Zurich Herald, 1923-05-03, Page 7ee-------e-e.easeeseeseeee'"'"4:' •••••••^, ref' .• • .(Y., • PALE, FACES AND- rairY Mu:i When the fiddlers play their tunee', WORN OUT NERVES 1 04 May sometimes bear, Due• Solely to Weak, Watery Blood—A Tonle is Needed. Anaemia — literally impoveriebed blood--conuse on so stealthily that it Is •often well advanced betore its pre, Vele softly claiming in, magically iftgieally high and sweet, the tlnl eaYetel otee Of fairy voices bubbling free trent tfilY fairy throats. When Vito birds et break of ditY chant their moraine' praeers, Or on sunny afternoons pipe ecstatic sence ie recognized, Feelings ot • tiers, fatigue and diecorafort are the earliest Comes en added rush of sound to n3.0 inauifeetatione of the trouble and silver din— these are seldom taken serloasly, Songsof fairy troubadours 'gaily join - Gradually Small tasks become .an ef- ing tre fort and exertion causes the heart to Palpitate violently. The complexion When athwart the drowsy fields su'ai- bebomes sallow or pale and there is mer twilight falls, loss of weight. The nerves grow weak Throngli the tranquil air there float and the victim displays irritability un- der slight provocation and is, extreme- ly sensitive to noise. The appetite is fickle and indigestion often follows. A condition of anaemia calls for a tonic, 'one hat will enrich the blood elfin madrigals, .And In wild November nights, on the winds astride, Fairy hosts go rushing by, singing as they ride. t and strengthen the nerves, . and for Every dream that mortals dream, this purpose there is nothing ORR equal I sleeping or awake, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These pills Every lovely fragile hope—these the give tee blood all those missing ele- fairies take, Ments necessary to give strength to Delicately fashion them and give them the nerves,, color to the cheeks, and batik again nourishment to starved organs and Intender, limpid melodies that charm tissues. Miss Margaret J. Fraser, R.R. the hearts of men. • 2, Thessalon, Ont., hes proved the —Rose Fuleman. value of this treatment. She says: "I was very pale and weak. My blood Heat and Life. was poor and I was very nervous. I We often spealeof our bodies as rea- lest my appetite, my feet and ankles °eines or engines. working upon prin. were swollen and I was in a very rale- ciples similar to those employed in erable condition. A friend advised me mechanics. The idea that the food we to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I eat resembles in its action the fuel got two boxes, and found before they supplied to a furnace is familiar, and were finished that they were helping yet one can hardly avoid a little start me. I continued the pills until I had of surprise upon learning that the laws taken a half dozen boxes, with the re- of heat engines are soberly applied to suit that I am now enjoying the best explain the growth of plant and ani - of health, all symptoms having disap- peared. I feel confident that what Dr. This has been done in a most inter - Williams,' Pink Pills did for me they esting way by a British scientist be - will do for others, if given a fair trial." fore the Philosophical Society in Lon - You can get these pills from any don. He points out, for instance, that medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents the increase of available energy re - a box from The Dr. Williams,' Medicine suiting from the building up of a plant ,Co., Brockville, Ont. •out of inorganic substances, can only Soon One May Talk Across be explained, in. aceordance with ther- t. laws, by differences, of the Ocean. temperature during the growth of the Now that the British Government plant, and ,his calculations show that bas appointed a notable committee of the difference betteen clay and night experts to act in co-operation with is quite sufficient to account for the American experts in investigating the differences of temperature required. problem of wireless, telephony over Similar principles, apply to the long distances and especially to make growth of animals. Nature' gives noth- Wireless telephony a commercial possa Ing for nothing, and demands, an exact bility.between America and Gt. Britain, equivalent for