HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-06-14, Page 54 Thursday JUlee 14,, 1923 zUar;cu iIRAJ,D BUSINESS, CARDS' pxoualoot,"- KP11oi•an & HOLME` , Barrleters, bulre,torie Noteries, ,pu li;, Etr,, Oifice , o i -the Square, er sh, Privat4 door e Hfundston to Sleap God: - tweet rates • Prou oo, pv� -ro1;.1 ' Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS COLUMN df t h' C J L Killoran WANTED D. 3!a, .Hoirees. al Servant for family of Friday of eaeh Holmes' will be' in HGeneral ensall' on .:eek. 1 two, nio 1� ahauig. 'Good wages, .ap- _ Andrew F. ;Hess, Township Clerk suer of nierriage dresses, Notary Tub11c, Coxniitiseioarer, b'ire and Aut- *mobile lesurence. Representing' SWIM. and Erie Mortgage Corpora- tion, The Canada Trust Co. Zurich, 'Ontario. Dr. L Smith L,D.S., ((Toronto) 'D.D.SoChicago) 1)q i�l'lJS'r r: _• TCI- AT W ALPER HOUSE, EVERY WJ DNESDA.Y MAIN Ox11.+xCE — HENSALT, A -13 -C=T -I -0 -NSE -Ea OSCAR•KLOPP Graduate Carey' M. Jones Nat- ional School of Auct rv�erin�tocl . L we for Registered dTerms in lceepiixg YA.11 BreedS).vices. Choice 'With prevailing i r ' •l e tl►itrg n a Will sell 'y -Carpus for,sale. "anywhere. write, Zurich. Phone 18-93 or .. h. Licensed Auctioneer Licensed- Auctioneer for Coto unty got Huron. In a position regardless duct any auctie tion to 'size or articles and it not -solicit your, business, es 'for satisfied will make ho- char services. Dashwood. t&rthur Weber, Phone 31 r 13i, k Zurich Meet MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bo�ogna Sausages, etc' Highest Cash price for Woullj CASH ICOR MINS ii.H.IDES " U,' ,bitat c ' DeicheTt ZU RICH ERY Lid to Bell. . I I am in a position to accomo- date all requirements in the Livery. Line, have Auto- for hire. Any- thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL Zurich, "Phone 53 6, S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTISIT Graduate of the Royal College Of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and of the University of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every TUESDAY AND FRIDAY frons x0.00 a,xri. until 5.00 p,rn at thelCom- mercial House. Main Office -19at Exeter, Ont., •Phone 34. L1• VE POU LT R WANTED Taken every day till Oclock p.m. Do not feed fowl same morning Whelp :brought in. Highest Cash Prices __CASH FOR---. Cream and Eggs W. O9.Brien phone 94. Zurich SEASON 1923 Summer Deliveries The Deleware & Hutison Co's. LACAWANA COAL We have now in stock, car of lIl.gli Grade Solt Coal. Also car pea Coal, -try a load of this for banking your fires and for teles- lase. •• Arriving soon, car Bullets. Get vont order in; for a load of these they will go quick-. Prices for the ear only $13,50 per Tom *GAly & PRODUCE MERCHANT Phone- Office 10w. House 10.1. Otfice&Coal 'ar+ds,•:':Eroelt ,Street, fi BALL Q17. ply in person or 'tetter to Mrs. Newton, Brady„ Bayfiled. STRAYED From my premises, 14th Con.Hay a white pig about 4. months old.. Finder kindly i notify Ed. Stix'e, Dashwood, Ont. FARM FOR. SALE Consisting of 75 acres, being lot P, coz4 4, Hay Tp. (There is on the farm a good bank barn,", with well in barn, galv. water. troug7;i's thro ughstable{, cement floors, and everything in' good repair„ farm is [vett drained,, of a good rich gay loan-, in high a state of cultivation. Also a good frame house with both soft and ,hard water, bath rociin,, furnace and all conveniences. A1- eo 25 acres being lot SX No.. 9, 5th con., Hay Tp., ;well fenced wiith �viirdznill thereon a real good piae lure farm. For ,further particul-. r• Wars •apply to A.oVZ ildfong„ R. B. 1, Exeter.. ~ Phone 63r13,• • tf45 WANTED FOR CAS11-1000 tons of scrap iron, rags, rubbers, : old stoves, horse hair, wool, lead, copper and brass, geese and duck feathers, and all kinds of Junk. If you have any gunk to dispose of Kindly Phone 1-81, Zurich, •or write, I. Cohen, Exeter, Ont. .t148 LOCAL NEWS G. Litt is enjoying frnew Ford Coupe; and, Mr>;:. J, greeter , are spending the week with friends at Kitchener. Mr. Matt.:Regan of M. Ca2'•nrel, wets a Sunday vieitor at the home of ,NIA J. Hey,, Jr. Miss A.g,.n�e9'"Kaercher .left last week for'Kitchener where ' 9he will stay for. some time . Miss Susie Jacobe has returned hone alter :spending a pleasant visit with retatives at Detroit, ,Mrs. F, Kamprnari ,of Eitchener, is visiting with her mother, Mrs.!11. Carxllpbe3'1+ Mrs.W. Ga. Hess and son Albert, and Mrs. W+m. Wagner arid Mr. Ed Axt spent Tuesday in London, Mrs.' D. J. McClinchey of London spent a few dtrys last 'week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. W. Wagner.. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington John - stony and son Ross .spent the week end at Kitchener., Miss Ethel Hess, who �spenit ar' few weeks at South Bend, Inc has returned home. Alias _Maldred i3rown of Kitchener anis a week -end visitor at the home of Mr. 'and' Mrs, J. Pre!eter't Miss Lizzie Volland has purch- ased th'd •el two lots at the south en or the village froze. Mr.John Fuss.: Have your next pair of working shoes re -soled 'with Bull -Dog sole leather; will l'rutwear any other, At C„ Fritz, & Son, Zurich. Mr. Lloyd, Hoy, Mrs. Gibbons and daughter, and Russell Kenning of T,ondon, were Sunday visitors at the hoxne of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hey Jr • Y, Messrs. Fred Turner, Harold Joh nston„ Jas. Johnston of the Bron - WANTED Good plain cook for horse work; no washing tug; wages $35.00 a month petent; person(. Address Drawer 336, Goderich general or fron- to corn- Pt omP. 0. • t50 FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 125 acres, being Lot. E 8 anli9 9„ L: R. W., Stanley Township;. -There is on the prem- ises .a fine bank barn tivith cement stable's, plenty of water in the stables," ,a good drive shed, garage, comfortable.. frame house, with good ceiar, the (aril is well fenced, and well -drained,' nice •orchard, is of a rich clay loam;, a very de,sir- able property and a :fine home. For further particulates phone 13-99 Hensal'1„ or writs Geo. Dewar,' R. R. 3, Bayfield, Painting 'and Paper Hanging T Aan in a pnSition 'to do any kind.of 'paper hanging, painting graining and decorating. ,Eicknneier, Zurich ... tf-37 FARM FOR SALE' FARM—Fifty acres, more or less being south part of Lot No. 17, ;Cont 7, Hay. On farm is 11A story frame house, with - kitchen and woodshed attached. Smoke ho- use, bank been 30x36 on cement wall With galvanized roof. Shed; pig pen„ hen house, driving shed and other outbuildings. Theire ore a . variety of fruit' trees on -the farm; This farm is all seeded ex- cept about two :or three acres. Farm would be suitable for a truck. lara or for raisin celery or small fruits, [Also good for pasture as it is well watered. For further particulars apply to Chris, •Schrag, Zurich, Administrat- or Estate Menno 'Captor.' WANTED Dressmaking and home sewing of all kinds. ,All Work neatly done and --satisfaction guaranteed, Mrs: J. A. Meyers,- co. Mr Morris Weber Zurich. ' 1 • f tf-i 'j In renewing your subscriptions for your daily and weekly papers remember the Herald Office is. agent for most of them and . in some cases can save you as much as 50 cents on a single subseript- iom NOTICE