HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-06-07, Page 5Thursday, ,Tone 7t` :'1823, BVSINESS CARDS proudtoot, Xilleran HOLMER. BaeriEtexe, Solicitors, Notaries, tubli:, i to.. Office on the Square, Sod deer fr'Qm Hamilton St. God- ericb. Private fundsto loan ; at taweet rates. K. yrouditot, K.C. J. L, :Killoran PUT YOUR ' Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc."'Ads T!ius" COZat'7MN WA,1 TED D, E. Holmes. General Servant' for f�ami7T of Bolmes 0411 be ilz Hensal,l on two, n1o, wahsnig. +Ctoodwages, ap I l p Friday of eRleli week, ply in: ,Ier�son or 'letter to Mrs, Andreve,F. Hess,Township alert lteruer of marriage licenses, Notary �ablic, Commissioner, Fire and Ant - 'immobile Insurance, , • Representing Margo and Erie Mortgage Corpora- tion, The Canada Trust Co. Zurich, Ontario. Dr. G. L. Smith'L.t $. ()Toronto,) (D.D.s,,(Chicago) DENTIST AT WALPER HOUSE, ZURICH, EVERY WEDNESDAY. MAIN O'R'IFICE -- HENSAL,L A,.U.C-T-I.O-N-E-E-R OSCAR IiLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones Nat- ional School of Auctioneering. Try, me for Registered" Live Stock; (All Breeds). Terns in keeping with prevailing ,prices. Choice farms for sale. Will sell 'anything anywhere: Zurich. Phone 18-93 or write, ` 'Licensed Auctioneer County tat con- ,: i,iconsed. Auctioneer to con- ' °" at Huron. In "a position duct ' any auction sale, regardless ; ais to size or articles tto sell. not �,.:: cosiest your business; for satisfied, will make no charges cervices. _Dashwood. ;Arthur Weber, Phone 31 r 13. Zurich Meat MARKET E T Fresh and Salt MMeats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Woolf CAR FOR SKINS & R1DES '$° agbl t &+ ZURICH LIVERY I am in e. position to accomo- e :. date all requirements in the Livery Line, have Auto for hire. e thing . done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL 4`..`Phone sfl Zurich. tl, S. ATKINSON, L,D.S., D,D.S, DENTIST - Graduate ENTISIT-Graduate of the Royal College 'of Dental Surge -ons of Ontario and • of the University of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every TUESDAY AND' FRIDAY from 11.90 ane. until 5.00 p.m at theii COm- raercial House. Main Office att 'hseter, Ont., Phone 34. L I VI 1!, ,POULTRY WANTED 'Taken every day till 3 Oclock p.m. Do not feed fowl same morning Wharf brought in. [Highest Cask Prices ---CASH FOR-- Cream OR--- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien phots° 94. w. Zurich" COAL SEASON 1923 Summer Deliveries l e Deleware & Hudson Co's. LACAWANA COAL We - have now in 'stock, bar of ikligh Grade Soft Coal. Also ear Pea Coal, try a load of 'this for banking your fires and for ateneral 'else. ,. . Arriving boon, ear Bullets. Got e'our order in, for a load of these they Will go quick). Prices for lthe oar Only $13,50.• per Tom GAYI & PRODUCE MERCHANT ilopt3 ° Office' low, House iii ffice&Coal Y'arde,: BrockStreet, NSALL ' Newton, Brady,; Ilayfiled.. STRAYED ' ` • Unto ley premises, 14th, eon,,Hay Township, a black brood-so'w Owner can shave, [same by paying all expensed. i Also strayed from my premises„ a white trig about 4 nsenths old„ finder kindly notify me Ed. Stire, R.R,1, Dashwood tf48 FARM FOR SALE• Consisting of 75 acres, h.eing, of 9, (Joni: 4, 'lay, Tp. 1There iss,A'n the farm a good bank barn, will weld iu barn,, galv. water troughs thro ugli stable, cement "floors, ands everything in' good repair, farm- wolf arm welf drained, of a good rich clay loans, in high state of cultivation!. Also a 'good 'game hoyse with both soft and hard water„ bath room, _furnace and all conveniences. AI - lo 25 acres, being lot SN- "N$;., 9, 5th eon(,,, Hay Tee, well fenced wiith ,windmill thereon, a real good pas- ture farms For • further '.pat-ticul