HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-06-07, Page 8►,[MA R.6bt ZUR$C'H ERAL;O Do not miss this opportunity to re P lace whatever worn Rugs or Carpets you may have with beautiful durable Congoleum Rugs, g They are easy to clean, -lay flat on the floor, do not .: turn up, at edges. • W% HAVE THE FOLLOWING SIZES IN STOCK AT VERY ATTR ACTIVE PRICES - 2x3 Yards Cash' Pried ..,' . .. $8.75 %x3 Yards, Cash' Price ... $0.50 3a3, Yards, Cash Price .. .....$1;.50 3x4 Yards, Cash' Price ......._. $17.00 Tapestry Rugs p y g 3 ONLY LEFT IN STOCK WHICH WE ARE OFFERING -AT GREAT- LY REDUCED PRICES 1 ONLY 3x3} Y_4RDS, SEAMLESS, REGI $35.00 FOR ... c $2700 1 ONLY 3x3 YARDS, SEAMLESS, REG, . $26.00 FOR ., ...$22L00 1 ONLY 3x3M YARDS, -'SPECIAL, -AT... . �. $11.50 LET US SHOW you OR VARIED PATTERNS IN 4 --SCD WIDE LINOLEUMS AND ;FLOOR -OIL CLOTHS IN ALL WIDTHS. ` WE CAN SUPPLY YOUR WANTS IN ALL FLOOR 'COV•ERINOS,'• " AT BIGHT PRICES. J. GASCHO & S' Phone 67 Produce Wanted -. ITEMS oF1OCAL INT:REST Mrs, Alex Foster ;Vaal a visitor at Londonthe past weelt(, * '' Miss Nora; Siebert ,nurser of ;Ue- treit is holidaying at, ,her" i gn1e ht ray: Messrs. M. C, Millikepir N, 'yjrooda anal C. Murray were holidaying at Del.roit over the'', week.;,. nod• ;; ;1 . •r. and Mrs. Palmer' of Brock- ville -. Dille ,Were' week -end visitors with •.31 and Mrs; ',Win keox1's10e Parr L ,nee , . The eixteenth' Annual• S•ununer School wr111 be,h ., ,�'. �' 1 d ttleuill' of ell thiv4y eae at,St. Thomas frcim' � UIY Otle to 16th. . Whe'nd. you go into^•th8;;)Vned5 to pick flowers, o'• no a c .: them,: otheewiee• these Mowers will. beeante, extinct: `•'' <' Mr, ,and ivies, Win'• (vreb a'ncl fame_ Windsor were visitors at their'heene: ily.; of Stratford: *ere • Surd".v vis hel.,e over the holiday'( Miss Meda Sureru' rand frien1 of Stratford (spent; the week. en With Mr,;an;d Mrs. Otto Willert.. Ass Avery spent 'the •holidays 'at 1,c home, in ,Miteht1l� " Mr. and Mrs,. C. L. Smith, little 21;e: and, Mr.. U Smith of Zurich, were Suniday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs Hy. S'chade. A number from' here attended the E;LC;1;. Rally; at. Crediton, on Sundays ;• •e., rel Weiberg Sr. was bad IVIARkETS a '1'harsd:ay, J'uile .7th, : 1923 (Gcrrreeted every Wednesday) Batter ,.; , 45 'd......... a 7plesw per lb. , ..„ 7c Dutch setts - per: ib. 5c Potatoes per bag 75 Wheat per ibiushel 1,15' Oats ., 45 Flour per ewt. 3.00-3.75 Bran per ton . 28.00 Shorts') er ton 30,00 Hogs 10.35 Mr, C, W( Y'a;ger is visiting in Kitchener. L' loyd Edighoffer "of Leam- ington spent (Senday and Moi.day at his home' here,, Heiner 4.Mr. Hoer Guenther- of Credit on: and 'Miss Euloeen ROdent'h'er of. itora at the homes 'of 3 Gellman, Sr.., :,end J. Brenner. • The extreme hot WNeither the past few days has been rather a di�sconlfort, but .this "Tirrkinesday. mornin_, notices a-' ehan''ge�• to much cooler and more sea;eonablc, A meeting will be held/' iursaay afternoon; June ' 7tli • in the Public Library, for' the purpose of org nizin' W'eenen's -tIn & ifete ru Exeter,: 'Mrs:.Joh e -Re 'Nee, Zurich, the District President, Will ly r ire& by a cow in the field one'' preside.—Exeter' .Time's. da : last week. the hied her collar - Dr. P, J. O'Dwyer received word from Mrs. O'Dwyer,...