T hare 'taken .:out 'License for Auctioneer for the County of Hur- on, and am in a position to con- duct sales by auction, Give me a trial and I will assure you satis- faction or no charge. tf-29 James Denomey, R. R. 2, Zurich, Phone No, 10-42 DR. JOHN WARD Will make a complete test of refractive condition of the eye, and of the muscles, Spectacles sci,entif- ieally' fitted. Services at reasonable charges. Will 'ir e at;— 8.22 • Ziniraerta Notelq Dashwood, I. W al flet Hm use, " Ztrrkcia$ INVEST EN. it Pays toPlant Walnuts and Wait Fifty Years. No Bettor F.,,+gacy for the Fain f,ad-- - The Gov Himont Forestry Branch'. Wm Assist—Tree-Growing Re.:. rlrri2!ca little Labor --Black Vlral- mit 'free.; 14s 13rlem.erials—Bow to Ervat A'oilon iW5' iContrIbuted by (inttartp Department of A ricuitnre, T:oronto,) • Say, Mr. Forester, if a boy of my age wore to Plant 'an Sarre of black walnut this sju'ing would 1 ,IIve to see the trees largo enough to be -used for alae building; of a house to aheiter Me 10 my '01 age ?// "arm my tad„ you could plant the trees to -day, and in fifty years tinge the trees would be large enough to. cut into: interior' frnishing lumber for your house." Tbere is some satisfaction in plant- ing a tree and watching it grow to merchantable size, ' A -Walnut Tree Grows or Many. Years. .A walnut tree will keep grewing long after it has passed the half cen- tury mark, and keeps on making tim- ber until it is one hundred and raftyy years old. However, a very nice tree can be grown in fifty years on gciod soil; yes, large enough to make all the finishing lumber for the interior of a house. Ten acres of land planted under sane forestry methods with walnut will melte, in time, a fine tract of valuable timber, which when ready to harvest, * ould at present Prices be worth $1,000 per acre. • No Better Legacy Could Be Left. A magi could leave no better legacy for his heirs than a block of good timber. The long time between eeed- time and harvest in forestry frightens son Line,' and Mt Rohn Thirsk of the average inortal, and deters hien' Blake, took• in Ulhe Greyhounid trip tram planting forest trees, But peo to Detroit,pie should not take the long time The ..public is warned to: be on inans are yet to be born to live in Lae look -out for a series of spute this country; and since the present ions five dollar .Imperial Dank -131's generation has largely destroyed the are- being circulated by three- original timber, it is only just and xnen. in. Western Ontario-, - fair that we should provide for the Mrs.1VTiller; of Dashwood, ii'lro wood and lumber requirements of the ha sheen for (some ,time at the future. On nearly every farm there borne Of her daughter, Mr f Sy1, is some waste. land or the' remnant Witmer, Babylon Line, has return- Of a wood lot. It may be odd, rough ;;;tow seriously. Generations of hu spec • s;; lady bilis, areas that have 'ed home!. . trot • t...aituced profitable grain- "or : Mr. 'and Mrs,. Christ. Gingerich grass crops and which could -well be of the ,Bronson, Stanley and. Mree used for the growing 'of wood, ] Menlo. Bech1•er of Zurich, were vis- The Gevernna,ent Forestry 'Branch itors with ' frien,ds and relatives in "Will' Helie. The Forestry Branch of the Lands Mr. and.'Mrs. Dn�id Gingetich and Forestry Department is co -oper- and Mrs. Chris. Sichao and. chi-- sting with four -hundred Ontario dreg Ruby and .Louis:•spent give farmers in :which the Forestry omit - weeks with ,triei,d:s in Kitchener, ice tryoto point the way to success ie wood lot management. As a re - St. Jacobs land Blui•ii4:: suit of such