nears' apply to A. Wildfong, R. R. 1, Exeter, s- Phone 63r13." -'' t145 WANTED FOR CASH -1000 tons of scrap iron, rags, rubbers, old -stoves, horse hair, wool, lead, copper and brass, geese and duck feathers, and all kinds of Junk. If you have any junk to • dispose of Kindly Phone 1-51, Zurich; or write, L Cohen, Exeter, Ont. 41-2, WANTED Good plain. .cook for •general house work; no washing or iron- ing; wages $35.00 a month to com- petent person{, Address P. 0. Drawer 336, Goderich t50. FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 125 ajcres, being Lot T+.;0 anal, 9, le R. W;,,• Stanley Township. There is 'bn tine prem- ises a fine hank bare with cement stables, plenty of eater in the stables, a good drive shed, garage, coiixfortahle frame house, with good velar, the farm is well fenced, and well drained,' nice orchard, is ,e f a richclay, loamig, eq Vere, desir- able propeat3 and 'la . fine. home For further particulars phon!e'13-99 He/Is :Hs or Write Geo. Dewar; R. •3, )ayfield. Painting and Paper, Hanging I Am in.. position to do any kind of paper hanging, .- painting graining and decorating. H. Eickmeier, Wainer Ho`ulse, Zurich _-_ . tf-37 FARM FOR SALE FARM -Fifty acres, more or less being south part of Lot No. 17, Con. 7, Hay. On farm is 1;S story frame house, with kitchen and .woodshed attached. Smoke ho- use, bank barn 30x36 on cement wall with galvanized roof. (Shed, pig pen, hen house, driving - shed and other., outbuildings. Theire are a variety of ,fruit trees on the farm.• fThie :tennis all seeded ex- cept about two or, three acres;. Farre would be ,suitable For a truck farm- or for raisin celery or small fruits. Also good for ,pasture as it is well watered. For further particulars apply to Chris. Schrag, Zurich, Administrat- or. Estate Menno Kipfer. WANTED Dressmaking and home sewing of all kinds. All work neatly done and !satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs, J. A. Meyers, co, Mr Morris Weber Zurich. tf-36 In renewing your subscriptions for your daily and weekly papers remember' the Herald Office is agent for. most o.f them and in some cases can save you as much as 50 c en(ts our a single `subscript- ion~ NOTICE I have taken out License for Auctioneeir for the County of Hur- on, and am in a position tocon- duct sales by auction, Give the a trial and I will assure you satis- faction or iso charge. tf429 James Denomey, R. R. 2,. Zurich, Phone No. 10-93 DR. JOHN WARD Will make a complete test of refractive condition of the eye, and ofthe m uncles. Speetacies 'scientif- ically fitted. Services at reasonable charges. Will "ice at;--, 822 Zimmer's Hotel, Dashwood, WaleSr FldVilie, Zurich, L., OCAL NEWS Miss Matilda Tol'znson is visiting: friends in Kitchener,' Miss Leila Siebert !Was ,4, week- end visitor at Kitchener. ` Mn. ''era Haberer is building , a' new residence.thia 'summer, the cel- lar is texeavated. Mr. Robert Eisenb?ach of T itebe oiler visited at his horn on :.the; 13abylon Line over !Sundays,. Mr, and Mrs, D.W, Staskopf of ;Kitchener, spent the holiday at the hone of Mi, Thomas Johnson, Mr.. and Mrs,. el. Albrecht and daughter Miss. Rose,' wore Sunday tgglors with. Mr. and Mrs.'1v.0esch 13ron'son Line. i Mr. and Mrs. .C. L. Smith and Mr. 1). Smith, were visitors to Dab•9wood on Sunday, Messrs. 3. Hey( Jr. and K. Rout- ledge were at Lonldon' on business this Wednesday. M. and Mrs. Garnet Jacobe'of the Parr' Line, and Mies Pearl•Pfi'ie. of Zurich were Sunday visitors at Blyth. Master Hugh: MacKinnon, who has been on the sick list for the past few weeks, is able to be are ound again. Mr. • Jacob Weido ,is making 'fast progress with . his new' house, ae. th. frank, structure is u.p grid teddy to be bricked in. • iL'. and Mrs."