Zurich Herald, 1923-06-21, Page 3TheLbaccc, �f QiakEy
Surnames and Their Origin
Racial. Origin—English.
Source—An occupation.
Family navies, particularly those.
which are derived from occupations,•
conceal within themselves many inter-
esting side lights on the habits and
customs, of an age now dim in history.
It'e one 'of those obvious family
names. It comes from the word
"sjjoon" (reference being to the uten-
elle,not the action). If family navies
were being formed to -day there would
be none of this one, for enough there
are millions' more spoons in use to -day
than there. were in the Middle Ages,
where , teelay will you find a spoon
maker? Lots,. of manufacturers make
spoons, but we don't -call them spoon -
makers, because they snake knives and
well.- Lotsf
n • o
forks and soup ladles as we
i iz ]n s loo tmak
workmen may specal e l 1
ing in the factories ;of thse- nia.nufac
turere, but ,;eache cities:handles only, a
in- the manu-
facture. pots of dealers sell spoons,
but they sell so many 'other things as
well that we call then hardware deal-
ers or jewelers.
But in the Micl•dle Ages it was dif-
ferent. The very existence; of the
name Spooner proves it. The "spoon-
er" iitade spoons and the "cutler"
,made knives, and neither interfered
withethe "other's• trade nor thoifght of
combining the two. And why are there
no "Forkers" to -day? , Because in the
Middle Ages, in England at least, the
fork was unknown as a table "tool."
Racial Origin—English.
Source—A locality.
There are not many persons w1io can
guess offhand the original meaning of
the family name of Sutton,unless,
perhaps, they see it in the company of
i such names as Easton and Weston.
Yes, that is it, "Souletown" would
be the full and modern spelling of the
name. which, from being the name of
a place, has also become the name of
many persons whose ancestors• !hailed
from that place.
There is an erroneous idea, still quite
widespread, that names originally bear-
ing a
earing.a prefixed."de"+were by virtue of
this "de" indicated as of "noble orig-
in.m the
from Nothing cold be further u
truth, even •tihough;it is true that most
of the ancient noble families bore sur-
names •so prefixed.:•
o •
The"de" meant to the people of Nor-
man England exactly what it means to
the people of France to -day.. It meant
"of," and nothing more. "William de
Sutton" means ``William of Sutton."
Such surnames were borne by the
over -lords of, domains,. But they were.
also borne by anybi`idy, even serfs in
many .instances,who had come fron'i
the places mentioned.
Sutton is a town in Devonshire.
'Mrs. Hermadis Chagnon, Ste, Theo-
dosie, Que., writes:—"Baby's Own Tab-
lets have been of great value to nie in
keeping my little one well and I would
' not be . without thein." Thousands of
other mother sap the same. thing.
They have :learned by actual experi-
ence the value of the Tablets in regu-
lating the bowels and stomach bans
!siting constipation and indigestion.
breaking up colds and simple fevers;
aid keeping the baby free from the
many simple ailments of childhood.
The Tablets are sold by medicine deal-
ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from
The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
Yes; indeed
Worm-"13ey, Mr; .Bug, . dont you
think I' can get a job in the circus as
o contortionist?"
'MONEY ORDERS. indigestible .cotnpound5,' "Med.ieina]'•'
The safe way to send moneyby: mail iron. does have the virtue, however, of
Recently the :Union of South Africa;;clebrated the shipment of one mil-
lion cases of fruit to Europe in one season: This is the first time this, record
has been achieved. The picture shows Gerr,:�ea1 Smuts, with some of the
members of the Cabinet, exaanlning the miTiionth case just before it was
shipped. .
Pat Scored.
An American was boasting to an
Irislinian about the speed of American
"Why, Pat," eaid the American, "we
run our trains so fast that the tele-
graph poles look like. a continuous
"Do they, now?" said Pat. "Well, sir,
I was wan day on a train. in Ireland,
and as we passed first a field of tur-
nips, then wan of carrots, then wan of
cabbage, and then a large pond of
water, we were gain' that fast I
thought it was broth!"
Lettuce is Rich in h:on.
To say of a man of unusual strength
and vigor that he seems "made of
iron" is ono of those popular phrases
which science hasproved to have an
almost literal basis of truth. Although
the toughest and most enduring in-
dividuals have only a few grains of
iron in their entire body, tease few
grains are indispensableto life, and
a material reduction in the quantity
means immediate loss of strength and
the onset of illness.
But people cannot eat iron, and the
problem therefore Is to get the iron in• those who rejoice in regained health.
some form or combination which the These Pills are sold by all dealers in
body can utilize., Nature has• solved medicine, or may be had by mail at
the problem by providing vegetables • 50c a box by writing The Dr. Williams'
that contain a large enough proportion Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
The Milan at the Helm.