co-operation, many wal- Michigan( . , t Mr. Sol Miller of London scram ✓r green ash,: and red oak seedlings onivaniacl b Miss Ac1j1 1 [[ritrxei of °h4 e been given; a siart'totvaxd useful,. y Exeter, we -e Sunday visitors at the horns of 'the former's e.ister, M• and !Rs,' Sy:. Witmer, Babylon ]ine. 1VIr, anal Mrs. H. Johnston and Mr. and: Mae. Wt. Dieb'el, of Kin- sardine teeent 'Saturday: and Sun - clay the. the home of Mr. and Mrs. J elius Thiel. ".'ha -engagement is announced of Miss Cora Rosina, only daugh- ter of Me. Daniel Truenzner, Gos- hen. Line, Hay, to Mr. Aaron Wein, sora of Me.. a ed ;Mrs. Gottfried Wein Credi.tonl, The marriage to take place very quietly in .Jung. Mrs. J. Hey, Co President of the Women's Institute,- attended the joint meeting 'of the Farquhar and I erondale 'societies with the \Cred- iton, Institute.: held. at the home of Mrs. Chris. Haiste 'A most vn!- jos abet was ;spent(, Mat J P, Rau and son, Lawrence vt ere to Detroit last week, attend- ing the funeral' of .little Verginia Rau, eldest ..,daughter of `Mr and Mrs.. Mois Rau of that city. She died on' Wednesday= ,June 6th, of lsneumonia1 at the age of 3 years And the bereft parents, have the sympathy of their Zurich .friends, HURON CO, LINE-UP Following is the political line-up in Huron County for the coming Provincial Election -to be held on Monday, June 25th: SOUTH HURON Liberal—D. F, McGregor F. 0.-1V .G.,M edd CEonservative-N, W. iTrewartha NTRE HURON Liberal—J. M. Got-en'loek 11, F. O, --W. Sommerville -Conservative-E, R, Wigle NORTH HURON Liberal -No Candidate. U. F. A—N. Bricker Conservative—John Joynt. SCHOOL FAIRS • . Following are the dates of the School Fairs for the 'season of 1923 xs givenl. out from the Aigicultural 1 -representative's Offieee, Clinton. ,Sept. 6th Ford.wich (Sept. 7th, Wroxeter Sept', ` 10th, Ethel Sept lith, iBelgrave Sept;, 12th, B1ure,rale Sept„ 13th, St Helens Sept 14th, .Ashfield ,SeptSepti, -x7; C'ar+law 18, , Clintop. Sept 19th, ZURICH ,Sept. 20th; Dashwolod (Sept. 21st, Wi,tichelsea Sept 22; Porter's Hill Sept 24-251Wingham Sept 26, W'althio • Sept.27,• Dublin 1 Stet 28, Blyth OOct t,5t,• Varna Oct,2, Croditoae Oct. 3rd; Graind Fend... inF I • I production. A small seed will g'ow. into a big tree. Nature does nearly all the work; 'man simply plants the seed or the little seedling tree and waits. The young forest is establish-, ed by ,planting a tree every six feet, crowding the trees together . to force them to grow tall, straight steres. As the crowding becomes too great for thrift, alternate trees are .fallen out. These thinnings can be used as fence poles, • rails, gate material, small lumber, such as chair and table legs, lamp stands, curtain poles, etc. So there is a source of revenue .after the trees have been planted twenty years that will take care of the overhead expenses incidental to maintenance. Very Little Labor Required in Tree - Growing. With .the farm labor situation never satisfactory, and many farmers trying to crop twice as, much, land as they can handle properly, forest. planting should show the way out. 