HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-06-28, Page 10 Vol, 1x1. N UR1C,H THURSDAY li t pang anppe� NOW THAT SPRING'' IS AGA N NEARING-, YOU WILL. BE WANTING A REAL, STYLISH, AND VP -TO -DATE SLIPPER. FOR THE OCCASION':' We have just whit You are looking for. LA. Slipper for every Foot, in the Correct Style, and, a perfect fit. Watch; our Window Display, and come in anal ask for our low priced: .ow` WE ARE, HERE' TO •DO BUSINESS WITH [THE RIGHT GO- ODS :A.ND PRICES. . H. PFILE THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES URI CF REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. $9,000000 i0 4,•4 Ca.C�• V.•C�..O.O.p.p.'C,.0 .p.p.4.O.0.0•0 O'.p.p,.4•�•4.4•C.•ca•1.O d,C1.•0.0.� c.cac7�c�e�c oc.�oc�c�c�000cac.o�© mac. �c��o-�����•. lls�'tr^/•O•G�'0.00.4•l'•C7•�-!•O•�•.J•d•O•J•4.0•0�•G'•✓4 •/�1•l/• f!�''4'�G!'O'O.4' ati TLE OF T• 'IS AND ITTLE OF T. �i..,>`+..�,�.��1.\�6�.�iA\�/ ! �` \�/ir..''�'�?\�W.eLN.i_�\�///i:�.��/.!+�?f+. \moi'/"/.!/.:'�.��/ +c �.v�.\�/� �'S'1.�*.�•� e.'5.�� � .. er Frocks S3 to. _ 42 inches wide, many cliffetent 'shades, excellent qualities and bautiful Patterns, ranging from 35c. to $2.25 per yard. RA.TINE--Fancy checks, plain and stripe 75c. to "2 yd Organdies D _ 36 to 42 inches wide;, in Navy, Copor, Rose, Peach, Tangerine, Big. All these shades in the new Patterns, at 83c, to $1.75 yard, athinj Suits Smart bathing wear, very new an . different We have n very fine range of Ladies, Men's and Ploy's Wool'�a id Cotton :Bathing Suits, which are in the swim) of Bastion and yet very practical. Smart e Luipin.nts for the rippling !lakes v Q or baby -ling• r.rooks. , ,Below. are listed a few of the ;prices; .,,k, L, JERSEY BATHING SUITS,. $3:30 O $5.00. ALL WOG? COTTON :BATHING SUITS $175C'HILDRENS' BATHING SUITS 2 PIEOT A.'].' 75e. 25c. LADIES SILK HOSE 25e. fi, 100 pi. Silk Dose, •bik or .blue reg. 51.25,out they go 250 � \. . , yam\. l .:\-ai?�y .\\ r=// \ �/ - / \Z \ / \ i \ ,y \ .mo- �.`�?, V 9e , The Straw Hat Season, was ,a trifle later than. usual, but the time( is here and old felt D hats and cpsamust be, discarr�ed to make room :for the New St r•hw Hat, !and to think that areal' " ran` up•-to-�thtte Straw ITat c u be bought for $1.50, it begins, to loo like old times, and that is one of tr„ Do lanes, being. sold here every day?. OTHER LINES,, 75c. to $'2.50. For fart es QD 11fi c,y� c DUJa, elide, i,iu d tt,ii<h lire.' Uncle ;11 ;',Albert hoit9o., few 'da:vs• last week; and Mira. Q. Taggart and '. 14IiXs Ad ,laatde ,JilelYer; who spout° ,uric time ,visiting rela.tives here, z�ef t� Heel p Prid , to their Borne nt:: r, tltlr'.3end,.