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Zurich Herald, 1923-07-19, Page 7
,I is TheToLacco of Qa�a1i 1 d on pckages Surnames and Their Origin T.UPPER Variation—Taubmann. Racial Origin -English and German. Source—An occupation. In the Middle Ages, when there was i ma= tc : epdveate.d a111d automatic no complicated chi:nery for th'e manufacture of such CHATTERTON Variations-- Chatsworth, Chetwood,, Chatham, Chadsey. Racial Origin -Anglo-Saxon. Source—A place name. This ie a group of` family names whiche has been . derived from place names, which, tbougll not the same, are ali of the same character. T.he basic element in these names le the ancien£ Aneglo-Saxon word for.cet- tagea, or hut, which was "cyte" or "este" (the pr'onunciatuon of the Ang- le -Saxon "c" was always like "k," for,. as a matter of fact there was no "k" in the Anglo-Saxon alphabet). This was the usual word denoting "haus" or "dwelling," the anicenet equivalent of the mo.denrn word "houses" being re- served for buildings o•f a more preten- tious or public nature... • • The place name of Chatterton, or nacre properly "Gbadderton," from which the family name was deec r ip. tively derived, ' wee compounded from the Angio -Saxon ecete•dour-data,"e and signified "tele fortified dwelling in the w`ood." Chatham is the name of a. town in Kent. It is compounded of "cyte" or •''•ceite". and . "ham," the latter signify- ing a village. Chatswortb .is. •a compound of "cete" end "worth." At the period when family navies were formed tbds, word lead come to mean Eine farmstead. But the compound of the place xianre had occurredlong before, when the woad st.l1 preserved its literal meaning of :a "warded" o1r inclosed . plaoe, Hence the piece name meant not a farm cot ta.ge, but a cottage in an inclosure. Usually the incllosure wase a. wooded place. Chatwood'was a place name sigabify- ing a pottage in the wood and Chadsey a dwelling near the sea. receptacles as barrels, tubae, cup's and the like, these very necessary articles had to be made by handl, and no little slki]1 was required on the part of tee artisans, whioe turned them out. As industry was organized in those days these men were skilled?`crafts- men, not incomparable with the gold and silver smiths of to -day, and their guilds or arsocuatiens ranked high in the emelt e It aend buenness life of the coin- neaellties in which they lived, ,•:rust asthe oecupatiem. of "•supper," roe the n i has .given ga a1s e r of cv falx. In e P harcitleeral tanhily naris ef'Cbopan (wlzeict e -•inaideeiatadlY, bas nothing to do with the modern trade of barrel making) , see tine "tubber," or maker of :tubs, has given us the modern famele name of Tupper. • Quite typical of tele difference lathe tendencies, of • sepeeech development in Germany and England is the variation in the forme at this same family nmine as found in the two countries, in bot ' German' and English speech the ter- minationes "er" and "man" were quite: ,common. .' But the English tended to the more firequcnt use@ of the former, , and the German of the latter. Otherr- wlsie t]ie •Enlgatsh farm might have been "Tupmian and the German "Tauber." It etheouled •bee noted that this German name has nothing to do with. the German word which was applied to the peeculianeyeireetiilke airplanes known ' as the "Taubes." SAULT STE, MARIE'$ MYSTERY or THE IRON HAND On ,Vdectoria"Day the curious~ iron hand shown. in the picture above was ddesecovex•ed at Sau'It Ste. Marie under the four lstions of an old house which bis been diemelaslhad. It its believed to be a relic of the first attempt to Peine and work orlon in the Lake Superior region in 1769, Proof ofits age is in the fact that ahuge b1irdhi tree was cut down Geer the epot in 1888. The hard must have beer. ;weea cemtury before that. r• It will be one of the exhibits durineg.Dlsaovery Week in August. The ,larger picture dhows a glimpse of one of the ore yards to -day, in the SteeeI City, in contrast to the early iroah work. net whisk can be