HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-07-26, Page 4raga Fouz ♦ j,R.. ,« •,""r4 ri,+gR+`Q+hR'rj'+'1i ...i.+'3. Eta hL 4• Rairiit . u oT 1albieneitsw �. made a�, We haveith Ford asN'.e. he . k c��. i ai_C_ 4.ie 4. �� cis. exs tl , .4: Genuine Ford Parts4. supply a�1cZ c�l��rays -keep-keepa gooc % hand. Also �p��� any make of car Mr. Peter Tiroff, mechanic ' • AGENCY FOR ALL FARM IIVIPLE1VI7 NTS, PUMPS' SOLD ."AND REPAIRED, ETC., ETC. L; A. Prang, Zurich Ont. 4. aL ✓ 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 1J l e $ >Eir F I of Kitchener,: are visiting in town t Seller of Seafol'th Mr, wine � is spending : this 'week. with Mr( anti: Mrs. W. Wolfe. • Mrs, Frank Morenz and children I' 1 ti - T• �� with it,l •era � are a 1 sit ,>£ Detroit atiVesa Mrs. Ifarnaclier and 'son, Eddie, have from ,returned fro ,' visit with I elatives in Detroit, . nd Mr. and Mrs JJimIlertleih Il Tarr and Mrs P, Wilmot of 'Detroit, were visitors ie (town this week .. Mr and TVIrs Gellman of Iurieb were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F,I.3eav er. . Ni'i. and Mrs. "Geo. Powell of 1ct1ford called 'oxi fr'it:nds.intown Mond,ay. 111,.. and. Mrs. W.m. Beaver of lensall,spent Sunday NS ith Mr. and s Wm Sie11, RA TZ--FASSOLD A. )retty wedding Look plane at t:ic Methodist parsonage, Exeter ra'h'44,ednesday July 1.8th, when Mass k:a Elizabeth, artiest daughter of 1•:Ii and' Mrs P Fassold of Dash- wood. was united in marriageto INdilton' E, Ratz. son; of Mr. and NI +s Jno Ratz. Sbiplka. Rev Don- ,:.;'; offitsiating. The bride was lo�r.iy in a gown of ivory gorg- f•i.ie with silver trimimirngS, larg �el,itE picture hat to .Hatch and .car- ry d an exquisite 'shower of ()ph- rases and lily of the valley Miss Venda Fassold, sister of the tilde as bridesmaid, was ,prettily •• •• owned hi jade green canton with overdress of radium lace. She wove a lame black picturehatanti c'°.rlsd. a shower of sweet pea.. My Roy R».tz, wa's groomsman,. ^lI. and Mrs,,. Rats' left by :motor on a honeymoon which 'wilt be T,,snt at Pike 139y and other, Nor Ana ' a points. For travelling•, the 1- r•'k wore a smart frock of black taf tta,., black hat ;and wraps of, ad•.lph blue. HERALDPRINTING r` CREDITON :' HE , ic1o1- VPICE letter of coY Q Th following enee vas passed by the Board of ADVERTISIN s • RATES Display Advertising -Made known ,,bn application. '$tray Animals—One insertion 50e slue insertions $1.00. Varna or Real Estate for sale 12 for first. month, $1 or each sub- ;eequent insertion. rprps,e�esional Cards not exceeding }i $5 per year. Inch, teres, reading matter, 10c. a line for iCard of Trunks, In Memoriam, 50e, through. the sudden. loss of your Local and Legal advertising not- husband, wb.o has been ra valued Lo Ji , for rhe past st insertion and 5c per line for 4`t sixteen years;, Directors' of The Hay ,Township Fanner a Mutual Fire Ins,. Co., at a meeting` ;veld aL Grand Benet on the 21ut. lest 1VIrs. Jona E. Sparrow, Varna, Ont. Dear Madam; We, the Directors of The ,lay Township Farmer's Mutual Fire 'Ins, Co., d.e'sire �:o place on recora our deep regret that we, s a Company have sustained cher at. ' ` ebwood, iii Spending the iaoliaL )is at his ,ho`.oie lit=re;, `Ie'nr3 r who las be tiers ;�al:-lit,1 � i `t. , , envisiting friends ie a\iiebigan, has returned home, q ad'. (tee 0 Dot1 la. a Mr,!..'and e )Ci g rr , itr a 'c 5 n daughter,'Miss li ei ,, a 1 , � tlra. suania)'ea rx,r ntl,s 5i4 ' their, cot- tage fit .G•ratad, 'Deiacl Cantelpn out o'ld establish CCi :ailed caiel getit',: coal ohereirant, has been ;dt livering considerable . coal, :to his, 11)1liy customers. , sn Guiana,, who is at Pont Ii1G1 %,ta..it;, Eperit some time at his ionic here„. 