HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-06-28, Page 8ong roan RUGS Do not Huss tis opportunity : to reN place whatever worn Rugs or Carpets you mayhave with beautiful durable Yle Congoleum Rugs. They are easy •O �� - B1 clean, lay flat on the floor, do not turn up at edges. W1) HAVE THE FOLLOWING SIZES INSTOCK•AT.. VERY ATTR ACTIVE PRICES - 2.x.3 Yards Cash Price .. _- ._, $8.75 214x3 Yards, Cash Price L. $10.50 3x3 Nerds, Cash Price -_.....$12.50 3x4 Yards, Cash Price ;.•._ ::. $17.00 Tapestry us 3 ONLY LEFT IN STOCK WHICH WE ARE OFFERING AT GREAiT- , s LY REDUCED PRICES 1 ONLY 3x38 YARD:, SEAMLESS, REG, $35.00 FOR .. " .. ':_•t $271.00 1 ONLY 3x3 YARDS. SBA TLESS, REG. $26.00 FOR $22 00 1 ONLY 3x334 YARDS., SPECIAL, T .... ........... $11.50 LET US SHOW YOU OUR VARIED PATTERNS IN 4 --YD. WIDE I,:iNOLEUMS: AND FLOOR OIL CLOTHS IN ALL WIDTHS. . WE CAN SUPPLY YOUR WATTTS IN ALL FLOOR COVERINGS AT BIGHT PRICES. Sys ,Asrrc, G,ASCJHO, & SO Produce Wanted Phone 67 Zurieh's : BATTERIES! BATTERIES! We are aaIn handlingthe I.X. L. � Battery IF. IN NEED OF A BATTERY BETTER CALL AND SEE US NE MAKE A SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATTER Y' NVE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO COMPARE WITH ANY OiTHER c QUALITY AND SERVICE CONSIDERED We ,. also handle the :famous U. So T,, Battery OMPLETE LINE OP DOMINION' TIRES AND TUBES AND GEN'- TINE FORD PARTS ALWAYS ON HAND NOW IS TRE ,TIME TO HAVE YOUR CAR REPAIRED. OUR POLICY IS FIRST HERE; FIRST SERVED. COME EARLY AND AVOID TEE RUSH. WE ARE EXPERTS ALONG THIS LINE AND CAN ATTEND TO YOUR NEEDSAXY' ACTYEIN WELDING • BATTERY, CHARGING BATTERY REPAIRING Mousseau Zurich. • 1 Fence Buyer's • • • i m • eo•a®•o••a sooec0000e*42 tsos 000sl i•••coo* to•os►oo o • • Farmers do got... be deceive • • 1 • : a . buy any l Ind of fence, There is only one kind of J : fence namely ae • 1 Lock the cheapest an, best 1 - on the market.• r • • • • • 19 • ri f " LOCAL INTEREST 1 k'public school and. entrance rn laic= high 'school exainsl,' are he- ii]s; written: by" thei,pulrils. of Z, ,:P, Sc h :>u1 this.:'wt?ei.; 1llJRON BREEDERS MEET Tie annual Meeting of the Mar I I:. (Verity Breeder's Association , « i -a hold in Winghain on Saturday' Jui.' 10th. The election of oft e ] '.3u1te'4 as follows;—Preisci,¢entt, Turnbull, Brussels; Vic•e-' rc Thos, Kerr, 1"ienfryn; peaty-- ",,,n4, S. x'3., Strothers, Clinton; Dir' -i r ls,rs;-. , H, Taylor, 13e1grave;' M. lT.. Remy, Beigrave, WM Web-' i,uclno'w; Thos. Pierce, Brus- sels, •At,McEwiug Blyth; C. F1. R'eys Varna; W„ 11. Grogg, Gorrie; A E Etherington Hensail, S F+i a l'son Fordwich; T. Salkeld, Goci,?rich. P.�#t..lb 0t A ( ., MARK& 2'urrected every Wednesday) • tt r 20 :1 apples per 'lb 7c ....oh setts per lb. .. 5c 1, ,ai�L��es per bag ''-75 lseai poz bushel 1.15 Yx 1 its 95 ur per. cwt. 3MQ -3.75 Iran per ton....................28,Q0' t,nrtsp er ten 30.00. 7'25 1. )•.•T, n.. •.