*ho, 'vcith little Doreen, left Ior;,,F,',arglancl an May 15th' 'on the large steambeat, 'Em- press of Scotland.. .117xa O'Dwyer reports a rno:st • exceilen.t, trip acros,; the atlantic ,as th" ocean was nice and• calm all`the way. One of the worst 'fires'that ever happened in this section;` occured' near Exetei or' Friday`nirht when six .'of the, •Stanlaeke family '.per-- isked, When they woke up- and their house was` ,all ,aflame, while three were rescued but badly bur- ned 411th. . they lraives. 4 Zurich's BATTERIES! BATTERIES! We are again handling the I.X. L. Battery IF IN NEED OP .k BATTERY BETTER CALL AND SEE US WE MAKE A SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD C BATTERY WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICESTO COMPARE WITH ANY OTHER, • L. QUALITY AND SERVICE' CONSIDERED We also handle the famous U. S L Battery A COMPLETE LINE OF` DOMINION TIRE" AND TUBES AND GEN- UINE FORD PARTS ALWAYS ON HAND NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR CAR REPAIRED. OUR POLICY IS FIRST HERE, ,FIRM' SERVED. COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH. WE ARE EXPERTS ALONG ,TRIS LINE AND CAN ATTEND TO YOUR, NEEDSAXY ACTYLIN R' ELD[N'G - BATTERY CHARGING BATTERY REPAIRING H. Mousseau Zurich bane and 'several ribs .broken and her "shoulder misplaced, ` besides be ing badly braised: A very regrettable ,accident be - le: Mr. Henry Callfas. on Tuesday a;teinoon of this week, when while employed in the• planing. mil' and operating the large jointer r�r some „way 'his hand. came in „contact with the knives and took lifer half of the first finger(..apd a part of the second one. Mr.lCal- lf.is has worked off- and on at this n.achine for some thirty years and has never before had, the slighteat .lenient be being injured. , -,'..SPORT :NEWS.' _. Lucan,•Crediton, Stratford, ' Dub- lin ,acrd - Gedericty are ',grouped in the .NeeVel,A. League .. ..Goderich„ play d at Luean on Thursday a tie' 7-7, lid on 'Monday in the return game Goderich won' 6-2. Goder ich has ;.a strong - team this year, and are 'counted on to win the cup;. ' "YiliO MAY VOTE ''British' subjeets on April 12th,1917 or .naturah3edesincel • 'Males, and F_em.a',les '21, years of age at time of voting};' Must':have lived ini,Can'ada, at least one year before palling days and three months in -the electoral, division .where:the•names is on the list 'The name must hie on the list Before"' elections'a chance will be gisen toe have ;your, ac me pliaced: 'en the -'list;. Due .notice has been gnevi; Leek on the -bJ end see if your name. is .there'. ; „1 At the next provincial ;election' the :polls •will ,open at.,8 p.m. and, close at-6..pim,.. • ".. „ Elevei days after the nomination the election( will take place •ti��•NtiiA�lw���N����N���4laM!����H�Sr�������4���, •• •. Fence Buyer's _. • Farmers do not be deceived and buy any kind of fence1 1 • There is only, one kind of . tis fence namely Frost Tight i ii I Lock he cheapest and best 1 1 � on the:... markt. PREETERADE & WEID BLOCKZURICW oimioisoimotogistmi �+r�►.w�rir'iris;�,wr��►rl►�w�w�N�i�r�r�►�►�r' The store with -the Liberal. Cash Discount NT r NOW TS. THE TIME TO sOO' YOUR F,B NCING, AND W+ Ate. IN ,A: POSITION TO GIVE YOU A GOOD CHOICE ,LQ `„ +`ENCE AT" VERY LW ' PRICES, fTIIIS IS HIGHEST ;G.RADE:'MAlDE. WE