HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-06-14, Page 4F' 7.1 sh l top The Extravagance Mr 're ra rtha has made a success ,8 a farmer. He has also made a . 'cress as a business mangy ma... a . farmer and business Let a _ methods t :. the affairs of I business Ontario the same as. r. en he did as .Warden of the County last year in reducing your County taxes. Work and Vote for , N. ► • • TREWARTHA, Conservative Candidate, South Huron THE HERALD SHE HERALD PRINTING OFFICE ADVERTISINa RATES " Display .Advertising -Made known bn application. Stray' Animals—One insertion 50c three insertions $2,00. Varna or Real Estate for sale . ,2 for first month, $1 or ;each sub- eq'aent insertion. 1Prefe!sional Cards not exceeding Al inch, $5 per year. THE HERALD ZURICH, ONT,_, SCHOOL REPORT i o i The following. the report of 84 No. 5, Stanley Or the month of May,, based on punctuality,.. re- gular attendance and general pro- hcien.cy, Names Are in ,order of rierit. . ! 1 ti , 1 Jr. IV—Margaret McKinley„ Ed- gar Smith, Walter- McBride. Jr. 111—Elginµtilayter, , ,Emma, McBride 1I—Grace Robinson, Margaret :b binson, Edgar McSlinchey. Sr. Pr. II—Bert McBride, Elmore. McBride, ,Elmore Stephenson. Jr. Pt. II—Bruce McClinch;ey, era Smith, Russel Hayter•( >. t Primer—Norene Robinson, Camp aeli McKinley. Mrs..Fred Watson, teacher, Z tT i 1 0 U. HERALD STANLEY TOWNSHIP, aaumbf?`ar of our young people motored to Godericbon Monday day eveein" tcstake the moonlight ex,e elusion on the Greyhound, Mr, A• T. Cooper of Clinton will take the 'services at (Goshen, Kip - pen and Varna next i$unday, he eel :speak in the interest of tern'- peraneek Mr., and Mrs. Geo. Lilley and IVI;x Calvin Dowson of Seaforth, visited at the home of Wl J, Doeveon, on Sunday,. Mr. and/ Mrs. Win. H. Stephenson and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stephenson of Marlette Mich., motoredover week and have 'been spending 'a week with their friends in Stanley Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Davidson of O',tario, California, have spent the t clean week at the home of Mr', and Mrs. W. J. Dowison. 43. years ago! Mr: Davidson " and family left the Goshen Tine, and went to Dakota, there' they end.- ured all the hardships of pioneer Zile and build up thelmselves a fine home. 'About 14 year ago Mr. and Mrs. Davidson moved to Calafornia where they. Have be- en enjoying a well-earned rest in that beaitiful climate. Mrs. D. Armstrong, (nee Miss Alice Stephenson; and daughter, arrived last Friday from. Pilot. Mound, Man., (they intend 'staying for osrne time with their ' friends are, especially with her +coulee, Mrs. Stephenson Sr., who is advan- ced in years and has not been en- joying very ggod health of late.' Rev. J. L. Foster, returned .last week from attending the anneal Conference at 'Sarna, he is moving this year to Brook, near Watford. after .spending three years on Vara- • circuit. Itis successor at Varna will be Rev'. Mn Durant who comes from Pt. Edward, _ CREDITON Merton Morley, principal of the Crediton Public School, has moved into the house formerly occupied by Mrs, Fred Either,. • Wm. Watson, . Fred Heist, Fahner and W;. Smith are workeag in London for • a few weeks in a brickyard" Mrs. '(Dr.)j Orme has !returned from London after her 'recant ill pees. Lily, Lawson of Windsor is home with her parent's, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Lawson; A DARING R ESC LIE• v '4 44.,%•:•5t a.J z assaosso T nusual"pictures of the sinking of a Lunenburg, N.S. schooner. ,.1—Oapt. Gillies of the "Scotland" hand 1 Chief Officer McMurray Alefti, who commanded the lifeboat That made the rescue. 2 -The "Empress of Scot -. land." 3—A glimpse of the lounge aboard the "Scotland." 