switched on at will and a "doctored" ball. Miner as Artist. An interesting achievement is tibat of Bear -Admiral A. Gordon -Smith, who, although he has never had a lesson in painting, had anexihibdtion of frnrt-two striking water -color sketches of the sea and ships at Walker's Gallery, London. The"Adm.iral retired from the Navy in 1920 after a distinguished career. Another remarkable "bit" in the art world has been made by' Mr. Vincent Evans, once a miner et Swaaasea • Val- ley (South Wales), gene of whose pic- tures was accepted for the Royal Academy. Ei.l �jJULY DAYS HARD ON THE BABY July—the month of oppressive heat; red hot days and sweltering nights; is extremely hard on little ones. Diarrhoea, dysentery; colic and cholera infantumearry off thousands of ereeieous little lives every summer. The mother must be constantly on her gutird to prevent these troubles or if they come an suddenly to. fight them. No other medicine is of such aid to mothers 'during the hot summer as is Baby's Own Tablets, They regulate the bowels and stomach, and an 00- easianal dose given to the well child will prevent summer Conplaint, or if the trouble does come on suddenly will banish it. The Tablets are. sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, 'Ont. Much Ado About Nothing. ".I hear the people all rawilig about l\tdisse Peeeeeles. bathiing emit' "Well, 1 droni'•t Ste so „meal to ra.e9 libetut • titinercito l.lnllnont laced`by Phyejcitma• STORIES 01F*WELL- KNOWN PEOPLE Theatre Clerk, Actress, M.P. Prost a theatre box-ofice attendant alt Clapham.; to -dray one of the• three Women . M,p:.s in England—such has• been the remarkable career of Mrs. Hilton PlitlI pson (better known as Mise Mabel Russell, the eatnesse), re- aeintly returned as member for Ber- wick with a majernty of 6,142, "At tee age elf fifteen I was left an orphan with a little brother and sister to support" Mals. Milkmen told the writer. "Well,'1 was, lucky; but I know what hard work means!" From the box-office •elle went on tee stage, first it pantomime, later as a chorus girl at the Gaiety. Mrs., Philip- son has been married twice, her first husband, a nephew of Cecil Modes., was killed, in a metor`eaccidtenit. • atA Modern Magician. • One.of the brainiest of young Eng- lish. Mentors is Profeessssor'A. M. Low, who ilea about 130 i�nventioes to his credit. He fee the ienventor, among other ,ti:einge of the wireless-coxitrolled aeroplane earl torpedo, the synchron- ized slow-motion camera, the all'de]eo- teeter for snaps~ otting sound, the sound -proof Tube 'trains. shortly to be running, a new apeaatatus for enabling the blind, to read ordinary; newspapers and—mast novel et ell—the median- iism by which we may ode day be able to see by w•irel�eses. Professor Low liars a keen sense of humor, and one of his davorite jokes in a geese of magnetic bi11•iarde. You can. inhagine his olpponeeeee amazem,ent when, no waiter how` tee profesesor strikes a bald, it rashes, to a pocket and Tepidly aald unerringly nestles. melds it. • The ;secret is a. lliddenh eieotrio mag. A MOTHER'S HEALTH NEEDS GREAT CA Care of Home . and .Children'. Of- ten ten Causes a Breakdown. The woman at home, deep in house- hold -duties and tete care of mother- hood, needs occasional help to keep her in- goad health. The demands up- on a mother's health are many and severe. Her own health trials and ber children's •welfare exact heavy tolls, while hurried meals, broken rest and much indoor living tend to weaken her constitution. No wonder that the wo- man often in is mail at home is osed e d p ro h e`knese headaches back- aches ng w a , . , G aches and nervousness. -'Too many women have grown to accept these tions as. apart of the lot visitations of motherhood. But many and varied as her bea]th troubles are, the cause is simple and relief at hand. When well, it is the woman's good • blood teat keeps . her well; . when i11 she must make her blood rich to'renew her health. The nursing mother more than any other woman in the