HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-08-09, Page 8e Eight SALE All lines of Summer Goods enumerated here, as well as many other lines will be sold regardless of former price and regardless of cost. • SPOT, I:EG. $1,75 `o 1$.50, NOW per Yd" . $1..00 Organdies PL 1I!S-1k11 colors, NEG. $1,25 Yd. Now per Yd 85c VOILES HOSIERY Figured and Floral Effects, zalues to $1.25 yd," NOW .., 48d. Plain, Black, Creat,, Grey, Pink. ,r not 'Orange, 38 -in' wade for 35c t RIN;TED VOILT+&S ; 36 -inches width at per Y d. ,cv e:15c RATINES M1 :atines and crepes', Reg. .ic. yd. naw ,,. ... ......,, 65c Silk Crepe 6ariety of colors now at yd....$1.30 Voile Blouses 1:ain White colors, your choice, at each ..................75e Fancy Chintz House- - dresses ,n1y clearance price each. _,. $1.50 NIGHTGOWNS Pink, Nainsooic each ........$1.08 Butterfly Silk Hose all sizes 75c I3 4; lisle hose, all sizes at ... ...35c lilt; cotton hose all sizes at ... 25c a eavn cotton ±lose, ali sizes ...20c MEN'S WEAR Men's Suf front Shiite, values oto:: $3:00, ;new,. excite .., _ $1.75 •,uama hats, at Harf-price x;1.50 Light weight caps at .., .....:...85c See., fine cotton pr. 20c W o %k Sox, pr . ... ...... .......... 18e DINNER °SETTS ! only 97 piece sett, Regular 7;35.00, Now ..: ... ° $26.00 l r my 97 piece sett, Regular $53.0o for ...... •- $19.50 1 only 50 piece sett, for .. $9;75 G'Ass Tumblers each 5c BROOMS • Leather bound, each ... ......... 50c LLT NOX LAUNDRY SOAP 0 BARS FOR, ......; 25c. J. GASCHO & SON Produce . Wanted Phone 67 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTERES Mr Emanuel Koehler of 1(itclii _nee spent .the holed • here • Mr . Ro beat EisEn;uach 'of Kit' - ener was a holiday visitor h•erc Mr Henry 1•W'eber zs visiting s parents at New 1)uritiee. Mr and. Mrs Alex Sparks Seafortn were Wednesday: vis'is with Mr end Mrs TI L. Wurm Mr and M. s John ; remon of it- chencr•, were holidayvisitors tv h zelatives here Mr Hamilton of Kitchener was a week -end visiter' at the liome of i'9r. J. Galster Mr Albert ties ,of Aitchen'er, r3 spending two wceke. holidays with his father, M. Ernst 610,4 Mr •liner Mrs F Bentan and. "'son, and., Miss Dinar of Buffalo N. Y. visited d at the home of Mr Thomas. Johnston last week Mr and Mrs Jacob „Meyer •and family of Kitchener Were w,eck- end visitors with relatives rhere. Every man should . o' 'n his ,own home;. It is nice to have ecine- thing to mortgage when 'you u°ish to buy a ca; ' Mr,'�ikt H1 Joy, Manngez of the Molsens`Bank, unci Mrs, Jay.: left 'or'.Toronto and other eastern.po- ints where they will', spend etheir two .week's vacation,. Mr Louis Warne, "Mrs. Hy Rupp and daughter, Mrs Schluchter of Detroit, rind Mr Ed Loll were week- end visitors at Woodstock, . New hamburg:, and other points. e Rev H. Rembe and family • have Zurich's Garage.. BATTERIES! BATTERIES! We are again handling the I.X. L. Battery IF IN NEED OF .k BATTERY BETTER CALL AND SEE US WE MAKE A SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATTERY WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO COMPARE WITH ANY OTHER QUALITY AND SERVICE CONSIDERED , We also handle the famous U. S. L. Battery A COMPLETE LINE OF DOMINION TIRES AND (TUBES AND GEN- UINE FORD PARTS ALWAYS ON HAND NOW IS THE iTIME TO HAVE YOUR CAR REPAIRED. OUR POLICY IS FIRST HERE, FIRST SERVED. ;' COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH. WE ARE EXPERTS ALONG THIS LINE AND CAN ATTEND' TO- YOUR NEEDSAXY ACTYLIN WELDING • BATTERY CHARGING BATTERY REPAIRING' H. Mousseau Zurich LOCAL 'MARKETS (Corrected every* Wednesday) litter .., 35 Eggs ,.