HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-07-19, Page 1• Vol. XXIV No 2 ZURICH THURSDAY MO ew Spring Slippers NOW THAT SPRING IS AGAIN NEARING, YOU WILL BE WANTING A REAL, STYLISH, AND UP-TO-DATE ;SLIPPER FOR THE OCCASION. We have just what You are looking for. A Slipper for every Foot, in. the Correct Style, and 'a perfect fit. Watch our Window Display, and come. in and ask for our. low prices. o ; WE ARE'' HERE, TO DO BUSINESS WITH ,.THE RIGHT GO-,. ODSAND PRICES. W Hn ;PFILE THE SOME OF GOOD SHOES .r rYir._ .. .................. REPAIRING NEATL' '• IfOIL • 'JULY 19 1923. Chester 1.47Einithr Pub $1.25 a Year In. Aditilltilk $1,50IN ARR'I?:A.}iS,$211AY BI4 O$ARONDA, Inti..,Al'lanl of Excte+x, is the t •.ofher sister, Mrs. J. 'Rout- gV...Major ,of Toronto, was a r -the .ia•ct week at the home r. and Mrs. W. L. ,Siebert Wellington Johnston is laid 1ith an attack of appendicitis'.' eapetfor a,+ speedy recovery 'JohnSpathe and family of tJt eland• is Visiting at the home 'Of %c .; ,sister, Mrs. P. Koehler. .Anna 'Seim of New Hamb- sited• friends in town last k.` Mrs. H. ''Rupp being her Muses Vera Siebert and. Maida eutedge, Baltic returned from a ,?.tc.,tant visit with friends at Chic- . j,O .and Lacross, Ind. Teased to report that Mr. t'k'"%t &nnie'of the Town Line, who 40xai'an attack of rheuinatic fe' o r,,; is improving. lilt« and Mrs.' A. Mclick motored. til .Z.iLehener last Tuesday. Their *;gltter ,Mrs .L. ; C'alifas, returned r home; at' that city. .and, Mrs. E. W. Staskobfl 9Ir and Mrs. J Wagner of Kit- npent the .week -end at the n',•bf'•lUr. Thos Johnson. Ghe4 Womens' Institute are sere- an• -leg. „creelit social on Sat-. siiday evonin,o on Siebert'. Iawr4 telt land in attendance. • 1atrge number from Zurich at= ded the Blake Presbyterian gar Party held on the lawn of 11ir. t Manson on Tuesday evening We are sorry to record: the death .t' the'hifaint'son of Mr..and Mrs. lir . Kyie, • =Parr Line who passed. 104 on.;Tucsday .being Only three : -Summer Clearanee a+ ere>is .esira le n opportunity too obtain` one of the most ulna.' dresses -of the summer _ ,,season at :'a roi'arak�le reduction. Clearance is a firm and hard master, it respect`s.' neither value. nor fashions. Everything• in theline of Sii Emmet Dress Goods must ,be sold reg•ardless ° of cost. We heave a great vaiiety-of styles and the col -- ors are the Choice of Fashion. "CHOOSE EARLY" wwti; Not the remarkable' reductions on the followin Ratines, Organdies, Foulards, Voiles', Etc: • �f .dories rgandies oularas� REGULAR $2.25; CLEARANCE PRICE ... ... ... ...:.....-.___ $1.,50' REGULAR $1.35. CLEARA "; CE PRICE _ 90c REGULAR 90c. CLEARANCE PRICE ... ... ............. ..... 65c REGULAR $2.25 & $1.75. CLEARANCE PRICE REGULAR $1..25. CLEARANCE PRICE ?U :; EEOZ AI;t $2.25. CLEARANCE PRICE ... $1.75 REGULAR $1.75. CLEARANCE PRICE .:. ... ... ......_...._ 0.25 REGULAR $1.65 CLEARANCE PRICE • $11.25 905 REGULAR $1.25. CLEARANCE PRICE REGULAR' 90e. CLEARANCE PRICE 65c �I REGULAR 50c.. CLEARANCE PRICE 35c . Q •� ; AS WE HAEV AT P 1 SENIT A. LARGE .ASSORTMENT OF THESE GOODS, i3OWP 5 P „-. FORGET SOME OF THESE ARE ONLY DRESS LENGTHS. REMEMI3ER THE OLD SAYING; 4D "TM EARLY BIRD .CATCHES THE WOR*'"�O 4.4, VY• ILE Stratford +ori lora ao n.+ of Shakespeare,tea!e• weel.= ci of visitor e : athome. nt` Mi(' and Mrs.. WWm :Kropp Shwniati and 'Mise Burkhart anrl: it r Schantz..aTad Miss of'Kit'ehener, :amore Meek uvisitors at the" home of Mr,. •-�uclti'ag . ii io-day, (Thursday, is the Luth •ran Sabbath ;school' picnic• held at f•;,;, u.i Bend. The weather looks r.--tutstngi and .a., 'roost sitccessfitl time is anticipated. 