�3xid" �Lt°11EF`�LU N1 t,E.EK t s hasbeen,,, the eusi.om oY tie, ilei a'1'1., 'er,4.Eibrat4. the first we--. fol as ra .hoffi ay; wl'-hto' 2pm-Tem-len that: Ave' will riot publish: , vVcelc. The Iiterald. istin .Y), 24',year's The Publisher hk.5 a fitll ,.program. airy s ed fotr tl iic>'7 it 5r wee by going thiou;h ux1 op a ritioil .for eixio+ 'hj `of,sfiok�-i si1S on Friday, it ay, ��rr l� h u ell 7iicely tat. at wee e 1c to i-(upertte.„ but �cc 4015p,to be •Ihble to publish', a. - j theweek,. 7TIT' ,ta* ;CST I( N T.1ci Sixteenth; Legislature i:slature of Ontario was voted • on on Monday. an.), i11. �'F71e2"al c1 ' large 51ote \('aS r;sl1 •;1, ,.Haid* it>e notice in flay Tov iship the ,-citetrolled '4a5ilot as l 1ee ,as anticipated, aS , there �trt if X108$, votes cast .out of ' 1611. liars ble names. The news ,01 the rettl-,ns_ vee al2tnaing. to 501/TO wliil to others it meant rejoicing Blankets, in .Assorted .colors Size 72x84. iii \\rlilte Green or Yellovv (••( ld.\10 .i - (Ings, x,'20 t pi.00 HESS 'r�. he Jeweler PHONE No. 74 This instittztien= offers deposit: ors safet3*r for' their .savvi.'ngai re, a'sonable interellt compounded ounded every sixin on thla ,, an e . , eedoi from red tape i'u; 3f•• with- drawls. x " Savings Department at evorr Brandi,. Deposits of $1. amd upwards invited.• ■/ �� . +, ager Zurich Branch, pring ilorse Lust Received a '•large number of Genuine Woolen H.oree Ecad tlytrit oldsfat'I '-. sutrPrgvei e A1so a Number -tkf 13eautcitil F�nglish Plush Rugs,' priec*i latent', had. hecoi i . very unpopular; Ranging Lrozn p7. )O to $13:00 SAVE MON'EY.BY G1VIN ; '175, . CALF. :lupe it.1'.' e ara.riot in a position : `'za; h,14 but seemingly) :the ITI1F O1. patc t�en9 alnirost as fast as they . A SIG Stock of Harness anal lialtes�s always on hand-, Gxtn r, ,yet the: hold. an eclua'I aim- • ceft of sats- with the Lih,erai Cltib. Rags, Suit Cases a1;d .Tru -11 at Right Prices. Petr ti i'Xi Sbttih, Eitarom it vas no cert trnty,' who, was, xi,7h cared dace IXJ. P� PHONE HARNESS ,REPAIRING+ A S PEC u.nti, ls�,l thit� repoX ts"�that; could be 3 g©t, wi�' �`• i r,t�w tlie:>a dt,spl yw ofw.�,;0 Arm p u ittajoutf'4;:><..-c*.®ePELtar�6PI•4+H•PPAP186PP.+Nr d° c) L out; 400 il�1 represent South � Huron, .for the° next four years, :and Hon,., Howard Ferguson will' be Premier of Ontario. Six of the' Cabinet Ministers of the tT F Ob . . pastynox i re former gove.'niil-ret 3•..i•. ..1.+ .4.++ ••E••i• • •4••.•4• .4.444.4.4• ++.1.dr• •1. 4.4.�•• +4. • ^ .4.01 +4••14; were' defeated 'intheir own ridings,' 010 including 13. C. Drury., who was de-'.'1�"• feated by 700 votes. Following is! + ith sta cling of the new House; i file standing tive Liberals 14 •1' United: Far.in,ers of Ontario ... 