HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-06-07, Page 4Taft I-IERALD NGA 1 TIN... E HERALD �'R N OPFICE feetivee after an. lst: 1920 r per year �.ription Terrus�.x $1.25 adv nue; :$,00 may be charged t!f tot so paid. U. S. aubseripti-. :1Stail1,75 strictly lip advance. No r iIt •;pttp`r discontinued twn] aar,. 3wwalre *re paid unless at the option. the publisher. ,The date to Sieh every eubscri;ptlon is paid • denoted on the label. T NG RATES ,l1;1JyER1[SI A. S 11)1aRaY 1. Advertising -Made known application. . Stray Animals—One insertion 50e thews s insertions $1.00. 'rare or Real Estate fon;._ sale 112 for first month, $1 or each sub- Iletluent insertion. Professional Cards not exceeding inch, $5 per year. • !hard*of Thanks, In Memoriam, 50e. fr Local and Legal advertising not- ices,, reading matter, 10c a line for Irst insertion and 5c per line for f leach subsequent insertion. A.'i7CTION SALES—$2 per single aeertione if not over five inches it, �'aleragth. w 'ldieeeilaneous articles of not p wre than five linea, For Sale, To. is ?int, or Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., f• sweet insertion 25a. '!Address all communications to THE HERALD ZURICH, ONT. r HENSALL. O. T. R TRAIN CONNECTIONS rte• MORNING" Stage leave Zurich 7.00 a.m. South, No. 162 ... 8.58 a.m. North, No. 163 ... ... ...10.33 a.in. AFTERNOON 'stage leave Zurich' _.. ,..3,00 p.m. South, No. 164 ... ......4:50 p.m. North, No. 165 P. r': P. 7TIFtT7IFTjiT7T1tIF HAY COUNCIL:: 1 The regular Meeting of the Co- liencil of theowl shi : Hay T � of a« wa s held on Moruday, ;Tune 4th, 1923, All the members were present: The tnninutes. of the previous meeting aere adopted ale read. By-law Not .5-1923„ r`e'. Schwalm; Drain wa'sfinally. passed. The ePo ar'ship •Engineer; Mr. T. R. Patterson will be instructed to cake a !sur vies and report .on the Blaen Creek era ;Soo''! a's 'possible The ten;de'r of ;Alex. Foster for Campbell culvert at $3.10 per. cubic yard was accepted. Cone trarrtor to do all eiee. aar,'tees- a.vating and ;concrete work'. The Township to' furni$ all eement, iron and ;gravel. Week to be come pleteda, not ila,ter than July 10th,1923, according to plans and epecificat Irma Tier, John Campbell was 'appoin- ted es in's'pector of the construct ion work on the Campbell culvert, Telephone circuits No. 85 and 93 connected with Zuridh central will be divided into three circuits_ and the necessary work done as ,soon a6 possible» The following accounts were passed;- ' ! Wi H. Edighoffer, assessor's ,sar- my 120.00; Wy H. Edighoffer, post- age account 2.44; ditto equalizing 17. S.S. Nos. 13, 15 and 16,1 9.00 F. fading, 'sheep •valuator 2.00; Hydro sy'sterrnt 1ighes for hall to jibe 9,49; Wnv. Caldwell, inspector Black cr- ook 4.50; 4 Selman ditto 4.50; D Shirray, work en;ow roads and drag ging 35.50; C'ani. Ind. Tel Co. sup- plies .77; Stromberg-Carlson Tel. Co;. supplies 523.83; C.N.R. freight on. supplies 18.10; W.orkmen's.. come per cation Board, assessment 17.23. The Council adjourned to meet again! on Tuesdiay, July 3rd at 1.30 o'clock, plmi. ss AR. HESS, CLERK. o BAYFTEL.D• Mr. and Mrs. Davidson of Ont- ario., Calif., are !spending a few we eirs with relatives and friends in Bayfield,. Mr. Davidson is an old. Stanley Tpi. boy., wh'o has beenab- sent for several years. U : ilFPli 109..:(Dx.i 4tizinison of .Detroit,,:' is 'spending the : week at her Isum- nter hone on the T!er;raee. Mr, and Mrs,.John Pease of Lou- den have rented the !store and ;res ideime of Mrs;. McCully on l'dain street and have opened up a rees•- trant. (> 1 M. Ritz otStratford, who pur- chased the ." > •ons 'ace] from � II. Dlarrah, is having it all renovated,' •and has 'opened '4 p a boarding ho- use and resirua;at. Dr. ,and Mrs.' McLeod and child ol Wroxeter, spent the holiday with his mother, Mrs.