cases and Trunks at Right Prices. PRON fritaads to do Nicely/se, The Special 4" ritAlast,-is also worthy of your at- . tilbn —OBITUARY— ,o, Here is an opportunity to obtain one of the MO t ''.8 desirable and popular dresses of the summer seas° 4.6 40 at a remarkable reduction. ,,,'A Clearance is a firm and hard master, it respec -,0 neither value nor fashions. Everything in the line" % • f Summer Dress Goods must be sold re ardless of '." ° cost. We have a great variety of styles and the col ors are the choice of Fashion "CHOOSE EARLY" sabella Pfaff, beloved wife Herbert Winne passed a- ',eye,:ort Saturday, Augast 4th, at .tie -rather young age of Z4 years, meinths and 25 days. Deceased. as!kft daughter of Mr and Mrs! ohn Pfaff, 16th con. Hay Tow/1.- 1141 and was married to Mr Wurrx, fOout 'two and a half years. On aide- she gave birth to a still- -erem which she never reecevered. Tuch ,syTapathy is extended to the ereaeed husband at the lest of Oa early his life partner. The Zueeral was held on Monday to the utheran Cemetery, and was lar- ely attended by sympathetic riende teo 00 Note the remarkable reductions on the following 41 1 Ratines Organdies, Foulards Voiles, Etc: REGULAR $1,35. CLEARA.NCE PRICE ,. e BEGULAR $2.25. CLEARANCE PRICE $1 50 REGtLAR 90c. CLEARANCE PRICE ... es rganch s REGULAR $2.25 ,Sr $1.75. CLEARANCE PRICE $1.00 REGULAR $1.25. CLEARANCE PRICE REGULAR $2.25, CLEARANCE PRICE . $L75 REGVLA.R $1.75. CLEARANCE PRICE $425 REGULAR $1.65 CLEARANCE PRICE e. $11.25 REGULAR $1.25. CLEARANCE PRICE . 90.e : AS WE HAEV AT PRESENT A LARGE ASSORTMENT OP THESE GOODS, DON'T 41 .FORGET SOME OF THESE ARE ONLY DRESS LENGTHS, REMEMBER THE OLD SAYING; n "THE EARLY Bop CATCHES THE WORM." I. Phone 59 ZURICH Produce Wantecl Bring us Your Alsike and Clover Seed. We always pay the highest Market Price according to Quality Neteeeite•ovete *get ,There passed away at the Wt-s- ,I'ohn Eldon llowald, aged 29 years 4; months and 23 days. The late Howald wee well and favorably temown by nearly all in these parts ),(eying been born at the 14th eon Hay ToWnsbip, and lived praetet edgy all. his life here until a few .'yeere ago Ivhen lie left for Strat- Ord where he followed the- barb-. consumption ravages continually ept taking a stronger holt en curet Last yearthe took a trip °Florida, but this did not improve' 110a th any, Upon returaling Nvai soon taken to the Graven- aurst Institution, 1:ithero he, rem - aimed, getting gradually weaker,. entil he was removed to Weaton, vhera ho passed, peacefully to leep. .,The rerrains then being (Ikea. to hit brother, .114 Fred. at St Marys, from where he funeral took plaee to the Lutheran cemetery on SundaY' afe ein,00n, andl -Which was attended. er a ;err, number. who paid their popular roung men. Rev. H., Wirt k),! oiticiated Ile ceremony; Deeeased is 'survived by on Mre, Ed Rupp, of Detroit and he -a7! brothere; Rev F. L. Rowald al.,Naw Dundee; Mr. Ed. Hor'eld &Exeter, and Mr. Fred Ilewald of St Marys, all of whom were prea- Pelt for the family ah th.e (ass of their brother, So youeg t ST Per Infants and Children Use For Over 30 YetArs Always 'bears the 4. 4. ARG IN anvass Footwear See our South Window for Dig, Sheraliee in broken lines of White Canvass footwear. Prices ranging from 75c. to $1.50, ; Also many new varieties of Canvass, Footwear in our Stock 4 not listed here. WE INVITE YOUR INSPECIION, Repairing done by the very latest methods SHOE MERCHANTS CIAL VA WE HAVE JUST' OPENE UP A NICE LOT OF THE LAT- EST PATTERN'S AND COLORS IN CREPES, GINGHAMS. VOILS, PRINTS, GELATEAS, ,ETC, ALSO WE AREMAICING A BIG DISCOUNT ON HAvrras, AND HARNESS REPAIRS, MITTS, AND, GLOVES, UNDERWEAR, OVERALLS, ETC., ETC. GIVE ITS A CALL AND- YOU WILL FIND THAT OUR PR- ICES, (QTM(ITY CONSIDERED) WILL COMPARE WITH ANY OP OUR COMPETITOM ighest Prices for Farm. Produe R. N. DOUGLAS PHONE 11 .*97 E3L.A14