HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-06-07, Page 1•v :'drop. XX I I 1 No- 48 SpringSlippers NOW 'THAT SPRING IS AGAIN NEARING, YOU .WILL ,RE 'WANTING TING 'A RUL, STYLISH, AND UP-TO-DATE 'SLIPPER FOR THE OCCASION, ' 'We have just what You are looki"ig for, , A Slipper for every' Foot, in the Correct Style, ,and a perfect fit, ; Watch our Wrndow Display, and copie? in and ask for our ,low race's. o . A. WE' ARE HERE TO DO BUSINESS WITH 'THE RIGHT G0- ODS AND PRICES. ZURICHP TI'pU ` H. .PFILE, THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES %NG. JUNE. 7,1923„ ZURI REPAIRING NEATLY DONE 4c�-�s0•do q.vo a o Qca• o•�o o ov vO P oa-el% Spring and hummer gess Goods Every 'woman who:meeds a sat art new' dress h�.0 dimmer wear : and wants to buy it at a price.- W'hic suits the . pocket . book, should not overlook the sple" values we are .offering, in the :different lies listed 101',14 ` Y' PRINTED CREPES CREPE DE CHINE FANCY VOILES ISATIN' CANTON •PLAIN. VOILES WOOL ,CANTON PRINTED FOULARS • RATINES • PONGEE KNITTED CREPES GEORGETTE CREPE Ladies _Special Lisle Dose 'WE ARE OFiFERINING TLE LADIES IOF THIS VJ'CINITYTHE 13REATEST BARGA INS' WE EVER .HAD IN THE ,LINE OF HOSIERY. A GOOD FULL'FA'SHIONED CLOCKED HOSE IN BLACK, *HITE, CARDO}•AN AND BEIGE. 'SIZES FROM '8 ; TO 10 AT THE WONDERFUL''. LOW PRICE' OF 69c, n's Gbardine Coats For _ Rain or *Shine. . THESE COATS AItE MORE THAN FAIR WEATHER FRIENDS, WHEN , THE MERCURY DROPS SUDDENLY, WHEN THE UNEXPECTED SHOWER COMES UP, WHEN - YOU START FOR A LONG -DRIVE IN THE CAR, ITS GOOD TO KNOW YOU HAVE ONE HANDY i RAGLAN SLEEVES, INSERTED "PLEAT, AND A, BELT:'. ALL, AROUND ARE STYLE POINTS THAT WILL S'IRIRE 'YOURR1.FANCY ell 51115 t, .E`'ER;Y,WELL•'DRESSED MAN UNDER STANDDS WHAT IT MEANS To BE ALL TOGGED UP, IN ONE. OF OUR.WELL, TAILORED' SUITS. • They` are the hit of hte- season; men; its a •.rare day \Olen yen find ailgood: at so 1ow a price;.• 1, 2, :3 -button Modeler!. Single and Double-breasted Suits, for stout, Shor'ttiand. slim, with no• chase for altering. BB: s' First Long 'Trouser Suits HERE IS GOOD NEWS FOR THE BOY WHO ISS LOOKING FOR HiS-iFIRST LONG !TRO'- USER SUIT, AND WE HAVE A SUPPLY LOT TO OFFER AT,ItEMARKAB E PRICES. $1.00 TO $37.00 , 3++ ++'d4a•'i 101-J•d' A43+'l•4••l••3'4,'l• +11.+4•'r++'£4'l' ^.+f 'i•3'+ '++ 4..1'4 4-4ri lee letel' heels eetee 4 +++1++ i' ' .QOJ Mr; and Mrs. Albert Rittenhouse were visitors to Dunville the past week..• Mrs. Hy. Truemuer, who hat been on. the sick list the past few weeks improving. Mr, Martin Schweitzer has pur- chased for his convenience a new Ford touring model. Maand Mrs. H. Siemon of Lon on wei a Monday visitorS at the home or A. Foster, Mr.' and 'Mrs, Garnet Delete of Hay I'p: were week -end v;sitox+s at Nev Hamburg. Reeve E. E. Klopp is .attendieg %ere. life brother Clarence, of the arL4 ;place was here the prev- ious 'Sunday. Zurich publis School picnic will. lie held on Thersday, Jupe 2nd to Orand. Bend. Keep this date ePe. la as you know' that this is'•alivatys good. time: ),,,wned and driven by Dr. McKenzie ;of Detroit termed:: eertle ..ebont. a. broken flying gleaS, • . The ,Zurich Village Tionsteseeheld thele Monthly' meeting pheMen- 'itateneenteof the local hydra syetera was presented as received 'front the' Hydro4lectrie Commis- ' Sion -Of Ontario. The net sur,plue as at Deee31, 1922 of the Zurich Sy - stein as shown by the report is SSW& The total Assets are 12$,- 2e494. Zurich ule to hte end of lael: year !had 63 domestic ligh.t enstoiners, 42 commercial light cus- tomers end 3 power users. A reolsution Wa8 passed