4—The return of the lifeboat; 5—The last few moments of the "Clintonia" after her crew had been resoued by the empress of$cotland." HE tale of an heroic rescue at sea and . of a s de crate battle at 1e airlift A t the elements.. to keep a sinking Vessel afloat until help arrived was told when the Canadian Pacific steamship "Empress of Scotland" 'Arrived at New York recently with captain Aaron Kearley and his crew ab'< five of the tiny schooner Cltn- <Ionia" of Lunedburg, N.S. It was 'an epic of courage on the vrart of the sturdy Nova Scotian and sibs the coolness and heroism of Brit- ish seamanship in which Chief 01-. eer E. W. McMurray, and Captain earley of the lost schooner played `a ►e leadi+•tg roles. 'Totally helpless hi a terrific storm the, "Clintonia" bound' for 'Halifax irons Fortune Bay, Newfoundland, •sWasin a sinking condition •when it "isms sighted 'by:the "Empress." Cap - tin James Gr"Hies, the liner's coin- amender. was compelled to abandon the lifeboat in which the schooner's Crew was rescued because of the $t+eavy seas, "For threedays and nights we had '<rr►annt d the pumps, Captain i<eariey eaid,04,"wr, had given up hope and *me Completely exhausted when we neagi'tteri the steamer: We hoisted the ialxea$ signal, batt even after we were sighted, ted, did not beli v e h t at We could be saved before m ship s p sank. I cannot say too much of the bravery of Officer McMurray and his men when they took a desperate chance in effecting our rescue." , A volunteer crow manned the life- boat,. and several oars were broken te waves when Officer McMur- ray put off for the Clintonia, "The schooner was sinking rapid- ly as we routed for ;it," Mcl'furray said. "The crew were clinging. to ropes, andevery wave broke over the tiny craft. The sea was so heavy that we could not go alongside, and the men were coMpelled to jump in- to the swirling waves. We- had some trouble in picking them up, and all. were utterly exhausted and half deadfrom cold when we got t"heni in the. lifeboat 'It was a ticklish task getting back to the "Empress," he continued. "We finally got alongside, but it was so rough we had to abandon the life- boat. It was badly crushed before we could all get aboard, and was in splinters a few minutes later." The entonia meanwhile had sunk. 1 0 the crew.. of . the schooner lost everything except: the clothes they wore, but were smiling and eager" to Set on shore When they arrived. ve. d. None e suffered any ill effects from the three days of exposure. (fief Officer McMurray, his bro- ther officers said, has play the part of the rescuer in several sea disas- ters, and received a silver loving cup fromt 1 tci M kado- ofl a ati for hav- ing rp o av ing rescued the ,erew of a Wrecked Japanese steamship in the China Sea several years ago. Other officers' of the liner also have been decorated for bravery, both in war and peace, First Officer Ronald Stewart receiv- ed the Victoria Cross for sinking :a German submarine while commander of a "mystery ship." Captain Gillies is Commander of the Order cif the British Empire. A11 of the wreciced schooner's crew are wader '30 years of age and un- married, Capt. Kearley said. They were given .1400 by the passengers of the steamer, The great Canadian Pacific liner is now cruising the Med- i•terrnnean carrying a large, party of tourists from all over the United States and Canada. Iri the early stnnmer site will be back upon the' r guler Canadian Pacific trans-At1an- tic route. The reniarlcable photos of the st'nlriag "schooner and the lifts host were caught by a passenger On 'the "ScOtlaud." • s. , 3, Brown; eo e r x 1 i3 a x is zr r M S xe tieel since her 'operation in Vic - 1‘11.1. aria Hos itis t,. Fred) Kerr w a' :!slant weepDe- troit ata shoot, runinieg up 'a big score. Warp, I. Gainer left on a lentil/l- ess trip .for New Yor14 The errustees in charge of the athletic field have had a •fience erected which adds much to: it's ap- pearaneei' Ont