HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-05-10, Page 5Thursday, ,l1'iay t1StNESS CARDS ~' . prorell ne, Killoran ei HOLMES, ,113.e• -etee' eelle•ttpn's ;."t,ariesl, • ,E,tc. O,1'ac,: ,r tete Sestet: and :,dew. 'irons, Reuniter' St' Gcori- erit'1` Private tends to; loan at l west rates, tW, tat - rife,ot, K,C°. J i.,. Killoran Holmes. ' fir, len .,: ,gilt he (n Renee!' ,on Anarew.ii' Hese,.l'eenship Cleric. feet of tnerrtage licenses, Notary public, Commissioner, Fire and Aut- omobile lesurenee, Representing Boron and Erie Mortgage Corpora- 'dolt. The Canada Trust Co. Zurich, Ontario., L. Snit] Dr. 'D;D,S pChicago) 1)t- TIre'r AT WALPER FrO'USE, ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY • MAIN OFFICE HENSALL A. U -C -T IO-�N-E-E-R OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey are M, Jones Nat- o) o? Auctioneering. Try. tonal Sc1?o me for RegisteTem Live keeping Stock, (All Breeds). races. Choice with prevailing p farm's foie sale. Will sell anything anywhere. Zurich. • Phone 18-93 or write, 'Licensed Auctioneer LyCron. In a;Oneer position too con- duct• 'Surregardless $uct• any.. auction' sale, .reg As to size or articles and elf. not (solicit your"business, for natisiied will teaks no charges (cervices. Dashwood. Arthur Weber, - -Da Phone -31V 13. Zurloil Meat MARKET Fresh and ` Salt Meats • Bologna Sausages, etc ligheit Cash Price for Wool' i ()ASV FOR S1;.Ib1S&RIDES DTunieb 'at Sts fiF eCet. V . ii= Z L RICH.. v I am in a position to accomo- date all requirements in the . Livery y Line, have Auto for hire. Any- thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL Phone 69 Zurich, O. 8. ,ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. -DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and or the University of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mil- itary. District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every Tuesday, Friday and Saturday from 10.00 a. m. until 5.00 pun at lite Com- teercial House. Main Office at 'Bayfield, Ont, LIVE P 0 U LT R Y. WANTED • Taken every day till 3 Ocleck p.m. Donot feed fo'a'l same morning When brought in, 'Highest Cask Pritces.. CASII FOR --- Cream- and, Eggs W. O'Brien Phone 94. Zurich CO -AL Spring and ' Summer DELIVERIES SEASON 1923 Owing to the strike of theMin- aere now prevailing in the Pennsyl- rvania Anthracite coal fields, we *re unable • to guarantee delivery Or price and until conditions • be- te/fie more settled orders 'will be takes subeet to our being able to +u'btai* supplies and at prevailing srlee tithe of delivery. r)...443.. Dam talons. isomi & PRODUCE AMERCEANT TEEMS; -CASE Phone; Office 10W. Hbob uO 10j. H',E N SA LL 0�N ! T ll . PUT . 'X•oJ1:I Wants, For sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS COLUMN `WANTED CATTLE FOR PASTURE -A lim- hea me mbeal •of cattle will be taken for pasture for the season',` on, Lot 8, a,, 10th con, Hay Tp'. Ap- ply to Benjamin Pfiie, Zurich, }hone 113. tf43 WANTED FOR CASH -1000 tons of scrap iron, rags, rubbers, old stoves, horse hair, wool, lead, copper and brass; geese ands ducts, feathers, and all kinds of Junk. If you have any gunk to dispose of Kindly Phone 1-81, Zurich, or write, 1. Cohen, Exeter, Ont. 41-2 FOR SALE YOUNG YORKSHIRES 12 choice shoats, 12 weeks old, must sell as we axe over crowded for roam. E. G. Krueger, Phone 1-85. tf51 FOR SALE • A .limited number of small pig's bz:on type, not weaned: ' Also a quantity of seed pea beans for sale. Apply to :phone 6-98. Jos. Rau, Rel. 2, Zurich -39-3 • NOTICE. I Aria in a position to do any kind of paper. hanging, painting, graining and, decorating. Can el- se ',supply wall paper if. ordered Irons my 'samples. 