HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-08-09, Page 4Auto Repairing e arrangements with We have made the Ford Motor Co. as well as with Cook Bros. Revisall, to handle GenuineFord Parts and, always keep a good supply on hand. Also repair any make of car Mr. Peter Kroft', mechanic •• fi AGENCY FOR ALL FARM IMPLEMENTS, PUMPS SOLD AND se REPAIRED, ETC., ETC, • L A. Prang, Zurich Ont. r1.4. -4-1�i nese §ehL-1.1'-II--te-l�er side tree .r•,oti•*++.11.++++�+++++++ h4 4. 4 4 4 4 4. SHE HERALD PRINTING~ OFFICE 3 .ADVERTISIN• RATES Display 'Advertising -Made known - application, • &tray Animals --One insertion boa sitrultese insertions $1.00: +&'sig or Real Estate for sale 42 for first month, $1 or. each sub- ieguent insertion. Professional Cards not exceeding i1 inch, $5 per year.' fees, reading matter, 10c , a line for Card' of Thanks, In Memoriam, 50c. Local and Legal advertising not- &irst insertion and 5c per,line for each subsequent insertion. • .. AUCTION SALES—$2 per ;single insertions if. not over five ieeires• in length. Miscellaneous articles of not were than five lines,,For , Sa1e,To Vent, or Waited, Lost, Found, etre., -e insertion 25e. !Address all coiumunications to Affective after Jan. let. 19,20 4tabscription Terms; $1.26 per year In advance; $3.00 may be charged 11 not co paid. U. S. lt�ubscripti-. 011e x,1.75 strictly in advance, No paper discontinued eintil all ar.- ara are pfd unless at the' option /f. the publisher. The date, to 'Which every subscription is paid -le demoted on the label. THE HERALD ZURICH,. ONT. „' ol?+sietreg. of 100 -acres being Lot - 44, coni. 12,' Stanley Tee _Also 30- -tames pt. Lot 12, con. 13, Stanley Tp. 'There 1!s on. the 100 -acre farm a ;sgood stone house, bank barn 36e • . 6. driving shed and other outsuild Amos. The fermi is in good+state of -ealti•vation, clay loam; drained, and fenced, 4 acres orchard, also i acres of hardwood hush, plenty of Arstod water. The 30 acres are mo- 'adtiy in pasture and make a fine gesture farm. . Everything in good seondition. For further particulars 11 one 15-78, Hensall, or apply Maggie Sparks, R.R. a, May- b1-5 ay r ieelti b1 5 Hereanc1 Ther'e jersey cow `evened by a Mont - DASHWOOD. Dr. H. II. C..OWEN L. D. S:, 31 D: S. DENTAL SURGEON BARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOO D Mr and Mrs Oliver Graybeii an children: of Toronto, are visiting 'vith relatives here I'Ir Ira Tiernan of Owen Sound it, spending .his' vacation at• Ins home here. Mr and Mrs J C Reid and famil spent the week -end with friend at Pt Elgin Miss Hazel Snell left on Mon clay for. London Mr and 1\'1r Earl Geiser and M and Mrs Art Haugh entertained the two adult - Bible CiJskes of th Sunday School and the League t an ice cream social on Friday es - ening. The evening was spen very pleasantly Mrs. H. Keller/eau of Elkton Miele, is visiting friends in tow igx. and Mrs Edighoffer and dau ghte>: Blanche are visiting in chener. Mr Heiner :xuenther of Credito ts hot driving at his home here Mr and Mrs Geo Lein„�eber and two children of Stratford, were holiday visitors at the home -of Mr end .Mrs. Hy. Sehade Zion Evangelical I.tutheran ch- urch of Dasheteod, Out, Will cel- ebrate the fl£tzeth annieersary of its organization next Sunday Aug. east 1rth. The former Pastors oT the church, Rev. B. i. sfert of Ta -- "stock, Ont, - and Bee. G. Thun of Napoleon, O. will occupy the end pit in the German ,services at 10 a. m. and 2.30 pm, and 1'e S 13 'Ens. cd Mitchell, will conduct '• the englishe. >-ert-ice at 7.30 p.m. The 'peal choir will be assisted in the nnuaical part of the program, by the choir of 'Mitchell and.)