HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-07-19, Page 5Thursday July 19th4923 BUSINESS CARDS Proudfoat, . Killoran & HOLMES], ,, Barrieterei, :Solicitors, Nolarlea, fiefeli:, .Eie. Office on the Square; Ind door from Hamilton St, God- Bricde Private funds to loan at lowest rates. Nroudfoot, K.C, J. L. Killoran D. E, Holmes.. Mr, Holmes will be in . Howell on • Friday of each week. Andrew I+`. Hess, Township Clerk ',Isy' Issuer oft marriage licenses, Notary Rnblc, Commissioner, Fire and Ant - :4=011e Insurance, Representing Huron and Erie Mortgage Corpora- tion, The Canada Trutt. Co, Zurich, Ontario. Dr. G. L. Smith (Toronto..) iD.D.S„ (Chicago) 1—.1DENTIST AT WALPER HOUSE, ZURICH, EVERY • WEDNESDAY MAIN OFFICEHENSALL OSCAR KLOPP Graduate . Carey M. Jones at - Try School of Auctioneering< me for Registered Live Stone; (A11 .Breeds). Terms in keeping with prevailing prices. • Choice farms for sale. ` Will sell anything anywhere. Phone 18-93 or write, Zurich. ONO Licensed Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer for County of Huron. In a position to con- duct any auction sale, regardless aa to size or articles to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for services. Arthur Weber, Dashwood. Phone. 31 r 13. Zurich Meat MARKET Fresh and Salt -Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price. for WoulI•I CASH . FOR SKINS 1t, HIDES ' zeblut Dolchort. /41 LIVERY • I am' in a position to accomo- .ilate all requirements in the' Livery Line, have Auto for hire. Any- thing done in the teaming line, GEORGE J. THIEL Pihone 59 •Zurich, e•. S. ATKINSOIY, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTIST. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental• Surgeons of Ontario and of the University of Toronto. . Late District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every T1 hSDAY AND FRIDAY from 10.00 a.m. until • 5.00 p.m at they Com- " ><nertial House. Main Office at 'Exeter,. Ont., Phone 34. '-19 L..I VI POU LLTRY WANTED Taken every day till 3 ()clock p.m. Do +slot feed fowl same morning Whet brought in, !Highest Cask Prices ---CASH FOR-- Cream and .Eggs W. O'Brien phone 94, Zurich COAL SEASON ' 1923 Summer Deliveries The Deleware $r Hudson N LACAWAA_ COAL ' Wehave now in !stock, car of lt!i,gh Grade' Soft Coal. A15o car Pea Coal, try a load of this for banking your fires and for general use. Arriving 'soon, car Bullets. Get sour order in, Cor a load of these they wild go 'quick!. Prices for the car only $13,50 per Ton. «� Cell R0 1 & PIIODt C1 MERCHANT ' hon ' Office 10w. Hgnse 10j, ' Ofii:oe&Coal Yards, `73rock Street, ' tsI EALL , WT PUT - YOUR:. ,, Wants, ,For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS GO1,1711IN MAID W.A.NT] D A !good general to go to I3ay- field for the 'Hummer; Small fain- ily, good. wages. Write Mrs4 134 L, Monkhouse, 57 Alvin Ave, Tor- onto, Ont. 51-2 D ' N T MAW L� •Tarty with portable •saw mill to baw by the thousand in Northern Ontario, pine and spruce, . !steady. ork, 'summer and winter, give fu�'l particulars' in first . letter arid our •Canadian agent will call on ,youg Eureka :Lumber Corporation 562 Broadway., Albany, New York Tuxedo :...Ch atterless AL TO OIL FOR b'ORD CAES. GU AP A .'TEjD TO STOP THE C1IAP • 'FIRING OF BANDS. Sold By\ L . A. Prang, Zurich t-9 TENDERS; WANTED Sealed tenders wtll.lee received op to July 25th -for' the cleaning out of Stanley Big. Drain.