• McLeod in the village, The death oceured on Saturday lastf Miss Annie Sparks, of Bay- lield at the home of her brother - in;• -law Col, J. A! Currie, Toronto. Ansa Sparks is 'sur'vived by foer sisters, 2 Miss Sparkaa• of Bayfield Mra. McKee arnld. Mrs. Currie ,Of 'Toronto. Interment took place at Bayfield on Tesday last. CREI3ITON Ms. B(. Brown, Sr., underwent an operation, -int Victoria Hospital,Lon- don, during the past week. Her many friendrs will be pleased to learn that !she is improving. Mi. and Mrs. McDonald of Kin- tore. Ispeut the. holidays with Mar and Mrs. C. Zwicker. - The annual Rally of th'e I5;'Li.C'.F,•, of the Evangelical church, was ob- served last Sunday evening, wren local and outside talent rendered" ,a fine program of addresses, leiter- class, . readings, 'special music, Nelson C. Dreier • of Hanover, as- pirant to the gospel m nistr ,and ison of Rev, Dreier, who has rece- ntly begun his work here was one of the speakers. The Fourth ..Annual Celebration given in Crediton under the auspic es, of. the C.A.A.A. on -Victoria, ; Day was a decided success in every was, withg ood;,weather, nothing more could be desired. The citiz- ens were up early decratoing thei- residences and business place-; and large crowds were present to wit- ness the various sport's and amuse- ments f AN ELECTRIC LAUNDRY ABOARD SHIP ) ,A first-class smoking room on the "Empress of France."—(2) A group of same liners—(3) Corner of the finishing department. f1" lass been said that the modern ocean liner is a floating hotel,. d this ns probably the best descrip- n that can be given. A modern ooteI is a city in itself, and a modern li n iser typeo£the o fthe Cana - Ian 'Pacific "Empresses" is certain - no less. When a couple of thou - *and di so of passengers art cut off from land to spend a week or more •awn the ocean, they must have every convinienee and comfort that land n prrtvide. The ship must be self Sustaining in every particular. In iris ,respect Canadian Pacific ships tare as oomplete as'niodein invention scan make there, 'and. whether their trips extend for one week, or six weeks as does the cruise of the Medi- terranean which the "Empress of 'Franca" made this winter, or even /or three months as in the case of the cruise around the world to be linade by the "Empress, of Australia" :his year, nothing is lacking to en- tur+e'the complete happiness of all on $oard. As an instance of the way hi which ,!node n liners tare equipped, the new- ly fnslalled' laundry of the "Empress Of Prance is well worth 'commett. t Cost $25,000 sand its complete plant and large staff of workers make it probably the finest of its kind afloat. In addition =to the lame amount of work undertaken for passengers sat shore prices, it deals with 100,000 pieces ofship ship's linen per week. This new department is under the man:' agement of. G. Dawe, junior, who controls its staff of six men and thirty women. Three washing ma- chines form part of the equipment, and one of these, the largest ever fitted to a liner, is capable of deal- lag with 3,000 pieces erf linen at a tinge, each piece being subjected 'to the entire washing process without. removal. There 1*- also a huge ironing rnaohine which will iron and dry sheets at the rate of 400 per hour after they have beenP assed through a power wringer, This machine is operated' by a .team of nine gills. The higher class of faun-, dry work is done by skilled" ironers with press nnachines and electric irons, while'shirts and collars, etc.,' are starched and aniseed by ntatihiues specially, fitted for the purpose, MI the machinery is electrically drivers, and there are elaborate electrical controls for starting, stopping an4 reesulating the machines. 1n the case' the laundry staff of the of the washing machines, electric motors are fitted to the top of them, controlled by an electric tuning de- vice which regulates the revolving and reversing of the inside cylinders, The •oil -bunting "Empress of France" has a length of 571 feet, heam 72. feet, depth 42 feet, ant gross 'tonnage of 18,481. The speed which made her such an asset to the navy • during the war is still maintained, and Captain John Gillies, her corn-' minder, is the hero of many an ,ex- citing race to port, Once aboard the "Empress" one has nothing to , do but enjoy life while awaiting the end of the journey ,which usually arriv+ys all tori soon. She is a beautifully ap- pointed ship