3I. Eicklneier, Waiper Hoeiise, Zurich ' tf-37 EGGS 'FOR HATCHING BRED -TO -LAY ROCKS Eggs for hatchinig at five cents above market price. One pen of Superior Bred 13irds. - These pul- let 'shave laid continuously since November, eggs at t dozen. Phone 85-1, ger, R.R. 2,' Zurich. OCAL !Yf Messrs. C. Either and J. Decher Jr. were at ` Strathroy on Tuesday Considerable people are ill with a grippe epidemio that is around. Hay council meets this Wednes day ,afternoon for the May meet- ing, . Ma. D, S. Williams of ' New Halm.. burg visited Tuesday with ; his neiiee, Mrs. C. L. Smith. Mi, Urban Pflis has taken a Pos- ition as clerk inTi L. Worm's de- partmental store While they .last, our regular 5c. led. pencil at 2 for 5e. Herald Of- fice. , Mrs. Ws H. Frank, who spent the week, with relatives Mere, has re - darned to her homy. Messrs, Ed. Beaver ani. J. C' Reid of Dashwood called in. the village onMonday evening. • Mrs. J. Snell and daughter Hazel of Dashwood;, were St nday visitors at the home teethe Misses Williams• ;11rs. Barrie, of Chicago, who is staying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Howald, is on thesick list. Mr. Jacob Weide; who is build- ing a new residence, has the foun- datino laid' and will. soon be ready for the brick . work. Rus us ell Preece ani Miffs Mur iel Preeter were operated on by. Drs. O'Dwyer and. MacKinnon, on Tuesday for the rerneval of ton- sils. Mr, Jehn Decher Jr.. has for the improvementof 'sxock the well bred I'ercheron 3 -yr. old entire , horse "'La ns Nianza".'this colt won `prize at Ottawa. and. is an except-- ioraally' €int put up horse. Dr. A.. J. MacKinnon, who has been the past; four wee'ts at New York city, taking a course at the Post Graduate, there returned on Friday. The Dncter bee received some very useful information while away] and, has all the latest praict- 50 ceps per E. G. Krue- ,teat methods of they medical science.- tf-37 The members of the %V(C iTsU.. met on Wednesday May 2nd. Mrs. L. (xeiger led the devotional half hours The Pres, Mia. Heyrock. tools charge of tlae business. Tl'te Supt. of the different departm- ents reported the work clone by themrn, The officers also gave their annual; reports, $15e18 -was raised by the (society the past year. It isquite coranzone to see- sotne Of - oulr,:you'ng boy's ui il3.ii g""aroun l town tarrying a rifle], shooting birds. We would warn such to not be surprised if they :were brought before the magistrate. As it is en- tirely contrary to our laws for any one carrynig firearms unless hav- ing a permit. And furthermore i•o ;shooting T in the village of Zur ich is allowed by law. Ir noes turns out that the auto lin mss markers this year cost the Department 23c. a pair, whereas the auto owner was forced to • pay. elle dollar for, these markers, in -ad- dition to the regular license feet,. If •a mercantile concern extracted the same rate of profit from the public els the department does; more than likely 'someone would be asking for a Government in- vestigationC seet Stratford joined the ranks of one -paper cities. Announcement lnving been made ofthe au-ualge mation of the Beacon.^and Herald under the name of the 'Stratford 'Ileacoa-Herald, Lim' ted. • Tale Dew paper will be published in the plant of the Beacon which has be en leasee]. FARM . FOR SALE FARM -Fifty acres, more or less' being south part, of Lot No. 17,' Cong 7, Hay.. ; On farm is 11,¢ story frame house, with kitchen and woodshed attached. Smoke ho- use, bank. - barn 30x36 on cement.. well With.ga:-tvunieed roof. Shed, pig pane house ; driving- shed and other ` outbiiildings. Theire are a variety of fruit` trees on the farm This fertil'`is all seeded ex- cept about two- or three acres. Farin would be ;suitable .for a truck farm or for raisin celery.: or small' fruits. Also good for pasture as it . is well watered. For further particulars apply to Chris. Schrag, Zurich, Administrat- or Estate Mcmno Kipfer. FOR SALE Eight acres ' of land, opposite Zurich Fair Groundu. Suitable for pasture or cultivation. For particulars apply, 'to Jacob Dei- chert, eichert, Zurich, Ont. 4t-35. WANTED - Dressmaking and home sewing of all kinds. All work neatly done and ',satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. J.