` Engineer's Estimate $3500. By-law, piens, 6pecificatlons; profiles, etc., may be been at Clerk's. Office. Work to commence as soon as possible J. E.1IARNW ELL, Clerk of Stanley, Varna, Ont,. FOR; SALE. A reel good light NS, 4g for sale. L.. 9.. PRANG, Zurich. . • 11-50 FOR SALE For quicksale, a Waterlowsep- ara for with cutter 36x48 int In eaceilent condition. Fo'rinerly ow- ned by Jas. Overholt. Must be ul& at once—A real bargaire For further particulars and teems ap- ply . to J. Preeter, F. C..K'aibfleisch R. F. Stade., Zurich,/ Ont. STRAYED From .my premises, 14th eon Hay,, a large yellow dog, without tag . Finder kindly, notify Me, Harry Rose, Zurich, t WANTED General Servant for family . of. tiio, No wahs••ig. • Good wages, ap- ply in person or letter to ' • Mz s. Newton Brady,, Bayfiled. ,.FOR, SALE Londe clsaclib,:cl as follows are offered for 'sale: ` All are situat- ed in Hay, ''`Township. North -half Lot 14, L.R:.E., : Con., containing -64 acres. Frame house built thereon. 1• art, north-east downer of Lot 11, L. R..E., con, 4 acres. West quarter lot 21, doth. 15, 21 acres. For part- iculars apply to Canada Trust Co;. London, Ont., or to AndrewF.Hess Zurich, Ont. tf-50 WANTED Good plain .cook for . general house work; no washing or iron- ing; wages $e5.Q0 a 'month to com- petent persore Address P. 0. Drawer 336, Goclerich t50 .W FAR M FOR SALE >Cbn)sisting , of 125 acres, being Lot Ele8 fiat 9, le R. We Stenley Township. f1'here' is on . the prem- ises a fine hank barn with cement stables, plenty of \,eater in the stables, a good drive shed, garage, comfortable ,frame house, with good velar; the farm is well fenced, and well drained, nice orchard, is of 'a rich clay ioaat, a1 very desir- able property and la fine home For•further particulairs phone 13-99 Hensel'], or write Geo. Dewar,. R. B. 3, Bayfield, Painting 'and Paper Hanging I An in a position.to do. any .diad. of paper hanging; . painting graining and, decorating. H iekmeier, tf-37 WANTED . •Dressinalfing and home sewing of all kinds. Ali work neatly done and satisfaction guaranteed, Mrs. J. A. Meyers, co. Mr Morris Weber Zurich. tf-36 In, renewing your 'subscriptions for •your daily . and weekly papers remember the Heeald Office is agentifor most of 'them and.in some cases can save you as much as 50 welts on a single subscript- ions NOTICE I have taken out :License for Auctioneer for the County of Hur- on, and ani in a position to con- duct sales by auction. Give me a trial and I will assure yeti satis- faction or no charge, if -29 James Denonfey, R. Re 2, Zurich, .hone No. 10-43 LOCALNEWS iMir., Coal. Thiel of Kitchener ,a few days in the village this was wee l!rx; Ed. Boesenbeery cif lsayfieltl anent a few days in the village the, iaeek. , Mr. Kenneth Routledge.returned ma visit at Leaden and other vomits,'" Mr, Clarence Hoffman left for teat on Sunday, after hie week's e:,eation at hie home here. Don't forget the ice cream soc- ial on ISiebert's lawn, Zurich, oe a turday evening. Jacob Oesch of the Goshen nc;•tn is enjoying\a. new Ford to-. urnig. model. Mrs. 11. Deamzow and eon Rich- e! ci, of .Kinder Mich., ore visiting =.lith the former's sisir~i,•, Mrs. • S. ;lob, Babylon Line.` 31x. Talbott, of Woodstock, is i•ci,evins Mr. E Steele, teller of the Molsous Bank. IMr.. Steell ;is take i;rg his vacation at St. Thoznas and other points. • Dr. E. Grenzebach took .at trip to \' eIland for a few days, Mr. and Mrs. Earnst Rader of neer Dashwood, were Sunday vise earl s at the hon•. of Mr. ancl Mrs:. Lo ,ie Kraft. Bei. J. G. Litt and Mr. A Melick etc attending this Wednesday, the Convention oft he Huioil !County social' service Council .at .Exeter\ Mr, Malick is appointed as a del- egate of the Evangelical Sabbath School. iiir. and Mrs. Cyrus Schoch and Mee J. Zurbrigg of eNw 1 amb- • •rb were • recent visitors in . this vicinity` They also .attendedthe I.:nendfield golden wedding at' Hensel]. on Monday 1 stj. . the Zurich Fall ,Fair prize list. is in the printer's hands and wilebe