HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-06-14, Page 1X?ClI 1 No 49 ZU7 A CH. TH UI SDA' '110 .JUNE ow Spring Slippers NOW THATr SPRING IS AGAIN NEARING, YOU WILL. BE WANTING . A REAL, STYLISH, AND UF -TO -DATE SLIPPER FOR THE OGCA.SION. 'We have just what .You are looking 'for. '.4 Slipper for every Foot, in the Correct Style, and. a perfect fit, Watch our Window Display:, and conte -in and ask for our low prices. 0 4 - WE ARE HERE TO DO BUSINESS WITH THE 'RIGHT GO- ODS AND PRICES. . H. PFiLE., THE SOME OF GOOD SHOES . ZU RICH REPAIRING NEATLY DONE 4•�:O.O.p•C•t1p.0.0O�•0.•d•O4p©•O.4c,• OCdO�d��b _ oacsa•�•� p'•, ovv•c"ro•o�4•� goo` moi; goo o•o•000•o•.v•v ov f!% I � ^// \ /// \ q: % \e!i^•-?fl if/i YJloi .. ,lC �.nbr::ul.. ■ Spring end SummerDress Go�ds _:...• Every woman who needs a smart new dress fo to bu it at a price_ which summer wear and wants Y ok the s le�.dd suits the pocket book, should notoverlo p. value we are offering, in the' different lines listed hA . • r • i7 Mrs.; �u1ius 'Thiel is spending the ,jx �eeir at Kincardine. Elmore Oesch is visiting :wjth her, at Dashwood, Father Stroeder and J. Hey were -at London on Wednesday. Mr. N C. Milliken spent Stin- gy at his home at Parkhill. Mr. and: Mrs, H. H. Little of ;Hen - salt were Sunday; visitors at the home of .Mi and Mrs. L;, Prang. 11/1r, and Mrs. Wiaa • Beaver of �en:sall were Sunday, visitors at the ,;ume of Mi. and, Mrs. Ben Pfile. Mr. and ,Mrs. Milton Edighoffer p,nd daughter ,of Yale, nlicr., vis- iteed'relatives here over Sunday:. Mr. and Mrs. D. McIsaac and fam k1y„ also Mrs,; J. Ort, of Crediton, .ere Sunday visitors at the lxonie for Mr. and Mrs. A. Melick. Mr. and, Mrs. Ed. Beaver of Dash tors with ' +a clod: were Sunday v's a i Mrs Beaver's mother, Mrs. Jacob :Allman, who continues bedfast. Mr. and Mrs. Q. N. Taggart and • nieee, Miss Adelaide] Pitcher,, of South Bend, Ind., are spending he week with relatives here. • Mi. aiid Mrs. ,Hy- E Durnart and MMr. Ed. Fisher of Kitchener, we- re Sunday visitors with Zurich rxxen4s., Mv. and. Mrs. W!. R. Dougall or Uensail were Sunday visitors at the stone of Mrd. and ivirs. T. L. Wil- lxa cps; Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson of Mar- 4.4te, Mich., were Sunday visitors atthen home `of. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob \ �eido i I } ill �a. a th !at •the y*il.}ago ad, : ani , ; dent •lar Ml1in ; . down the cellar's.anal, ;breaking "ler shoulder bone, ;but we are pleas ted to state that she is able to be ,i,•4•I�F44443r•�3^�'•ir3•�i•••�•d••�♦•�I,i g„ggg,�•,E•,g„y44,3•d••F4"'' up and around again. f Quite a number of the Villagers tQook in the moonlight excursion' •i. o'n the Greyhound •steamer at God-' t erich on Monday night and rep -1.E. a delightful trip as "the evening' was suitable for the occasion!. + The summer meeting of the •I, 'Zurich Women's Institute was held •1. last week in idle Ladies' Hall was \v. ell attended. The speaker, Mrs 14. Bayes of Lefroy, the first part of CANTON CREPE PRINTED. CREPE CREPE DE