•y the Children of the Sunday School. The 'church "ill be specially decanted for the occasion;. As a thank offering special collections will be tilted in, all three eervacas for the benefit. of the Mission_ 1rea�sury and Church extension Fund O., Tuesday aft t moon, .Aug. 14th, the congregateol holds its annuli panic on the d y s r c t n areal man . has broken an Canadian c srecords by producing 1,200 gountds Or butter in a year... The average annual per capita. 'est from fires in United States is x *2.26, -while Canada loses §+"2.73 per acapita hy fire; Spain, $1.86; France, cents; `England, 64 cents; Ger.. ' =Amy, 28 Bents, and the Netherlands, S Only 11 cents. Bungalow Camps in the wilds of i Ontario have bee;' opened by the 1 inanadian Pacifie'Railway Company t" .tat French River, Nipigon, and near t irenora, Lake or the Woods. a ) Birch lawn. To both the .Tub - see services ar.d the picnic, a he- fty invitation is extended to ali. lion Lutheran church of Dashw'oou Rev P Graupner past.pr„,since19i3, s connected with the Ev. Luth. synod of 2lieseeri, Oh;si, and other States, which together with other. ynods offiliated in the Syh-todicai 'onferenee, forms the iargestLuLh tan church body in the worlds Li is more than. 3006 pulpits nothing s preached but the Gospel of lirist crucified.; not the issues o' he day, but the issues of eternity ad the hereafter. Its form et eaehing is not human reason 01 he alleged reedits of seieate, but e Bible, erre whole Bible and othing ibut the 1 ible, n.s; the in sired wised of God Traffic through the Lachine Canal $wring the month of June showed an :increase of two million hut -leis •of rain and ane hundred thousand tons 'z 'hof coat with increases in pulpw.eod, )produce and passengers over .thin warm 'month of the'previous year.. 'I1he wheat crop of Alberta arid tanitoba halals/regressed so well on recount of ttiVrabunndant moisture of he early season -'that famines!, hush-' :.tress hien andraileoad companies are xeparflrig'for ashsiryest in excess of srheerecord one of 1915. Prime Rupert, B.C., claims the Nrorhd'•s ° best record .for a one trip sit catch. A fishing schooner ar- „ rived at this port teceutly after be- ing at sea 14ae days, with 38,000, ►ounds of halibut, which sold for a trine that netted esek of the lord o five $727.80. In the Province of Oasit,ario, it is { mated, sem. ,the lumber cut in 1922 aurnounted to 3119,00e,000 board feet, r and 'hi addition 289,113 cords :of *wood. Vete Province or Noma •� e+stitt dot :tee'' New1 rnnswlek sr10,00,j oo feet, and Rr'itislt CeIu lria4 2 3. .ii o00b a r - sesereet and BENSALL ;Lev. and ;Mrs, Sinclair and toot i r t,i dr. n left for their holidays. :i'1 t.` Joynt Is on a business trip to' New f'or'k and other large cen- toes Miss Lara Serer:is, of Toronto, i,+ visiting friends and relatives in Reeseld 'and: vicitsit;. Chas iyhaddoek who has been in Tree.tan,, Mich, for tee months, , has returned borne. •` • Mrs. G. Dick is La ving the wood wrok on her residence on King St, nicely pai ited by H 17, •Litt'Ie. Jos Eisenboffer of Listowel, and J .Eiseraholfer p1 Limiion, visited with Mr and i4T:+•r; ill I'ri.c'i Gleno J3roadfoot, who has been re -rev -me, at tic Sterling Bank at Varna, hies returned Mrs 1%'m Bechtel re, 'ii: McDonald atld Mia, ir''l.,wnee Mc- hASIti, Have returned iron) Tor - wee, Where theybac l i" esil3 It91i� aid Mrs Jo N'i•S';7ouri, and 'lir ai star Bolton and dau onlvisited at is to vrsi cd 1 rut lits A Belton The 'Hensalt bowlers were e a » , successful in gettinginside th.e enemy, at two of tiro bo•tivling toe' tunamr;;lts last week. ;A rink com- eosed of Alf ' Clark, G L I4Iick1e, Fred Sim non:S and Cha's el'e>rtoev e won the Silver trophy and. bat some casseroles at the Agile Cr tournament. er and P9xis0 'Sdna, ler and i'azel Wood.. es adieg a few weeks la -t yen a ^� .