• A. Meyers, co. Mr Morris Weber Zurich. tf-36 NOTICE VOTERS' LIST 1.922 . Municipality .of the Township of Hay, 'County of. Huron. NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 10of th;e Voters' List Act, and that I have posted up at my office at "Zurich, on the 31st day of March, A.D. 1923. the list of all persons entitled for vote. in the said munic- ipality for members of Parliament and that such List remains there for inspection. And. I hereby call upon- all voters to take • immediate preceeclings to have any .errors, or omissions corrected according to law. Dated at Zurich March 31st, 1123. ANDREW F. HESS, Clerk, Township of Hay, In renewing your subscriptions for your daily andweekly papers remember the Herald Office is agent for most of them and in some eases can save you as in.tleh as 50 gents on a single -subscript- ion, , NOTICE I have taken out License for Auctioneer for, the County of Hur- on, and am in a position to con- duct ` sales by auction. Give me a trial and I will assume you satis- faction • or no charge. tf-29 James Denotvey, EL R. 2, Zurich, Phone No. 10-j•93 W DR, JOAN WARD Will make ' a complete test of refractive condition of the eye, and of the muscles, Spectacles scientif- ically fitted. Services at reasonable chzrges. Will ib"e at;- 8-2e Ziiihnaer's Hotel, Dash Wood, Wainer :Heelse, Zuricht, Z U it i. l The village of Ailsa Craig was swept by fire on Monday, thefire started in a, barna and half of the business section was tom -timed in the flames as well as some dwelling quartersthe loss is estimated at $200,000. The fire brigade of. Lon- don was present and ;helped to confine the fired while'evevy well. in the •village was emptied, and had it ;not been for the railroad water supply tank, possibly the whole town would have suffered destruction. Ailsa Craig has a population of .53ree and the loss is a bgt gal Wewillask our readersthis we- ek to ;not be •surpniised 'i,f the pr- inters ink of the Herald is mixed cdnsiderable with line and mortar dust, as we ha refound it necessary to put An additien to the rear, of our buildi.ngy and es same is made of brick; we were able aftercon- siderable effort, to kick the bricks and mortar aside enough to let the wheels of the big (press turn, and hope to be able to get enough "Juice" on the rollers to reakethe print ,zadablel. • The centitltledar cold Winds daily, make the 'already backward sp- in; more 'sae,, nearly the Middle of may, her(%]:and the early ;sown spr- ing grain is joist pee ping through the ground] While this Wednes- t d isa od with day the gigs ground cove snow; Which is Mine as fast as in mid -Winter. We 'hone ,this is 1 ' athl.l ' poll. of *inter Vt>k' the final s for a few months et least. The early sowing and grdening thisyer has not been of much advantage so far as the Weather was too told and dr y. r, l7Y i i 11, ld A l..0 71-AfoitikibKETS A Nutritional Disease Affecting .Young Animtlts. sometimes, Called • '"Bullnose" and ,.~:1-diflleb" - Calmed _IdargelY iffy Unfavorable Conditions---Preve.l. tion( and 'i.'x , tment.