•, r r." MAID, WANTED good general to go to 1zcai i for the summer.Small fam-t iii god wages. Write Mrs, P( l.. :tt.r, nithouse, 57 .Alvin Ave, Tor- ,onto, Ont. 51 2 113, ROUTLEDGE, Zurich Announcernenc wish' to announce to the public ei I have -disposed of the Mil- :y business in Zurich and. the will' bo closed, ' for business SATURDAY ;TUNE 30th is ]that date all hats and - g3 will. be (sold at ono -half re - AI" price. , settle accounts. MARRIES Ioi1e-_Cochra:ne—At manse Kippen' l)y Rev. R. A, Lundy„ on Thurs- ] June '21st,. Henry : Albert Miss Elizabeth. Cochrane, ca 1?illsgre,ny^ ,� 4t ii€r—'Ca7dwe11=on Wednes cl..v June 27th by Req. R. A.'Lun- y of Kipper, Elmer Dertweiller, to ;bliss ;`Tedi; Caldwell,, IHYMENIAL— ti� ETN-TRUEMNER Mr.- Daniel' Truemner,. Zurich announces the marriage of his only daughter Cora Rosina, to Mr Aaron Wein tof Crediton; -on Sat- tardily June 123rd at three o'clock Th.r. ceremony which was perforin ,:+4i b;; the Revn,Wi. J. Ynger,'at ;Cal- vary ;; Evangelical church, Dash- vnci:7, was witnessed by the parr nt7 of the contracting parties; Im mediately after the ceremony Mr au:f Mrs. Wield eft, on a motor'trip upon their 'returnthey will reside CCrirditor>I, : Ont. MANK-LIVINGOOD The holy, bonds of matrimony c:t lra;i: Livingood, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Sainuel L'ivingood of 7<i:c'1i,ner,•to :David.Mank, of Wmat- erloo was solemnized 'at her bony- -1(1 :Mansion ;street, on June -20th at <. a n'eleck. Rev.. S. E. Shreds', lays formed the ceremony in . the pi- K i,cnce of a number of imiueddat £tionilri and relatives of, the brad" an [ a•ooani_ The bride whU ova away in inarria e b'y ii father), looked eharmin�;i ,in ,swn of .white canton crepe win ca L o •:ll ess of. radium;' lace,' her veil of Bilk net was caught with a �t r- ui:nth of orange blossoms and s.,. caR •t:'d a shower bouquet of 01.. a; u.t roses and. valley fillies. Milp. f:iai'a Neff, of 'Winnipeg asgbride.; maid looked charming in •a pin's £rO oih beaded dress with:' hat " to match, • Mr, Arthur llZala'1 , 'br, o- tiai�r• of the groom was best mail The .wedding march *as played by the bride's 'sister, Mrs. Herbert Stimarr. GVIr., and Mrs. Mank later left on a honeymoon . trip. to .Buf- fallil and. other points ,and on their 1,=t,iw it will reside at 40 Mansion, sirent. They received a Iarge Inutal._,r of pretty and useful gift: front .r host 0f friendsl 1lE15•IER—RAV NUPTALS A. very •pretty wedding was sol- o,r ,i.„n.l at St. Peter's church, Drys (1 81,, on Monday . June 18th:, whet' ie ,the oldest daughter of M] n:1. rills, Joseph Rau of Drys- •cl , iiecam�e the bride of Jack son of the late Joseph anti Mrs Eegier, of Goshen Line, near t.r ta. • The ceremony was per.- for rl .:l• by Rev. Father Rondott, Tht 1o'id�zl panty entered the ehure: ,t, ilio strain's of the wedding ma.