How many landemesi appreciate the
hoots, of ceaseless anxiety experienced
by thesnavigating officers of the White
4s.R4" 111SED'• TO
llrs. Gorman Says She Didn't
gxpeet to Survive Her ", roolw,
fixes - ]''raises Tlilac•
„Til'e years ago,'before 1. °t Tan -
lac, if axone bad,told I virolild be'
alive iiow I couldn't have believed it"
Said M-rs, Ilannali Gorman, 01.4'Artilux'
St., Windsor, Ont.
"I load"suffered from, steinaeb tren
We for seventeen years.. ManY a
!if ed Advertioefuentic.
AM'J1T2 4 U iR xOnJs IS c7% rIA1lsi.e
tsid 1#l00,. flotlawe11, pntrrto
W' Pelta• oven to CASs =Noe enstettT,
Sestet dna, 00;10)07 why the 14t0a6 Attsoia,
pted , 75 itArppx4Aetkc4 s:sa er • prte gasp set has
"ger,' ' '. wrap 414.0 simaitlty CP,, 1'oterit91P3 QAit,
XbV,IItn IPJ014.1, 'i ox o',fli wiPAvl*tu
• y¢lours, "1'04, ota:: .Jii5ipyt< Wattea pale,
ewes Snugsby esset ssturin* co., 7t4,, Bemuse',
IIrnentea 'afire raised in South Am-
erica and
merica:an'd Mexico, but it is'said, the
best come from Jamaica.
time I was in SUCh•agany I didn't thiole ,
I cbula : live ,through, the daY,• I had
awfiil ezngthering opens; terrible heats
ache's, and was so nervous' I was al-
most' frantic and sleep was practically'
out of the question. Why, I 'Was so
weal( I could hardly dress tile eaildren,
to say ,nothing of taking care of bh,e.
household • duties,
"1.Iowever, Tpnlac gave me back lay
strength, and 'I've enjoyed perfect
health ever since, I gained nearly ten,
pounds' in weight, have a wonderful
appetite and sleep eight or ten hours`
every night and feel so well life is a
pleasure. Tanlac was a godsend to
me. No medicine in,: the world can
equal it."
Tania is for sale by all good drug
gists,- Accept no substitute. Over 37
million bottles sold.
Taniac. Vegetable Pills are Nature's
own remedy for constipation. For sale
The Motor Age.
A little girl from the city bad been
Star liner Pittsburg, which staggered visiting in the country, and was being
into Halifax with her bridge torn away questioned as to what kind of time she
in a gale? When a ship's compass had. Finally some one said, .. I bet you
room is injured it requires all the don't even know how to milk a cow."
knowledge-. and fortitude of which a "Bet I do;" she said. '
seaman, is capable to steer a ship, with She was pressed for particulars, and
its living • freight, to harbor. explained: You take the cow into the
-- peoplerealizehew• - se barn and give her some breakfast food
and water and. then you -drain her
crankcase. "-
held• to her course by that most used
and Most inaccurate scientific instrti-
ment in eaistenoe—thte mariner's corn -
Ifs errors are numerous • and trouble
gene., They are only partially under -
ARE STRONG stood.. .With
partially corrected. They
MADE under-
with the place the compass oceu
pies in the
the time of observation; with, the diree-
Rich, Red Blood Needed to Keep tion of her head when being built;
with the temporary movement of iron.
Up Their Vitality. within. the ship.
It should be constantly borne in Th•
e compass used for ]aging off]
mind that pale, bloodless girls need .courses'- and taking bearings is called
plenty of nourisihment, plenty of sleep the standard compass. With it are
and regular out-of-doors exercise. But .compared all the other compasses in,
a lack . of appetite • and tired aching the shill. •.
limbs` tend to hinder progress. . ,To-. Then' are three north points - that
save the weak, thin -blooded sufferer,, the,navgator must take Into considera- t
h, d blood and `tY°n ~ `fi tfi `the true north, which is
The game of polo has been traced
back to 600 B.C.
she must have new, rich to
nothing meets a case of this kind so allea,iaria t liege . ° e meridian of longi
tttdej° e , ' .les `of the earth
Dr illiams' Pink P
ills._ T1Lese z �`; e..
well as , W
aessorth, wIsteh ,<s
pills a ec e on y
b thus bran ng new 'vire ion c Thavld, •the, compa.r north,
ae bh
h i Cr
ernric d onl n R
• not a
Y _�
blood supply, • they help the appetite ,th;
and aid digestion, relieve the• weary ne
back and limbs, bringing s
and transforming ,'whle° is, the direction in which the
health andstrength'
11. infants' and Children's Regulator
Pleasant to give—pleasant to
take. Guaranteed purely vege-
table and absolutey harmless.
It quickly. overcomes colic
diarrhoea, flatulency an(i
other like disorders.
The open published
formula appears on
every lable.
