HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-05-10, Page 1Vol XX I I I No 44 ., —YIeMemememeamemmmemmemmemmeemeIeme ...",..„,,„„,,,„,.,,,,_......._,....................,........ 1,___,_____7,....7._____,,.,.....................,.............,,,, New Spring Slippers • wwwwmmeem***wwwwwernewwwww.,"*.* ZURICH. THURSDAY NOW THAT SPRING IS AGAIN NEARING, YOU WILL BE WANTING A REAL, STYLISH, AND UP-TO-DATE SLIPPER. FOR THE OCCASION. We have just what You are looking for. A. Slipper for every Foot, in the Correct Style, and a perfect fit. • Watch our Window Display and come in and ask for our 'low prices. o WE ARE ERRE TO' DO BUSINESS WITH !THE RIGHT GO- ODS AND PRICES. W. H. PFILE, THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES MAY: • ZURICH MINIMMINOMMIMMMOM REPAIRING NEATLY DONE �• �`�`'• •coo' v��odo•�• d4oa , -• doe r..4'•.vaovoo•va ir Lot IES' �'��'.ir.:r.�.S�GGaE��+•'."��\�.lce.�"!"..:�, �;°3+'::: � �'c;: sv :-,�,e�,�.,•r3��R.c.d: ��i;�.:i���%�c'�y Sprig and Sumner Dress Goods Every woman w .o needs a sin art new dress for 0- umnier wear and wants to buy it at a price which suits the pocket book, should _notoverlookthe splendid values we are offering in the different lines listed be,. • • • ;LANTON CREPE PRINTED CREPES CREPE DE CHINE FANCY VOILES SATIN LANT;O ii PLAIN VOILES WOOL LANTON PRINTED FOULARS RATINES PONSEE KNITTED CREPES GEORGETTE CREPE Ladies Special Lisle Hose WE ARE OF.FERIN Iy G TLE LADIES, IOF THIS VICINITY THE GREATEST INS WE EVER HAD IN'•BLACK, WHITE, LOW PRICE' OF 69c, BARGA IN THE LINE OF HOSIERY. A GOOD /FULL FASHIONED CLOCKED HOSE CARDO VAN AND 'BEIGE. SIZES FROM. 8)i TO 10 AT THE WONDERFUL Men's Gabardine Coats t,; For Rain or Shine THESE COATS ARE MORE THAN FAIR WEATHER FRIENDS, WHEN THE ME J+� DROPS SUDDENLY WHEN THE UNEXPECTED MERCURY • + CTED S.HOWLk COMES UP, WHEN YOU START FOR A LONG DRIVE IN THE CAR, ITS GOOD ,TO KNOW YOU HAVE ONE HANDY NI 1 RAGLAN SLEEVES, INSERTED PLEAT, AND A BELT ALL AROUND ARE 'STYLE Q1 A n POINTS' I THAT WILL STRIKE YOUR FANCY, 5 iP • 4o • tip IN O , ,- ONE. OF OUR 'WELL TAILORED SUITS, They are the hit of hn, ate !season!, men, and • ▪ its a .rare day when you find as good, at 130 low -a price'. 1, 2, 3 -button Models, :Single and Doulale-l5rea�sted Suits, for stout, short andshin, with no charge altering.for Bargains in en Suits EVERY WELL DRESSED MAN UNDER Si A.NDDS WHAT IT MEANS TO BE ALL TOGGED X16 Boys' First Long Trouser Suits WHO IS LOOKING FOR HIS USER SUIT, AND WE HAVE A SUPPLL Y L' OT !TO OPFER AT REMARKABLE IPLONG-TRCQ- $1�Aq TO $37.00PPRICES. 4D • €^+i+ 4 4 +++ H.4•• 4-:...,,..,}..;:.1• :4++++4.++.t+.t•4•4++•i I• $.4 i•f•+3.4 .4 .: ++++►#•++ 2 ++++++'. 4 ++++4,+++,144.444++.!. 4.444++.1. 9P J.R E Phone 59 ZURICH Produce Wanted ` ver Seed. We always pay the Bring us Your A�sxl�e and Flo highest Market Trice according to Quality 0!-,, �: ,�..i . Cr. �aJC4 / u�sil'�"•'+��o ear a a.ri"rk�%t �jy,yc^-s, ;i57•' eS r��:,i,' }e.�''ty",��.� .tr'4� p + ' tr3�. W '4 .eJ4 �� • + � eeeti 4ti Thi +ffyl; play 10th is Ascension Day and a sacred holiday. Mr° Cit ilartleeb of Goderich cal- led oiifriends in Zurich on 5attir r Mr,: and Mrs. Ed. Meaner and family rof I3a.yfield were Sunday v.s_ hors aG .the home of We C. 'C'ailfasi, Mr;.,A:iinie Tassel of Toro•.,to was weeke+nd Visitor at the home of N.Irs. Jos, Geiger. Mrs.' Dawe of Parkhill was a week ecid visitor at the home of Mt:. and ,Mrs. P. Koehler. Mr aad Mrs. Geo. J. Thiel and amily ever© Sunday visitors at Lon lank MrsCath. Wurna is holding an auctii ▪ 'sale of household effects obi .SaytA.y, May 19th. • • M.• and Mrs. 'Isaac Hudson of Seaforth, were visitors ou Sunday at: t'he honne of IVI'r. and. Mrs. A MIdelicTi . Mrs :Oscar Miler of Kitchener, is s isiting at the home of her par- ei ts, Mr .and. 'Mrs. Jacob Howald. ldr. and Mrs, Jacob E. ,Smiith of Detroit - were Sunday Visitors with gelatin*es here and at Coed- iten. . 