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Zurich Herald, 1923-07-19, Page 8
Paas Eight e SALE All lines of Summer Goods enumerated here, as well as many other lines will be sold regardless of former price and regardless of cost • SPOT„ REG: $1;75 `o 11.50, NOW pex 'Yd .._. $1.00 Organdies PLAIN-.�a.11 colors, iil•,G. $,1.25. Yd. No'w per Yd BFic VOILES HOSIERY Tigured and Floral Effects, J3'atlerf1Y Silk Hose all sizes, 75c . alues to $1.25 yd. NOW 48d, Bale lisle hese,all sizes at.... ...35c Plain, Black, Cream, Grey, Pink pik cotton hoe all sizes at ,.. 25c. .Scud Orange, 38 in wide for 35e -own cotton tiose, ali sizes ...20c I: RIN,TED VOILle'S l n ' fi0-inches width at per Yd.__ ,..15c RATINES All tatines and crepes, Reg. Fie. yd. now 65c Silk Crepe ariety of colors now at yd, ._.$1.30 Voile Blouses r:aii7, White colors, your - choice, at, each --- ... 75c Fancy Chintz House- dresses ;'•nly clearance price each $1.50 NIGHTGOWNS I -ink, Nainsook each - :. ...... MEN'S WEAR Men's Siff front Shiite, values to 53.00, now, each $1.75 F •i;iama hats, at Half-price $1.50 Light weight caps at ._, :......85e Say., fine cotton pr, ...... 20e W c • k Sox, pr. ,,: 1i8c DINNER SETTS 1 only 97 piece sett, Regular $35.00, Now ... ... .. $26.00 1 tiny 97 piece sett, Regular $'03.00 tion $19.50 1 only 50 piecesett, for ... ,r $9;75 Gess Tumblers each ... ...... 5e BROOMS Lac ither bouifd, each 6C 13f ii L l !1 1✓ n , tr a m Soo WILL 13E HELD ON i Mr. Wm i• iiert's ON Saturday Eve. July list , COMMENCING AT 6.. ii CLOCK P M G ti'DER THE 'AUSPICES, O?` 'TliE 'N OiiiENS' INSTITUTE Admission—Adults 25c. Children -15c. Zurich Band in Attendance• ITEMS.OF LOCAL INTEREST Miss .:Olive O'Brien,' is °visiting at Ce z oit < this week. Mi. and Mrs. Louis Prang ' and f;eiuily. acre •Sunday visitors .at God er,ch; Dliss Hazel Finkbeiner of Strat- fordis the guest of :her consul,, Iliies Mildred Hellman Messrs. John Decker jr. and j. Hcy jr. :Attended. the Kincardine. sac: 4 on Wednesday • We are pleased to. report 'that lir.' Chas. Hartleib of Goderich'aod formerly of i Zurich, who has 'been, eel oiusly ill, is improving. • Mr. and Mrs S.E. Faust nand fam. <,,e of Goderich, ,spent 'Monday. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. • :Ii„ iIoffman. t .5Iessrs. David and Wan Jantzi Miss Nancy Gi gerieh 'and '14IiEs• Bela 1 ennnel of Baden, were week- eel visitors with relativees and fri- ends n.ds here. irlr .and: Mrs. .Chas Fritz, Miss 50c. }?,-rothy Fritz, Miss F.earl. Won't, ,u:2rs. :Minnie Fritz osLontiiii, i,LNNOX LAUNDRY" SOA.P. left • .on. Thursday -last r,.fai:,.an ;care tea visit-to:,.Eanii't©n, :Guifalr' e EARS FOR ,- 25c, erred Guelph.