Zurich Herald, 1923-06-21, Page 5Tlaursda' , 30n,e 31,4923 BUSINESS CARDS Proudfeet, Killoran & 13OLMk*S. BarleStex,s, Solieators,Nuter.lee, Puuti', Etc, Office on the Square, $nd door from Hamilton St, God- Ieria•h, ,Private funds to loan at Lowest hates, W. 'proudfoot, K.C. ,T. L, Killoran D. E. Holmes.. Tyr, Holmes will be in Hensall on Friday of •each •,week.._ PUT yona Wants, For Sale, Lost,'. Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN Tim C.oLcraN WANTED r < Smart girl tee do embroideeing aL Izloaaxe� t4ppby1 'to 'it Gy Hess, Hall Acme 'We, J) Ltd., Zurich. Andrew F. Hees, Township Clerk Issuer of marriage licenses, NotarY ROM, Commissioner, Fire and Aut- it iobile Insurance, Representing Viten ' and Erie Mortgage . Corpora- tion; The Canada Trust Co, Zurich, e Oat arle. :r. G. L. Smith to. ID.D,S$('Chicago). L.D.S.(Jroron ) C i DENTIST AT WALPER HOUSE, ZURICH, EVERY. WEDNESDAY MAI'. OFFICE -- HENSALL A.0 C -T -I -O -N -E -E -R OSCAR KLQPF Graduate Carey M. Jones Nat- ional School of Auctioneering. Try, me for Registered Live Stock; (All Breeds). Terms in keeping avith prevailing 'prices. Choice. r ' thing farms for sale.. Will sell any anywhere: Zurich. Phone 18-93 or write, Licensed Auctioneer Licensed In tioneer'for t ouon of Huron. nosition. duct any auction sale, regardless lee to 'Size or articles tod enot solicit your business; an iffot satisfied will make no chars es services. Dashwood. Arthur Weber, - phone 31 r 13. Zurich Meat MARKET Fresh and, Salt Meats BO1;0$[la Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool! CASH FOIL SKINS & H1DES tuu,glaut &` Deschert LIVERY �yBIGH I am in a position to accomo- date all requirements in the. Livery bine, have Auto for hire. Any- thing 'done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL Phone 59 Zurich, G. 8. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons' of Ontario and Of the University of Toronto.. Late District Dental Officer, Mil- itary' District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every TUESDAY AND FRIDAY from 1,0.00 a.m. until 5.00 p.m at thelCom- mereial House. Main Office -19at Exeter-, Ont., Phone 34. LIVE POU LT RY WANTED FOR SALE A Igpo'dsecond hand potatoe dig- ger, very cheap. L.. A.. PRANG, Zurich. " tf-50 FOR SALE One 40 -ft., tower :Baker wind mill, at a real bargain Also 2 good one-rhorse Iscufflers, L. A. PRANG, Zaricltl, . e tf-48 WANTED General Servant for fami4Y of two, no wahsnig. Good wages, ape ply in person or letter to Mrs. (Newton Brady, Bayfiled. Taken every day till 3 Oclock p.m. 'Do not feed fowl aamo morning *hen brought in. 'Highest Cash Prices --CASH FOR-- Cream' and Eggs W. O'Brien Phoine 94. Zurich' COAL STRAYED • From, my premises, 14th Conj.Hay a white pig about 4 months old. Finder kindly ; notify Ed. Stire, Dashwood, Ont. FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 75 acres, being lot cod'. 4, Hay Tp. 'There is on the farm a good bank barn, with well in barn, galv. water troughs, thro ugh stable, cement floors, ' and everything in' good repair, farm is welt drained,, of a. 'good rich clay loamj, in high state of cultivation. Also a goodframe house with both soft and hard water„ bath room, furnace and all conveniences. Al- so 25 acres, ' being lot Set Na.. 9, 5th coni, Hay Pp., •well fenced wiith windmill thereon a real good pas- ture farm For further particul- uiars apply to A;. Wildfongl, R. R. 1, Exeter. Phonie 63r13. af45 SEASON 1923 Summer ' DeIiveries The Deleware & Hudson Co's. LACAWANA' COAL We have now in stock, : car of High Grade Soft Coal. Also : car Pea, Coal, try a load of this for banking :your fires and for general use. ( ' Arriving soon, car Btt111ets, Get etoixr order in for a -load of these they will go' quick', Prices for the car only $13.50 Per Ton. 2.41:34441.A•4... son& ?R.OI:AXE MERCHANT phone • Office 10'vr, • Howsd 10j titice&Coal 'Yards, 3roek Street, • WANTED FOR CASH -1000 tons of scrap iron, rags, rubbers, old stoves, horse hair, wool, lead, copper and brass., geese and duck feathers, and all kinds of Junk. If you have any junk to dispose of Kindly Phone 1-81, Zurich, or write, I. Cohen, Exeter, Qnt, ,tf48 WANTED Good plaid cook for general house work; no Washing or iron- ing; wages $35,60 a month to Com- petent; person'. Address P. 0. Drawer 