providing for cherge af 25 cents for a small tank af water, and 50 cents for a large tank uspplied from the vil- lage' water tower. Water will be supplied only to ratepayers. number of accounts were passed Cheekier L. Smith, $1,25 a Year In When Writing on vacation—don't wait for someone tO finish with the nem"; IM independent. *lave YoUr Own. Waterman's' Ideal New Lever ,Poeket Self -Filling Pen. It enableawou to write name easily and fluently. Volt can '! dash off 3 many a postcard in a few minutes with a Waterman's Ideal. It fills instantly too. Just immerse nib n gni:. Raise lever. Lower lever. Nothing more. It's filled. You then have pen and ink wherever CompIcie your vacationer ad. ties one to -day all WE HAVE THEM IN ALL SIZES AND STYLES HESS the Jeweler pnolgn No. 74 Incorporated gm Capital. wid Reserve $9,0090011, Over 125 Branches MOLSONS BANK This institution affers depoalte every six naanths, and treedem from red tape in case of witliek Savings Department at everr Branch. Deposita of $1 and upwards invited. Manager Zurich Branch- • An overflowing hall was the reslt. df thuw U.F.O. Convention at Tlensell on Thursday afternoon, the the Farmer Political Party sel- ected their ttandardbearer fdr SE Huron, for the Provincial election on June 25the fAs a result the con- vention rejected two „farmers wh- ose immeds went to the ballot, and chase; 'one' who is not a farmert The candidate is Vg G. Medd or Exeter -who etiperates several creameries in offnie*Countyk The votewas 102 ler Medd, 66 'for Mr. Hick adns 31 for We D. Saunders, of Exeter a elear Majority for Mr. Medd 'The meeting having adopted before the nomination this fesplution,. moved. byele Rader of Hay, and P. Dewar at -Bayfield; That this convention 'requires 'its candidate to indorse the policY end.. principles laid clown! in the platform of the United Farniers of Ontario; to agree to support the group that representh the United Farmers in the Legislate ideetity of the Farmers' group by nonsupport of a. coalition or fete - len. with eith Reform or Consereate ive partieS0 This is 'the fimt time that eWe remember 'of that a .144 P.. ivho has beme in office was depeiVed of carrying. the Tenvene, time, and especially as Mr. Hicks Waslhe Patty Whip:, it has cauSed imanenseAnterest through the daily greeerand is a sample of the nmPlt talked of "Re -call." It looks as if in Sonth Huron the Farmers' Party were depending, ori businees men to ,eun their Coentry's affairs and look &Het their interest, while the J• P Phone 59 Z R 1 H, Produce Wanted Bring us Your Alsike and. Clover Seed. We always poiy the highest Market Price according to Quality eeee • • pring Horse Goods.t. • • A BIG Stock of Harness and -lea:Kers alwaya 0131 • Club tuit Cases ,..and Trunks at Right Priem 41, • ou can best know "Astoria" Style and Comfort in actual wear The Pippin t e. ▪ "TAILOR MADE FOR FART- + Come in 'and. see the ,Pippin + Oxford, All leather, custern + • made, What more Could yo- + ung Men Desire in this Ox - 4. Repairing done by the very latest methods SHPE MERCHANTS * ZURICH ONTARIO • • ASTO It I A por-Inf,DIS and Children in Use For 9ver 30 Yeais are bear& the tutor 2i SPECIAL VALUES WE HAVE JUST OPENE UP A NICE LOT OE THE LAT - BST P ATTERNS AND COLORS IN CREPES, GINGHAMS, VOILS, PRINTS, GRLATEAS, ETC. ALSO WE ARE MAKING -'‘A. BIG DISCOUNT ON HALTERS, AND HARNESS REPAlitS, MITTS, AND GLOVES, UNDERWEAR, OVERALLS, ma, trim GIVE ITS A pALL AND YOU WILL FIND THAT OUR PR- ICES, (QUALITY CONSIDERED) WILL COMPARE WITH ANY Highest Prices for Farm Produce , , , 1 R. N.,. DOUGLAS ' 1 P GENERAL MERCHANT i