- •• eT. GASCHO & SON Produce Wanted Phone 67 Zurich's Garage BATTERIES! BATTERIES! We are again handling the I.X. L. Battery. IF IN NEED O1 A BATTERY . BETTER CALL AND SEE US WE MAKE A SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATTERY WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO COMPARE WITH: ANY OiTHER, L QUALITY AND SERVICE CONSIDERED We also handle the famous T:T. S. L. Battery A. COMPLETE LINE OP DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES AND GEN VINE FORD PARTS ALWAYS ON HAND. NOW IS THE (TIME TO HAVE YOUR 'CAR REPAIRED. OUR POLICY IS FIRST . HERE, FIRST SERVED. COME EARLY AND AVOID'THE RUSH. WE ARE EXPERTS ALONG THIS LINE AND CAN ATTEND TO YOUR NEEDSAXY ACTYLIN WELDING BATTERY CHARGING . BATTERY REPAIRING H. Mousseau Zurich ***********************o*************************** • • Fence Buyer's 1 Farmers 'do not be deceived x and buy any kind of fence. There is only one kind of • 1 fence namely Frost TightJ g Lock the cheapest and best 1 on the market. eta 1 �"E&WEIDOI pREETER BLOCK - ZURICH ". " iMaw06 .40041400 hN1111i #040 1'0400AI+M0010 11 6.0004.40,001 •0400•i * BARN Jardine—A.t Stephen Township,; ea July 12th :to Mr. and. Mrs. Lee tone Desjarcbne twin sons. penomy—A.t. Sauble. Lines, oi.Ju1y silly, to Mr. and Mrs. John ,Den only;, a eo 4 (Stillborn) Ki tc -At the Parr Line, Hay ,Tit on "July 14th ,to Mr. alid ;Mrs.,. - Thomas Kyle, a son. ' HAY -COUNCIL. LOrrAL MARKETS (Corrected every- Wednesday) Butter . 35 'Eggs- 18 .cried apples per lb . fie Dutch setts per lb. ... ... Be Potatoes per, big 75 Wheat per bushel ... .:. ... 1.15 Oats... ....... ......... 45 Flour per cwt. 3:00.3.75 Bran per ton _.. -_ ,. 28.00 S1ortsp er ton 30.00 00'8. s cost of August :and their answer -pap. ':pt's will 'be re=read. There is •• fee of $2.00 which will be re- f:: f (1; bwich will be returned if the Spr a1 is sustained;. The certificates of the success- ful candidates will be sent to the ,cher or to 'the ,secretary,, of the Sahoo1 Board about 20th of Aug- ut: • Bayfield Publis School Marion Davidson; Jack Ferguson', .A t -;woods. - Exeter . Publics- School fee xcagie Beavers,, Eva Betts,,Mar fi 'Carl( Frank Creech (A)!.,' Hugh t' eels ,(A); ':Janes Connor, Jack ,r J ul))i411, Marvin Howey (A)'; Re eerne .Ilowey.,(A) ; K-athl een Hea-- ••a .' n, John Kuntz, Marjorie ' Medd, .Edna: Russell, Edward Taman. . (Ay; Flo.*. lei: Wiest Hensall P. S. James Bengough ,Harry Cook (1. Lorne Poster !i3 !; Dorothy lietternan, Manley Jinks, Harry oylit (A); Pearl Kenning's; : Lulu M-Denald, Ray; pfaff,"'I' •edStacey, Raymond Rivers, Archie ,Sparks; Alvin Warrener (13) ; Lorne W,hite- i>. Winehgesea .P S 0 `verna 13rock;(A); Marjorie •'Del• u!tage, Lena Heywood, Ina Jae;_. elle regular meeting of the Co q' , • encil of the Township of Hay eel Ae'tt i , ' e, it •vn• Hall, Gucich, r n Tuesday, July :,rd. Ml the men- !• •-8 were present. . The- minutes :o f the last regular meeting and sp- eon', meeting were read and s 1- o; ted. i ice telephone tolls over the It y Municipal • Telephone System nt % Hens ill and Exeter and term- iir c.n 13e11 subscriber's stet- icres said towns, will be rebated to the subscribers of the saidHay= M tncipai Telephone System dating Leonard Prang, Luella Reichert.. irom July 1st, 1923. Said rebates Granid Bend to apply only on three minute mes Anna I3ossenberry, Edna Gill, .s and station to station can. 