HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-05-03, Page 541111111114111 'iChursday ; shay ,3rd, 1923: Hifi AD 'heel BUSINESS CARDS pxqutlioot,. Killoran & HOLN. S, Barristers, Solieitore, Nuterie$, Publi:, Etc. Office on the Square, +incl door from Hamilton St, God- erich er vate funds to loan at lowest rates. We Proudfoot, K.C.' J, L, lillorap 1 E Holmes Mr. Holes will be in Hensall on Friday of each week. Andrew F. Hess, Township Clerk Dieser of marriage licenses, Notary Pubile, Commende ver, Fire and Aut- omobile Insurance, • , Representing Huron and Erie' Mortgage Corpora- tion, The Canada Trust Co. Zurich, Ontario. Dr. G. L. Smith L.D.S. (ToDENTISTS,4Chicago) AT WALPER HOUSE, ZURICH, EVERY WEDNESDAY 'MAIN OFFICE — HEN'SALL A -U -C -T -I -O -N -E -E -R OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones Nat- ional School of Auctioneeringg. Try me for Registered Live {All Breeds). Terms inChkeeoice ing with prevailing prices. thin {arm's for sale. Will sell anything anywhere. Zurich. 18-93 or write, 'Licensed Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer io r Couno t tit Huron. regardless con- duct any auction sale, es to size or articles tallelf. ot solicit your business, for satisfied will make no charges n services. -Dashwood. Arthur Weber, phone 31 r 13. Zurich Mea# Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Woof,{{ CASE( FOR SKINS 0 RILES Tuirablatt & DacheTt ZURICH LIVERY I am, in a position to accomo- date all, requirements in the Livery Line, have Auto for hire. Any- thing done in—the teaming liner . GEORGE J. THIEL Phone 59 Zurich, llE. S. ATKINSON, L.D,S„' •D.D.S, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental' Surgeons of Ontario and of the University of Toronfo. Late District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every Tuesday, Friday and Saturday from 10.00 a. m. until 5,00 pm at hte Com- mercial House. t%Iain Office at $ayfield, Ont. -19 LIVE PO U LT R WANTED Taken every day till 3 Ociock .p.m. Do not feed fowl name morning. when brought in. !Highest Cash Prices —CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Phothe 94, Zurich COAL Spring and Summer DELIVERIES SEASON 1923 Owing to the strike of theMin- ere noiv prevailing in the Pennsyl- erbeia Anthracite coal fields, we are unable to guarantee delivery or price and until conditions be- tome, more settled orders will be taken eubjeet to our being able to Obtain supplies and at prevailing price time of delivery. 1M1Jllw:l & PRODUCE MERCHANT ERMS;--CASH '.hone:. ..Office lOw. 'f ouuee PVT YOUR Wants, For Sale, Lo.ot Found, Notice, Rte. Ades. IN THIS COLUMN WANTED CATTLE FOR PASTURE -A lim- ited number of cattle will be taken for pasture for the season, on Lot 8, '9, 10th con. }fate Tp. Ap- ply to Benjamin Pfile, Zurich, Phone 113. 'tf43 WANTED FOR CASH -1000 tons 'of scrap iron, rags, rubbers, old 'stoves, horse. hair, wool, lead,' copper and. brass, geese and duck ,feathers, and all kinds of Junk., If you have any junk to dispose of Kindly Phone 1-81, Zurich, or write; I. Cohen, Exeter, Ont. 41-2 FOR SALE YOUNG YORKSHIRES 12 choice shoats, 12 weeks old, must •sell as we axe over crowded 'for room. . E. G. Krueger, Phone 1-85. t151 FOR SALE A limited number of 'small pigs bz•ion type, not weaned. Ago a quantity ,of seed pea beans for 'sale. Apply to phone 6-98. Jos. Hal„ RfR. 2,. Zurich 39-3 LOST . A purse containing a quantity of money;,- on the 14th. con. Fin- der kindly return to Hy. Krueger or to Herald Office, and receive a reward. NOTICE. I Am in a position to do any kind of paper hanging, painting, graining and d,ecorati.ng. Can al-. •so' ,sulpply wall paper ie ordered from my isamples. H. Eickmeier, Walper House, Zurich .,. tf-37 EGGS FOR HATCHING BRED -TO -LAY ROCKS Eggs for hatching at five cents above market price. One