CHINE rFANCY VOILES SATIN CANTON PLAIN VOILES . WOOL CANTON , PRINTED FULMARS RATINES PONGEE KNITTED CREPES GEOtlGETITE CREPE Ladies Special Lisle Hose WE ARE OFFERIN Iii G TLE LADIES IOF THIS VICINITY SHE GREATEST BARGA INS.WE EVER 'HAD IN THE LINE OF HOSIERY. A GOOD FULL FASHIONED CLOCKED•HOSE IN BLACK, WHITE; .CARDO‘'AN AND BEIGE. SIZES FROM 8yr TO 10 AT THE WONDERFUL • LOW PRICE' OF 699. Men's Gabardine Coats For Rain or Shine THESE COATS ARE MORE THAN FAIR WEATHER EATH R FRICOENDS, EES UP,N T YOU MERG RT URY DROPS SUDDENLY, WHEN THE UNEXPECTED SHOWER FOR A LONG DRIVE IN THE CAR, ITS GOOD TO KNOW YOU HAVE ONE HANDY /et, i " RAGLAN SLEEVES, INSERTED PLEAT, AND A BELT ALL AROUND ARE 44 Y.POINTS`.+THA.T WILL S'lRllikl YOUR FANCY. ..bargains in Men Suits c EVERY WELL DRESSED MAN UNDER STANDDS WHAT 1 0 UP IN ONE.OR OUR W f L as I IORED SUITS. UI TS.w �i pricey are its a rare day when, you good. Double-breasted, Suits, for stout, short and slim, with no charge STYLE When Writing on vacation—dont wait for " someone to finish, with the pea.; Be independent. Have your own Waterman's ideal New Lever •Pocket. Self -Tilling Pen, It enables you to write mare easily and fluently, You can " dash off 1, many a postcard in a few minutes with a Waterman's Ideal. It fills Instantly too. just immerse nib in lnit, Raise lever. Lower lever. Nothing more. It's filled. You then have pen and Ink wherever you go. 1.� Complete your vacation by ge1M ttvs one today at - WE HAVE THEM IN ALL SIZES AND STYLES , ' ' $2,50 TO $6.00 HESS the Jeweler PHONE No, 74 Chester L. Siixitlx, .k a4lala $L25 .a Year In AtiVaxo 0.50 xis Aphis?:, W-1, G• MOLFFD Incorporated 1855 .Capital and Reserve $9,000000- Over 125 Branches This .institution offers ddpit ors safetys for their savings,re-• asonable interest compounfta; every six months, and freedoms from red. tape in case of with,, drawl's. Savings Department at every Branch Deposits of $1 auat upwards invited. . C. H. JOY Manager Zuri h Branch v♦♦♦O♦♦*••♦♦♦♦♦•♦•♦O♦•w♦♦♦r♦♦i♦♦♦♦**♦**sari♦♦444. ♦ " ,. 8 ♦ Sprin ♦ s • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ •• ♦ ♦ ♦ a ♦ ♦ Horse Go-odsl g Just Received a large number 1. 'of Genuine Woolen Horse' ., y Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72x84. • Also a4 .•Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, prices • Ranging from $7.00 to .... E .$19.O� t • - SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US A CALL'. `p, A BIG Stock of Harness and Halters always on handy . - t Club Bags, Suit Cases and- Trunks at Right Prices. a 1:71 PHONE 1621 4< HARNESS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY FRED THIEL - ZUR'e ..►♦♦0♦1♦♦♦♦040♦♦♦4♦♦♦♦♦♦4* *•••••♦♦,♦4O♦♦4♦*4♦+1il14444' IT MEANS TO BE ALL TOG MD and. the hit of late season, men, 3 -button Models, Single and for altering.. o s' First Long Trouser. Suits ER GOOD NEWS FOR THE BQY WHO IS LOOKING FOR HSFIRST OG -$TRO- d IJ' ISG LONG -TRO- USER SLrIT, „AND WE: HAVE A. SUPPLY LOT TO OFT'ER A7. REMARKABLE $12.00 TO $37.00 f� 06•+4.1.4 SII• 9.1.4 +ti•++++++441,44.