ready for distribution in a ':week or ten days. ,A11 parties wishing 'to donate . special prizes ,should get in touch -with the .'secretary ,A, 1' Bess, at once. The ideal weather the past week enabled the farmers to finish,theie hay harvest and':aliea'y fields of fall wheat ere cut, while others are ready for the bindle e . The reeson is moving rapidly along, and soon . the fall wall be here a gains • {..gain, the all i a iers .of Zurich .let warned ee. !nisi the ure of fire- ;ms in the-elege. There ,,,is a f-r� 'incial law 1,• ohibiting it, and a'so a Municipal la .v to this effect Jac local co stable wrshes to warn'. 3e'rei gun ea rieri that these laws Wil be .enfo.ce:I. more steinQertly n Iulure. n eclhange says.; -A sul4 kagr: aeures 'us that lite{ sight •of at'. tuf- fed owl near the to of a o'lherry tree will effectually , keep orf `the birds. Any reader who happens to hare any such ornament ; in tneir possession,' might try ethisemt thus turning a purely 'oinainehtal Lung into a useful belonging, Mr. L suis Durand of the Sauble Line, Stanley, :had the misfortune ee.e. week , o loc•se his three good. =1'ori;ing,horses through poisoning it ib thought. However, the stom- keels of tea animals wore sent to Toronto for analyging. Mr.Dur+- anti has had considerable misfor- eines the past '.fey years, and ..a ,mall subscription is being taken up for his .benefit, and is being esub- uc.ribed to by his"`(niany sympath- isers. • Pity"ul accident ow ured to Mas lei Francis Kipper, the e -year-old anti of Mr. oJhn Kipper, on Monday t'd ening when a number* of boys were hauling, in hay on the farm of Me John: Brenner of the village. i'i wine way Prelims overbalanced a•ic1. fell off the back of the load anti .failing on his elbow and fr- ;aeturina same. It is a bad break . 1 a bad place, and, we hope, the little fellow in 'time- will recover, completely,: DASki)> p. • .41, A, Keellerman: and fam- ily '4' Cheiley are visiting with role w:v. a tit town,. Mr, and Mrs. F, Litt and family et Si a r, villr spent last 'Fri- day a tee home of Rey,. W`,, tJ Ye for". Mr, Alf kimmer of Cleveland is erci inie a few, days with his • parents here, • Mr. and Mes; J, Emit and family of .cl.ilsa Craig spent Sunday with h1+,zi, and Mrs.- C. Stade, Mrs, Yager and son Clarence are vir,'ting in Kitchener this weep. 1af>:ss Mina rhlers has returned. r ier home in Ktichenet• after vie- atiee with friends hare. SCHOOL REPORT Report of Sep 5, S. No 1, Hay 1'emotion examination Sr III to Sr IV—August Bedard H.; Clifford, Corriveau 11; Lawrence Corriveau II; Sr. 1II to Jr. IV _Victoria Duch 11 nae, Fellis Donornms, 'LucienCor riveau, Urban Denonune Sr. II To Jr II;—Elmer Denornme iia5 atonal Denomme; Cecil Ducahi- me, Madeleine, Bedard, Emery De- o :•imne, St. I To Se II—Valerie Corriyr— eu,H; Napoleon Ducharme efera Bedard > H; Annabelle Deno - :erne 11; Oscar Tomlin H.;: Leona De nounie; Genevieve Croriveau. those marked with (H) pa'ssed. with honours. Beatrice Lester, Teacher FOR SALE 1 good General Purpose mare, i'erilieron (3 yrs. old), suitable to 't'vrk and drive, also ope heavy deaalt horse, Clyde, sired by Coni- luodore (3 yrs, pasty good size and quality, will rraek a heavy team hoise. Both horses are sound and i' ht, and will price them ,right for quick sale John C. Durst. Dashwo e i fate, 14th cons Hay Tp. WAIN P E D _ . Manufactured lumber and logs in snia l :or large quantities, we also are in the market for stand- ine timber, girre full particulars in the first letter as to what you have end how niuch, and our Canadian Agent will call on you: Eureka Lumber Corporation 562 l;roadway, Albany, New York .DB. JOHN WARD Chiropractor and Optometrist of Exeter will be at Waiper House