'r" each subsequent insertion. ;p•L:TCTION SALES—$2 per single insertion), if. not over five inches iv • length. Miscellaneous: article of not To la ,Ore than five lines, For gale, 'neat, or Wasted, Lost, Found, etc., 1i insertion 25a. ;A•ddress all communications to Effective after dan. 1st. 1920 Etibacription Terms •; $i:25 per year advance; $2.00 may be charged 'fl not so paid. U., S. subscrivti- u $1,75 strietly in advance. No per discontinued vnti1 all ar her. The te 'Tr which every seubscripttonn a paid lie demoted on the label. While this Board feels the loss of his wiee counsel, we inscere1y de sire to sympathize with you _in, our bereavement. We considerit a melancholy pleasure to dwell hp an the virtues anti accomplishm- ents don d eats. of your beloved hu if any consolation can afford you assistance under so heavy an affl- iction'you have experienced in your loss, it must come from higher paver Irian ours. We trust you will support your spirits and. look forward. to that blighter and happier world to which we shall go to those 'who .. nnot return to us. Accept dear 1•nadarta,' our sincere c0irdb'"iL, CCI [aY£tY xy--t k3 _ eadr.,•-laex.ea.._ vement and, affliction and believe t s . -to remain,. THE HERALD ZURICH, ONT. , ;Sian>n, seiner, from ray City,'. i`Ilr.1a., cL leis brother, +Owe'n ';�igei, leave of Heixsall • ' •mis�:ia McLean was hore recent lY from Chieaga 'spending i, the week -unci with his parents 174i11i<i'n, Fee has completed. Ja very jute , addition to 'his dwelling ori Isthg st, both adding to the ap_ f ,it pgararrce and comfort o Mis is Gram, of 3.)eckervillea is hero on a visit, accompanvedby Mrs .Puilc-rton and Miss Audry, of ' Peronlo: Mr. arid Airs, Milne Rennie and fat d1y,, accompanied' by Mrs Win Dougall and 'sop Dr. R. v1)ougall and'daughter, Miss Dougall 'of De- .reit• are camping at Grand Tend ,The .Co,iowingg pupils of Mrs: M Rerafie-and Mies Greta. Latmmie, have succr:ssfiill:y 'passed the 'ex- aminations exaninations of the Toronto Conser- vatory of Music, 'which were con: - ducted by ,Mr. :Robb xn Hensalllon July 2nd, Jr. piano, Eleanor Sider 'glen:lent:t y piano—Blanche Mustard IHonr;: James Mustard (Hon), Vera Smith; .introductory piano—Erma 7lroadfoot Hon;, Dorothy Broad-. loot"(Hon{ r Om'. villagers were surprised. to 11enrn last week of the death of Tri SIcElven,'wla.{o ways a` forme resid •en.l:. of our village and manager of the• Sterling .Bailie formerly. ' He Peter' Lisenbach was awarded a c+c 'Ia Li act to .construct a 104t•, cul- vert, •ul- . lu ioW n as Scott's Culvert, On t r 1, 1i 17 eice of:,.. Cons, 1(i; a'« ',Gr for;. the p .. . Cu , $nnte; per Cubic yard., which price shall •i 1 incinclude.the furnishing of all plan ire- t a1 in i o qCl ac cx i9at axial g 1 S i,a%tcl by G. A. iVlcCuul in,. ,•'The .following orderswere pas - 8C ti I3Jdro'li,lec. ar.•ct 190'Z; Dr. „il- hams clothing for Alma Williams 15.X8; Advocate printing account .21.10 Dominion, Road machinery Co pi:1: airs for grader • 9,15; J.. Glavin, comrn'sands repairs S.B, 40.00; J. W Steeper contract 3 -SB 11.75, Cecil Jones commr:3-SB .2,50 , . II, R3'x'an. co .ptraets 5 -6 -SB 129.00 , C. Regan, corner 6-513 10.00; c,. O'Brien cont. -$D 10.00; J. Ryan; contract 4-S13 ,31.25; Wm Greive comm', 4-813 5.50 dr�- ,Cr. Haber, pt contract a.re diton EXETER left were a few years ago to take the management of a firance and Miss Gertie. K arch 'r, of Ketch- bond .company in Windsor, where e : was the guest of Miss Fly- "; D ,;rtrucecnents were held out Harr, '.'ani and not only .aur villagers, Harvey recently: hut all in tihe. districtb Word. :vas received here on Sat- h � urday of the death at Winnineg of Isaac Bissett, elder son of Mri and Mrs, Thos Bissett of Exeter ,a£ the age of 44 years. 