��, andand r i Mrs Ed : W ui to az Oats - titer of Markham were the guests of Mr and Mr s'W H Geiser. Dr and Mrs Truemner, of Ches- ley, +spent the week -end . with the iattei" parents, Mr. and Mrs W 13 Geiser' HAY COUNCIL. ire .r► The regular tzar e Ding of the Co- You COUNTY NEWS( hell of the Township gf Hay was held on Monday, August 6th, Ali Wrn, Spear,r;an Corbett cleefses Ane members were present. The /, Strathr oy, on July flat. The fun 7tiinutes of the previus meeting r/ eral took place trona ''lig late ler" were' adopted a8 read.■ aidence to the Anglican cemetery The following rates were struck tie culverts 40.30; '' Stadia` & VGeido, ceerant 127.45;, N •Sarares, payment wrlc Schwalm' Dretn 138.66, ;Sol :dechler, poets and 'labor at Blake 1 x • .z d u h ' 0 d+ vtat n r in 7„00,Al sti u . stir .s e 17.98; Cecil Rowe sand and haul - len road .14 i8opt; Ezra Willert, has: uling gr'ave'l rd 14 8.3Q; Alex Fore- ter, .cement work on culverts 216,S0; Northern Electric co Suppllee 4.66 Tkrureday Aug utit 91,K, 194 . 71e1�1 'T'elephon'e' Co, tolls 148,73;ZIJ ,,:' pre . o, eablernane tools teas ONR freight. and eeria'go 37.53; G Deitz, laboli arld car hire 62.301.. Carew Carlon, Tel CO. plies 2949 ' •The council adjourned to ,meet again on •Monday, Sept,. 3rd, at 1,30 o'clock, pan,' �. r HESS, Clerk(, anent. at Brin$ley, the Rev. T. F. Whea ta.lz and will be levied upon the rate - of Ailsa Craig, condo. ted : tie able property of the Township of services. Mr Corbett eves bora, ba 1?ay for the year 1323, and that by- bett and spent a large part, of law be prepared to confirm sarne his life art 13rin+sley. •EIe is a ncaa IOounty Rate 31-10 milia, County relatives of the families of • Core` Road rate 15-10. milia, Town+ship reels who were among , vire earl- Rate 15-10 mills: Stuiute labor fest 'settlers in that township Rate 15-10 miil's, Statute labor T E Bays, who for 25 yearns is rate 2. mills; Zurich Felice Village sect' -trees, of iL'he McKillop,Mut- I rnias; Dashwood Pol. Village 3 ual Fire Inst £o., has resigned ow mills and General School Rate 3 ing to+ old age as he is 8e years old,:, 9-10 mills The 'aticcoesor is I). F. McGee orSpecial School rates ;-17 S S No • Wearing Wuerth's You Should Bed You want Style You want fit „ You want QUALITY Yotr want Workmanship They have it', They have it - They have it: They `have it You want CLOTHES made with all these• the well-lcnowvn Clerk of Tucker-' 1 5 toilile,No 2, 2 nulls, No 3, 2 9-10 points STANDING OUT, at prices to suit you., smith, and whir contestee the rid- ni s; No 1, 3 1-10 Mills; No 6, 2 0-10 ing as the Liberal candidate in :- mills; No 7, 4 3-+10 mills; No 8, 2 8,-101 WE MAKE THEM. All we want is an oppdar.