Sunday June 24th, the Wotn- ani` Mission, andf Aid Society of the Evangelical Church, Crediton will celebrate their 25th Anniversary It will soon be a quarter ,century since this organization,, so full of blessed and helpful service, 'has been instituted, It is therefore Leery fitting that due recognition be given these tireless workers of the the Kingdomn, b observing the day in a rightful royal style, p, tuning to take 'a retrospective look, ie- viewing and tabulating the arch- it jexnent sand victories won and pondering over the history record ed by the ladies comprising the or- ganization. The pastor, Rei,. Wl . Dreier, will preach an approp- riate sermonfor the occasion at the morning service and a jubilee 'ser- vice will be held at 7.30 o'clock in tie= evening involving • a variety of features in its program'. Monday evening, June 25th' will cap the, eiimax with a 'strawberryesocial on the 'spacious lawn; of ,,the Evareeel- ical: church. Refreshments will be served., ,strawberries and cream, al- so cake and icecreatri' and sand.wi- rhes will be served' while an: enjoy,- able program will be • rendered. Election reports will •be announced from. the platform. The Crediton band will be in attendance and will r ecce the addressee, dialog- nes, ia o lute sp h s., 1 0 nes,. readings, recitations, vocal and instrumental numbers with the best of music. Everybody is (going with ,bell's on. COUNTY NEWS. " !Btrothers, ;Agricultural e esentativie, Clinton, is able to be about again:, after a rather severe attack of : inflematory rh- eumatisxn': ' The marriage took place in Var ea, ;last week of Miss Laura Fos- ter, daughter 'of the Revj. J. L. and Mrs. ;Foster, to Milton B. Hud- son, of London Township), The car of Mr. Crich, baker, Sea - forth, collided with another occup- ied by ;tii mans 'and lady just at the Kippen corner, last Tuesday lev- eeing. ,Both cars were badly wr- ecked. but no person hurl Mrs. Ed. Cudmore and daugh- ter, Edna, .of Peachland, 13. C:; are at Kippers, on a three montles t isi t' at thef homeof Mrs. Cudnrore's father, Thos. Mellis:. 00 Wednesday, .June 6tia, 'at 9 A. Eev.Corcoran. of Mt. Car-. mei . united ,dn, marriage• Mr. Corie OU i3rien and Miss NNora E. O'.R.o- urke, of Khiva;, Luther Turner, reeve of Fuller- ton Tp; and ex -warden. ,of Perth County, and one of the best kn- own farmers in the county, drop- ped'dead at his 'home' near Fuller- ton on Mpmlay last. Mr. and Mrs.' Win'. H. Lobb, Bay- field Rd., 'Goderich Tp., announce the en„ agement.,of their youngest daughter, Iva -Joy, to Harvey 131. Snyder, 'son of Mr, and Mrs. 'Levi Snyder, Colborn Tp., the mar- riage to take' +place in June. HENSALL Rev. Arthur Si'nrclair, who has been stationed in Centralia .for the past four years, has been appointed by the Conference as successeeto Rev. G. W;, Rivers, o'f this place. Lorne .Zueile hasaccepted ( a position driving, the delivery truck for R. E. Cook, baker! • Mrs. N. P.; baker!, and little daughters left on+Tuesday for De- troit. Verne' Redden has taken a pos- ition in the gracery department d. i Joynt's store. Donald McKin- non who has so ably served in that department is taking .the boot and shoe and egent's !departxnen : Mr: andtMrs Wm. Beaver are spending this week at Kitchener. T visiting; relatives and friends. Alex Sparks has wonderfully im- proved the..dwelling* he purchased from Mrs. A. 1)nugall, painting and:pt tting up a new verandah. Mr, and Mrs. McKay are in Tor- onto' attending the graduatien Q of studentsat Univer- sity, 'v '- etc nes th., n es rr sity, and. it will be a proud event as their son Lewis, is graduating and has +captured the gold medal Rev. (Mr. Rivera;, who has been pastor of :the Methodist church here for the past four years, has been transl:ered to Parkhill. ,which is a 'considerabel advancement'as. Parkhill has twice the