�t, pla g , d by Mrs,B ernian Denomy, orga*gist, and Miss Jean Denonix, 1�1li,rlst. The bride who ' "At, w'a, given in marriage: by her fa- ther, was charniin:;ly gowned in white satin, fashioned with pleated 1` a 1a and trina,ned with pearisi Ike = t.i lwas held .in place by 'a wreath of orange blossoms., and she carried a bouquet of (Ophelia rosoi, phis; Nora Rau, sister of the bride al�,rtn •l as . bridesmaid, wearing . a b uo satin` ',gown..withl hat to ui. tch; erid carrying - bouquet .ref and white roses. Mr, George git a 15rother' of the groom acts ,,.. ss 1 yst man4 The flo'weer•gi l i carrying the bride's cro'wni :`wea io ucat -y gowned in white caresses' and rests. Following the ceremony, a reception and luncheon was , held at t �a, home of ,the bride's pai,F nibs,. thy iiningroom, with its' y flower - docked k1`ii tables, being most ettra t-. its.. The guests . ntimbererl , 7'5 ;room's gilt to the bride was ,tay pearl rl rosary„ to the best man,' ;A, t , pin,; and to the bridesmaid, a •Jol.i l,•annant A toast was .1)1.0 - posed. to tale( bride ::by ,Mri, Soy•, el] gn Ducharnie, of Bell Rivi,r Liter in h ,e ;''ei]'ing the� guest i, ton joy.: L dancing to oi'chesti'al haste: "l .11 r ;, i1 I Mrs, �;i i loft on ,their br n] i. rnoou trip for Detroit and iti�t, 1 (;,err return will reside'' in Se - :,t ,, li?, the 'bride, travelled l in a ±IiY,;iv” :town .ot brown canton iv. with h,at4.,tot ;lit•.tiitcii f' pREEr. b C' L"'f' hR BLOCK - .'ZURPCH e� ( OotO0000saoofroth00000000000000000000OOOliolot00000tik , ; • *ARM FOR SALE insisting of 100=acres being Lot :'in;. 12, Stanley rip. Also 30 - el pt. Lot 12, con• 13, ,Stanley 'T«p. is on, the 100 -acre, farm a z stone hoose,: bank - barn . 36x ri . inshed ' and other .outsuild The farms is in good state of a tions, clay loam, drained, and. e. -raced, 4 acres orchard, also es of'hardVvood bush plenty of i. water The 30 acres are xiio • in pasture and make a fine 31.ure farm. Everything in good ion, For furthef particulars 15-78, Rensall, or apply• :niggle , Sparks, RSR. 3, Day - 51 -5 BLAKE. i4 regular meeting of the Mission :hand, will be held on ::0th, a good attendance is re- • ,rod ) .and Mrs. Christ Gingerich children, who were visiting fri in Michigan, returned home ys s Earl Wieldo and little' clau- f of Zurich, spent a few days friends in this vicinity. SPORT NEWS .aronco Hoffman of Galt pit - 1 against . the; Kitchener t4am ::turday and aalaowed only one innings. `-'+'.m a't forget the ,first League of our juniors this 'Friday ev- • i.i, when Exeter will be here p]; andsee this ones, Lucan, defeated Goderich in ;a baseball fixture at God - .;11 on Juno 20th, score 4-3. 2,—;lowing is the shedule of Gr- 1 Not. 4, tJr, N. W. R. Ac f f 1".' 1=-Lucan at Exeter', -asw 9—Exeter at Lucan ?,r+ 29—Exeter. at Zurich. • •1;t, Zurich at Lttean • y 10—Zurich at Exeter y 12—Lucan at Zurich ;y 14—Exeter' at Lucan v 17—Exeter . at Zurich iz•: 17—Exeter at Zurich 19—Zurich at Exeter • 23—Zurich, at Exeter 26—Lucan at Zurich 2—Lucan at Exeter. rnrzt, yr -"= ::,,..::•-.:.., BIBLE THOUGHT llti, .FOR TODAY Bib10 Thoughts momoriaod will prove a prietleee heritage in otter year,. i,itsoz',vke.c ewe, ask; we receive .harm, because .we keep his Com- =,rents, ,and do thesee things are pl!eacing in' hissight;--1 a 3;22. gni hsal'.l.thy light break forth morning, and thine health pring; •forth. spedily, , and , i ;hteonsnes8 shall go before the „glory( of the Lord he ro a ard.