pen of Superior Bred Birds. — These pul- let shave laid continuously since November, eggs at 50 cents per dozen. Phone 85-1, E.” G. Krue- ger, R.R, 2, Zurich. tf-37 Clinton, hast, al tax rete this yeee of 44 milia;. (, Mr, David Tough of Brueeflekl':. was, in the village on Tuesday. Mr. Alex. roster is enjoying ' 'a� new Ford Tootling model. Mitchell i's to spend,•$5Q,000 for a new High ,t choor. Saturday May 5th is your last chance to, buy shoes at 'prie-e at C. Fritz & Soni• Mr, and Mrs. Eldon Rennie, wi7ci spent several months with relati- ves and elati-ves••and friends here, have returne ec1 to their home at Argus; Ind Mr.John Kipper, who has heeai' laid up . for a few months, is able to be at his shop again and do 26; little work. Mrs. J. Hey, Jr. accompanied. by Mrs. 10. L. Smiith, were' ill Cr- editor), ors Tuesday, Mrs. Hey was in interest of the Womens Institute of vehicle she is district president, Your last opportunity to see the: play "Let's all Get Married' . will be rendered' in the Town Ha11,Zur ich this Saturday evening May S. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Finkbeiner and daughter, Miss Hazel, of Str- atford were Sunday visitors atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Hof- fman. Miss •Criss.ie Brown of ::Crediton;; is spending, 'the week at the.`home'e oof Mr .and Mrs. J. Preeter and he . brother, Mr. and.' Mrs. W. F. Braun. , Miss Milliken of Park Hiil, Was; a week -emit visitor at the home of- Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Prang. She visited her brother, Mr. M C! , Milliken„ Principal of Z: P. School Mr, anh9. M: s WI: H,. Fran of Wat erloo were Sunday visitorsat the, "home of Mr. C;: Eilb'er and Mn anq. Edighoffei; Mrs.:, Fran is spending the week with. her relatives in Zurich! Messrs. John Gascho, Jos Gase cho of Zurich;' Rudy Qesch and Chl. Gascho of the Bronson, were wee end visitors itors at Pigeon, Mich., ,They aiso attended the funeral of the late Menno Wiedeman, a• formet. resident of Hay Township. Farm labor is very scarce in the vicinity of Thorndale and farmers find it impossible •to secure nen who will woek on the farm.; .In order to overcome this difficulty,. many farmers are buiyina tractors and modern farm machinery. The weather is gradually getting FARM FOR SALE waterier, although ,still some frosty appear at nights. .'.The farmers. FARM—Fifty acres, more or less are about' through seeding, and; being. 'south part of Lot No. 17, many fields of tai wheat that has !Con. 7, Hay. On farm is 1 story been wiinter :killed, ' has to be frame house with kitchen. amid woodshed attached. Smoke, ho use, bank been 30x36 on cement 'Wall :With g,a'ivanized roof. Shed, pig pens, hen House, driving shed and. other outbuildings. Theire rare a variety of .fruit trees on the farm. ITMa farm is all seeded ex- cept about two or three acres. Farm would be suitable for e truck farm or for raisin celery or small fruits. Also good for pasture as it is well watered. For further particulars apply to Chris. Schrag, Zurich, Administrat- or Estate Menno Kipfer. FOR SALE A Ismail quantity o clean (Hubam) Annual White blossom sweet clover seed for sale at 3 cents per 1bl Apply to Fred. J. Hab'erer, R.R,I, Zurich Phone 11-94. tf-3 0 5 FOR SALE Eight acres of land, opposite Zurich Fair Grounds. Suitable for pasture or cultivation. For particulars apply to Jacob Rei- chert, Zurich, Ont. .4t-35. WANTED Dressmaking and home sewing of all kinds. All work neatly clone and !satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. J. A. Meyers, co. Mr Morris Weber Zurich. tf-36 __. FOR SALE A limited quantity of Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover Seed For Sale. Apply to E. A. Westlake, R.R. 3, Bayfield, P. 0, Phone 5-99, Hensall Central. t134 In renewing your 'subscriptions for your