1VIrs. F Witwer, of Exeter north , was taken 'seriously .i91 on ;Satur- day last with heart trouble,, but she is DOW improved. Thos Fitton, last Friday morning while walking on the C N R track met with a nasty accident, when he tripped. and fell on the ground • sustaining a bad. cut under one eye... ass Workmen are )Baking pros*�. in transforming 6`he' vacant post Yours: Truly, THE HATE TOWNSHIP FAR MUT; rime, INS. Co. - ,Si pied, o.-S;ipied, ' Henry ,Edger, Secy, FARM FOR SALE. Christian Stade, president, 'Consisting of 100 -acres being Lot 1.4cola(. 12, Stanley TD. 'Also 30 - acres pt, Lot 12, con. 13, Stanley Tp. 'ThereMi ST. JOSEPH STEPHEN COUNCIL The council of the Township of Stephen Convened in the Town 1 • I3ai1, Crediton on Tuesday y du y 3, Ail members were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read an dadopted, is an the 100 -acre farm a and Mrs Cyril Masse pi De - mood stone house, bank barn 36x itn,'oit are spending the week e isb, driving 'shed and other outsuild i ,and rSte Joseph tags. The Palen is in good state of I round. Francis Overholt purchased ultiivation, clay loam, drained, and 1 , s horse rcha1ed a valuable dri'c inn r eac fenced, 4 acres orchard, also Alfi°ed Sreenan, Stanley, rip. Have �x acres of hardwood bush, plenty of a, smile, girls •god water. The 30 acres are mo-. mi ;riga Masse of Detroit is in pasture and make a tine e M . tatty e visiting her irtea ure farm. Everythingin particulars Mr: and, ivlrs S. Sitter, and son condition For further particula s IIl Emanuel; Mr and Mrs Cornish, of ;:,arms were Sunday -visitors with Mr and Mrs C. ,O. Smith Mr Fred, Papineau of Detroit, visited here the past week O IC'es3tr Pitt; a play gvwawa- i'id_ excavation has been filled in and the ground is beim worked ups and levelled. White driving the ;team attached" to the hay fork rope at the farm of his son, London rd., MichaelF1- etcher,.on Friday last met with!an unfortunate accident. The attach rn.Cnt broke and the chain flew back and truck him. a,severe blow on the foreheead and aerosis ,the ab- domen .:rendering him unconscious for several hours, luckily no bones were broken:. Folltwiug a short illness.after a paralytic stroke the death ()el cured at his home in Exeter on July 11, :of Janes • N'orth Howard.at the are of 83 years. Born in Us-bor lie had, been a resident, of th Township and of the Village of Exeter practically all his life,, Ile was a. mason by trade and In lesser was had even during.the last few years followed the busin- ess, lately building houses for .him self. He was Captain of the oild. volunteers and. was' familiarly kxl` own as. Cap; Howard for ninny ye- ars. Was twice married, his second wife surviving. Lezi•fs two sons and tkio daughtersi, • Phone 15=78, Hensel', or 'apply to Maggie, Sparks, R.R. 3, Bay- ' Reid. ' 51-5 Dr. D. 'H. COWEN L. D. S., D, D. S. DENTAL SURGEON :, d.ARTLE1D S I3LOCK, DASHWOOD • !f"i1OMA DASHWOOD. Miss Eufrieda Schroeder has re- turned front a pleasant . visit with rriend.s in Toronto. t The Young People's League of: the. E'cangaiical church held a picnic at Gransi. Bend last 'Thurs- day. Mr. 3, H. Ehlers of Indianapolis, is visilang his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hy. ;Ehlers, Mr. Ehlers who is en- gaged m Y,M,C,A. work, will oc- cupy th1 l,ulpit in the E.".an, Helical church, n: ti.t Sunday evbning. Mr.' and Mis. _Rutherford, and. MIVIiss i3eoadfoot left on Sunday for Heterbough, Where they will spend: their . vacation. ' Mr, Carpenter, of Dresden is rclievmg at the Banyk of Comnm- erco Ilia . Ct"say Fl:iia. anilli'a Litt" t3'1Y �r410.1a ill ab titexvioiv 1h1 other dela ratald that sic .viii Again, challenge dux A,+it:pi'`a's Vat C'ub atr, 1925. li*' :illi m^.'taboo be wa�I-1 bring bdcl« :tett the United Stair.:, has 23 -meth'' ;,liatui'ock. 