—Is. 58; 8 ! , *Old r what manner, .01 love the .,:'r bath bestowed; upon les %ire should thee called the' sons t:od.—I John '31 (• i 1 tyro and let uS go up to the itaan of;the( Lord, to the house f the God of Jacob, and he will 1 us of his his ways, and we walk in his path --3.1 2;$ \,i for God, ,his w iy is perfect; r: n] d of, the :Gard is tried ; lae israelde. to „i Il thern that i a hien-2 Sam 22;31 m unto tax * ,Loi d: Oleg l.o,ry ti'nto his natine; 7,bring an of- andcorrins; bcforc 'him; wor- ':nth Lora. ill( the beauty of 11o1.- -t Cil 16,29. :¢lir art `vvortby-O' toed, to re- nr1oi'y and,. honor 'rind' ower thou 'hast ,created a l things, thy "pleasure they. are and reatedt- Eev 11' £g -GT. '03 -Jun dugs ntnn • The store w th L Ira Co , ,�i gun r. Farmer NOW IS THE. TIME TO DO YOUR FENCING, AND WE ARE IN A. POSITION ;TO GIVE. YOU A GOOD' CHOICE; -.OF'I+'EN'CE: AT VERY LOW PRICES. :THIS IS HIGHEST GRADE MADE. WE HAVE FENCING HERE.' ALSO AT: A LOWER PRICE— COME AND LOOK IT OVER,IT MAKES A.,,CrOO•D FENCE,, WELL GALVANIZED AND WILL •S TREPCH UP FINE. IF, WE 1)0 NOT HAVE JUSi:T WHAT YOU. WANG.' 'IN THIS LINE OF ;FENCE, WE CAN GET IT ,FOR YOU IN A. FEW DAYS. Take,Notice Every prospective buyershould know this. This isvery , important. — A Chain, no matter how large, is, only strong as its weakest link, -- Now this is the point we are driving at. Do not be satisfued with any Fence which, has not as heavy, a -wire used inthe lock, , asthe line and upright wires, be- cause it is bound to go at that point first,• and. time will surely tell. We have on hand an alssortment. of Choice Galvanized Gates Prices will be alight. We have painted • Gates in stock from last year; while theplast We won't refuse ani}r reasonable offer; . You. make the.t Barb Wire,Coiled•Wire, Plain Wire all price,. gsI'cranyzed: Big+stock' •; enough for all. Staples, Black wire, Augers, Pliers, in fact everything you need. NOW, LET'S GO AND MAKE THIS A BEXP R FENCE YEAR, 2 large Fence stretchers atyour disposal. Ask for one, you. need it, No Charge: MEL!eK&tRAUN PHONE 63 Per Cent. Per. Annum Payable Half -yearly ON CANADA TRUST CO. GUARANTEED MORrGA,E CER- TIFICATES, 51 .Per Cent. PER ANNUM PAYABLE HALF -YEARLY ON HURON &. ERIE I'.EBENTURES. CCan:ada Trust Co. Guaranteed, Certificates and Huron and Erie Debentures are Protected by Assets of over 4$25,000,000.00 , x$100 invested in Canada Trust CO., Guaranteed Mortg- age Certificates .in twelv,) months will earn for you ,$5.50 $1,000 in, twelve months will earn $55.00 $100 invested in Huron & Erie Debentures in twelve months will -:earn for you $5.25. , '$1000, i,ni twelve months will earn $52,50. 1 • LET ME ,ARRANGE AN INVESTMENT FOR YOU NOW. Andrew F. Hess, = Zurich Have You MADE YOUR WI Lta Ready -to -Wear DENOM Y BROS. Clothing GENTS FU RNISHINGS Ordered lClothing YOUNG SEN WILL FI In: ,Royal€lothes all the style feat- ures of artistic des- igning, the faultless tailoring of expert voaknei , the qual- ity that gives satis FACTMION TO THE WEARER— ts:l. A PRICE CONSISTENT WITH TITII HIGH TYPE OF MERCIIAND ISPs. DEITOXY EROS. P ocitot hilt= o clta 8 for Goofs