- South Huron .n he rece'n't provine 'nil's; U. SS. No 9, 2 8-10 mills; No 10 es ciai election,' 27-10 mills; USS Iv'o 13, 2s-10 mills; thrifty to demonstrate our claim. Os Ju, ondon Ipee mNo 14, 3 m; Uilio , who Thsils.ataineddd La hattiu edfar, necker i USS No 16, 5ills5-10 SS uritis;, 15Sep2. nulls; rho NVB HAVE. ''THE GOODS AND CAv` "SATISFY YOU" IN Ei .. when he fell from a load of hay 1 8 •.nli1.3 onhis farm on July 26; died in St The: following acceux to were pas Joseph's Hospital early' Sunday mor sed .zing, after a battle for. life for L. H. Dickson, re revising vet- more than a week. Michael Aust era' lista 125.00; Prov. Treas. tax. Lith of Goderich who stiiitai.ned fame tickets 3.35; Sam Baker, underbrush' liar injuries in the 'same manner and ing . road 15 8,P0; - Chas Webber., on the same day„ is still living and his condition was Teported as be- ing favorable. Bots. men, fell head foremost tei the ground der rug hay* operations on their resp cctativo farms. They were Laken to Si. Joseph'sy.Hospital,.- London, *or • ti•eaLmeets Miss Neltlle Miller, a youn e ,•-n man who was driving a testis o horses for Clifford Dow, of Hib- bent while en:teatime; hay with a tzar fork, the a hifflelree broke and the doubietres flying back stn ur:i her in the abdomen and the right •zt ern' was broken at the elbow. A distressiizg fatality occurred one morning last week at Dungan- non, when Chas Bio -d n;' a well known resident of the community lost his life. Brown was shoot- ing blackbirds, and while crawl- ing through a fence the shotgun was discharged, the load entered his stomach, death being almost instantaneous. Nothing was known of the accident for -a little time afterwards, when the son, who was at the barn gangway, noticed smoke coming from the orchard. pen investigating the boy was: horiiffi-ed,.to find his -father lyiree . EXETER Miss E'en Link is visiting with Mr and Mrs Wm Kuntz . Mr and Mrs Arno Hoffman ; and: son of Toledo, O., returned after t isiting with Mn,and Mrs iFi*4,1ik r riebner Milton Hodgert barber, has has purchased the residence of the :ate Mrs John Sweet on Huron st., The Misses Sweet will remove to Tilsonburg to reside with her els- ice Mr and Mrs Wm Jeckel of You •ngstown, Ohio, are visiting relate - es here Mrs. Barnes and her daughter Mrs Mallard left for a trip through 'Canada to the Pacific Coast, v15- iting enroute to Washington State Jas. Green or Hay Townshiphas ;purchased Mrs McLeod•s house en reale st and will move into town this fall Wilbur Martin is building annex :Her home on the Wa ker property at Grand Bend. • Thos Clark of 'Osborne has pur chased the brick cottage on Eliz ebeth St. from Mrs, A Pickard A number of Boy Sro ata left Wed nesday for 1 1nnockiy-trn farm, the home of Rev Jas Foote, near •4alrr,a, where they will go into ram -ploy about 10 days,. Rev Voote will be in charge of the camp, alr and Mrs. Hoist Taylor, Mr. and Mre John Taylor, Luther Ira -y- ew ell of points in Mich, are Nese- Mg relatives here, CREDITON Miss Martha Wenzel of Detroit is roied<yines with her perents here The Aliases Freda and Agnes Stock of Tavistock are visiting kith th.air sister Mrs 11 J Young Miss Rena. Coiling is visiting at the Methodist parso;>lag' . • • Miss Kitty Zwioerk of Londonn, is visiting at the hams of Mr. and Mrs C. Zneeici er :5 Emery Panner has returned from his holiday at Creghton, Mines W r. i raise, n Ont Mr and Mrs Fflshri4:er of Ayton, accompanied by Mr and 1VIrs.T3en- der of Listowel visiteest At the Et*_ engelicat parsonage;, r Pearl Drier, who has leen holi- daying at her home ,Has ireturned to Hanover Mrs Harrold J Moir, has retiWned try her hone in Redford, Mich Miss Vern; Moore is holidayitd e at Zurich �' Mrs, ban Wing, and children have returned Ire their home in Pigeon *eh ERY PARTICULAR. WE ALSO DO Derr CLEr;.24INer, PRESSING AND R';PA.IRTNG -YOU " WILL LIKE OUR WORK Rupp; 39,00; Bontbron & Drysdale, LTailor, s minZurich ditto 