336, Goderich . t50 FARM FOR SALE 'E•neat Glee is yilsiting at E iteh'enleat: Mr. J, A. Williams of Seaforth, vas int the •yillage on S'aturdalyt. Mr, Ward: 'Fritz n a.de a ,butei'nte ens trip to• London on Thursday. Mrs, .Alex Foster spent the past week at Kitchener aid Waterloo, returning on Monday. ,Conjsisting sof 125 acres, being. Lot EV18 ape 9, L;. R. W;, Stanley Township. (There is on the prem- i'ses' a finje bank barn with cement stables, plenty of water in 'the stables' good drive shed, garage, comfortable frame house,' with' good celar, the fawn is 1491 fenced, and well drained, nice orchard, is oaf a rich clay loam,, al very desir- able property and la fine home,, For further particulars phone 13-99 Hensal'l, or write Geo. 'Dewar,; R. A. 3, Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Brien of Staffa,'spent Sunday with the for- nzer's brother, Mr. Wm. O'Brien. Mr, and Mrs. Louis Kalbeleisch and family, 'of the +15th eons, at- tended the '.funeral of the former'S sister, Mrs, Abel Schilbe, at W at- erzoo. The eoncert given by the Cred- iton Dramatic Club in the Town Hail on Friday evening, Was in- deed a fine play .and is a' credit to those taking part ,in isanae... Bev. and ale. T. Bingeman, of Parkhill were visitors the past we- ek at the homes. of Mg. and. MS. A. Hendrick and Mr. and Mrs( CI. L. Smith, Sauble Line The family of Dr. Jo.s Routledge were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. Jack Routledge; •Dutton; Mrs. Jas. Routledge, who had been, visiting there for some 'weeks,. re turned home. Last ;Wednesdays evening ' the U.F.O. held, a political meeting in the Town, Hall, Mr. Robt. McMillian assisted Mr. W. G. Medd, the can- didate in the discussion. On Mon day evening the Liberals had their meeting and Mr. Thos. McMillian and Mr. Ducharme assisted Mr, D. F. McGreggor, the Liberal can,d- id,ate.. Both meetings were very poorly attended owing to the hot weather. On Friday evening of this week, Mr. N. W. Trewarthai the Conservative candidate, will ad dress the Zurich audience in tthe Town Hall. He will be, assisted by Mr. Barnum of Aylmer. Painting and Paper Hanging 1 Am in a position to do any kind of paper hanging, painting graining and, decorating; H. Eickmeicr, Zurich .. tf-37 WANTED Dressmakingand home, sewing win of all kindle. All ne sll work neatly done and !satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. .1. A, Meyers, co. Mr Morris Weber Zurich, tf-36 In renewing your 'subscriptions for your daily and weekly 'papers' remeanber the Ilerald Office is' agent., for most of them and in some cases can save you as much ,as 50 cents OD a single subscript- ion, NOTICE I have taken out License tor Auctioneer for the County of Hur- on, and am in a position to eon - duct sales by auction. Give me a trial and I will assure you satis- faction or no 'charge, tf-29 James Denomey, R. R. 2, Zurich, (''hone No. 10.93 JOHN WARD Will make a complete test of refractive condition of the eye, and of the muscles. Spectacles scienti1-, 'calls, fitted Services at reasonable charges, Will to at;-- : 8-22 Zimmer's fotel, Dashwood, Wolper House, Zuricht As we all know that Monda next is Provincial election day, it is our duty to honor our franchise and cast our ballots: for a new Go -v-- ernrnentfor the betterment of con- ditions we trust. Before however, doing se, one 'should weigh the .pol- icies of the different political par- ties and. then act accordingly: The time is past forthe narrow minded politician to voter fpr the party that the father and grandfather have always voted.' This narrowness is done away with' and people use their own, judgement and. :vote in - OFFICIAL, RETURNS IN 'THE LAST PROVINCIAL EL- .ECTION" IN, OOTOi3 ER, 1919 Ellering Lon Hicks Morgan Conls, U,F,O. Lible 346 827 297 246 551 1/2 124 34 • 49 204 • 32 164 503 179 226 431 252 167 27'l 277 255 192 467 383 201 679 334 2.524 3298 2047 Hicks over Eilerington 774 hicks over Morgan ,'1251 For purposes of cornparison; it is interesting to note the vote re- reived two years later in the same municipalities by the candidates in the Dominion election ;— Black McMillan Lerner U.F 0. Lib. Cons. ' 682 397 339 •512 •-15.4 218 38 44 168 40 197 177 183 234 492 289 169 393 322 236 258 426 432 232 628 427 237 3020 2290 /'2514 