1FIi„ and Mrs. W. C. Callas mot- ored to Ki'tchen(er an,,Wednesday!o. Mrs. .Caf?fas will remain there for a few days Mrs • A. G. Ehnes moved !on Mon day(, her household effects into' the residence she recently purch- ased' from : IUiss Agnes Kaercher, A rzber J Manedy evr: •:g to witn'es's the ruined village the result ''of. the large fire on Tu- esday. Mr, and Mrs. Louis Kraft of the la•ge and Mn.: and Mrs. Ed. Dn.tei•s and daughter Miss Laural, o.f Flay rownshpi, motored to Kitchener„1 LET US FILL YG P. NE.X,T SP- ECIALIST PFE&CRIPTION FOR A PERFECT PAIR O,F SPECTACLES AS, WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON SAME. HESS the Jeweler JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN PHONE No. 74 Cheater 9nietlz; Publiaki 3145 4. Year In Ads aneak a) ix h R1$a &as $2 M .3i kkl OrfArtOtz Incorporated 1855 Capital and Reserve 59,000000 Over 125 :Branches T MOLSONS BANK SPECIAL SAVINGS DEPART- MENTS Are provided at every one of our Branches, and assure to our depositors prompt and courte- ous attention. :Deposits of $L00 and upwards invited. C. H. JOY Manager Zurich Branc �40000�C+0.4•p049J�aQr©�4eeaa rro �;+�0�40000000000�10•�000��0:� ii Sprthg Horse Goods I 4 Tust Received a large number. of Genuine Woolen Horse Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72x84. Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, prices Ranging from $7.00 to ... ..,.... $15.0 SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US A. CALL. A BIG Stock of Harness and Halters always on hand. , Club Bags, Suit Cases and Trunks at Right Prices.4, HARNESS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY 44, at 4 4 it on Sunday,, visited relatives theere' '•i •i'4•4•4.•F4+4•43•q•• •F•.+•p•t•.F•II••F4• ••i'•.4.r•i••F,., ••i•• +++•i•,H4++ 44O‘ Mr. and Mrs. Davis and dau,alt- 4. ter and Miss Susie Kitty and Mr 'Fromm- Mellen( all of London. were •Ea Snuday viisitors at the home of Mr. and Mits. Thea. McAdams, on 4 the Bronson Lint d+ LA.TE MRS, IVIA}'�t`` SARRAS:A We have just finished with the Mother MaryMa,�delena S'iaras nee Obereri was born in Wuet•t- .II• largest and most successful Sale of withthe age Hof sit years she came. ith her •p-aren(ts to this' country +:• . liyin(; fm• a few'years near Peters - THANK YOU! Germany,Oct.10; 1S50 . •F• Boots and Shoes in our thirty years burg, Waterloo Coun'tz". A little' a. in business. nv, er 5t years ego s'hr was mares- : ried to the late David Sararas, wfio' nrcdeeeaged • fieri in: death nearly 111 Years fagot From.. the time of her; marriage she lived and deed oho the' old domestead near the Lake and nas:)ed away peacefully although; unexpected, early on Friday mor-, Hing May lth 192? aged 12 years, j 6 months and' 24 days, She had ' been ailing somewhat for about a little did nor 'her family thiel: that i .4.1. -.. usual about 10 o'clock in the I ++•:•++++++++++++++++++4•444+4+,t++++++++++++++++++4.44.141- i ~�enni�i, and ,,,,bout 4 o'clock h'er near with w weak heart, but 1•ery •II• AND FEEL THA WE OWE OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND • FRIENDS A HEARTY THANKS FOR HELPING TO MAKEtTIIIS• SALE SUCH A BIG SUCCESS AGAIN, THANK YOU. Repairing done by the very latest methods C. FRiTZ.& SON SHOE MERCHANTS her end was so near. She retired 14* ZURICH spirit left th'e mortal frame. Forty-two tO'ars ago she can. - i crated her life to Godi joined the Evangelical !Ciutrch, and. was a fiuitliful member to the vend* She loved the house of God and attended the set vi.sce as often as rhe. coni !She, leaves to mourn; two; sons, Jo'7ra Sararas and Lin rn- il�' Sariras of the rSelihd:: Li it and three daughters, M+•s. Ed�vjsr Wilhelm of Baden, Mrs. Harry Tay- lor of 13ruaaefie1d. and Mrs. R. W.il- ner of ?ur ichi four brothers, and •oany relatives ;and .friends. Mother Sararas wag of a fri- endly lis positions with a pease loving natujre, she was very much ittaehed to her fi,mT'yi, who will greatly' miss mother and gnr'amoth . Her pastote, Rev. J. G. Litt ennduct't the .funeral servieS at 'he home /Ina in the Evan ielieal Churehl Zurich, where the house: was crowded 'with a syin:pathetic audience. ' remains were in- ,rrecd, I-1 the Bronson Lure Evan,?°el ,re) semetary. The bereaved Biel lly have the sympathy. Mf the en- tire connimiiiity, CASTOR lA Per infanta and Children In Use ForsOver3OYears Always bears the Signature! of SPECIAL VALUEI3 WE HAVE JUST OPENE D UP A NICE LOT OF THE LAT- ESTYPA TERNS AND COLQRS IN CREPES, 1`,INGHAMS VOILS, PRINTS, GELATEAS, ETC, ALSO WE ARE MAILING A BIG DISCOUNT ON HALTERS, AND HARNESS REPAIktS, MITTS, AND GLOVES, UNDERWEAR, OVERALLS. ETC., ETC. GIVE US A CALL AND YOU WILL FIND TEAT* OUR, PR- ICES, (QUALITY CONSIDERED) WILL COMPARE WITH .A.NV OF OUR COMPETITORS. Highest .Prices for Farm Produce GENERAL MEROHANT PHONE' 11 d" 97 BLAKE