--.fivet s•tid of Chronic Ito its, (Contributt;d' by (),Islario llrarLma;hf .r7t • irk, tie Toronto The occurrence of thi= see ::,e In Young animals seems P. Hie . sely caused by uutavorthJe ecese ; erns of life, inducing iinpaired mess eel of •he body, In 'particular there ars to be a lack of bone duven:tee se due to a deficiency o1 little saita'r. ,..,cher bone -forming elements la t! '+;cy.' Lack of exercise and ctor•;e ,'u:jine went in damp quarters ars pr -o s=pos• ing infiue ices and are a aeon e e the disease occasionally in rues:.: and calves: in pigs tie disease occurs a;t+;.:eral-. ly soap •after weaning time thio par- trcularly 'iii'' litters born aut., _ the late fall and winter months. this time, improper feeding of the seeing pigs associated with exposure to in- clement weather and close ceetine thent In cold damp quarters cdmiiine in accentuating the tendency tov.ards faulty nutrition and ill-ll;alth, which are . forerunners of Rickets. The feeding of young pigs excasa,rely on corn and also keeping Lnt::u exclu- sively on a sloppy diet of buttermilk is at times responsible. in some cases tnere.appear s to be an iaih.rited tendency in litters, due possibly to errors in the management aim .reed- ing of the sow while pregnant, and ei ter farrowing. yy'iaiyacrus: in Sine c.ise of calves and colts be- eeneutgt auected with Rickets, they Spec+ i` ttiithr'ifty and develop iauper- ectly: 'tine bones of the legs become goiLea't.,d so that they gracuaily oend and become distorted, causing the anemia to be bow-legged and enlarg- ed at the joints, and otherwise un- ci ieiy shaped. They are prone to lie do'6- n a greatdeal of the time, ano a,a v,alst og they move stilts; oackuoue •also t.t'comes .crooked in sonic cases. s ,.u; pigs frequently become au.icea end,, at first, appear to nere.s eserly sed have ee h000r- m„ toffs causes in shop a cr..., : :r d'rt and to keep picking up and enewing pieces' of sue 1uci bones. They soon begin to uevelop abnormally red disproporti-4ately, while'remaining stunted in ere win. They become poi bellieti and enlarges, giving it a bulging (•ip..ar ance, with the snout deiornls.e, twee. the -'name "Bullnose being used.. They may also breathe wall a o: fling sound, while the' hoed' r means large. 'MO -skin often ir.Pe-A ui s Lilot.,-= eu-el enc teack'edd and gets disc see.. With 'dirt, giving a blues sooty appearance to 'white pigs. Sooner on later, the bones of the legs beeei L. bend and they become deformed. This 'causes the legs to become laxity bow- ed and makes them wails vt.ie se, and awkward. -The joints become en- e a $ larged and the pigs lie down. e. great i81 Co deal of the time and, on rising, they keep resting on their knees, The lower ends of the ribs also uecomo enlarged and seem to bend onwards under the body. At times many of the rickety pigs `become troubled with piles and prolapse of Lae rec- tum, causing it to protrude as a red tumor -like mass behind. Flintily they become miserably wasted and thin and remain worthless stunted mor- tals of no value. Prevention and -Treatment. "ITT M e 11p Ch dren Cry for Fletcher `letcher's CaFt *a is strictly n s::ni ie 1y .fspa I, ':ants and Children. Foods are ;a,,,• :itllyT px411ai c. d ps: 7 '!ries, baby's medicine is even nr:ri ser.tial for Di r. T:enedie iznarily prepared for grovrrit.,: , are not interchangeable. it was the need of a remedy ft,t the common ailments of Infants and Children that brought: •4storia before the public after years of research, and no claic. has been made for it that its use for over 30 years has ai.c: -: proven. What 'fin ;,5.^ 4+:..;.,1 OR IA? Castoria as u harmless . substitute for Castor Oil, ,Paregoric, Drops and °thing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither C,;• °':r Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its . -antee. For more than *'yi ty years it has been in con . .nt use for the r::11,:if of f,'u.;;cttation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; ::II.;Ly tug Feverishness arising therefrom, t.,,d by regulating true Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giring healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort --The Mother's Priend. GENWW E CAS C1 OD k -A Bears the Signat.zre of • In Use For Over 30 Yers THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY • Or" 4,4 If Yor cannot aff'c:ret a Ford why _riot buy a nice Rubber Tire Buggy HESS sells them REPAIRU ,U Painting Ford Car, One `''oat, $15.00, TWO Coats ... :.. $20.00 tris Bring- p Ford To el +og les -.