daily and weekly papers remember the Herald Office is. agent for most of them and in some cases can save yoti as munch as 50 cents on a single subscript- ion, NOTICE I have taken out License for Auctioneer for the County of Hur- on, and am in a position to con - worked up for •summer crops The �,rm»p pus: Iaaq ; 'ON `saxes 1?nag land wor]:ed very nice thissF inx4•�-a,intr o ales Titre uoerslsuoitap :all 1 Misr Ted Mfttlel _t ltz'left for Kit-, "veer last 'Prida"y,: Hay Council nleet'e for its May meetitng on Monday 7th. Mr. Dan :Smith, who 'spent some telle at Arkona, returned home on F.x:ida, Mr. Chas. Bilber of Kitchener?, sf$ t the week -end at his home t'i'e, Miss Ford of Clinton was a we- ek-end, visitor with her friend, Miles Dorothy Fritz. Misses Discola Smith, and ee- ilia 'Farwell left for London on Monday. 117}as Evelyn Howard of Exeter, spent the week -end with her frr- end. Miss Muriel Hawald. Mr. and Mrs. WI, F, Braun and SOD, little Billie, were ;Sunday Vis- itors. at Crediton. Mr. end Mrs, Milton Sleamon of Centralia were Sunday visitor ast flue home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben( I fele. Mr. Wm. Edigh'bffer of the 19th ' enle., was a visitor to Pt. Austin. Mich,, to visit his sister, Mrs. Fk Walker who is ill. Mr. and Mrs,, A. Melick were at Hensall on Sunday, visiting the for- n1.er's moterh, Mrs. Melick„ who is 'seriously ill. , Mrs. J. Jarrett, of Hills Green has returned ho'mee from London atter having a small tumor rem- oved from the side of her face by Dr. McGillicuddy. Mr. Wlzn. Decher who recently 'sold his team of gry horses, has again matched a fine team, of irongreys, purchasing one from. Mr. Schweitzer of Stephen and the other from Mr. Steckle of St- anley.. / Clinton Baseball Club reorgan- ized for the season and are talk- ing of entering a ball teamin the Maitland League. Officers elected .4re;.Hoe. Pres. G. D. McTaggart). I'res. Dr. Shaw, Vice Pres'., J. H• Paxnian; Secyi. E. Walton. Lx 1-••= .Saes punos er.e. uau;A.1 ar, . �' weep aures ally rugs gall••, •sqaam ono; rot tee u0 'f1t• it l •:SupuoN tuoa4 ,h ,-�Li a3 s8 IP ata •s.toq pun slat. .to3 aa,mptrl uo r ut litiee•up:m pun, same -nal pus t r tv:toy suoperequotuall pus scare- ' 0:) a111011 : sosod -and euili,,-:: : Mina to 9alllas aql gee. '✓�'iutr• . eiemod uo settee. pus sttoiseasse e sap :setae' so uop s'aissa pee 2uppop pus sadea u r1 -Iniu algsstsap Jo uoTlealsueivap atl't :sfiog uoosq Io 2up a:slpetu ~'pus :3ut -peal '2utpaaaq aul ::alsnput atiere at{3 ewe. uoep uuoa ut Ileum. as :i'. pug; alllso o Suttt togap anvil : sdere tappoe Io uotlanpoad atl spaeac 1` Children Cry for ,F'letcher's Fletcher's Castoria is strictly a remedy for Infants and Children. Foods are specially prepared for babies. A baby's medicine is even more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the need of a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and Children that brought Castoria before the public after years of research, and no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30 years has not proven. What is CASTORIA? Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing, • Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, a„_d by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CA TO R! A ALWAYS. Bears the Signature off In Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY 1 1 Auto license Issuer, S. W. Sines; Exeter; issued 110 licenses on Sat- urday bast. Dees it look as , if times are hard? 