population of Ilensall. Rev. Rivers had. made a large 'number of close fri- ends while+ here, andtwi'll be great- ly missed, %VANP] D• -A reliable mart, ..to Dact , as local representative at ZURItCB and idistrict, for Old Reliable IFonthill Nurseries", ,to solicit orders 'for high-class fruit and ornamental stock. New season's business just Starteing; a splendid opening for the right male Write for full .particulars, Stone & Wellington, Toronto, Ont. 48-4 EXETER Mrs. Bickbeil and two children of Minnesota, are visiting the fc>tin is parunta, Mir. and. sl1tes, Ilardy< t , Mx , Wi, Q I3xiet'u of Skittle, Waislr .r xe• of e , f x zx zl ld ter i;s v y • , +sittnp )rex sister,Mx . , s II, E ar . TJ~ust x Bev,' W.. G. McAlister, the retic- 'o ' 1 astor . a, Main '$t. Church, is superannuating after, a pastorate. of 42 years, , Aee'ording to the ;University Re- ports,. Toronto, Cecil Johnston;son of WS Ff, Johniston of town,* passed his dth • year in medicine, Bruce Walker passed his 3rd year. getting' eeeon'd Bliss honors in Chemitsry and Mineralogy, Shortly after 5 o'clock,' I. last Thursday a fire: call carne from the C,N,R, station where the platform was .onr fire, however 'someone thr- ew a', few pails of water on it be- fore the ;fire brigade arrive:d. Little ;Dorothy Cox, aged 4 yiss it aa run over,. by a ear driven by ,s , Thursday June 14,192 Wilfred Ma c c , l as t Th s. t a Y'hR' e" h. ran onto the etr+eet •,Crotzr belrond; A'Standing ear in front of Senior's stud the driver diel, e'verythiog to avoid the accident. Both front and Linc) 'wheels passed over her body, she was at puce taken to a doe..,. tor, where if was found that., bone •Swere broken, no >?rof, A, W, Anderton of evir+it, formerly of •Exeter•, has be- en appointed laudeetison. to ,': LL Willgoose,, 'MLus, Bac., at St, James Church, S. London, and. Principal of the, London Conservatory /quote, St. James Church is aek-+. nowliedged as one of the beat pos ss 'liana in the rmusical world of the ,city, and as prineip4l of the ;Cone `servatory he will have an assured and influential standing from the - commencement of his career theses Quality HERE YOU GET QUALITY .AT' THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES You Can Buy CHEAPER CIo•t• thes—and forget QUALITY.. It isn't what you PAY but what you receive that count's. PAZ for quality here and you get it -se' at the lowest. possible price fete which good. Clothes' can be maale to order. ' • ii.. Styles Pick your own tofi t you along Lot's of 'Styles—Real Styles—that's.: tailored. in to stay, not ironed . in: for a day. You Will Like`'tur Work E.. E. Wuerth, TaUor5 Zurich •l• i i++ i••i++fi+•1•+++ i•+i;+d++•1+++++ +++ ••i••3 + ^g ••1••1••x : •++ •+++•F+•'»++44 A4to a airiga ' We.have made arrangements • with . the Ford Motor Co. as we.]Jas' with Z1, Cook Bros. Ileiisall, to handle .70 Genuine Ford Partsass and always kcc a good -supply on t hand. . ale sat - Also repair any male of car G 4. Mr. Peter Kroff, mechanic • ' 'i' AGENCY FOR ALL 'FARM IMPLEMENTS, PUMPS SOLD AND t `• REPAIRED, ETC., ETC. . 'L.A. Pran.b, Zurich Onto_ FED STOOK Means Profit for You WE SELL DIRECT MO CUSTOMER 37 years on the market THE FARIVIER WHO Si. ENDS MONEY ON HERBAGEUM INSURES ES F;t:IS STOCK 'DTA ING THE DRY FEED SEASON;; KEEP* IIS CATTLE UP TO THE SUMMER e. R STANDARD, KEEPS Me I•It1RSES FIT D AN READY FOR Si 3'1i4G's INCREASES . GROW= Th` L OUR HO GS, FITS YOUR PULTRY FOR WI1ViTER LAYING, Stock Kept pt r xght means Money Save& r.? O JE REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL; ON YOU SOON 1+'OR YOUR. , ( NEXT, WINTER'S NEEDS. HL`hBAGUILS1CO TTAI: . NS NO. DRUGS 6R WORTHLESS PILLERS, BUT SUPPLIES TUN CLOVER PLA'V OR TO WINTER • ' _ R FEhD .Beaver Mf G Co. -, , r n r mfg:, GALT 1 V lel ;,, } EST1AR_ + I:a 1885.L 1885..., lb SOU Ii. gVJRE` IMME.Or'4TE' St/141SU