'fitGXCes9 on niessageh o.*er three cora Oliver, Wilfred Ravellei Eh - ?,'" station;, Mary Ravtiie• minutes and on 'person to person' , ''iAii' TP. ` L t i1t 7 to be eolleeted, ht .11. --Melvin Bedard, Madeline La-:' Tile following accounts were orte P tv'o _—Alice Willard (ll); Velma • ii nicipal World supplies 10.14, Caldwell'. Stain, & Weido, cement 1231.75; A. No 6—Luella 'Farwell; Anthony dick, teamingg ravel' 56.25; G.'J'•. Re?ier 'i Lie], hauling poles 2.0G;Northerin vo 13 -Leonard. Pfaff (B); Harry iaectric Co,, supplies -53.78; Stiornb Stanlakee'• c g-: ulao?i Cd., supplies 180.41; No 14—Margaret. Johnston (A)'; .Feil Tel. Co, toils 84,29 , P C'IrarIes Pearce (Mclsac ),; Char= • Never and, labor 423.55; iG$ 4'ttcsa'a:3/ rower ad encs Smillie (13), Hazel Thonvioli (A) . t .. r ibor, 477.55; .W G. Hess, labor re Ly dr()+ telephone office 7:35; W. Ii. Stanley Tp . 0 3 -Fred Tieai•d (11),` Mary Wild i, ibinson; labor re cable 68426; O. (A), 1[ a)):cr meal() re crable:nan) 12.00. I`o b-1=heoiae Co1e1ou �h Ellwood .ills council adjourned to meet s ac a,n on Monday Augwit ,6th, at ilpps 03) 1 3.1 0 clock, p.m.. No7 Willia `m .Anderson; Edna Af F, HESS, Cler1 Cochrane, Grace Co;eman,Law "encs" .Reichert, Dorothy High School Entrance f iii 9—bIargaret Douglas (A), Mil- Result for 1 923ton Oesch (BA No 10—Anna Caldwell No 13—A.gnea Adams, Willie Clark Total number of marks obtain- Gave�JErleplrata;ien StTputart 1 eys a b•e 760.' 51.arhs necessary to puss 450,with N 3—Stella Dearing', Gertrude at least 40 per cent in each sub- Knight ,tact, First-class bon.' l ecluire 562 4, -Ernie •' Palmer (B), Irene ri ih,s and are marked (A.). Seen 1Viutene, Ruth Weber. lel-class hon. need 525 marks T<and A marked (13). The following are the hight tntat marks made at each school; ILy'xreld--Mary Wild, NO. 3 Stanley 's?8 marks. (rtdttola,--Erma Fahner, No. 4 'St- eplle 1, 5.9, marks Daahwaotl-Anna Tiemen. Nish - wood. P.S., 593 marks. Exeter --Eugene Hoa}ay, eter P S, 6.45 marks lieesall—Margaret JBhnston, No 14 iiay, 614 marks barna—Edith Middleton No 10 Goderich tp. 615. mark's. Wizi helsea—Vera Brock, No 6, -Os- borne, 562 Gu1lcii—btargaret Douglas, No( 9, St a isle • �8, . y I11e mark3s of those that it�iled 7rR.' • pi',g mailed to tl: ,Y,1. 1;J1?' - .it�'i•k'.:brui cariclitlates that tleodo,to .tPCew, lull notify t(he .pubiic. Seh- r ei i"h8P.�ctor, before flan 15th day • Leura•: Clark, Irene Fahner (?i) Rcleu McIsaac; Helen Orme (13) ' Hilda Sims, •(I3); Alma Winer 111; Elgin. Woodall. Dashwood, P S Einma . Graupner, Alvin Keller - 'lean < (13); Anna Tiernan, Eugene,Ti iva1A (13)•; Kenneth ,Wein B. zURraa P:;5 ', ' 1 ( • Irene Decher, Evelyn Ducharme (B); HeIen .Foster, Mildred Geiger Idella Howald 4B), Kenneth Koehler (13); cjaude Meidinger, No 6—Erna Neeb, Esther" 1•Teeb,1 (lit•` Ne 7 -Edward Wilson No 10 Olive