Black over Merner • 1 506 Black over 'McMillan 730 Canadians had better not wait for any ;assistance from the Dom- inion C'apital is 'solving the coal qu- estion, foil it p not 'going to befog• thcaideg{. Alberta coal, with a fieight rate of $9 per ton, wild be. too dear, 'so the only thing for hoe ueeholders to do is to order their anthracite from any available 'so- urce, and get in •bupplies while they mays be got. Luckily the outlook is goo'td (this year for a ,full :.coal bin if you have:the price. -Guelph Herald. SCEOOL FAIRS . , Following are the dates of the School Fairs for the season of 1923 as given( out from; the Argiculturai I;epresentative'b Office, Clinton. (Sept. 6th Pordwich (Sept. 7th, Wroxeter Sept. loth, Ethel Sept 11th, Belgrave Sept. 12th, Bluevale (Sept. 13th, •St Helens Sept, 14th, Ash'fie>(d., r ' Sept 17, Carlow (Sept 18, Clint*• ;Sept. 19th, ZURICH Sept. 20th; Dashwcee Sept, 21st, Winchelsea 22; Porter's Hill Sept 24-25, Wi!nbliam c Sept 26, Wialtnee „Sept.27, ,; Dublin ` 1 Sept 28, R1yth' OOet int, Varna Oct 2, Creditolm Oat:,.3rdi 'Gra:tid Send,. Cfet Together and "Let MI the People Sing." vongs Generally Enjoy Public Sing- tam—Music usic Always Polpular'a in the Country- gounnuatity Singing Includes AU Present .Vary tiro, Program From Grave to Gay. (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) Human I• t beings' are grsgarious. The dictum that it is not good for roan ;to ;be' alone is not confined to things connubial. Man by nature is a mixer. bolics will flock. Nothing draws like r.• crowd. Let it be known that "They're all going to be there," and they all will try to be there to- see them all, and if it be a public sing Song, to hear them. , .The Grange, the Farmers' Insti- tutes, and; the U.F,O organizations have already done away with much of the old-time isolation of country life, and the energy shown by those younger in years who have partici- pated in the activities of School Fairs and Boys' `and Girls' • Clubs has also shown that a new day has arrived for more clubable conditions in rural neighborhoods. Community singing is.:a social solidifier. Everybody Enjoys Singing. As the result of years of, experience with Y.M.C.A.'s, men and boys' clubs, and military camps, I have come to the conclusion that people enjoy more than any other music that in which they take part publicly. A commun- ity sing -song, no matter where in- dulged in, always acts as 'a :social tonic. It is a solvent of creed, caste and, ultra dignity.. It catches all pres- ent if they will only catch the tune. It takes the croak'out of the throat, the furrows from the worried brow, the hard lines from mouths that have been growing grim, and the crowsfeet from the corner of the eyes. It melts the icy manner. It knocks the starch out of even the so-called superior people. To sing together into get .to- gether. I have seen hard-headed business and professional men who have been looked upon with awe or fear by their ees or ena l�b es n upat.ban banquets p y tur q 'cluh gatherlugs in the city and drop =all their dignity and "front" as they jovovely bellowed some popular dit- ty, or solemnly joined in a sentimen- tal camp song, and doing it as if fate Of nations depended uiioii their being heard. And, with a little coaxing, a farmer can outchant any city chap, because of better chest and lung de- velopment. l'fusic'Always Popular in the Country. Music -has always had a leading place in rural eliterteinment. The shaoned . singing school ration lot two of agricui- or-Melody, and" red ect "., he volume of contrega- S Lephen Usborne .Cayfield Hensel' - Exeter Groderieh, T'p. SLaniey Tuckersmith • Hay Stephen' Usborne Bayfield Hensal'L Exeter . Goaerich Tp Stanley Tuckersmith Hay { sl'igieg'that obtained forty year ago. To -day in church assem- blies that heartinessCand volume is very. much wanting. Community singing will do much to revive the robustious and not fess pleasing vocalism of the good old days. The people who can sing with vim "Keep the Houle Fires Burning" or "Pack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag," are likely to be just as !hearty in exhorting you to "Count Your Blessings," or to "Brighten the Corner Where You Are." Community Singing Includes All Present. Real community singing implies a