'If the people of Ontario are to use wood in the house-buisding of the future, if we are to have fuel for the hearth, a lot of land owners must do some. foreat planting very soon -L. Stev- enson, Sec. Dept. of Agriculture. y. Black. Walnut Tr els As Memorials. Fleeting of black walnut trees as memorials to soldlers is recomruend ed by the' United States Department of Agriculture. Itis pointed out that the black walnut played a valiant part in the World War, The wood was ttsed for gunstocks and airplane propellers, and the nutshells contri- buted carbon for gas snacks, while the kernels were used in many deli- cacies for"the boys in the trenches, Demand . for the wood for war pur- poses depleted the number of fine old trees, and this method issuggested for filling their places. How to Treat Ivy Poisoning. In the early stages of ivy poisoning remedies having a fatty or oily base, such as ointments, should not be used, as the grease or oil tends to dis- solve and spread the poison, accord- ing to specialists of the United States Department of Agriculture. Instead they advisb simple remedies such as local 'applications of solutioas of Cooking soda or of Epsona salt, one or two heaping teaspoons to a cup of: Water. Fluid .extract of grindelia, diluted with 4 to 8 parts of water, is often used. Solutions, of this khan may be ap- plied'with light bandages • or clean cloths, which should be kept moist, and should be changed and disearded frequently to avoid infection, During the night, or•when moist applications can not be used, the poisoned sur- faces should be carefully cleaned a+nd dried and left exposed to the air rath- er than tightly' bandaged, In the later stage, after the toxic material:. has exhausted itself,' zinc -wane 'oint- ment and similar mild antiseptic and astringent applfea,tious- hasten heal- ing. The practical dairyman has learned' that.. any radical changes in the teed.- ing of laic cows Shoed be midegrad., ael,flee la,Vot .i e - loom mneme mantami mesa mmuume imm„IumummmnnmrnNm) 0144401,30111 NT 40760 tr i,rOpietaTyoolaiontl`falio colt A"Vete ablePrep *t`M4 ,simitatingtireroodbylkgata .. lingtheStomacha andBolvel5 e )rI41�/i,N:TS, . 4TherebyPxornotin 511°1 lagerfulnessandltest.Coniaiq l lneither Oppium,Uoiwhinette,,1 Mineral. NOS N� ollo Th 1 .%�pAPio�°OIdDr.'S�L!' !/�Zp� Pampkn,StnL ,Senna 1TorAel(eSaas `. ApdpseSeed .BFCarbonale, .t10 %Yarm .d'art as rarthiy f'upr Ahe1 fulaemedyfor a. a ha r r 'a D 1 Ggtlstipatran. a and Feverlslu less and r, iosgor STOWteS�t rigFrom inTnfancy ',; le 5itnatute of TacSimi r' II d ' e,l �'xPE C1%NTAU,S3 t�. it MONTRE-Al 1" Q y1 For Infants and ?hildren, Mothers Kees That Genuine Castoria Always Fears the Signature of In Use For ever Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEIN YORK CITY. taifillEVORMIZEMILIESMIZIEIRMSSIMINSIMIO If You° cannot•affcrd. a Ford why not buy a nice Rubber -Tire Buggy HESS sells them REPAIRING Painting Ford Car, One ('oat, $15.00, Two Coats ... $20.00 iCovering Ford Top. Good Material 17.0U Changing Ford Curtains to open: with Doors -_ $5 00, Painting.8.,- IF YOU WANT• SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERUB]SER YOUR BUGGY WHEELS. Zurich _a:."' Il=•ar ^ SVII ..= cReMI¢ne•,m,a> e• '3++•$1•'M*+'F : ++'f'+ h'€rel'+e•+1+++•1•++'A-1 +e+ +++IIS++++++44-8• ++44 4.4 1 4, Lumber Laths +1+ Everything in Shirigies 1 Combination storm and screen doors made to order', Lumber and Building Materk 1 Custom ' ork cur Er cciaiiy l"A wa s in the market for sawlog s IF. i I PHONE . 60 Vie. LBF ZURICH 1 . ++++++b ++++aalateH' +++++++'++i+!t-e +'+++.1-1-P'$+ leilee++++++++++14*4:4 :LOOK LOOK4 Five Good Reasons +WHY WE CAN SELL SUITS FROM 4$10 TO $15 LESS THAN OTHERS. X1. We stock our Own goods, ,l. -- ,1, `2, Our Suits are made by work-- -r IL- •F -.• Y ,•• •a+manshipp,' second to none. +8, +1+3, Have only one price for mak +� ing Snits, +4. The 'very 'hest linings put in "` all our garments, T5. We guarantee satisfaction or . 'thoue '`refunded. +i+ . WY ail ■ i gi . ■ n — 1 TAILOR AND FUNERAL DlR CT R . '.�. WADAND IGH T PHO1iNI3 NO. 86 4: i 4. 4,