world needs rich blood and plenty of it, The Gulf Stream. Werdther experts • are accounting for' the recent frequent changes in tem ree SRIF' OPERATOR OUT WITH FACTS "Teniae dkl so much for xne a 'year ago that right now I am feeling even better than before I got sick," declared Jolie Croyse ll, 8 Radixes nd St., Que- bec, P.Q. Mr. Croye sell, a ship tele- graph operator, its well eniown in Que- bec, uo-bec, having been for four years oper- ator at the Citadel. "For two solid years I suffered froom stomata trouble. My appetite was so Peer I couldn't eat much., but even then, after meals, my heart palpitated so badly from the pressure of gas on my stomach I would be miserable ee - ly all clay and couldn't Baled .sleep at night, The result was I felt tired and wornaut most of the time. "It wasn't long after I began taking Tanlac that my appetite had a new 'hart and the stomach trouble wee los- ing its grip, and now I'm always eager i for mealtime to come, nothing d]stres•s es me, 1 sleep 'seoundiy and feel fine all the time, Tantac is a splendid, reli- able medicine." Tanlae is for sale by all good drug- gists, Accept no subsetitute: Over 37 million ,;bottles sold, Tan]ac Vegetable Pills are Nature's owir remedy for constipation. For sale everywhere. Serious Mistake., Hast (to gt• t; a retiro doctor) And did you ever make a seems refs- peratere=by asteribim.g them•to the Gulf 7 S ~ream. take .in your .diagnosis,? For centuries the Gulf Stream has. Gu,eat. ""Y.es, one- shoes one—I been brained for every fresh develop- once treated apatieent fee inddgelseion, rent of climate, when, he a mattes of and she ,could easii y.have afforded ap- fact, -the slight saeasenal oliangels that pendicitus!" take paaoo in its posation ere netadi- ,. reetly respoalsibtee for these vagaries. Its flow does .11at reach within two the sso that we meet search for mother p•le i to heaven deo, ~,`.ley become _ am els right o: have they to Looking. Forward. thousand mi toe + iaSei�iefl Advert seethe is It, emu) owoose, , A se • h'ossete I e•no; loscrtrera am Dave YOU $1.,7.ir cash, ,Arlswerk ins ad, Ituroodlato ropansq necessary. WOO Auto Specialty Co., Petoreoro, Ont, ,r�ivr :,eery, -IN r,a.cl1 comers,' xu .AreoPe ' 3 watt: to sell our "I+taglu Oay," a ,Buararrteed Product, 11 bar sivee pea utiles. Sena on sight, G00 monthly easy. write guitar. :1,vl'obrro Sroa, A1erandrta, 'Pat. WASHINGTON HAND P8558., vv. n 7IAVP•, AN 3NQianY N'Ort A wASIBli i+, j! y TON Hand Press that win take 2 pages 7 coinem% lona, Wilson Publishing Co„ Ltd., 7. Adelaide St, W., Toronto. Office Boy Objects. l'dr. Bernard Slraw's latest story eons - •cerns, a famous Lendeln.edeitos', Losdn'J all patience et his oit]ce boy's Laisses, bee "fired" him at the crud of one per. tieularly trying week, telling ham at elle same time never. to dare to fallow' his face near the race again. On the followingMonday merniing,, however, the first tbbiug the editor •s•evre • when he opened tee dove was the boy, ,seated in the eeditorial • chair caltely)i eimeoking. "Helfer' ive• queried. "Didn't I ']lre' I you on Saturday?" I "Yes,," rei ondeed the 'retitle "art, don't you do it again. There wasn't hadef a row in cur "arouse when -I went' • beanie and told 'eni i " of any Peart of Europe, Small Son—"Say, daddy, when peo- R, Is it true, as aicynic asserts, that, we cordially praise only those mail who rise without overtopping aur.. selves.? i1�1, Eli9 tot t Blew,'yes oaf you can Promote a iso °'p�✓l Cieab,HHealthyC©adieus YOURp•E T7cNight ne Eye ning." YOUR Ct-�-` Night and MominB•" seep your Eyes Clean, Clear and eaters Write• for Free Eye Care Book. teases Ere acdlrCo..