every expenditure of there are some enthusiasts here who her energies., whether she is aiding see the day not far distant when pas- man, to drive an engine, causing an Veneers on the Atlantic. highway can oak to grow or building up the muscles keep in touch with businessinterests of an athlete or the brain of a phil- on both side e of the big pond during osopher. And as far as her work upon the whole six days of the voyage, says the planet is concerned the sourceof a London despatch. • her supplies in all. these cases is the Much of the mystery of ocean travel, sum • • CASTLES IN THE AIR • From the St. Louis Post -Despatch. BABY'S OWN TABLETS ALWAYS IN THE HOME ey argue, then will be over for the • e Atlantic lane will be; the objective of "-telephonic communication from both ides. What is adding to the enthuse ism of veterari travelers too, isethe • possibility of being regaled with broad - least concerts. from both sides of the (water -while a ship is at sea.• ' It remains to'be seen 'whether Brit- ish shipping lines will follow the exam- - ple of having ocean going Follies as Planned for the Leviathan, The French 'already have promised to provide the- 'atrioal troupes for some liners going to South America. What .evidently is stimulating the Britisii seriously to take up wireless telephony is the success achieved in I the United States.. About two months ago attention was centred on wireless telephonic possibilities when the American Telephone and Telegraph Company and the Radio Corporation. of New York through the Western Elec- tric Company seat a meseage of con- siderable length at a pre-arianged time which was. clearly audible to a big audience in London. What also has centred public atten- • tion on the matter of communication With America is the frequency with which broadcast concerts from Ameri- ca are elearly heard here, including the Yankee "twang," as it was des- cribed, At one of the big stations where an American jazz band ooncert was heard recently it was said later that there was no mistaking where it came from as the announcer had a nasal voice. Once a mother eas used Baby's Own Tablets for her little ones she always keeps a supply on hand, for the first trial convinces her there is nothing to equal them in keeptig children well. The Tablets are a mild but. thorough laxative which regulate the bowels and sweeten the etornach, thus driving out constipation and indigestion, colds and simple fevers, and making teething easier. Conoerning them, Mrs. Salustei Pelletier, St. Dumas, Que., writes:— "1 have used Baby's Own Tablets for the past ten years and am never with- out them in the house. They have al- ways given the greatest satisfaotion- and I can gladly recommend them to all mothers of little ones." The Tab- lets are sold by medicine dealers er direct by mail at 25 cents a box' from, The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. No Repentance Now. Mother—"Let me warn you, dear, against an ill-considered riage. 'Marry in haste—' Daughter—"Yes, mother; but it's kepeat at leisure," you know. He Hadn't Earned theRight. The friend of a certain captain of in- dustry once applied to the great man for a. job for his son, just out of cot - lege. my mar - now '"He's a bright, honest, modest young man," said the proud father, if I do say so myself," "Modest?" snorted the industrial captain. "What has he ever done to be modest about?" When two men quarrel there is one fool present. Human Sacrifice Offered • Rain God. A story almost incredible to Euro- pean. ears of the savage man's faitb in human. ,•sacrifice to propitiate the weather god has just been received from Rhodesia, writes a correspondent. to "The London Daily News." • Following continued drought, an un- forttniate native was seized, bound and ••••••/11111••••..11 It is not what you get out of life, but what you give, that makes you happy.