+•14.4.4.•4•.44++ 4.1••1.1.4+ •4++•1•+ 4,444.4•+pl4+•1••i• • ••I••i•• 4•,l•.p•.b.•M.y.•II..II•.t•.1.++ ++:s. PREETE • 5 Phone 59 Z U R -1 0 H Produce Wanted Bring usYour Alsike and Clover Seed. We always pay the highest Market Price according to Quality +*�'�r i'V' `��i� i��i�•'UF'�'C5a'Cir�J,•�`.leh+'V"VT`�1.!Cftl.'T,l.`�i`lA's+1 her address was or the girl of six- 4. teen, she then spoke on "Opeen 4. Secreta" ' • See our South Window for !lig Sacrafice in' broken lines of a of Mr,. and Mrs. John Etue passed ,White Canvass footwear. Prices ranging from, 75c. to $1.50, Thadena Etue, the 8 -yr. old son away on Saturday, after sin illness + Also many new varieties of Canvass Footwear in our Stock of some duration. First with scar- •I• not listed here. let fever and (then rheumatic fever •I• The funeral was held. to Drysdale ,i WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION R. C. cemetery on Monday, where interment was made, + -Repairing done by the very latest methods manifested on Sunday afternoon it. * Considerable excitement was ÷Society „of the ^ I Qi SON N C �7G+S the village, when the Holy Mani' SHOE MERCHANTS RE C. church of this 4' .I• district held their annual gather- ing. 1ther.- ing. Some two hundred memb- ers headed by the Zurich Jubilee 44++++++++++ ++++++++++Z" lFfi E• ; fii•'*'+++++ II•3444• a ♦ 4 Band, made to fine possession near- ching through the streets of Zur- - ieh, -after which hfiey marched. in; the. church where 'addresses were given 'by the 1prcists 'of the var- ions parishes. The company con- sisted of the following societies; Lixcan, Mt. „Carmel, Parkhill and West Williams, and, Zurich. An' abundance of lunch was Ber�,ed af- ter the program• was over, The Ilu-oai Coanty' Meef :al. Assoc iation met in convention it, the council chamber of the town AllSeaforth,, on Wednesday ,afternoon,on, June 6th, at 2 ptm. There was a good attendance. The president, Dr. J. W. Peck, .of Hen!sall, • ot.- cupled the (chair and gave an ad- dress. Dr. A. J. MacKinnon; of Zurich, acted 'as secretary. Care- fully prepared papers on 1Ceto plc Gestation; with history of ease~ we re read. by Drs. H. H. Ross and i F. S. Burrows, of S•eaforth. . DI`s. Weir art .iShaw ,gave{ .an <necountof the attendance ,at the Insulin clinics in Toronto. Dr. Hunter of God- erich„ -also read a paper on Ether .% Alnasthe.sia• Discussion was taken • part in by the members present. £4•A4�ie BARGAINS IN Canvass Footwear ZURICH ONTARIO r gyp. X00 A TORiA_ For infanta and. Children in the For Over 30 Years Always, bears the Sigeatiire �f i SPECIAL VALUES WE HAVE JUST OPENED UP'A NICE LOT, OF THE LAT- EST P ATTERN% AND COLORS IN CREPES, GINGHAMS. VOILS PRINTS, GELM]?EAS, ETC. ALSO WE ARE MAKING A BIG' DISCOUNT ON HALTERS; AND HARNESS REPAIRS, MITTS,?AND GLOVES, UNDIRW'EAR, OVERALLS, ETC., ETC. GIVE USA CALL AND YOU WILL FIND THAT OUR PR- ICES, (QUALITY CONSIDERED) WILL COMPARE WITH ANY OF OUR COMPETITORS, Highest Prices for Farm Produce Re N. DOUGLAS GENERAL MERCHANT' PHONE 11 . 9 " , BLAKE .d