HAVE FENCING HERE ALSO AT A LOWER PRICE =-. , COME AND LOOK IT OVER, ,,IT MAIKgS A GOOD FENCE, GALVANIZED AND WILL .STRETCH UP FINE: e. IF WE DO" -NOT HAVE ;BUST WHAT YOU WANE IN THIS LINE OF PENCE, WE CAN GET IT •FOR• YOU IN A, (FEW yDAYS. Taake aiTotice; Every prospective buyer•should know this. This: ia very ' 'important. - A . Chain,' no . matter' how large, is' only , strorig aa. its weakest link. Now this is the point we are driving at. Do not be ;satisfued' with :any Fence which has"'not as heavy, a wire used in the lock, asthe line and upright wires, bee;' cause it is bound to go at that point first, and time will surely" t• tell. ..-F• a'"' *' We have on hand an -assortment of ;Choice Galvanized Gateit. Prices +will be right. ti • 7,:::":141 _ »"•'t,. Vele have painted Gates in stock from •last year, while they"1'asl; We won't refuse any reasonable offer; You Make the price. Barb Wire, Coiled Wire, Plain Wire` all galvanized; Big'etoGk enough for:all:Staples; Black wire)Augers, Pliers, in faet everything you need. • ' �_,, aq,•, e. ee,„ e r. 3 2 large „Fence stretchers ,atyour disposal Ask fdr onei, it your deed it, • No 'Charge. .. te a •a e c e e. i` ' NOW; LET'S GO AND tf3:AKE THIS A BUMPER FENCE YEAR.. ;seise A ,SHUT OO'U.T The ,Zurich Junior baseball team Were invited over 'to Crediton last Thursday evening,"to play.'ran•iexe hibition game, ;'and were right on the hole; with.;' the old time"pep"` as, •Crediton used all, their' senior, team With the exe ption .;•0•two.; payers, thi swas., el pposed. to be their 'junior steam, • blit they alllo. or ed„ alike to Lennis ,•O'Brien, the Zurich pitcher, who' struck'`_ out 13 of their heavy batters,- a record to be proud of for such a young FOR SALE pitcher,, and easily(;, was the feat- urs •. of the ngaree, ..which • was worn .A. piano! For Sale, Apply, to Mrs;.' by the score of '6-0. cl3atterie's_ A. Roualt, Bayfield, Ont. tf-48 'Creditor', Schenk and 0.4M•aWhinn ey, ' pitchers; Holtzman, catcher"; : '' - Zurich,. L. O'Brien, pitcher and G. BORN . I3edard, catcher. Lee ,O'.bi 'n, IJm pire. .. Weber—In ''Stephen Township on 4.-4. June let, to Mr. and Mr's. Daniel ANOTHER VICTORY Weber, -A son!. In the afternoon of June 4thour brok*n—At Goshen Line, Hay Town Junior team again demonstrated ship oni June 2nd to Mr and"Mrs. their ability on the local diamond here,.when the Hensel' nine, their John} Brown, a daughter: Tiedeman—At Grand Bend, on June old rivals of last year,. caiue'over 4th;, to Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Tiede,' and played a friendly game. This man, a daughter'. Masse—At Bronson Lina, Hay Tp, On, June -4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Phil- ip Masse, a 'son{(. Truemner—At 14th Cont Hay ' Tp:; ,on Julie 5th., to I'lr. and. Mrs, Hil- ton Truenrner, a daughter. Z. P.' S. SCHOOL .REPORT, Report ,pi RoonedI fox•, May. Jr. III—Ro'se Leibotd, 81%1, Gladys Spathe 76; Eleanor F'leieehauer 73 beulah Sararas 72;Wilfred Duch arrne 69; Lawrenee liehwalne 61;. Earl Thiel 55; ClaireMeliek 35, Rose Albrecht 32. r • Sr. II ;Carl' Haberer 84; Leele. dna Willert 79, Napoleon Bedard 75, Grace Zette 74; ' Floyd.'Kropl 7i, Ruth Zettel �0; Nelda Schwalm 69, Greta Kcaehier. 65,; Alice• Koeh- ler 62; Erwlne,Dietrich: 43; Cecil Ut- tiey 41. 