with seven. first class public rooms, including a ,lounge, smoking room, pard room, and lib- rary, Provision is made in the sec- ond-class quarters for three public rooms, and spacious „deck space af- fords'all passengers More than suffix tient S'oo'ln for opsin air games and exercise, Her steerage .accoinmoda- tion -is in many ways about equal to the cabin accommodation .of Mien - tic liners of a few years ago, and her. first' and second Blass provides asses, o ttfo t that Into beets' devised, llk 4141:t STANLEY TOWNSHIP, Mathew Penhale, 'vho has been in Feeble health for the past ,twe years passed Iaway at Furdent. Ho Wass' born Jarnuary„25th 1851 on the ,1-?'erdiaie honnesteac't, Bronson iiee, I$tarl'rley, Tpl. and went with hiss parr exits `to Missouri ,Re was . married twice. and the father offive chil- dren, • In 1905 he went to Evert, where( he worked in the log-- logging scamp's till two years ;xa go when his health, failedt HENSALL W. 0. Pearce fe not in the best of health at.pres'tne owing to he- art trouble, 111rs, Urquhart and Miss Beat- riae, who have spent the winter ix !California: `and other parts of the States• returned ' home and the southern climate has agreed with them wonderfully„ as both enjoy good health`. J; P'assinoiee was in Sarnia at- tending the conference being Neild there, as a;delegate ,from Herlisall circuit. .,' t R. Geiger, who has been. in Kit. chenier for the -past +seven, years, c ieryi'nig on( a drug store, but who lately 'Sold; but his business, is here s;;stting hiS parents, Mr!. and Mrs, Owen Geigier. Mr. and Mrs. Winnt.' Douglkll arid: daughters, Mrs. Milne Ree nie. hhnd Miss Alice Dougall of" Detroit .and son Wsr4 BI..of 2nd con. Hay, were at London on Friday last attend- izig the clsoing exercises of the Weieern University„ where twenty graduates received their diplomas` and honors and scholarship,. Pr- on,inent among' the numberstands the name . of Roswell I. Dougall, now Drs. Dougall. Ile received9:he J. B. Campbell Memorial scholar- ship in Mewdicinei Mrs. Duffy„ mother of Dr. ,G(. Duffin,, met with a painful ae- ei i T'hursday, Mayr 24th Wh- .`.smptin"g to cross thie,etreeit to, ".her sods office on King Sta.Mrs. Duffin became !a,>w tre of a car,ap- proaching„ and hesitated, as also did the driver of the. car, Mr, C. Walper o,O,Zurich' 'As one noticed the other stop each thought that they were 'supposed to proceed.the result being that ' the car hit(Mrs Duffin and gave her some bad, bruises Mid a severe shaking upt: She is. at present under her eon's care and. is doing nicely: Alphine NICE -wen., ; one of our young business !nen a'nd. who has a 'garage: on Main std, was !married on Saturday last -Co Miss Nellie Priest, only daughter' of Mr; and MMrs:, Jame's Priest of Hensanl. The marriage' ceremony was quietly performed. in London; the young co uple being unattended and they then motored( to Toronto to spend short time. , „' a_ "Mrs. Tr• -Murdock has received word of tlie, death of her•, late bro- ther, Simon Hunter, of Saskatoon, -S' ssk,., ,he having passed away on May 26tht Leaves to mourn his . loss his widow, nee Miss P. Kerr, of Hay T•es., two daughters and 'four sons: He was the eldest son of the late Leonard Hunter, of Usb- ohne, and also, leaves two brothers three sisters, Mrs. To Murdock, Miss Martha Hunter, and Mrs. ,Agnes Lariimie, the sisters all being re- sidents of the village. Deceased was well and favorably known here uid his many relatives and friends regret' to learn of his death. EXETER Norman Heaman,' of Starbuck, Man., was here =rttending the fun- eral of his mother. Mr; and Mrs. Geo. Southcott, who !spent the winter in C'alfornia have returned and are ,aghin oo- -.:eying-their 'sunnier cottaeg at Cii.and Bend. e • '1'he .local bowling ,greens were Opened op May 24th when a tourn- ament was held. the winners were Te Elliott, J. A. Stewart, W Rivers, slid Cr. BL Snell, Skip;. ' 4' Thceree passed." away at Victo- ria Hospital, London on May 22nd,' ili'i5. • Donald' Taylor, a former Well-known and respectedresid- exit °V Exeter, at the ago of 78 years. ars. she resided in Exeter for forty years but