^ .. .... i ,,.. 18 Lried apples per 'lb. ,,, 7c Dutch setts per 1b . , the Potatoes per bag , . 75 Wheat per 'blusher ,,, 1.15 Oats... ......... .... „ 45 .lour per cwt -3.00-3.75 Bran per ton 28.00 Sliortsp er ton 30.00 IIo4s . ,, ,.. .... 16.20 left for ..t‘heir. vacation Most of their, vacation,, will , a ie. 'spent at' Hamilton peach and Burr ou'adieg. district. During 'the Rev's, ab- senee: no divit,e ser vices 'wolfe be held' iii the Lutheran Church, Aug r,stl the 12th and lath ,..Mr• ;Wm Johe toa, Mrs: .R..John- .t'on, ,Mtiss, . Johnsa ,n, :Mrs,. •".TS. Pernbe, andl.•'sen Karl, '`1113 wadi/Ira Alf Rerr_hea Mr.aind Ths W,in Bei- chert, M •:harry `Cr effai ,-°,Mesa .,:•.'P Etess; inti ; 2"V I•..Zz t400k in the. lecture on •Biist,eliii,m eelivered'by ,rev. H. Rembe, at nrodhagezn, last Tuesday. eveening TIM WESTERN FAIR ••••••••••••••i'iY,•••0••IA••••••••••••••••••••v' "wti5�e • • 2 • • A • • • 1EVETROTJGIIIbTI3 - ,, .And General Tinsmith Work As Our Mechanic is agai n`abie to do all kinds of outside work, we are in aosition to f:'ll your require- • • mems in all kinds of .evetroughi :ig 1 • • roofing and general.tinsmith work. • NOWLIS THE (TIME TO HAVE THIS WORK DON.! BEFORE • • w THE COLD ROUGH FALL W,67),TFtER SETS 117 London, Ont: Dates tele year, Sets;. 8th to 15th,. The Western. Fair of this: ear .nr:r 78' was 'sung and i•Irs Finlay wilt it oaL a doubt be thenar- closed• with payer. The Mrssian Gera art best ever held in Lon - den. The new manufactuter$. Bu- lrolcling over 300 Exhibits of au l: ma -r ref manufactured . g tv►'1 cce.upy at least a whole days; tine fa: any visitor to sell.'",. that will bt, on Exhibition bothir- sienr ns id sown. This build n , 0 costing the Exhibition 'Asseciati.on over $160,000.04 and will'. fill a 1Qvg felt want for suitable 'spaet ',for Eciribitaru. It is situated ince a 'prominent .place onthe grounds,, and will be, one of the attractive features of the Exhibition•. Ad- mission at` the gates 23c. everyrday Usual prices on the Grand tsan With reserved seats on Wednesday•?;,'anal Thursday. All information from the Secretary, General Oflice,s Lan- don., Ont CARD OF THANKS DATES QF FALL FAIRS Tiaefielcl, ... ... ... ..,.`Sept 25-26 __Sept 27-28 f.ussels ... ... Oct 4-5 Eeeter:.. ... Sept. 17--18 Oodczich .,. :.. Sept 5-7 L,t'eenow Sep 27-28 t.hell ... ... _Sep 25-20 Seaforth ... Sep 20-21 ' ' Oct 5-6 L. 4. rich ... San Sept 27-28 •. .,. SCIIOOL FAIRS • ;Sept, eta Fordwich Sept; 7th;;: Wroxeter . Sept. 10th, 'Ethel Sept lith, Belgrave Sept ;12thf B1ue'vale (Sept, 13.th, St Helens Sept 14th; Ajahtield Sept~. 17, Carlow r t Sept 18, Clinto%. Sept. 19th, ZURICH " Sept.; 20th; Da'shwotod Sept. 21st, Winchelsea Sept 22; Partees Hill Sept 24-25, Wiii,gham Sept 26, Waltlio „;ept.27, Dubiin t Se:pt 28, Blyth . Q.Oct 1'st, Varna Octt 7,`2, '. Crediton 041 3rd;` Grand Bend. SLAKE. The Regular aner.,til4t;,,of the Blakec .: Mrssio Bariddy 'e held . at the home o rte President, lgies Alberta lair, ' gnel 1st, with i good .attcardenc *',th€ inceting op•- cried With liymr 71J,'tbei, repeated :elass prayer: Mar�;dxet .McBride., react, the scripture. 