17 171 4. Labor _ a;`_ 4 Independent 1, 4. Total 111 * ,. As will bo seen, above that the U.E O untie 'tho largest group int, the house, Hon!. .W1, E. Rannia,; will be called up -on 'to lead the Oppos- itions AT DISSOLUTION United Farmeis of Ontario '__• _•- 44 Liberals 29 Consei \ naives _._ 25 Labor 12 Indrli:!c,a+.'tt Labor Soldirn :. ... ... 1 BAR AI1VS IN 3 Canvass Footwea •t• •)i• ,4 • See our South Window for Big Sacrafice in. broken dines of ,1, White Canvass footwear. Prices ranging from! 75e. to $P.50. 4. Also many new varieties of Canvass Footwear in our Stock ...• not listed. here. 34 WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION Total - x11 - Repairing done by the very latest methods While y are unable to get elle ,.4. FRIT?" q•O complete returns of South Huron •II• L ■ p� p� „ @gyp �p we herewith give them tu5 ,tithe re;- * ,,', SHOE q`irfl E R H`A N y'. c-cived. t:,„.,,,, but are. not official; of. Tr wartha; Medd McGregor + ZURICH ONTARIO: Fit 291 492 300 .y. ÷4.-.1r•Il• • ,144.+ i4++•II44.4. II••+t•.II••Q••E•+•8 +.44.1+ .14.•;+.'.••I•+••k••g^,i•.g•.i•++3r•II••&'•F n' Hay, Hensall Stephen Exeter - Lisburn Goderich Stanley Pay field 157 43 187 472 364 296' .- 465 209 160 . 355 381 109 507 220 116 73 115 81 ,140 24., 38 l uckx*t ,..., ! li 160 350 411 .Flow Hay q`Ay:• vited; 1 No 1 32 39 L 27 'N c 2 .. t 15 63 21 Cq0 386 69 r87 ,Nal 4. 42 82 59 , .Na. 5 13. 81 14 No 11 t2 -04 41 No. 7 26 .30 l4 Ivor 8 15 64 ;07 91 492 300 As coin ,.• with 1919 .ierington Hicks Morgan 10 ,80 18 14 61 . ;)r 52 56 121 27 106 59 16 "113 13 34 125 48 28 44 . 16 11 - 91 25 , .".Suits' in • a la.rgee vaaety oi, ;Open 'Sopa �er v ,.al es, 'ttrhich ".. in give you more than 8ilnilitcr . . ,x., o 1 C consort, as they 'are inarl,e of : cool mohair in+ both light 'and. dark stripe, which makes . them 1 D L o. 2 just the thing when the weather, is sweltering and oppressive '' 3 Es E 51311-S 'ARE 'BEING, SOLD': Al'GREATLY REDUCED P•.RICES, FIt,O1VC $19 TO' ' $1 Oar Q •• No, 5 . Tld . . , D vo . , 4 ).,,t••i'•3.1,.4,4• i••3r.• l•4•ti 4.4.4'• •i l i••I!+4• fi.1•4 , •4•, 4+4.4.4•.14.4• •6:: o' •;,►g,++4•..n..d•.6 4,4•.1,• '•444. +i•4 •.3••p•,i•.1•.. l D 14°• 7 a No s 4DD r ?lone 59 �.1... '� . H FProduce Wanted q� ring us Your Alsike and Clover Seed. We -always pay the highest Market Price according to Qualify .. • �� .. �'��' �h"5..�. : V.`\ate r. 201 679 834 1 +" sc taftltts aitd Children. In Use kw ever30Years ,Trays bear‘ r� the igoatur of 4, SPECIAL VALUES WE HAVE JUST OPENE D UP A NICE LOT OF THE LAT- EST PATTERNS AND COLORS IN CREPES, GINGHAMS, VOILE; PRINTS, GELATEAS, ETC. ALSO WE ARE MAKING A BIG DISCOUNT ON HALTERS, AND HARNESS REPAIiiS,, MITTS, AND GLOVES, UNDERWEAR, OVERALLS, ETC., Elm GIVE US A CALL AND YOU WILL PIND THAT OUR PR- ICES, (QUALITY- CONSIDERED) WILL COMPARE. WITH ANY OF OUR 'COMPETITORS. Highest Prices for. Farm Produuc, N.,: S GENERAL NIE'OHA Ayr PONE 11 97 ," :• w G 1 ,- 1