HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-05-10, Page 8i'# TT7tlTT7 t.; is r Goods Spring is here. Warm balmy dIiys are coining and you will want new dress materials of various kinds. We invite your inspection of Our . many lines of New Goods For Ladies Suits and Coats Nri y and Black Poiret Twill 54 in wide at per yd $300 Tricotine, special quality. 54 in. S wide, at per yard ... ... .., $3.75 Botany Serge's, all colors, ,. 52 inches wide, at per yd. $2.25 FOR DRESSES Berges, all colors, from 85c. per yard up to $1.50 Wool poplin; black, navy, . and brown 50 -in. wide at ... $2,50 New Voiles, Organdies. Crepe Clothes, Entities and Creper SPECIAL- All Ratines and crepes varied colors, 38 -in. at ... ...75c GIN GHAAMS—Anderson Fine Eng- lish Gingliams 32 in. width, 4e and 45e. per yard 'ails. Range of Canadian Ginghame as 25c. to 35e. per yard. House Furnishings SPRING HOU SECLE ANING TIME IS ABOUT.' HERE, WE ARE READY TO SHOW YOU A FINE RANGE OF CURTAINS AND DRA- PERY MATERIALS, WINDOW SHADES, EXTENSION RODS, CR- ETONS, CHINTZS, TAPESTRY CURTAINS. SEE OUR NEW ' WINDOW CURTAINS WITH SILK FRING EDGE, ALL READY TO HANG, Linoleum and Cong. ; Rugs. WE CARRY IN STOCK 4 -YARD WIDE LINOLELMS, FLOOR OIL- CLOTHS ALL WIDTHS, AND A LOT OF CONGOLEUM RUGS IN ALL SIZES.—GET OUR PRICF.,S. SPECIALS. FOR Saturday Y Ma 12th Come! Come! rsadies Cashmere hose, fine qual- .ty in colors at .a pair Or 3 pair for ...... ... .adios cotton Hose, black 350. 95e and brown a pair :., 25c glen's black cotton sox a pr. 25e. GET OUR PRICES FOR No 1 Seed corrhl, following var- ieties in stock, White Cap„ Wigs. N oa 7; Eureka; Imp',,, Learning ; Early Bailey, Qronhptons Eearly, Also mango'id and turnip seed in leading varieties. Get your sup- ply of chick feed now. Special prices in bag lots, e. Small quantity of Alsike and Timothy Seed for Sale GSCHO & SON Produce Wanted . Phone 67 Zurich's Garage BATTERIES! BATT_-+RIES! We are again handling the I X. L. Battery IF IN NEED OF A BATTERY BETTER CALL AND SEE US NE MAKE A SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE. ON YOUR OLD BATTERY WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO COMPARE WITH ANY eOTIIER QUALITY AND SERVICE CONSIDERED , We also handle the famous U. S. L Battery • :A COMPLETE LINE OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES AND GEN - VINE FORD PARTS ALWAYS ON HAND NOW IS THE {TIME TO HAVE YOUR CAR REPAIRED. OUR POLICY IS FIRST HERE, ,FIRST SERVED. COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH. WE ARE EXPERTS ALONG .'THIS 'LINE AND CAN ATTEND TO YOUR NEEDSA.XY ACTYLIN WELDING BATTERY CHARGING BATTERY REPAIRING H. Mousseau • Fence B • Zurich 1 :Farmers do not be deceived s Eaid buy any kind of fence, Where is only one kind of 1 fence namely Frost Tight Look the cheapestand best : on the market. ISTADE fir. REETER BLOCK .04111411040410141.4111111140410.11140.04,040 • • • •• • •• •• • • • • i • • • a • • • • ••• • • • i • WEIDO1 t 2 f c L a C e t 14... II. Repes Who Visited 'toe some time at Tledford, has return - eq. icene, The Ladies' Aid 01 the Evangel- ical church are holding a, social some time next month. More partiieulars will follow Mr. W, Doerr of Exeter, the Hydro overseer, wasel the village on Monday for his'monthly call,' Ever since the world beganm , 'en have tried to invent something that women) would refuse to wear. Thus far they have not succeeded, The rat is an;'aninial althout tt: single good point of character to recon>,tnerid it;. ,And sad to say it is enormous prolific.We are told that one pair in nixie morals wilt produce 980 clescendar,ts: Messrs. Wm. McAllister arid. signs of the parr Line, recently sold' 'a two year old gelding to Mr. John Stephenson, of Stanley, for $200, and while the price was good, Mr! Stephenson' got a fine hbree.` (food =took 'always pays , best- for both' seller and, buyer. Owen Sound ' Sun -Times alai; "1f Alberta coal will burn, with- out clinkers and with little ash, with proper check drafts will hold .i, fire for 24 hours, will give rapid. or slow heat as wanted, and will not foul flues or chimney,' what -more . is wantecli, except plenty`; of it at a reasonable price?" The answer is; nothing. --Ex.. It new turns out that the, '• big Fire at Ailsa Craig on Monday Was caused by one of the merchants getting in a large supply of fire. crackers, and some boys pirchas ed some and were explodring them; in the barn where the Inc 'start- ed. No dealer or anybody should be; allowed to