°resIObi0.31rBui,chicane whose b 1 back to lay the g a -way, canna ei wv „te i•eao p,as,s, a lot• of stupid examineat'ion;s resspo,naibielitl€is of June snowsltormo first?" Decd February heart -carves. The Equatorial current, coming into contact with Saute America, splits ion- totwo, one part turndag along the Bra- ziliaiin coast and the other turning north to form the Gulf Stream. Contrary to the setreaau making a coliiplete circuit or the Guif ,of Mexiteo, as-wae fodtli,ea.y supposed, only a small a'meunt nfi' water is dnawn from thus gulf, and the stream, beginning in tibio Streit' of Florida, sweeps, northwards,1 gathering velocity until it reaches they• coast of Newfonnddeamd, where its speed deorea:eeis gradually until at be- comes merely a wind drift. Winds may disturb the surface • of thhe Gulf Stream. Favorable-windis may accelerate its flow and adwerzee ones retard it, nee a strong smatter- surface matt err ffS. - McMahon Tells How She 'le 'or southeaster -le wired. may blow surface water out of its ,course. . Found -Relief by Talking Lydia E. The prevailing winds r.ot Western l? 6morica'a Pioneer noir ZEemed;oa Boo:. on DOG DISEASES nd h-Ior>• to• Feed Mated Free to.any dri"y bt• the Author, Pt. Clay Glover Co., Ina •129 West 24th Street Nsw York, U.S.A. ACHED .� ' Europe are from the west anc� south, inkbam's Vegetable Compound west. Coming from the ocean: they 1 E. �e Lydia took t. — T OnY � isChatham, - � i t i w •hi h , � . ��� et " i_1 s e v o 0 k- -coal axe a.1ot f 9 ,.lu., , . . clbiillled'by their contaot With nortll:erlY. Pinkham's Vegetable Coisipouiad' for a 1-lien,the f f rein ' run-down condition after the birth of terrible pains and I had to and drops in 1e •clan P ra mybabyboy. i ha land • sinew � `re reaclle.n to al snow'eveln befo .. �• : � •�. backache, and was tired and weak, not e - fit to do my work and care for my three House Q to,es., little children. One dayl received your '1 little book and read it, and gave .up tak- Formerly it was custom in Some ; iilgthe medicine had' and began taking parts eef England to put mottoes over 1 the Vegetable Compound. I feel ]much the entrances to housees.. Many of ; better now and am not ashamed to tell° these were very quaint. • I what it has done for me.- I recommend Oise of. the beset ie over a does' at 1 'LtMrs. toanyJ. R. womanMIOMAthinatOikNf,eels 153Has,l do." elontacuete, Somerset:— 11Harvey i• St., Chatham, Ont, There is one way to get this blood so Through tetis wid•eopen:ing gate I;ydia E. Pini ham's Vegetable Com- necesesary. to perfect health, and that Nene comes too early, none returns; pound, made from roots and barbs, has is through the use of Dr. Williams' �teoio late, ornearlyfiftyyearsbeenrestoringsmek, Pink Pills. Mrs. W. T. Riley, R,R, No.1, On 'b. porch et Bededing-tbn:--- i ailing women to health and strength. h' Apple Hill, Ont„ has proved. the great Ta'thoesee who cross the tilr?sbold of �' relieves the troubles which cause nuc value of Dr. Williams' 'Pink Pills to.this door ` ' i ' symptoms as backache, painful periods, rich amid irregularities, tired, worn-out feelings mothers, and tells her story as Pod- A h+salty welcome, both to s. This is shown again and lows: -"Two years ago, after the birth poor; ' again by such Tatters as Mrs. McMahon Bedding-ten:— of my -boy, I became very weak and One favor only we would bid you grant, writes, as well as by one woman telling run down. Gradually I lost weight and Feel you're at home, and ask for what . another. These women know, and are energy' until I was unable to do my you want. ' ' i . willing to tell others,, what it did for housework. 1 could not sleep, .my To thee eety be added the following them; therefore, it is surely' worth nerves would twitch and jump, so that approp siate'Sahakes•perean' motto; on a your trial. • I arose in the morning with heavy house at. Ditabetng Road, near"Brigh-, Women who suffer should write to the aching limbs and bead. Indigestion tow;:. ; IiydiaE.PinkhamMedicineCo.,Cobourg, helped to make the misery worse, and Come hither —..come hither•— come Ontario for a free copy f Lyd• E Private Text Book upon my heart would palpitate terribly. II hither— andnervousnes doctored steadily for a year without getting better, but jest dragged' along feeling that e,1 would never be well again. `But' one lucky day, on the ad- vice of a friend, 