l3rown, Hugh Love r o 11 I er.man Rimier, Mina Wil- lert. No 14—Mary O'Prien (13) ; Harvey • Godbold, Helen Hicks, Mine ray Neil • •6—(Separate• School) -- John Morrissey, Lonia O'Hara, Ger- ald O'Rourke Tuckersrrxfith Tp u 1—Grace Forrest, (A); . • John Madge (A); Dora, Pepper, , Potter Pepper (A). Vera Voiii nd (A), Alice Walker, 13. • Schools not Given' rveiaan. bearing (A); Mary Fair bairn, Margaret Hoggarth • ' • Note—Group; 1 of 1T. S. Entrance tuns be taken in 1924 es in ,Iermelr years, on the certificate of the, tc,(i;liez 'Sn Forin 14 fully filled in Th irsdifty Juuy tDth, 1:023 ` The store witb:;tbe M. beraF Cash Dps cant ATTENT1�N ! Mr. Farmer NOW IS THE 'TIME TO DO YOUR FENCING, AND WE ARE IN A POSITION TO GIVE YOU A GOOD CHOICE OP FENCE AT VERY LOW PRICES. THIS IS HIGHEST' GRADE MADE. WE- HAVE FENCING HERE ALSO' AT A LOWER PRICE— COME AND LOOK IT OVER, IT MAKES A GOOD FENCE, WELL GALVANIZED AND WILL STRETCH UP FINE. IF WE DO NOT HAVE JUST WHAT YOU WANT IN THIS LINE OP FENCE, WS CAN GET IT FOR YOU IN A F'EWI DAYS. Take ;Notice Every prospective buyerahould know this. This is very important, .A. Chain, no natter how large, is, only strong as its weakest link Now this is the point we are' driving at. Do not be tvatisfued with any Fence which has not as heavy a wire used in the lock, asthe lice and .- ipright wires, be- cause it is bound ;to go at hat point :first, and time will surely ten'.. We have on hand an assortment of Choice Galvanized Gates Prices will be right. We have painted Gates in stock from last year, while they'last, We won't refuse any reasonable offer; You make the price. Barb Wire, Coiled Wire, Plain Wire all galvanized. Big stock enough for all. Staples, Black wire,. Augers, Pliers, in fact everything you need. : w 2 large Fence stretchersatyour disposal. Ask for on you need it, No Charge.�' if , NO W. LET'S GO AND ' MAKE .THIS A BUMPER FENCE YEAR. s. MELICN& BRAUN PHONE 63 v 512 Per Cent. • Per Annum Payable Half -y;714 ON CANADA TRUST CO. GUARANTEED MOR/rGA...E_CER:, TIFICATES. 51/4 Per Cent. PER ANNUM PAYABLE HALF -YEARLY ON HURON'• ERIE h19BENTURE& CCanada Trust Co. Guaranteed Certificates and Huron and Erie Debentures are Protected. by . Assets of over $25,000,000.O0 $100 invested in Canada Trust Coe Guaranteed Mortg- age Certificates in twelve months will . earn for you $5.50. "$1,000 in, twelve months will earn $55.00 • $100 invested in Huron & Erie Debentures in twelve months will earn for you $5.25, , '$1000, i,n twelve months will earn $52.50. 1 LET ME ARRANGE AN INVESTMENT FOR YOU NOW. Andrew -F. Hess, - Zurich Have You MADE YOUR WILL? Ready -to -Wear Clothing DENOM Y BROS. GENTS FU 'RNISHINGS Orders* Clothing YOUNG MEN WILL FIND In Royal Clothes all the style feat- ures of artistic des=. • igning, the faultless tailoring of expert wo tlkren, the qual- ity that gives satis FACTMION TO THE WEARER— AT A pnreE CONSISTENT WITI!: —nu, HIGH TYPE OF MERCHAND ISE. DENOMY torvizootakonl o c loa wo y(d•