sell firecrackers. A. committee delegated , by the Synod of Huron to devise ' means sf colieetin about $45,000 of 'sub- scriptions pledged to hte Forward Movement in the Diocese of_Her- on; by 2800 people who faiiedtopay ins hes recommended to the Synod thee the" account be placed in lite+ haarids of a collecting aeguncy, or, collected as common debts in the! NOTICE. eerts. The Synod will deal with; tns recommendation on May 14th. i Thi;'' delinquents' in London number) t The Business men of Zurich have 188. Stratford 126, Brantford 361, !unanimously agreed to close their 'Vindsee 169, and there are sinaller respective places of business on numbers in other committees.' !.Thursday afternoon of each week The ' dulling the peroid'from May 17th ti.ime table for the annual i to September 13th, . 1923, both departmental examinations as j dates inclusive. Also on Wednes. sea been issued. The entrance exam -fetid Saturday ogs. o!:eaeh feth on begins on 'scWehool exat mall 1fix at 10.30 '0 elocl ,,p,m. 'Anil lith; th lower school:examination taf askirig the support and' co on. Tuesday, June 12th; the upper ,,peration, 01 !the public, in tiievil- school on Thursday, June 14th. and p ' hi: middle school on Monday, Jne! accessary shopping ony by other days their 8th{. One of the f High and hours not herein specified, and that faced. pupiils of High School thereby avoiding. any ill feeling or formerly has been abolished, ac- friction amount our business men ordiine, to instructions issued by We again; ask and expect our eus- h�= Department of Education;, t Lower School 'standing for' entr- h nce to the Normal Schools will be ranted pupils of High schools or ontinuation 'schools who passed ornprehensive tests conducted by heir teachers of the" different sub- Stade & Weide ects,. Melick &:Braun • J. Preeter W. H. Pfile T. L. Wurm W. G. Hess Denoniy Bros. t John Kipper; E. E. Wuerth A. F. Hess i G. Holtzman' Zurich Flour Mills ,.h Q :.AL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter .,,. , 45 Eggs 24 ,Tied' "apples'per lib. ,, Id Dutch setts.per lb. ..- 5c Potatoes per bag x.:., 75 Wbeat per :bushel .. 1,15 Oats ., -. 48 Flour per cwt. , , ...... 3:00-3.75 Bran per ton . , „ ..., , 28.00 Shurtsp er ton , ,..30.00 Hogs ...r x.0.00 Winnipeg. --Seven thousand cars of grain have been loaded between September 1,.1.922, and Feb. 1, 1923, for the western coast" by the Cana- diait. Pacific Railway. This repre- sents 10,234,000 bushels of grain for :export from Vancouver. The ship meats comprised 6,175 cars of wheat, 162.. oats, 16 barley and '50 lye. Ex- ports from the western •coast were destined as follows: The Orient, 896,880 bushels. and the United Kingdom 987,905' bushels. As at January 31, there were 900,000 bushels of Canadian Pacific grain in the elevator at Vancouver and 600 cars in transit carrying 735,000 bushels of wheat. The present move ment west is averaging 25 cars day. Fort William.—The contract for the construction of a building to re- • place number five freight shed, was awarded 'by Canadian. Pacific Rail- way officials to the C. ' sr -Hall- Aldinger Company, of Winnipeg. It provides. for two fire walls which will divide the new structure into three compartments. The new dock along't`be new shed will be of concrete. It is the present Intention to use the end of the shed nearest the Canadian Pacific Rail- way subway for the handling of local freight instead of the end near- est the city subway dock as was the with the old shed. " It has been decided that the new arrangement will be snore satisfactory to com- pany officials and to concerns hav- ing business with them. Discussing the new shed to -day, e C . Chisholm, division superintea- Lt. said that the new structure wrnid:be of 'frame .construction very n' tel like the shed it will replace, wide from the fire walls and the ,oncrete wheel tomers to support us. The Business Men of Zurich; Chas. Fritz & Son. E. Oesch. J. G:as'eho & Son. , II. E. Routledge ommodore Again (21790)) 1Vili stand for the improvernen of Stock for the Season 1923 at hie own stable, 14th con. Ha.y. DESCRIPTION AND PEDIGREE Commodore Again is rising five Mears old. !He is a beautiful bay with white face and legs. Stands J7 hands high, is very smoothly and andcompactly built and will de- telop into a horse with size and superb quality. His Sire is the geed -breeding horse "Commodore 9,.96- (14633) is sired by the cel ebrated horse Baron, of I3uchlyvie .one of the most noted horses that