1 l?egan treatment with Dr.Wiilitlms' Pink Pill`s, I have taken only six boxes, but I wish you could see the difference. I am'now able to do my work, go about and enjoy myself. I feel so entirely like a new woman that I advisee 'every weak or on sale in five thousand offices ailing woman to try Dr. Williams' Pink •throughout Canada._ Pilus' and I know they will get bene- ficial results." - If you are ailing, easily tired• or de- presseed, it Is a duty you owe yourself day of school Iris • father inquired what and- your family to give Dr. Williams 'thee teacher tad told 'tem. Pink Pills a fair trill. What this nvedi- "1?le" ,said tete boy, "we have been eine has done for others it will surely . tallest about a baed hang, who drove do for you. You can get.Di...Williams' ,ever his people in motor carne." ' pink Pills through any dealer in mod;- "Oh, that's dreea,dful," said the fath- eine or by mail at 50 cents a box or et'. "jiell brie all about it" six boxers for $2.50 from lee Dr, Wil- "b/Veil,. it was in the• ILIistory lemon, Hese shall you ,sloe no enemy but win- ter . And,.nougll weea�tlbier.—"As You Lille It," And eon the doer leading to p.e, rary: Opeen • lecke, whoever Ioniocks.-"iwlac- -,beth,"` MONEY ORDERS. Dominion ]~Express Money Orders are Mixed Up. • Atter. young Joey had band Hiss filet fiams' Medioine Co,, Brockville, Ont. A Business Mistake d ermer—"Did yer sell them pota- toes. an' cabbsages I had on that stand?" Hired Meet—"Sucre I dM, Iearmer—"Wal I bejiggered! Now' we habit got no good samples t' show then~ ort in'obeelisits w'en they come by!„ M.rarti'p Liniment for tato'owrtsrywuhsr so you met look iu your book, daddy; it wee Kiiug name' Thee ties fta;tiber -reed, "'Who oppreses- ed Hire peeople and ground them. drown with taxers. (tteeis,)," Keep Stomach and Bowels Right us, living bat the harmless, Purely vegetable, infante' and ehildron'sregulator. An, T' SYRUP brine aatonlehing, gratifying reaulta in elaldna baby's stomach digest rdeuua ;Econ anal bowels ino,re aS they Should at teethite 4 I�i •lime. tlnarantead free ;fi'pll narcotics; opi- YateraIe*hal and all r� `3lkia£ul iugredl- Safe and liattufaetory'. Y"t1dY�2yfP SUE No. e8 ---"ea, O o la Pinkham a ri Text-Book Peculiar to Women.", C Attractive Propositlan For nlaa with all round weekly ne sspaper experience and $400 or $500.. Apply Bot 24, Wilson Publishing Co., Ltd., 73 Adelabia Street West. A Mhiards-:(ling of Pao Excellent for Rheuma- tisni, Neuralgia, Back - E . ache and.kindred ills. ECZEMA IN RASH FOR 9 YEPLRS On Scalp, Arms and Limbs. Lost Rest. Cuticura Heals. • "Eczema broke out in a rash on my scalp, armsand limbs. The itch- ing and burning were ter- rific. IVlyhairbecame lifelesp and dry and fell out in hand- ;fuls. My clothing aggro- vated the breaking out, and I could not rest~ at night on, account of the irritation. "The trouble lasted about nine years. My mother tried many different remedies but they did no good. We. began using Cuticira , $oap and Ointment whichcortipiete- ly healed me."- (Signed) Miss Bea- trice M. Closson, No. Sedgwick, Maine, Feb. 20, 1922. - Give Ciiticura Soap, Ointmentand Talcum the care of your skin. Sample/DA FxaebYMaii,Address: 't ratans,ittan itoa, 344St. Paul St„ W. Stontreal." Sold every - ,ore Soap2to.Ointtnettt..3and50e.Talcuni26e. Cuticura Soap shaves without mug. gmerposormemesemonoiro UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all Accept only an "unbroken package" of "toyer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache " Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis ` Earache Lumbago .Pain, Pali • ITanely "Baiter" boxes of 12 i.abletr,•—Alec bottles of 24 end 1.60-- .15rtrggisti As.irin le the tracts mark, (fhstr,tSFed In Canaan.) of Beyer MstafsetureaotOW aoetle�heidester of soifevllogcid:' WhIle it is Well krio}vn tltat,.Asp 'in mBays( mauutaoture, to assist he nubile agalnet ttuitatiens, the tablets et Tryst Cutk►l a will be.3tanYltod with their genital trade Mark, kha "Thayer Cross,