1. Jr, II Mary Kochein's 083; Earl S<ungblut 80; G'ienn, z Walp'er 71; Ilewlen : Thiel ' '76; U urge t4renier 74, Adeline Fleischaner 74; : Anna i;ruar 74; Clarence Smith 73; Byron Ducharnie 69, Milverne" ,Geiger :66; tiuiin Foister '61; Rotand Grcenier 58 O M O'SRIEN, Teacher. tuna it was Ed. Gasch'o•, who, put the pill over the pan;, and in such, a way and speed that he had some thing like 11 strikeouts to hhis .er- edit, until 'theg ame - got too `one- raided when Ed, loosened: up and, let the discouraged opposing- team have a••'few hits: ail?.d runs: How. - ever, the .game-ended'!"in •the'score, of 10=4, as - the Hensel' boys were l at the mercy of Gascho's Isants., curves and shoots, .which complete ely ha fried them. Batteries; - Ilensall, F. Cantelo and`•Heddon; Zurich -E. Gascho and G. Bedard. 13L1'QK& BRA -' PHONE. 63 5IA Per Cent. er-' Annum Payable Half- eat i ::Itmeai s X55, on._ i3O more than ordinary- savings in- teres Thing god Tate is paid; on Enron & Erie Debentures Ise sued for $100.. or 'mote for any term of one, two, .three, four`. or five years. CAN YOU .'USE • A FE,* r -EJ TRA DOLLARS .'TRIS YEAR? Cal4•' and see a . sample,Debentuee•'and let 'me' explain the nature of „;the security ,'behind .'this 'sound investment. Andrew F: Mess; - - Zurich Hage You MADE YOUR WILL? 'Ready -to -Wear Clothing, DASHW( Mr Wm:. Ehlers Of Kitehener'tTit] itea ,inj town over the " f eelC-end. Mr. and Mrs, 'Wes ,Wolf, a»d: f'a0t- try 'spent -the . bodil y' in .Sea«forth Mr. Ira Tiernan of Owen Sound, spent Sunday': ittad M'ond'ay' With hit parents. F .: "„ Mr.' and Mrs. Art Doan• 'and" Miri . Sac. England. of Tiledford,, 'pent Sunday in Mrs," Yager is thi$', week visiting be mother i0 Sebringvile, . • brise' I3eatrieo Grra.I�beil 'at Toro td is •'vitiating •with her p4►ronttr. r Mr+b Dostein yT .;Saginaw it vitt itis; her. Mother 'lila. ,i raybeil Sr. Mr. and Mr& S 1Ireland of StIat- ford aid hitt ` and Mars. E, Flynn of cii dare were Sunday visitOr's at'the lic.m' of E. Tionau, BIBLE THOUGHT ii;i4OR TODAY. There is that scatte,retl,; and yet increaseth; arid there is •l'`hhat with - s1 ithholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty -*'Prov. 11.;24 The Lord is my ' shepherd ;'I Shall not want. :Surely (goodness and mercy Shall fellow mb •alt the days,. of "* y,hfei and !l ;Viii' dwell in,. (hew house of the Lord , for ever, -A4, 23;1,6. ;' r , ,, W;here no wood is, there the fire fire. •aoeth out;v so where there is er taloobearer, the strife ceesetl: Prov. 26;20. 4r-4. That they should seek the Lord, , er in, him we li'aerand twee, and have our being. -Acts 17;261;28. Make a joufel noire onto the, Lord. Enter into his gates With, thanksgiv'ingit (Par • the Lord is good, -Ps. 100;144,6,e' Sox' God to loved they voild taht. he gave hit, onl' begotten'i•Son, that -:whosoever believeth in him should fiat bat have ever - la tixig Iii( - Jolin' 3;,16. r . t DENOM Y. BROS. GENTS FU RNIISHINGS Orders ' Clothier s Fast Selling is very Popular 11 is ruin;ning"strong in alt orders bees too it 1ias• . character ell its The fabrics are beautiful and the blight linings' are tempti.lny at r tractive, OUR STRAW FIATS .ASE MADE BY ONE OF ENGLEND'S Tipp - ING MANUFAC'TURERSj, r STRAWS ARE NEW., SMART, AND fl? -TO -DATE. THY ONE 'OR THE IlO1T' %%ADDER, a; 31,1 9