some years .ago left for . London, her remains were taken to Goderich for burial, the fuaeral taking place on her 78th birthday on May 24th1 The remains of the late , Miss 1hntrra Heidemant;, who died in Tor- oxide„ were brought to Exeter to tint, home cif her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Heideman, and the funeral was held, last Monday, in- ternient in the Exeter cemetery sic was taken ill last Fall 'with tr c,enie in her head and between Cthristnias and New Years was conrsidered in a very critical Con- dktioni;she) improved 4sornewlnat,but slight' hopes were held for her re- co'r ery, : was 'born, in Exeter and fined herd till about three years agoJ tribe went to Toronto to reside with her brother Were, herr age wee 32 years and 10 months, .' Th COUNTY NEWS. Department of Education ugh Inspeafor Rogers re- attested. -Clinton to build 'ta new Colle,glate or .gr ratly inn,provearifil eniarge !thepresent butldingr w I sh bas !agent tong service, 1: o 'i T.y5y ._{{.. Grahams rycFi.r(�2tr.{rt'ss�y �,GWing :ham .yty(�/b/.airte /�iy�.� olcn, industry(' be`estabiiehed in that town, bringing skilled operatives from Scotland to teach the work and ..establish the bulsir ees, ,• Ja!s. B. Reynolds of Clinton hila 'oeeu appointed. gor' rnoa' of Hur- on C'Count)h :goal at Goderich ,and commences WS- new dutieis the 1'st. of June. Mrs, Reynolds swill act a i matron Clinton! is to have ai new ind:us- tj'S',, J.:Stevenson and G. B. Harris have formed a company for thio r'..anufacting of 'silk hosiery!. They ahe,WStarting in the building next 'doorto Ford & Son's flour and feed store and 'expect to get oipigg r' next week, The annual meeting of the/. l{uron. Co„ Trustees and Ratepay- ere' Asaoq,, 'cisheld; in the town hail, Clinton, on Tuesday last;'the Thuavrda It ,Nue 7th, .192, r r,te7eting wain not very woli attentl4'. acid Mrs. Chas,,Parker t N their youngest daughter, Deli)ah, to Leonard B!, Smith, o London, '•' . the- cnarriae to takes p1lee early y i7 0 June, Principal W1' Cat Strong, Clinton n � of the f t r public school has re'signe'd lus position to take a Isinailar sit- uation at'' Ottawa at a salary of $130o t <.; .• Tale contract for laying water:. mains in 'Seafortle Was let by tens der and was 'awarded to Day Ern*. .,of Guelph for :$9,563,80, There ' set re 13 tenders, the h'ighe'st being $13.,919.70, Miss Manson, of. Blake,trained\ nurse, visited last week .t the horne•of hoer aunt, Mies. War.' Deist* alas; Brucefie1d. • utility_ HERE YOTI• GET QUALITY A► THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. You Can Buy CHEAPER Cl.o: thus—and. forget QUALITY: It isn't -what you PAY but what you receive that counts, jpAy« for quality here and you ,get 1t-. at the lowest possible price for which good. Clothes can be made to order. '' + (1 Styles Pick your own to fi t you alontt Lots of. Styles—Real Styles—that's tailored in to stay', not ironed it Lor a day. . You Will Like Our Work E. E. Wuerth, Tailor, Zurich Auto Repairing f 1- We have made arrangements with the Ford "V otoa Co. as We ]las with .I- Cook Bros. Hensail, to handle I Genuine Ford Parts and always leen_ a good supply o hand. * . repair any make of car P Mr. Peter Iiroff, mechanic AGENCY FOR ALL FARM IMPLEMENTS, PUMPS SOLD AND • T 4 REPAIRED, ETC., ETC: L. A. Prang, ZurichrOnt. ., is ° Igo° ++++ ++4 4 +4 ` f oti+ + + '.144++AL3 + i•+!i.;++++'I'ov++ F 144. 884 GEU FED STOCK Means Profit for You r WE SELL. DIRECT 1O :CUSTOIVMEI:i 37 years on the market UTE FARMER WHO Si ENDS MONEY ON HERBA€*EUM INSURES HIS STOCK DURING I1HE DRY FEED 'SEASON; KEEP. IT1S CATITLB UP TO THE SUMMER STANDARD; . KEEPS ri WT'1I(SES 101T AND READY FOE Sk lily G • INCREASES G o S RCa'WT.1iN Ih'v' 'S OT11 HOGS; FITS YOUR PIJL TRY FOR WINTER LAYING. Stock Kept rightht means 1VIOner Saved,. OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL ON "YOU. SOON FOR YOUR. , l NEXT` WINT'ER'S NEEDS, t I:Tnf1 AGEUM CONTAINS NO DRUGS 'OR WORTHLESS FILLERS BUT SUPPLIES JUNE CLOVER FLAVOR TO W, NITER FRED ::heaver Mfg. Co.- GALT ONT EtiTZARL(tp111.1413 1885, l VOX: R gtorlitE. tIVINEADIATu SUPPLY Wy13;1I'J US• ss