—Rese P. T. B. Clayton. Surnames and Their Origin FENNER Variations—Vernier, Fenour. Racial Origin—English and French. Source --Place names. Here Ls a family mute which be- longs in the classification of those which have been developed teem place names, the places from which the Or- iginal bearers had come, or with which they were in, some maner connected, 'and which therefore readily occurred Eue distinctions to those who wished to differentiate them: trom others bear- ing the same given names. But in this cage tt is not alwaye easy to tell exactly from which place name the family name has dome, in the in- dieiclual case, without recourse to par - dealer family genealOgy. In many inetances, it is known, the family name tomesfrom the name of ft parish in Sttesee. The name of this lace anciently was "Penne," and in the earlier forms et the .family mane the epellings "Atte Penne" and "De Penner are totted, and there is also re- eoed that in the days of Henry VI this Mere was &ringed to Penner, and later in stills instariceS to Vernier ana Fellow:, But It also appears that the SARA; was brought !Vet. by the Nor - mans what is now Belgium. from the town of I . I LOST HOPE, SAYS MRS. WATERMAN Declares Tardac Restored Her Fully When Almost a Ner. vous Wreck — Gains • 14 Pounds. • "Tanlac restored ray healtbso com- pletely three years ago that I haven't bad to take a eingle dose of medicine ince," says Mrs, Cora Waterman, 145 Monroe St., Toronto, Ont. "J don't. believe there was a Wont) case than mine in Ontario, For about three years I wee practically a ner- vous and paysleal wreck. 1 could eat scarcely a thing, sleep was almost im- possible, and rheumatism in my hands, Wrists and arms, almost drovo me dis- tracted. I spent every cent, I could lay my hands on for medicine, and had about lost hope of ever being well 'again. 'But 'Paula° ended my suffering and saved me a great many dollar*. I re- gained fourteen pounds', too, which I still retain, and I feel as strong and healthy now as when a sciwol girl. I have been praising Tanta° three years now, and want to send out this 'nee - sage to help others." Tanlee is sold by all good druggists. Over 36 million, bottles sold,. • • The positive, constructive,rnan, the ?regressive Man, does not talk and think negaeitree. Be does not say "I can't"; it is sl- aws "I can"; be does not eay "Twill try to do it,a but "I will • do it." "Cant's" have ruined. • more people than almost anything *Ake. • It is a dangerous, thing to get into, the negative habit, the doubting habit, the "e ean'' 'habit. • It 'tends to keep people down. They are fastening bonds ,of ewe vitae around tjbemselves, and', • in later life will not be able to.: *counteract their .influence un- les& they reverse their thinking, •.talking and acting. ez • • Discovers Way to Intensify • Perfume .of Flowers. • • Intensifying the perfume of flowers is the latest horticultural experiment in France, says a Paris despatch. Re- sults achieved by Prof. Daniel, of the University of Rennes,were presented here yesterday before the Academy of Sciences and declared to open up a • new field allowing hitherto undreamed of possibilities for perfume makers. By grafting a shoot of wormwood on a chrysantheum it was found the oder of the chrysanthemum was greatly in- tensified. From the seeds of the graft splendid plants were obtained" the, fol- publiciy burned to death as an offering lowing year, .which produced fiowers. to the Rain God. A tragic coincidence •Some of the blossoms, had powerful was the almost simultaneousbrealenea of the drought, and this, of courseedes- pite the fact that sixty-three men have been arrested on a charge of murder in connection with the affair, is, the surest guarantee that a custom which has already sent some seventy unfor- tunate men. to a horrid death will be continued. For some time past the eld,ers otthe Mtawara tribe, alarmed at the long drought and the poor crops, following a season, of famine, have been holding Councils led by a "rein doctor." The outcome ef these councils was a de- ctslon to offer to the Rain God Mwari something which had never failed to earn his favor—a human victim burn- ed before a suppliant people. Select a Human Victim. The eldera, choice fell upon a native ellifta,• but, ethers were' entirely odorless,. Although the experimentation admit- tedly is in its infancy, it is generally, agreed this. new horticultural wrinkle is capable of tremendousresults from a commercial standpoint, and for that reason it is to be tried on a great stale at Grasse, the centre of