At.4II DrugMLtfs
�'tea t' ItI ae
. he'COS
.r 4+
S^ ) 4
� c f
1 't d l b
..x ff
l r.
11 11
anaemic girls and women into cheer- comp•eed
ass=nle'actually' points, affect -
ful,. happy people. Among the, thous- ed•asee 1S ee the variation of the place
ands of girls who shave obtained new and by the local attraction of the ship,
navigating lues In Pimples, Formed Hard Crust,
Hair Fell Out, Cuticura Healed.
health through the use of Dr. We When the av b g officerg
]dams' Pink Pills is Miss Lyle G Gar the helmsman a course' he first obtains
neau, Freeman; Ont., who says: from the chart the magnetic course
"About two years ago I was in a very that he :wants. This he corrects for
nervous and'run down condition. I deviation from ale standard compass
could not eat, did" not sleep well and deviation table, and the result is the
was fast becoming an invalid. I was course by standard oompass -that he
subject to fainting spells which made must set,
it very embarrassing to go in company He then •goes ` to -the standard com-
as I never knew when a fainting spell Pass and gives:orders to the helmsman
might come on. After several fruit- until the ship's; bead is on that course,
less treatments I was advised to try when he shouts; "Steady!"
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and by the The helntsman notes the reading on
time two boxes were used I felt an im- his steering compass and steers that
provement. I kept on taking them, course until further orders.' The ship
and am now thankful to say teat I owe is then on'her course. The officer of
My present health and happiness to the watch compares. the two compass -
this medicine, which I cheerfully re- es at frequent intervals, and so the
commend to other run:' down girls." voyage goes' on.
If you are weak or ailing, avail your- ,•
self at once of the home treatment Is religion narrowing? Well, so is
which : Dr Williams' Pink. Pills so the gun barrel that keeps the projec-
easily afford,' and you will be among tile in the tiding so are the railway
tracks that keep the express train
from the ditch; so is the steering
wheel that holds the car in the middle
of the road; but they save from wreck
and mean achievement.
of iron to be of service.
Lettuce is one of the more important
and common of these vegetables, even
though it contains only one part of
iron in 50,000 of, theraw substance, ac-
cording to analyses recently made by
a scientist. This is a much smaller
proportion of iron than tbat'existing
in the human body, yet lettuce is a
valuable source of that necessary ele-
ment, Doctors, and chemists agree
that the only practicable way to get
iron is to take .it as •a vegetable or to
follow the example of the Eskimo, who
can hardly raise'gr"ens and so gets it
from the blogd of seals and walruses.
Tho ironin in.edie nal preparations is
in itself of little ese„ as it combinee
wit1 stiI hair in the let:estunesto form
Isl y 1)ontinieri lalxlYress Moiler Order. :sweeptng , the intestines free of sul-
phur and thus giving the vegetable
consolation. iron a chance for ready aesorptibn, as.
thee sulphur will 'also combine with the
When the young husband returned iron from lettuce or other; plants.
frons Ilia °dice he f'oitnd .his wife In `:tut the way to take: iron so that It
teams. nay—let into the red oorpusoles, of, the
"Oh, Bolin,,'' slle sobbed, "T had baked brood a>id.,catry the lifegivin oxygen
a lovely cake! I punt at' outside'fori • e of the bodyis to eat
t qu s
to Wall the s
the frosting to dry-and..and the dog It In cotiibiiintion with things that
,,,vs7,611, t cry about
ate it!" It, sweet. glotiv,' One of the handiest things of
that sort is lettuce, which, coming ear,
heart," replied bet husband, Patting iy in the Opting, 'brings renewed,vigbi,°
to the bodies needing fnorei 'iron in
their blood.
Rich 'Father,
I riend—'Why is it that your sou
rides to business in a car., Yang'( you al-
ways go on the bus?"
Oltt :Gentlenhtii—"Weil, he has a
r-icil father, and I haven't,
hor 'flushed ¢]feels;:"I irnow a man who
will glee us another dog•":
In X•tussia there are estimated to be
1,929 women to every 1,000 men,'Ger-,
comes ;text with 1 i
lllariy ,00 and Aus-
tria 1,059,'
Cdli�arttl�s 't-llilrnent 'Used by 'Physicians,,
He's afield all day
In wind and sun,
'Where tail grass rustles
And shadows. run.
The birds, sing for hies,
The Bowers smell sweet,
The brdwn earth crumbles
Beneath( his feet.
What have I to see?
A. stove, "a floor,
Two little windows,
•A narrow door-
3.`:want'the flowers,
'I walit the birds;
I'he wind would sing ane
Soft little words.
I'm jut his woman,
So I Mast stay
In a hot kitchen
Day after day. .
Some days I'm wishing
Even to be
YI ouse
Y a field to
.lust to be free!
—Abigail Cresson.