•.A. Moritz and fam- ily o7. Guelph, and Mrs. J. Wing.pf Bitcirener, were holiday visitors with relatives in 'Zurich. ileturning Officer Layton, of Kippen was ill, the village on Mon- clay making derangements for the election on June 25th. - Mrs. 13oyes of Lefro'y will addres the Women's Institute) in. the ladle's Ha'l on Thursday evening, June 7, at 8 c, clock. All ladies are ciord- sally invited to attend; The concert, UncleTom's Cabin was given in the Town Hall, on Saturday y evening, owing to 1 the hot weather, 'only, ea fair atter d. ance was present. k, Judge tL, Dickson o1 Goderich, l+r elided , on Wednesday in the 1 own Haft, Zurich, for, the local Co - est for' the revising sof the Vot°' era' List for the election; on ,June 2i t h.. . June 4th was observed as a pub eolid.ay in Zurich and all places of business weree closed. The dao was spent in fishing and other amusements and ended up in a base ball game on the local diamond with the Ilensall team.. lsrr and Mrs,. A. Melick and fam- ily spent the holiday with their da - tighter, Mr. and Mrs. Lennie CCal- ]fas, Kitchener/. The first actual open air musical :censers WAS, given by- 'Zurich Jub- ilee Band on''Saturday erenieg.. A lar.re crowd, was present to•',enjoy this music, and it is a great credit to the. boys the way they can mas- ter the .various instruments. Some cre.ry cti:ficult hnusic was handled be them. Come. again . and bring y,) ii' friends along next Saturday e se. dna you will be delighted. Tht mosquito has a,ain made its appearance during the last few hot days, and is here by the tho- usands, a rather discomfort to be sitting outside. 'See that you have no old pails or barrels • or perhaps. some old tin cans that are filled with water and standing ar- ound", it makes a fine place for thein to hatch out by; the scores arid is a nuciance. Mr. Ezra Bender of the 14th con. is' confined to his bed with serious i11nese,+ - Last Wednesday afternono„ Mrs. Fred. Weiberg, ?who lives a anile south of Dashwood had a narrow escape of being gorged and tram- ped to death :bye mad heiferevh'o eat in the field which Mrs. Wei- 'icig was ;going through. The in,furated animal gave loud belolws and attacked Mrs. Weiberg, kno- cking her down and trampling on her to the extent of breaking sev- eral ribs, her collar bone and di's- l^eating her shoulder, and bruising her body 3therwise. The• annual then; left its victim lay and went ate ay and Mrs. Weiberg worked her her wa'y into the thous4 Maj Weiberg and 'son Henry . were Ntorking- in :the field ,and knew ,iothing thereof, ;until Henry arriv- ed home, tend he at' once phoned for assistance;. Dr. Taylor was summoned and gavel 'relief, the patient is doing es well as can be expected under the bruised and battered condition she is in, SCHOOL FAIRS ; Following are the dates of the School Fairs for the season of 1923 as given( out from the Argieultural Representative's Office, Clinton. )Sept. 6th Fordwich' wept. 7th, Wroxeter Sept;. 10th, Ethel !Sept 11th,_ Belgrave Sept 12th, Bluevate .Sept. 13th, 1St Helens ' Sept 14th, Asli!field I, 1, 1Sep4 17, Carlow !Sept 18, Clirrtoq. Sept. 19th, ZURICH Sept 20th; Dashwolod ;Sept. 21st, Winchelsea ;Sept 22; Po(rter's" Hill ;Sept 24--25,. Wnieh'aliti!.. Sept 26, Wal lt,ao ,Sept,27,, Dublin; 1 Sept 28., Blyth 0O•ct 1st; Varna i i Oct 2, +Ct+e`clito(it 1. , Oct. 3rd.; Grant' I3enl l '4 krfiALTa � � I TRE" MO ra(Ica, instructions on lw 'lis" Useful Machine. o 'ti t ttirrg Bar and *Stelel Plate Attentiozr pep the Knife Sharp --GI (,,lver. the Machine Baily Retitvos From Dees. a ,(�' n,trttSit:ed.b�y Ontario Departrnent or , ,igric>,itur'e, Toronto.) Puss x un hive -has give splendid se 'vice to tIx fareners of the ,past ant, PreseAt