-eessee....,,,,, .- ]zoo Changing Fod Curtains: to open with' .mors. i '--$5.00' Fainting Buggy $8.00 IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE I1, WE RERUBi3ER YOUR LUGGY WHEELS. To prevent the occurrence of Rickets, one of the chief essentials is maintaining a proper mode ul liv- ing for the .mother while pregnant and for the; young during early are. This entails rational dieting accord- ing to their needs, co'mbineu with comfortable living quarters and a reasonable amount of regular exer- cise and outdoor life in fine weatner. in the case of colts being araia+:u arti- Lcialty on cows' milk, it snuuld be diluted with about one-tnira water and sweetened with a little sugar. In the case of pigs they must rec.eire suitable diet after being weaned. .they should not be fed exclusively on dry corn, nor on chopped oats composed largely 01 the hulls, nor entirely on buttermilk. In winter, young pigs should.be given a clean, dry, warm, place to sleep in and the bedding should be changed daily. This is particularly essential in the case et late; fall 'and winter litters. z'lie diet should be suitably balanced and consist Of a mixture of ground oats free 'from hulls, 'cora meal, ground barley and :shorts with a lit- tle salt, chalk and .charcoal added wont time to time. 'rhe feed snould be given mixed, with milk or water de a thick slop. A little ground oil cake or bone meal andskim milk is Also good. As the pigs increase in size the diet can be •gradually cbauged,• e. allowed let o'' 1 ]low d a 1 they should. b plenty range and pasture in summer. When youngpigs are noticed showing a tendency of developing Rickets, the. progress, of the disease' tan often be arrested and-a'complete recovery ob- taihed, if taken in -time, by changing and supplementing their diet with tonics, The diet should be arranged as already described, wlth the addi- tion of some digester -tankage and bone meal. To the drink can be add- ed dime water and to the feed a tonic composed of sulphate of iron one part, bicarbonate of soda and charcoal four parts.: :mese ingredi- ents are mixed thoroughly together and a spoonful of the mixture added to the feed: allowaLnce of . each pig once or twice a day. In cases of pronounced Eiekets in pigs, rvlrere they become chronic runts, they are not worth treating anti should be got I5. AgeGa lura Prinei rid ole•: --•C Y, pal, Ontario 'Veterinary College, Guelph: The spiv• and the bow and the good laying lien `ttave - m-oved the ttnanolal ettivatidis o1 : "I1+ �inr7Mta.ra... • Tula +++++++++++++++++++++++++401.4+4.++++++4,++++++.1.44÷4.++.3. •( 1 Luce' Laths Shirgies ,l, + Everything in + Combination storm and screen doors made to order' 1 Lumber and 'ik . ,4A' r " 1 +S 4. Cunton,;;W oi.k. ctu iccfally 4 q. TAiways in the market for saw logs I. IF C. K. ,, L IL I.._ S( i 4. 4. 4., . A- + PHONE6 _ ZURICH +.++++.++.,+++++++++.++,,,++++.....++.+.....++++... *4-4-4.-4.-.+-4.-+-4.-4.-+ -4-- 4.-4.-+-4.---4.-4.-+-+-4.-4r-* r• I Wee_ .i. Five Good Reasons WHY WE CAN SELL SUITS FROM -$10 TO $15 LESS THAN OTHERS. •1' We stock our own goods. 4.',. + 3. + 4: The very best linings put in all our garments. 15. We guarantee satisfaction Or money refunded. +l+1 +I+ HOFFMA it WH M IRS 4� r V► 'TAILOR AND �u 1NDN0. 8 6 a N IO � DAY AND'�1IGZ':I I PI t 4. +-40-4 - ...i.. +i'. -+i; °..i' . ,1; ._ -�'`` +er f .F"."`e,`" f leset e if Our Suits are made by wo'rl.- manship, second to none. Have only one pricey for mak- ing Sulits. 4. 4 4.