Well Informed.
Proud Wifo' ( to nervous friend; In
a;utoniobilo)•-- "I feel so, safe with
George driving, now that he has joined
the Bed Cross. He is learning first
aid, and knows where all the hospitals
Lift Off. with . Fingers
I had eczema 011 my scalp. It
broke out in little pimples which
formed a hard crust, • My scalp itched
and burned so badly I was up half
the night. My Oair fell out terribly
and I could not comb it.
" This trouble lasted about three
months before I sent for a free sam-
ple of Cuticura Soap and Ointment.
I bought more and I used two boxes
of Cuticura Ointment with' the Cuti-
cura Soap when I was healed."
(Signed) Miss Gertrude Harrington,
1010 Delaware Ave., $utte, Mont.,
Cuticura Soap to cleanse and pu-
rify, Cuticura Ointment to soothe
and heal and Cuticura Talcum to
powder and perfume are ideal for
daily toilet purposes.
wSCaRPaora bo6yyitnM,tmswSe,.n. AMt _"do6dnartnrnedaa6l,6''0L. SyTmoalladcnue,m,vLe2ri6mye-
cSoap shaves without mug.
R eshes'z ary Ryes
'Whel-(Your Eyes feel Datil
mad heavy, use'14stritte, It 1a,.•.
etaotly ReltevestbatTixedFeelal
—Makes than Clear, Brlshx an
$purkiing, kietmiess. Sold and
i;ecommended by All Druggists-
% . fee a (EYES.
Antgrica'a #71oneer Dog semeaten
Eoo1c on
and How to Feed
Wailed Free to any Ad.
dress by tkie Author,
S. Clay Glover Co., Ina
129 West 24th Street
New York. U.S.A.
Attractive Proposition
For man, with all round weekly
newspaper experience and $400
or $500, Apply' Box 24, :Wilson
Publishing Co., Ltd., 73 Adelaide
Street West.
-sfleard's takes tho "hurt" out of them
Also a soothing 'bath' for sore, tired feet.
Will Be Interested in1rs. Thomp-
son's Recovery by Use of Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Colnpoun4
Winnipeg, Man.-- "Lydia E. t?t
ala s, Vegetable le Com ound hair
g p
me good in every
v .
weak and run-down and had certain
troubles that women of my age are ,'
i not.
like to go to.
e. Idd
likely tohave. 1 el
the docteisso I took the Vegetable Com-
pound and am still taking it right along.
I recommend it to xny friends and to any
one I know who is not feeling well. "—
Mrs. THOMPSON, 303 Lizzie bt., Winni-
peg, Man.
When women who are between the
ages of forty-five and fifty-five are beset
with such annoying symptoms as ner
vousness, irritability, melancholia and
heat flashes, which produce headaches,
dizziness, or a sense of suffocation, they
should take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound. It is especially adapted
to help women through this crisis. It
is prepared from roots and herbs and
contains no harmful drugs or narcotics.
This famous remedy, themedicinal
ingredients of which are derived from
roots and herbs, has for forty years
proved its value In such cases. 'Women
everywhere bear willing testimony to
the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound.
Women who suffer should write to the
LydiaE.Pinkham Medicine Co.,ColioalrFr,
Ontario, for a free copy of Lydia 1~,.
Pinkham's Private Text -Book upon
"Ailments Peculiar to Women. _ o,
Doesn't hurt a bit! Diol ra little
"Freexone" on an aching corn, instant•
ly that corn stops hair"ting, then shortly.
you lift it right off with ilnpera, Truly!
'your druggist sells a tiny bottle of .
"i reerone" for a few (:ants, saiflielent
to remove every hard corgi, soft corn,.
are." or
torn between tale tool, and the cal,
loses, wi ].out sorenO+ss of irr'itatloa.
ISSU'S Ne, S4 -**g3.
Nil,+rit'e's "L.iitlment frrt'valvaev&Fywhere
UNLESS you see the name "Sayer" on tablets, you
are not getting Aspirin at all
Accept only `:an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of •.
Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by
physicians t.ltring 22 years and proved safe by millions for r
Colds Headache Rhe Iatisr
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
Earache e Ltiinba.:.o Pain, Pain
lai;l'i7 G� �
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 t.� bletn--Also bottles of 24 gird 100—Drue ists.
Aspirin Is 1110 ti510 mark (rogietr-vt,,5 In (ittftseal or 'Mayer .taut sturo of Nona•
(teetIonvidoster .f t cosh¢: llt.nri' 'r ir11e it 03 even lsnrnvit Out Aspirin 1searis nave
eessurerturo. in asallat tYtn, nut,,-"• , 2'itnst imitation iht: inblath of a5ayer C`oitipnny'
will bP stttntpt 1 whit (bolt gotteral trade imGrl,, tlxo '41ayer.Cra"on,""