generationrs, , Fifty years agcy the�eri9wHr• was a perfected .niachinra and ;the' iMnrovements since that clack. have • ;net:, been, qt :a reryolutionary Mature•. Watch t to"Gutting Bar. This machine is subjected to s !numbe7 (1 abuses, rtraceable to the., carelesskxe4s of the average far...; hand.'1 eic?of attention in oiling, due ledger .Pltit'es and knife operated over rough ,or stony ground.. With the knife run,liing close to the soil sur face, injury from•contact with gravel, sand' end small stones is frequent. The watchfulness of the operator to avoid sub,tecting the cutter bar to in jury is" the -best protection when the mower .is sit use on rough ground. The cutter bar with its numerous. guards can be elevated or tilted quickly byean experienced operator and obstructions avoided. The guards should be kept tight and .in perfect alignment Give the Steel Plate Attention., The small steel plate that is rivet- edto the,g1ard at the point where the knife edge- performs the scissor movement should be kept sharp or at least not permitted to wear round. These plates,: commonly known ,s ledger plates, become dull with use, a condition that greatly reduces the efficiency,,of the mower and increases the draft. A mower with dull or rounded' ledger plates will stick in heavy cutting or damp grass. A sharp knife and sharp edged ledger plates means light draft for the team and clean, free cutting of -the crop. The Knife Must Be Kept Sharp. Too mubh attention ea`nnot be given to the cutter bar with its at- tached guards anj quick moving knife. If the mower sticks at every mouse -nest or tuft of grass, the place to look for the trouble is in the dull knife, the ledger plates, the worn guards, or the, keepers that hold the kid t ,ra •. in 'place. With the new mower it will 6e noted that the cut - Wig edges are. sharp, that there is but little play for the knife other than as intended. In the past too lit tle'attention has been given to keep- ingthe ledger plates sharp. With these dull, no scatter how good the knife is; tough material will be drawn beneath the knife instead of being, cut, forcing the blade up against the guard causing wear :that gives a loose fitting knife, poor work and greatly increased 'draft. Why the New Mower Cuts Best The experieeeSPof all Is that the mower cuts better the first season, than ever after. This experience is largely due to the fact that too little attention is paid to the parts that are responsible for the cutting. The wear on thesection points of the mower knife is greatest near the point. This wear, together with the grinding necessary to keep the knife sharp, changes the shape of the-section-con- sidei•ably, and in such a way as to reduce its efficiency as a cutting im- plement. The man doing the grind- ing should endeavor to keep the or- iginal shape of the section in so far as possible. Many of the emery grinders used in sharpening mower knifes grind away the points of the section to a serious .,extent without doing very much sharpening. A spe- cially shaped emery or carborundum stone or file should be used and the work dome .in th'e farm shop. A spare knife should always be at hand in the field. Go Over the Machine Daily. The mower should be gone over carefully twice each day and all bolts tighten• d. The main bearings should be oiled at least ono° each hour, and. the pitman bearings at least every half hour. " When the mower is not in use the knife should be removed. The cutter bar should be elevated to the vertical position when the ma- chine is not in use. " A little heavy mineral oil should be brushed over all parts that are likely to rust. Don't use paint oils. The mower, like the binder, to give its bestservice,_should —• be given good