4.25, Ont. Hospital for .0 acct. 69, Nelson. Stanta-e, repairs, 50,000 H,: rvesters W "Fare Going "—$15 to WINNIPEG. . "Fare Returning" --$20 from WINNIPEG. h coot pr die stardek paint to Whin cv,t per rolls Winnipeg to destination. QOINQ DATES AUGUST la and AUGUST 22. AUGUST 18 and AUGUST 24. TERRITORY From Stations in Ontario, Smith's ewe to and including Toronto on Lake Oatacio bore Liss and I3avek,ck-Peterboro Line. ,, From an Stations Kingston to Renfrew Junction, fnclu.tve. From all Stations on Toronto-8udbust direct Una. From nil Stations Draaoel to Pott McNkoll and Burketon, to Bobcapraeon.,aehtaiie. Fromail Stations South and West ofTirants to and including Handitaa and W`indear,Opt; Prom all Stations on Owen Sound, Wiiksrtob, Orangeville. Teudater, tiara, Listowel. uodmleh. St. Manes, Port Burwell, and St.,Ttwmas Branches. Brom an Statloos Toronto and North to Bolton, inclusive. •PROiA1. Tema, m11011 yonowTo ... f ,• ,;.,:.: 4UMaN.:^c fa, tR G►Hai �.r..rh, at..ppm in h'le /riea wt , ass sM. a, till itts teem L'sntndiaa Pacli a'tl1'` ite'i Ag @.iO%" W SVLTON, District Paaaaager ,Agent. ?orcn .' Travel CANADIAN PACIF1C More Hebrideans Canada Bound lylrieui oa a rappY Tx Hebrideans are a hone loving race of people not much given to wandering from their native hearths, .,but the, Olivet at St. John aboard the Canadian Pacific steamships Marloch and Meta,gania of over six Jiro}died sturdy men,. and women of + `the western isles; forcedby stern ne- eessity to seek their fortunes in the laud elf ,premise tsetse without pre 'cod©xit, " Ilithe year 1803 a contin- gent of 111 was brought from the Isle of:.Mull by Lord Selkirk to'tte- loP the sheep indu trr an Eft Olaih' lats, Kent County. 11 tfrnes ware nerd when *toe peopple lett bons, Waving farewell to loved Ones on the Metaganlue fate wee not more kind to -them after Life will not be it bed of roses fo they had settled herO. Forty-five of those who have newly' arrived axns their slunmberwere' carried off by they will have to work, and •hard;„ fever in the first ysar.and the wan butthis they can do• They ere then of 1812 wiped out the settlement; descendants • of the "lords et tlzi; homes, stock and crops. isles", who by' strength of arms Ye.; In 3312 Lord Selkirk's agent, Colin pulsed the i Robinson, of the late of Lewis evasions of the and ,P per- n avian suaded a number of his fellow island- s ,and Scions. S,ocne h de in . ers, to wham the aboiltion of tindilgreat de tent y t was hretar dad to , e Clan a great extent by the clan systeixeo system had brought high rents and but those who have p ve ado. ted Camel*, 'Misery, to settle in the Red River are well educated and asimple litre , district. This party encountered of ,toil in adversit through the hostilities of the Indians anile trans h • Y 8h g'le ai rz y,,,.; through their industry and e. , id si thein a ytrlertd4 fprogrea- gphysi3lue. ,and simgnle dibuity:.;. ,�,le sloe, the Jealousy of the elite trad- though torsed by hard Wires to leave, ere. When the settlement was Wiped their homes to make rived most out on one aocasfoziw and many of of them areirii sufficient funds antis them wiped out, abs reenellider were trot setew families aboard the 11.Coxtt... force to Melee >;Hcswa'er'er, they re- calm Were possessed of oyer turned in., flrit barp'eart the firat Some hove stira tete *weft wh5e.4 a ,Jed teeny attrl- larger prop rti 'stooped Inher ha but tete .te tai •alit$ 444004 * 'i!ytool j,, tita:wi1 to Red beer, Alberta; where t Selo ithene •O aro* , will form a small aolofiy. ,