general participation. Everybody should have at least a whack at the choruses. A capable leader with both taste and gumption can bring hearty and, genuine melody out of any rural gathering: Simple methods and a knowledge of human nature are all that are needed. He will first try out the juniors, and children will never refuse to sing. Then the girls will;beheard by themselves, followed by the boys. Now we are getting along. The next thing we know the leader has the women carolling along all by themselves; and then, wonder of wonders, he calls upon "men only" to sing, and they get at it like the good sports that they are, so as to show the women folks and the kid- dies that music is something that is in the soul of all, and that driving a team in the field is a capital aid to- ward a rich and megaphonic baritone. Vary the Program From Grave to IWWNIIIIIIIWOiNIWII011111111M1NNNIIIIIIIINIW 11110IIIIONUUWI IInSOUIMUICAnlnn— llnlilliluICIIIMW EI111 IIIl01m. U W11 �AV¢efabhp1(et�10J Mcm imilatiiyioodbyReg!d . :tinetheStomactsendll 'els' Il�i'L•'A*IT5 .°Cllr �EN1l� Ghgedulitessand i,inep�,;' Meitner 0p_ pa N GOT( Mineral. N_ , eaFOldAe.�� grtgli Scn al„ lfoihflru Sults 7,tvgaeSar,k r crann�s�' l JIS,ti rriv 'Yavy... AhelpPulRemedy or Constipation mess and loga and neve Loss OF SLEEP xeseingtb?r° ulnf01 Tacgi e 5inature of 35: DoSESSt" . MVO�ToCM EA 14 n114tL PcoQaY 0 Cg Exact Copy of Wrapper., For Infants and Children, Mothers Know "rho : 1 Genuine CaStowwi. Always J, Bears the Signature of In Use for Over Thirty Years CASTOR! TIE CENTAUR CCMPANY.'I W YORK CITY. 1 Then let us have community sing- ing, and .plenty of it; but let it be semething More. than mere sing -song. Anythiiigdeeent will do to'begin with, and the.shiipier the better, as a sort of limbering' up' "exercise: But let something more,' timbitious be at- tempted now and then, such as glees, aiithenis, eantates, or perhaps orator- ios, with big soloists from 'the cities as stars, but. with alii hands drilled for the choruses. Some time' an easy and clean comic opera might be put ou,, but with no intention of crowding otic the more solid music;; for it is well to remember the force and just- ness of that very practical observa- tion of the elder .Pliny (lib. iv,cap. x1, 24), "The lemon, as well as the sugar, is needed to make the punch," Community singing Should be en- couraged. It is a social, physical, mental, and moral tonic. Less public benefactions have been bonused by the state. --Thos. McGillicuddy, Sta- tistics and Publication Branch. Good tomato land is, neither ex- tremely rich nor very poor, but just such late aS wotild grow extra good corn. Land that was menured heavi- ly the previous year will generally grow good tomatoes, 1.'o nation has ever >aehieved per- manent greatness unless this great- ness reatness was based on the well-being of a great farmer ciao, for it is' upon the welfare of farmers, )material and moral, that the welfare of the nation ultimately rests. -••'Theodore. Hoose- volt, If Yor cannot afford a Ford why not buy a nice Rubber Tire Buggy HESS sells them RB PAI RING Painting Ford Car, One ^oat, $15.00, Two' Coats :: . $20.00 iCovering Ford Top Good Material .- ... "$27:0 Changing Ford Curtain's to open with Doors Painting' Buggy IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERUBI3ER YOUR BUGGY WHEELS. F. I.Ness &Co. Zurich +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4 z (Lumber Laths Shing1es, + • • Everything in •Combination storm and screen doors made to' order; 4 . Lumber and Building Mater' I Custom Work cur ftc • in the market for saw logs I Always IF. i. K I PHONE b9 +++++++++#fr++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++11 h LBFLEISC 1 : ZURICH 4--3'—+_4._rig_+—+—+—+—�'--+^+- -+-+—+—Vii'-1—+—+-4•- ? 1; ILO °mi .F' :LOOK Five Good Reasons 4• W HY WE CAN SELL SUITS FROM r w 4'$10 TO $15 LESS THAN OTHERS. 1. We stock our own goods. 4• • 4,2. Our Suits are made by 'work - +8, 4• +4. in manship, second to none. Have only one price for mal -E ing Suits." The very best linings put all our ;gancients . 5. We guarantee satisfaction or money refunded, ; • 4, W. H. HOFFMAN 4+ ,• .TAILaR AND FUNERALFUNERALDrR C`T'+ ►R a DAY' AND NIG T T ?HO,,,Ntl No. 86 a> ,h. y4..•.,q.,.-,lW...1-...:.-.,g,.;:,<...d...l.... 1 M 4