1. ssen,' 1hei - ports werex readand aa:upted, tnE roll call way then taken;. .Miss Janet -Manson of Montreal, who has been, doing Social Set 3 ice . work for 'solve trine,- was present and gave a 'very inter. -eating tale: which was much enjoyed by all present. Hy- 11d SATISFACTION IS THE MO.CTO THAI WE ALWAYS MAIN- TAIN. .31N-TAIN. All kinds of Shealf and Heary Hardware • • Always on hand • Band quilt wa-4 -'then ..uilted,' by the Senior members while the jr. members enjoyed various games af= -tar which a dainty lunch was ser- ved on the lawn • Mrs Peter Manson anclefiaughter Sarah visited friends rr:. Loncion, 'last week The bereft 'amil'y of the ` 'late Benjamin Pfile wish to convey their most ein;teres1 thanks to the icighbors and friends for' 'the kin.d assistance and sympathy sh- own in their recent bereavement', IN MEMORIAM In ever loving anal affectionate, Memory of our Dear bather and Husband, Meur.o Kipier, who died Aug. 7th, 1922 To -day recalls sad meinor•ies'. Of dear Father gone to rest' And thoae who think of thin today Are those that love him best From his lo' ins c,', ildrern . and t• ife )HOME GARDEN CO%.Tr.ST, • M•11 STADE pREETER BLaCK ZURICH it a s 0000000.404•44ww r'ss 0► .•,••+r• ra l • Mr and Mrs. Cr.. I•reckleton and faini:lyt of Exeter, called in the vil- lage on'Monday Mrs .ri Douglas and daughter, Margaret spent a few days last week with friends in Hcn'saltl Quite a number from this vie- intiy spent. Monday at - Grand., Bend • Miss Janet :Manson of Montreal aperitlast week with: friends or, the Gosh'enh Line Picnic Parties- at the. Lake (side are the order of •the day Mr Robt. Loyes of Egmon'dv,lle spent the week -end' at the hathe of Mr and Mrs Christ. ' Tecnler. Miss Lillie.' Meyers of Toroii,to,. i•pent a few clays, last week at her 'home in the village -. • t Mr and Mrs John }ley„ Jr. of Zurich spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs, San? Heyi, Mr and Mrs. Wm Finlay and family spent Sunday with friends in Bayfield • The following is a list of those ;vI:o: •, .sk part in the Home Garden Contest for South Huron,, ;organ- l • Mr S.S. Srrotliers, A ;rtcul- t;i ► Rt isresentati r'e. for . the, (' )- The prize, money amounted to $1; in each class, rliv;decl as 'o'lrw:s lts 'Fl 2nd, $3',; 3rd 52; 4th, $.i The winners far $uut:r }Iur in we re L 11! t Toav>E,ll, Clinton Coder ch Mao ,n Turnbull, R R No, 1,` i•.+ ,b- tete e' Siay 95; Goldtvin Smith, Clin tote, 'tfuilett 04; Ruth Turubell, R R N) 1 Dashwood, Has,. n3; 1(nith S'.,'i -c:, Crediton, S1epli.,?zi' 0 7;; E;14 rt•i,. N(.JIwan, Canton, F" i,,C:y 91!.„. Edvi-e • Cni to i? ht, Lond,eshoro 1Ffullett, tt0',/;' George Potter Clin- ton, Goderich 90; Laura Currie, Cl- inton, Gocerieh, 90; Mabel'' Corey R.R. 5, Clinton, Goc.errchr jii,; Cl arenee Perdue, Clinton, Flo ertch 88; Jim Ross, P.H. 2, C(aderi” l', God erich87%; Stewart Keys, Vha, St matey al. Merlyn .L`aikin, Clinton, Goderich Sue; Edgar Smrth•,x`b antic VStanley, 85%; I-Itig1 Ratlford Lon- deshoro, Mullett, 84; Rebecca, . Le- wis, ,Centralia, Stephen 82; ' Alfred ii vans Clinton, r Loderir h 82; Dor-, n'thy Stirling, Clinton', Goderieii., 81", Earl Webb, ,(4ranct fiend, .:hen r'1%, Helen Ratclifit, 7 Usl rne( :117, 72; Elgin (ver irrielr, tulle' . ;'r r'' 1, .citnton, .7. IAL Tiiui-saicy, August 9th 1408 Thestare with the Liberal Cash Discount TTENTION!�. Mr. farmer NOWIS THE • ,TIME. TO DO YOUR FENCING, AND WE. ARE IN A POSITION TO GIVE YOU A GOOD ..CHOICE OF ,FENCE AT VERY LOW PRICES"; iTFHIS IS HIGHEST GRADE MAIDE,.,. WI . HOE FENCING HERE ALSO AT A LOWER PRICE - COME WAND LOOK IT OVER, 'IT MAKES A GOOD- • 'FENG7E, WELL GALVANIZED AND '1ILLL STRETCH UP FINE.:.- W WE DO NOT HAVE JUST WI;A:T. YOU WANT IN THIS° -LINE OF FENCE, ,W11: CAN .GET IT. FOR YOU IN AIF'EW DAYS.