'l'he Shamrock will r(4i •, x•,o home, ivnLern is 19114 Dr. Taylor and Ed Beaver, 'sp- ent a few days last week at Lion's Head, on a fishing trip. They brought horn., some fine; 'specimens, Mr.' and, Mrs. E. Tiernan spent Sunday's at Owen Sound, with their son. Ira, Who recently underWent. an operation fax appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs, E. Sails and fain- ily, of liitckener, were week -end vis i60r,s at the: home of Mr. and.,Mrs, Geo. Eeughoffer, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Held and family of Buffalo, ore visiting with rola Lives. Miss Olive Rader of Detroit, is visiting with her parents. Mr, anis Mrs, .Angus Moir of Sex birth, spent 'Sundayin town. Mt'+. Harold Litt of bebringvlllee is visiting at the home of Rear. Y ager. Mr,, and Mrs. tlordon I•ioopee at Toronto, l'iailted with Mr. and Mrs. I+.,�r•i Gila ntareir this Weelky M�s N KellermanandKathleen COUNTY. NE,W? lS. Thieves entered the home of Wm Boyd., Mitchell, on July .12th, •an'd stole $15 frofv a strawer.in a dies- ser,it was in. broad yidaighi ;and they hall to pry, open the doorto get into the bonne. About 75 boys 'from• the an churhees of ,St.. John's;. St Paul's and St. Luk's, London,; St. John's and St. Luke's, St. r Thomas; •and Christ Church, 1 etrofea, are camp- ing . at Bayfield, under conclii;ipirs favorable in every way,. On Monday fright last, .while, Geo Gloncher was out fora chive with his horse and buggy in Wa,wanosh an, auto bore down upon him, he at once gave more than hall of the `_ road, but the auto struck.' the buggy hurling it upside down. ,file driver did not' stop to see what damage ho had, done.. Mr. Glqu- 'cher's one shoulder, was badly an• ashen,- but d,espiie his injuries, he lighted. the rig and readied home.; Miss Frances Crich, daughter of W A, Crich; Sea.,forth, wafi award- ed: warded. the Ail)eert Carman. Scbo.iarship for general p'roIioieney , 41 Alma. 'College, St T"ho:rnaa, this'.. year, The death 'income! at `ucian on 11IMonday last at John tr Howard retired farmer, :li?, • his Telmer year(. Ito bad been 111 fora,1JIr�; time 'and of late nearly blind Ile is survivt.d by his. widor'ar ?Ind t wo eons, IEr4 ALL N P "W l rinior has so. d hire neat d,ivelling on h.ing st to Z Arnold, iilnn-ager of t e Molsons' Sank SYdney ,Geiger, high itheol �,. re Y t C1oth'sP Thursday July 20th, 192, ,lira. 500.00; Municipal Vold. suppl: los 0.35; Centralia ,Co-operative Ca cement $3,00, Rowl.ond .tiros gravel 9' °,0; ditto 83 77.50; it J, O'Rotrk «circ on, 813 400; J" Barry cant 1-S r 4E; fi;;M. "Mitchell coinnh'r 1-513 8.00 Hy. Clark.i , grovel 1 contract `-'a , 72. ao� Lamport cit c nrn' 1 5 rd. 2, i1D, ditto rop rel'. Tl k 5 -rd 2 5:b0; H. Clark rep culvei'la Elk 6-ra xt 5 '$G, '.Phos ;Nail pt grant Town 'iiaa Siephen ,Sz Iaiddu'iph 4.25; J, 13;au'1 shin grading rd 11 11..00; A. Keye two, others grain.dg rd 5, 6,75; J, tl'p uain's .contract rd. 9, 62400; r: tie and others j i'lliaxg bik 5 -rd a 4,6.50, Mat Sweitzcr and others a, eisting surveyor re; sh,ka, dra 2,1 6(' ilia Council adjourned ,.to, •meet, again in Town Hall, Crediton, on" 14Ienday,„ August 6th, at .1 gen., HENRY EXLB.LR, Clerk, You want Style You want fit ..,: You want QUALITY You want Workmanship They have it They have it They have it They have it You want CLOTHES made with all these points STANDING OUT, at prices to suit you. WE MAKE THEM. All we want is an oppor. tunity to demonstrate our claim. WE I•;t1:VB ''THE GOODS" AND CAN :'SATISFY YOU" Iii EV-. ERY PAE I ICULAR. WE ALSO DO L ieY CLEANING, I RESSINS AN 17) REP AIRING YOU WILL LIKE OUR WORK • f G cest ANADIANS have always been noted for courage, , optimism and faith in their country. Canada was not built up by pes- simists, nor will Canada continue to develop if her people allow therm- '"selves to become croakers and grouchers. Canada is fundamentally' an agricultural • country. We have a soil and` climate which can grow the world's finest