the per- fume industry of France. All per- fume -making flowers will be grafted with shots of various plants in an ef- fort to determine what species play the role of intensifier. Putting on Dogwood. Putting on dogwood " is little Mies Spring, - All around the wood. border, the lov, alsle thing. : • named Mtegedt, whose preference for Petting on daffodils., redbudand glees one of his fellow tribesmen's wives bad been noted and resented. The fact that the man was a brother of the injured husband and a son of the "rain doctor" did not save him. The .chiets approval having been given, a number of natives were sent to secure the victim, .and a sacrificial pyre was prepared. The man, Mtegedi, was captured, bound, and dragged to the pyre, around which a great crowd, of natives, had assembled. The doomed man struggled violent- ly, but a whole people were againist him, and he was thrown into, the flames. Then followed the strange, uncanny coincidence referred to. Lite. had' hardly left Mtegedi when the weather broke. Rain fell heavily, and.hate con- Feneer, In tinued for several days. The natives prostrated themselves before the Rain God, and a barbarous custom, which hes already gone on for years will continue So long as the tribe has a mart left to carry it out. Following, the rain great rejoicings took place These were still in pro - not always of English °Tighe may pro- , grese when two police troopers from perly be placed in what we might call I the Mount Darwin Police camp, forty the classification of "Hay" names, of miles to the south, arrived. , which latter there are a great many. Several terrible reliesof the Saari - In this case, howeeer, whether the flee were found, and in the end sixty - name, as such, is of Danish or English three men of the tribe were arrested origin, it is founded upon the Milne of on a charge .of murder. a town in Deiunark, • This place was Some of the natives told the officers Hayden, the name indicating a culti- of several other previous sacrifices, Tilted inclosure, and the town, as and the Paramount Chief, ChisWiti, might be expected from this tarn°, be- ing a very ancient one. Stich a family Mime as this, in the torn of "Hayden," might rtie easily spring tip in England as, in, Denmark, for in the Middle Ages, et the period of family mane formation, there was a good bit of commercial communication between Denmark and. England,. If a Danish merchant from Beyden were to settle in London, he Would cone task of writing down what he had naturally have ben referred to by tho already finished. addition of the pbretse "of Iieydeu" to — his given name. Minard'S Liniment used by Phyteciante HAYDEN Variptions—Heyden, Haydn, Haydyn. Racial Origln--English and Darash. Source—A place name. Here is a faintly name which, though Of plum in the orchard where warm •• " zephys bloW. Hourly expeotant, I wait for the spell Of lovely arbutus adown the wild dell. And what shall be more to my liking ' than, all— The laughter of lilac along the old. Don't Lose Your Hair Try Cuncura • If your scalp is irritated, itching. and burning and your hair dry and falling out in combfuls try the fol- lowing treatment. Touch spots of dandruff and itching with Cuticura Ointment and follow with hot sham- poo of CUticura Soap. Soep2Se. Ointment2S mane. Talemo2le. Sold throughout theDominion.CanadianDepot: Limns. Limited, 344 St. Paul St., W. Montreal. marTuticure. Soap shaves without rams. Classified Advertlsernents. rs a. 11??XIrtgP1,1/1?e lketeeateieel, I T Geode, eta laitegeraie eubilebiese_aorp., Dept. W, 13 Venal, Street, New Vora, SALS$MSN WArtagEt. tiALZSMION ANTAOSIOTS, INVIONTION a. by Canadian lady appeals to story housewife, 1.01, prise; oulet Babel big Praha. Staling Onvoialtiel Corp„ 110 Dburon Streot, Toronto. FOR SAI-. / UxithiOVE4 ST[IDSBAicren 7-ess*IgE4 4 Untousine, suitable funeral work or taxi, Ititrst ir c ase condition. tomb' Painted. Car this Mod woad eost li tittles Prim, of 93,000.00 spited, Filmoratt 'industries, 00 Queen st: W„ Toronto. , wall. Japonica nodding --and here she is now with loved Valley lilies upon her •sweet brow. , whenbrought to the police tamp, de -1 dared that within, his own memory, seventy-tWo nativeshad been burned in this