care. ,L, Stevenson, Sec., Dept. of Agriculture. Returns Prom Bees. Good returns are obtained from keeping bees in Canada, the -Condi- tions in many parts of th'e country being particularly favorable for honey production. Yet much uncer- tainty exists, and misconceptions have arisen as to the returns to be expected, • One sometimes hears that colony of bees has produced in one season four or Live hundred pounds of honey. Such yields, however, are exceptional, and are the result of a combination of fortunate circum- stances, abundant flowers of alsike and white clover, fireweed, or other important Honey plants, a particular- liv industrious colony, a Well trained and . experienced beekeeper, and, above all,. favorable ;weather. They cannot be obtained from every hive, nor can they be repeated year after year. Somtimes a year of failure fol - lbws a year -of plenty. To get reliable figures it is neces- sary to average the returns from the colonies in the apiary for a number of years. The latest ilgures Show that the average annual yield of honey has varied from. 111 pounds per colony in the least profitable apiary to 133 pounds per colony in' the, most profi- table apiary. The ;average annual production for all the ;apiaries was 63 pounds per colony, -which is high. enough to make a stttisfattery profit, These figures indicate the importance Of good inariagement„ the returns of only 1$ Dolmas `been flue to ,, iii.:.°.spa %iriX.ee. .._..._..,.....W.,...,.,»m.�.......... IUIIIIIIWIIDIIVIIIWIWIIN WWO18 muu m IUI Iunummo i :X4e rd„ Ilmmlinmmumtln,mlm, mss ill. I emm8mw.0U Ne 4479 TheRopriettaazyorlatonWeicifiq :AlrOdefable)?irepa,tationforAsjf' r,similatingtheroodbylle$ , "aingthStoinaclts sad Bowe% 01 V . �,--•- + Thexeb.VPtomatingDigestion GheerYulness'aiid ReSt•G0n'a1°s' I neither 0 ium;Moilbiia ino Mineral:NOT N . r.SINSIPl7L716/f ' ofOldD IG;B e p+wrpkin,rea ,5•enno Rochelle gills Pepp+rmrnc BichrbmafeSodiL Jlurm Sud • Gtatif+edSaftiP Flelar Ahelpfullled edy hoes, • oiistipa#ion an and Feverishness and Loss oSS OF, SLEEP. resultiOglhe Rio kininfaney, TacSimite5ienaa teof CENTAUR CO:1PAIM, MONTREAL,P.Q. Exact Copy of Wrapper +''or Infants and Childal'er Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of lo Use for Over Thirty Years 1 THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY is 's q v .n. • If Yor cannot afford a Ford why not buy a nice Rubber Tire Buggy HESS sellsthem REP dRINu Painting Fond Car, One 'oat, $15.00, Two Coats iCoverieg Ford. Top Good Material __ Changing Ford Curtains to open with Doors ._. _._ Painting Baggy IF `YOU WANT SERVICE E W HAVE. IT WE RERUB"i3EP. YOUR BUGGY WHEELS. $20.00 $27.00 $5.00 $8.00 Zurkk"h +++++++++44+14+++++++++++40:4 +4- ++++++++++++.1.i.+++++++1 FBF+++++++44+14++++.f++++++d+': ++3-++++++++++.H3•344++++++1 dumber Laths Shing1es __ +D+ tCombination storm and screen doors made to order, 1 Lumber and Building P4ateriB l _ Custom Work cur Ercciaily 'Always in the market for saw logs Everything y mg in Fff'. C. `` . L Vii. \ j PHONE 69 .. ZURICH 4. 44.1.++++++.144.4.4.+++++4.4.+4.4.44� ++4.++4.++4.++4.++++.$+4. .l.-•i+-+i+-+�--*-+---+-+- F+-�+- +-+€+'- +�-+i +3 - $+- i+- -oL- + -+3°- � 'LO®K` 4 1 Five Good Reasons + 1 WHY WE •CAN SCLL SUITS FROM 1+$10 TO $15 LESS ;THAN OTHERS. 4. -010 - 11, We ,stock our own goods. 1,. Our Suits are made by work - 4. inanship, second to -none, • V fi 1 LOOK.. 4 +3 + - Have only one price for nick- I4. +l+ ing Suits, The very best linings put in all our garments, 15. We guarantee ,satisfaction or; money refunded. HOFFMAN 4 'TAILOR AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR •. DAY AND NIGHT pI#OaiN'E No. 86 �. �:• * 'p ..p + ,f. 4, 4 -eat. --4, --+1+ g .-4 -W,r-e+ ,t,ee+i.-4-'•, -e 1