• Take,rNotiee Every prospective buyershould know this, 'This is very important. .A. Chain, no matter how large, is only strong am its weakest link. Now this is the point we are driving :at: Do not be satisfued with any Fence which has not atii "hea•'gj•, a wire used 'in the lock, aathe line andkupright•'z;' lye. cause it is.bound to go at hat point first; and tiinewi*ill'surely tell' •, , We have on ;hand an•assort ti ma�nt of �ClioiceGalvanized � C:at+efs Prices will :be 'right - We have.f painted Gates in stook from •last year' While th " last, :We;,wun 1. • refuse any rea-ona•ble offer You make the.71 llfiine. Barb Wire, Coiled-•., Wire; IslaiiiWpi+e all..g hien zed. Big itock, enough for all. Staple, Black wir+E; :AYrgera, .Pliers, in faet •" everythrag ydu need, =4 •, 2 large "Fence 'stretchers at your disposal. Ask for onl1, you need. it,'No Char .e :.. l -70W LETS GO ANIS >E THIS A BUMPER FENCE -Y AR. Ile shall 'swallow up death in victory; and the Lord God will wipe away tears from- off all faces and the rebuke. of • his people shall he take away) tfroineifi all, the earth for the, Lord hath spoken it 11.ye-abide in me, and .my words abide in your _ye Shall ask what ye will ,and it shall be done unto ou—John 15;7 Honor the Lord with thy suhst- ante., and ewittr, the first fruits of all thine increase—Pru. 3 ;9 And Jesus said nnto horn, Go thy way; thy faith hath made, thee hole, And immedi•tteiy he re - WA Per Cent. Per Annum Payable Half -yearly ON CANADA TRUST .CO. GUARANTEED MORTGA::,E CER- ,TIFLCATES, 6F $ '..der` . Cent. PER ANNUM PAYABLE. HALF -YEARLY ON HURON ERIE'DLBENTURES. CCanada Trust Co. Guaranteed. Certificates ' and Huron and Erie Debentures are Protected by Assets of over S25,900,000.00 ' $100 invested in Canada Trust Co„ Guaranteed;, MortQ- rage Certificates in twelve months will earn for you $5.50.. $1,000 in twelve months will earn $55.00 $100 invested. in Huron & Erie Debentures in twelve months will :earn for you $5.25. i +$1000 .i,u twelve month's will earn30-$52.50. LET 'ME .ARRANGE AN - NVESTMENiT FOR YOU NOW. Andrew F. Hess, Zurich Have You MADE YOUR WILL? DR. JOHN WARD Chiropractor and • Optometrist of Exeter will be at Walper House Zurich on. Monday., Wednesday and Friday of each .week, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For giving Chiroprac- tic Treatments and examining Eyes. 8-22. Painting and' Paper Hanging' I Am in' a position to -:do arae°• kind of paper hanging, ,. !mintiest graining and decorating.. H. Eickmeier, *•' Zurich 4/ 4 The ••: -+ -.1.4. 4..;. r4.4.4.,i•dr+4.4.44+4 :,4.+4.4.++++++++^Q^+9hlr +44+4.14M -14 +4. • . September 81h to 15th, 1923. • • • The Popular Live Stock Exhihitioris of Western Ontario stern LONDON ONTARIO n„ 40,000 in _Prizes ' and Attractions M cetved his sight, and followed Je5 3 - The .N'e:'v $ib0,000,00 Manufacturer"s- F3uildit g us in the way.—Mark 10;52 Preach, ,sayingithe kingdom of heaven, is at heed, raise the deed cast out devils; freely ye have re- ceiired, ,freely" give,. -Mat, 10;7,8•.,,; . 41 ,,'his snth the Lord of hosts; Turn ye now from your evil ways and. from ,your evil dings- -Zack. 1;4, 4 \'4hen *ilidoin eritereth into Cher* w heart, Seed knowledgeknowledgers isle aaa nt "n,to thy soul; al,oaretoin that pre mei+tve thee; undertit:tnditrg, shall kt xleleroo 1tt tiet •Pitoso"* ,11Oi1. , .i holding over Three }Iundied Exhihits, 'Come, ilind isee Them t • WON DtRIPUL 1.-L ATVOR1VI ATTRACTIONS. 6Ldu PROGRAMS,* • ,�• r a MUSCC,-FIRE W I KS--tFUNi. ( Something Doing all the time**. M' .1: JONNY JTll . JOivEs, SHOWS C1iI.( E IVIII)SDAi •s' 44 4. Admis.non; 25e all week. Children, 1;c. An Children .9 ree on Monday,, September IOtlf. 'l`hta, se the i •1 a l li , Year for the' Exhfhrtioa. Everybody tome ° wall .�.li Information ftom the Secretary. A. M. 'HUNTS, ' et' de t A i. � , s s 1