Scotland has ever seen and was sold at public auction; for $47,0001 Baron of Buchlyvie was sired by the renown Baron's Pride, Commodore's Dam was Evelyn Wood -18385- (16033) by the noted prize winning hor)s0 T�ia}i'atha, Commodore Again's Dam is the imported mare "Buiston Jean". -18789- (22580) Her sire Lookout 7257- (12213)' was champion horse at Edmonton and Regiina, and was a horse of infe cluality and immense, size, weighing over 2300 lbs. The dam ofuiston. Jean was Darling 16's07- (19622) by Lighthouse Lad (92(3), Grand Dam Jenny, 16309- (21029),. by Stanley -7146- (13354), g.,dan 5fagesie of Darwhillin;, 16309- Buiston( Jean is the dans 'of Princess Guinea 35999- who word 1st at Western, Pair Londo*i, Ont(. Frog the foregoing ped'g,ee an. es ale who consersant breedingwnt with illse that 'Commodore Againes breeding is the very choicest and this coupled with his splendid individuality 'should niake frim a very desirable stock horsej. Registered in the Canadian 'Cly'. desdale Stud Book as No. 21790, ow- ned by John C. Durst of Dashwood foaled, in, 1918, has been .enrolled undert, the Ontario Stalliori Act, TERMS --To rnsre, $12.00, pay - aisle after ise, of Januarys 1924, J'OITN C. 'DU.1I$'r1 h.roprirtur. Dashwood,. P. O.t446 When a man's ways please the Lord,,, he ni.aketh even his enemies to be .at peace with him. C'rbd,creo.ted man•in his own im- age{ in ,the irna ge of God, created hve l iim, And. God saw everything that hie had made, -and .behold, it Was; ve,ryl good. Gen. 1;27,31. Leet us not be bear in well do ing; for an chile sealson we shall leap if we faint not. As we have there fore opportuniity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them (wlho� nisei of the household of. faith. Gal. 6; to 10. , ' ' L-1 Ta(lce no thought, )saying, what We ,eat, orwhat shall we ,drink? or wherewitl shall eve be clothed? 1, But :geek ye first ;kine kingdom of Gods, anlrl his righteousness; and all these thinks shall b..; 'Added unto you► -Mat, 6;31, 3�• e Trust inthe Lord and do good; iqa shalt thou dwell in( the land,and verily, thou shalt be fed. Commit thy way untto the Lord; trust also rn 1i)* and, he shall bring .it , to Pass.—Psi. 37 All flesh is grass', angel :all the og- r clv(ess is as the, flower of the field, The .grass withereth but the Word of. our God shall stand , fol �E r, ---Isiah 40;9,8.' Thrtrsaay May .loth,. 1923, The store with the Liberal' C3311 IDiswoa�t ATTENTIO r. Farmer NOW IS THE ;TIME TO DO YOUR FENCING, AND WE ARE IN A. POSITION TO GIVE YOU A GOOD CHOICE OF PENCE Al' VERY LOW PRICES. 'T}IIS IS HIGHEST GRADE MADE. WE HAVE FENCING HERE ALSO AT A LOWER PRICE— COME AND LOOK IT OVEJt, IT MAKES A GOOD FENCE, WELL GALVANIZED AND oVILL S 1'RE i.'C:H UP FINE. IF WF DO NOT HAVE JUST WIiAT YOU WANT IN THIS LINE OF .FENCE, WE CAN GET Il' FOR YOU IN A FEW DAYS. • Take Notice Every prospective buyershould know this.. This is very important, -- A Chain, no matter how large, is only strong as its weakest link. — Now this is the' point we are driving at. Do not be +satisfued with any Fence which ha's not as heavy a wire used in the lock, asche line and upright wires, be- cause it is bound. to go at that point first, and time will surely, tell. Prices will be ndht. Galvanized Gates We have on hand an assortment of Choice Galvanized We have painted Gates in stock from lest year, while theyrylast, We won't refuse any reasonable offer; You make the ,pries. Barb Wire, Coiled Wire, Plain Wire all galvanized. Big stock enough for all. Staples, Black wiry:, Augers, Pliers, in fact everything you need. 2 large Fence -stretchers atyour disposal. Ask for one, if you need. it, No Charge. NOW LET'S GO AND MAKE THIS A BUMPER FENCE y R. ME,Ieic& y kt PHONE 63 You ilave Funds On Deposit How m ;7�h .n-lerest' do, yob° rc cely on '1,000?. Ordinary savings gives you $30. Why not invest your surplus funds in Huron & Erie Deb entures for a term.of one, two, three, four or five years? You obtain' additional $25„ upon each $1,000 investment. Call at my office at any time and let me explain about this sound profitable Debenture investment. Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich Have You MADE YOUR WILL? Ready -to -Wear DENOM Y BROS. Clothing , GENTS FU RNISHINGS Ordered Clothing TUT TWILLS PALS. Shapes are `new Colo- new 93r Range of Tut Lti sis includes th e following leading Shade KARNAK OBELISK • EGYPTIAN QC:IRE SAHARA SAND IRIS (BUTCHER 13L'C7E) DESERT DOTS DENOMY Proitee taltenin e clue e 7=;