1'ie town of Clinton has pro- .6th ro.6th as civic holiday, :_e rber' when. Zurich always' c•m,Nnz holiday, but since the v °Ira+if-holiday during the daai+ tra 1.at come into effect, it se••IY s have lost interest. Tlte `brickwork on the new ho- Ose of Mr, Hy. Howard is about completed, also thee brickwork of jar Weida% new residence. Mrs. W' n: Stelek• has added a new por- ti~n to her house, and rebuilt the Conner one, making,,it into a one- .:•to•ey cottagereffect, and also ad - in?, a nice large verandah, which makes A fine neat residence. Zur- io:i is growing and improving. Tile Summer School of the God- F+a^n, Wingham, Exeter and Str- •ttford Districts tvi11 be held in; • r ldcrich the last week of July 23,a to 30th. This is the third •'croon uid. a splendid programme has been, announced and should prole: of interest and value to the People and those interest ed aft :Young. People's work. vn and. after October 1 post- age stamps may not be used in r": mEnt of stamp, taxes...for rev- el:a• 3 purposes, - Excise tax'stamps ono; nay be used, and theymay be '••n,+1,hi.' from any collector of cus- :. loins or any bank,. The::t•t:: on makes;: taxable receipts Ire ii tl0 or upwards on poet cards rrLd kcttera and this comes into., l:•tte' on, and, after August 1st. `•Iht style next winter in worn- eta ass hair dre:is will be high, ac- t•c rdrn.g to 13runo Leo Schurig, who return.ed:t o New `York from 'Ham- burg, Girls, who have bob,ed tlaiir• hair will be out of luck, was r,,h comment. 'They will have to wear transformations, mon.' too, are ►ttg in for professional hair dies- sing. Mai whose hair is•.becorrt- irin r j„ ar ce on top are paying Taney p.,it.es. for toupees. 1.44 4•64•44,1•+,14 ^"(•"4++40 34444""l""II"++•II ++44"r ('444•44+4 c "3 +444.4 +l"•t^"k++++++II•+4•4•" ^;l'4""l••l• "x"+41 PREETER ... Produce Wanted Phone 59 � lJ ,R• •1 0 H Bring us Your A,lsike and Clover Seed. We always 'pay the,. highest Market Price according to Quality" . IIf8Y.9::r . i.2• ••!;:,,"© •• 'CASTOR 1 A For infants and Children le Use For'Over3Q Years jiiWays'beak the Si *tort DIAMOND Engagement RINGS In White, Green or Yellow Gold Moun- tings, $20' to $100 HESS the Jeweler PT ANE No. 14 •. +STs Incorporated 1855 Capital and Reserve. $9,O000Ids Over 125 Branches THE° MOLSONS BANK This institution otters depeeit ors safety for their aa-ving kro•'' aisonable interest compound every six months, and freedelss -from red tape in case of wife ,. .,...E drawls. Savings Department at every Branch!. Deposits of $1 a dt upwards invited. C. H. JOY Manager Zurich Brand ,, . • . ♦.....♦♦♦♦♦`♦♦♦♦N♦♦.♦♦♦♦.eeeeee♦.M......... • i• Spring Morse Goods It Tuat. Received a large number of Genuine Woolen Horse*,. ♦ Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72x84. • ' Also a Number of Beautiful English' Plush Rugs,. prices •` - Ranging from $7.00 to $19.es SAVE BIO? EY EY GIVING 'US A CALL. • ♦ A BIG Stock of tiarnese and Halters always on band. 41. • CIub Bags, Suit Cases and ♦a•Trunks at Right Prices. ,; •t �. 'HAR.NESS ;REPAaIRING A 5 PECIALTY PEQNg t. '� J♦k� *******40114•4044....4440 ....41444♦4044♦ 4010 ++44,.' ZST4.4.4.TT4 T+44TH'.'T+TT+TTT7+':+44+• I+++++T+ ♦ RGAINS IN Oanvasw Footwear See , our South Window for Ei.g Sacrafice in broken lineae of White Canvass footwear. Prices ranging from 750. to • $1.50. our Stock ÷ Also many new varieties of Canvass Footwear in .e not listed here. • WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION 4. Repairing done by the very latest methods- C. FRITZ & SON • 4. 'SHOE MERCHANTS ZURICH • ONTA.R$O 4 - SPECIAL VALUES WE HAVE JUST OPENE D UP A NICE LOT OF Ci.'HE LAT- EST PATTERNS AND COLORS IN CREPES, GINGHAM, VOILS, PRINTS, GELATEAS, ETC. ALSO WE ARE MAKING A BIG DISCOUNT ON HALTERS, AND HARNESS REPAIR MITTS, AND GLOVES, UNDERWEAR, OVERALLS, ETC., ETC GIVE US A CALL AND YOU WILL ,FIND THAT OUR PR- ICES, (QUALITY CONSIDERED) WILL COMPARE WITH AN7l OF OUR COMPETITORS. Highest Prices forFarm Produ+e R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL M EMMANT PHONE 11 *097 SLAKE