Zurich on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week, from 10 aen. to 4 pan. For giving Chiroprac- tic Treatments and examining Ey c s, 8-22 —E. V.' GRENZEBAChH L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Graduate of Royal College of Den- tal Surgeons and of the University of Toronto. McCormick Block, Opposite Jewelry Store. ZURICH -- ONTARIO 51-23 FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 100 -acres being Lot 13, conc. 12, Stanley Tp. Also 30 - acres pt. Lot 12, con. 13, Stanley. Tp. Thereis on the 100 -acre farm a good stone house, bank barn 36x 56.:tiriving shed and other outsuild ings. The farnil is in good state of cultivation, clay loam, drained, and well fenced, 4 acres orchard, also 5 acres of hardwood' bush, plenty of good water. The 30 'acres are mo- stly in pasture and make a fine pasture farm. Everything in good condition. For further particu•'ars phone 15-78, Hensel., or apply to Maggie Sparks, Bale3, • Bay- field. bl-5 E. E. WUe.rth, Quality ' IIERE Y'OU GET 'QUALITY} AT THE LOWEST POSSII3LE PRICES You C'an Buy CHEAPER Clo- thes -and forget QUALITY • It tszi't what you PAY but whai you receive that count's. PAT for quality here and you get it— at the lowest possible price lot which good Clothes can be made to order. Styles Pick :your own to 11 you alone Lot's of Styles --.Seal Styles—that's tailored in to stay, not ironed it for a day. You Will Like Our Work Tailor, Z:urich Pat e Children Cry for Fletcher's Fletcher's Castoria is strictly a remedy for Infants and Children. Foods are specially prepared for babies. A baby's medicine ' is even more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared for grown-ups are •not interchangeable. It was the need of a remedy for the common ailments of .Infants ' and Children that brought Castoria before the public after years of research, and no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30 years `has not proven. What Is CASTOR Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoricp Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it• has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, a;d by regulating . the Stomach and Bowels,aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural leep. The Children's Comfort—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR IA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of n Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY Yor cannot of ord a Ford why not `buy a slice Rubber Tire Buggy HESS sells them REPAIRING Painting Ford Car, One' oat, $15.00, Two Coats _. $20.00 iCoveririg Ford. Top Good Material $27.00 Changing Ford Curtains to open with Doors --... • Painting Buggy ............ ... $S.Op IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERUBI3ER YOUR BUGGY WHEELS. F. M. Hess & Co. -Zurich �sw ________ �F�F�F<F���3«F���<F'1'3<�F�F•d<�<F��3���I+•F����s•��<h�•�<t°�F<Ff�h<F�<F<&•�����F•i<��D Laths Shingles Lumber • Everything in Combination storm and screen doors made to order! + r, 1 Lumber and Building 1Vlater�ial Custom Work our _. + 1 . l FciIty I IA:1ways in the market for saw logs 1."1?« C« ICAL --SCI g. 4. PHONE 69 . . ZURICH fi 4.4.. ••b .4.4.h 4.+e*++++.NDN+++•. 4.4444+4444++++++444•4444++41 +-ri• � . + + + + + l' + + + ' + + 4 iLOOKMEN Five Good Reasons •+ WHY WE CAN SELL SUITS FROM 'l'$10 TO $15 LESS ITFfAN OTHERS. 11. We stock our own. goods. ' 2. Our Suits are made by work- manship, second to none. Have only eine pries for mak.-: inb Suits. t +8. 14. The very best linings put in 15. We guarantee eatistaetion or Imoney refunded. Win 101. HOFFMAN :TAILOR AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR1 DAY AND NIGH T PHOeNE No. 86 eieTireile OKT .l« all our garments. 1