district to propitiate the spirit which is supposed to send the rain. Robert Burnt; committed his peerne to ineraory as he composed them. When he sat down to write he had no labor of eoniposition, but only the educes swelling of bruises and strains It may be a sprained wrist or • elbow—a bruised muscle—a strained tendon— You'cannOt foresee it. But you can keep Sloan's always . band 'Y to relieve the pain. • Sloan's brings immediate • comfort. It breaks up the congested and inflamed con- dition and restores normal circulation. Use Sloan's to guard from pain as you would • an antiseptic to prevent In- • fection. Yourdruggist has it. Made In Canada Baseball—"How do you like that. Bet—"Not Much, I could lame& thel long rest we are having?" bide off you right now." • MONEY ORDERS, A DoMinion Express Money Order for five dollars costs three cents. Aeliew type of thermometer, little haler than a man's watch, works with a special metal spring and indi- cates all degrees of temperature from 10 degrees below sero to 130 degrees above. Minardeig Liniment for sale everywhere Silk furnishes the longest continu- ous fibre known. One eocoon has been known to yield nearly three-fourths of a mile, ISSUE No. 17-eaaa., CA M BRAS. LEA111110 SALO, MANY LAROSS'S stock in Canada, Many loss than halt prbilt. Send for bargain list State wants. klontreal Menet ialtrhir steer, montane XANTSMIN ROOMERS ROAST AND BARS IL portent's' on Single Surlier; inehuovo partd Tottethlit, rrging, Stewing. 'thong°, 92, gang. burn lcoolne Co.. 10 Dundas West, Toronto. loan's Liniment-kap/id For rheumatisni,bruises,strains,chest colds mossesemmaressimmeansamommumin He who never relapses into spore tiveness is a wearisome companion but beware of the man who jeets everything. Amerlea's Vona*: Deg Bouted1ca Book on DOG DISEASES and Now to Feed Mailed Dire° to any Ad- dress be the Author. z, May Glover Oe. Inc. leo West 24th Street New York. U.Q.A. nd iarnImtg. E Way: Sleara. &s.. U they Thew FOR ki; Itch, Smart or Burn, YOUR Eif orGranulated,tai useMurine often. Soothes, Refreeiles. Safefor Infantor Adult. At all Druggista. Writs forPreeReeBook. Marine Era Remedy Co, chime° OLDS In Head Throat or Chest yield quickly to the influ- ence of Minard's. The Old Reliable Remedy WANTS TO HELP OTHER WOMEN Grateful for Health Restored by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegee table Compound Toronto, Ont. --"I took Lydia E. Pinkhani's• Vegetable Compound for backache andfor weak and dreary feel- ings caused by my condition. Sometimes I felt so bad that I couldn't do my house- work. • My neighbor told me of your medicine and Iread about it in the ' To- ronto• Telegram' and thought I would take it. I got very good results. It built me up and I have told several friends what it has done for me. You may use this testimonial as it maybe of help to some one who has suffered as have.'LeMrs'. J. asea, 25 Harvie Ave., TorontoiCeet. Mrs. eis willing to write to any girl or woman suffering from such trou- bles, and answer any questions they may like task.'. Women suffering from female trou- bles causing backache,irregularities, pains, bearmgedoverefeelings and weak- ness should take LydiasE. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Not only is the -worth of this spleadid medicine shown by such cases astlais? but for nearly fifty' years letters like this have been re- ceived from thousands of women. You might be interested in reading ' Mrs. Pinkham's PrivateText-Book upon the "Ailments of 'Women." You can get a copy free by writing the Lydia E. Pinkham Methane C0.9 Cobourg, Ontario. C , UNLESS yOu see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you „are not getting Aspirin at all Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 2,2 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Handy °Beyer" bexce of 12 tablets—Also bottles of 2,4 and itio---Dri1ggiSt5. Aspirin is the trade marlt frogintered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mono- eceticacidestor of SalifIllettold, While II is woll known that Aepirin means toyer manufacture, to &saint tho Public against imitstions, the Tablets of Bayer CoMuntir w111 be stainPed With their general trodmark, the "Bayer cross." .0