agricultural pro- ducts. Canadian farm- ers who 'have earned the capital, invested in their farms out of.profits in farming are numbered in thou- sands. These ,suc cessful farmers have paid off their. mortgages, stocked their .barns and stables, bought their machinery, made a good living and brought up their fami- lies. amilies. It meant hard work, but today they t�tR1z�aa�tzeaJ:oraup arc, independent, Tail i .8 uture fidence for feed, labor, interest and depreciation, the net profit per pig was still $4.63. Profits from Sheep As mon-o-makers, sheep are hard to beat. In every Province from Prince Edward Island to British Columbia are found many flocks returning generous profits to their owners. We Must Cut .Production Costs Canada is ; meeting with the keenest competition in the mark- eting of her products. To hold her own and regain her place on the world's market, she must re- duce cost of production. The only way to do this is to increase production per acre, per cow or per other unit. Bat improved quality, also, is essential to meet market de- niands. The quantity and the quality of the products and the cost of production in competitive court - tries is beyond our control. Prices of agricultural products are regulated by world supply and demand. Hence, decreasing predtiction. will not help the Canadian farmer. Money an Mixed Farming In recent years, at different points on the prairies, oats fed to steers have brought from 70c to $1.07 as against the Fort Williaxti price of 420 per bushel, while barley used'for the same,purpose has brought as high as 99c as against the Fort William price of 57c per bushel. :C'arrrters marketing their coarse grains, in this way lower marketing cost, have a sure market and make •money ori their grain, while at the sante time they market their roughage, otherwise often wasted. The cattle embargo is now off. Steers are worth . more money and certain to make good money for the Canadian farther from navy on. "oney"in Pigs The Dominion lExperiincplal Parries h=ive proved by actual test that there `.. is a profit in feeding pigs. Last year at the Central :E`arm, Ottawa, after paying m 114, i:c Poultry Pays Poultry makes money for those who. adopt modern meth- ods, whether East or West. Little Prince Edward Island mark- ets co-operatively in carlots, shipping an- nually upwards of one million dozed eggs. The British Columbia Co-operative Poultry Men's Exchange markets in the same way,. thus ..saving ruinous glut in their. local market. ,There is a market for good Canadian horses, whether light or draught. Grow geed . Canada's Northern grown seed possesses extra vitality. There is a large market for it to the south., Can- ada exports seed potatoes, but imports other.•seeds. She has the opportunity to grow seeds f tr herself and for export. The Future Ten years from now the pessimists of today will have been forgotten. Britait has removed the embargo against our cattle. She wants our beef and bacon, our cheese, butter, eggs aiid apples, our wheat and flour, As the population of. the United States 'increases, she will compete less and, less against tis on: the •_ British market Eventually, . elle will herself be an importer of many other food stuffs besides wheat .from this Colrntry. Canada has the nt;,,ah, the climate, the land, the stoclt' and the potential mark- ets necessary for agricultural. success. Let us farm with all: the industry and science we can muster, Let's get to tivorle and pay our debts, 'Canada. is moving. forward with confideiace in its: future. Let us keep going ahead, 1 , la' m_ np• m... « , ,,C:' n MI . . �• 'i!?� Y,.*' rbG ": { xin,•x,,,', Authorized for publication 1,y the ]Dominion Department bf Agriculture vv. It. MOT ERWELD, Minister. nr..1.11. GDYSDAL111, DePtam' Minister, 188 a',. r3, Y.; %l(Fyil�i..