'No matter how hard, up Inane people are, cannot pay anybody, but the car must be rme. if .s'ems as necessary_ es the d"iiy bread. ' The Zurich Branch of the Wom- en's omen s Institute will meet on Wednes- day evening,, May 9th. As this is the annual meeting for election of officers, and gneeral business, :itis requested that all members be pies ent and start the New Year off with everyone on the roll being there. The White Star Liiie announces the big low annual excursion on the Steamer Greyhound from God- erich to Detroit and. return, leir- ving Goderich on June 12th, at 9.30 a.1l;. and arriving at Detroit 5.00 p. m. A day and a half will be giv- en all excursionists in Detroit. . Mrs: J. Hey,, Jr. President of the South Huron Women's Institute gave an address at the Hurondale Institute last Wednesday. The meeting was 'held at the home of theiir president, Mrs. Dows. Mrs. Hooper of Exeter, also spoke. The Hurondale Institute is one of the largest in this district, having . a membership of some fifty, and all take an active part and I:ittend, as well as /snake it a live, working and, interesting society. The .play petiitled. "Let's All Get Married" Vvill again be given in the Town Hail, Zurich on Sat- urday evening, May 5th. This is a speciial request for the benefit of the country people, who could not attend the last Therdsay con- cert which was 'so 'successful, The, adm•issin;o price will be 25c. amid 1Gc. and will 'be a great treat for for people of this community for so little money. Come yourself and bring your neighbors, as there there is a big variety of dra'nia las well es 'a hundred good hearty laughs. The Herald has just received a copy of a thoroughly reviseclmap issued by .the Ontario Motor Le'- agtie, fee the guidance of motorists. duct sales by auction, Give me This map shows ie accurate red a trial and I will assure you satin- faction or no charge. tf-29 James renomey, R, R. 2, Zurich, Phone No. 10-.93 DR, JOHN WARD Will make a complete test of refractive condit'ion of the eye, and of the muscles. Spectacles scientif- ically fitted. Serviees at reasonable ebarges. Will ibe at,•-- 3-22 Zimmer's Hotel, Dashwood, Walper Howie, Zurich, line the Provincial Highway Sy- stem. of Ontario and the best ro- ads of Western Z%uebec, New York State and Eastern Michigan, I and gives the location of all the principal dawns and villages, ri- ven, and summer resorts en the area of over 200,000 sgtuare miles. On the reverse slide there le much other valuable information • to tourists. IThel map retails to the public at 50 cents{ and 'any one wiishing to purchase; one, kindly leair*e your orderer at Herald 01. - -lsa ut +Slllsnb panoadull Io ltlatt au ally : sluatulasdep .uissouoe aq-) o; uotluallt aniii iu eSaily ,•trtla,1J. luatuanozdtul wiaolsaalZ acll„ sr uMOU4 SC( O. eau signal 3391 age •.taluUins Zur1uo✓ ai{I tui •anp ngoitunki tit pals.tado aq uta e Illi 'esae sent aoulnoad aql panne gems. asap of .LEltuus `suls.n plata -ano.idtut spoesomi one 'eautnoad age Io suojszT00SSE xaolsanll pus Ingot -uaano2 lerauinoad atll `S.Sen>Itss at[1 so 'soexdsne aql sepun—•3adlnutA, NOTICE. The' Business men of Zurich have agianiniously agreed to close their respective places of business on Thursday afternoon of each weekk daring the peroid from May 17tboth to September 13th, 1923, dates inclusive. Also on Wednes day and Saturday evenings of each eeek,, at 10.30 o'clock, pan. - And are .,asking the support and co- operation of lt'he public, in the vil- lage and vicinity by doing their necessary shopping on other days and hours not herein specified, and thereby avoiding any i11 feeling or •friction alrioung our business men We again ask and expect our cus- tomers to support us. The' Business Men of Chas.. Fritz & Son. E, °each. J.. aascho &, Son:. lx, Routledge Stade • & Weida Melick & Braun J, .Preeter. W. li Pfile Tele Wurm W.''G. Hess Denoiny :Bros. John yippee' - E, H. W uerth• 'F..Hess i G. Holtzman Zurich Flour Mills NOTICE Zurich; VOTERS' LIST 1922 Municipality of the Township of Ilay;. Cbunty of Huron`. I NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied. with Section 10of the Votees' List Act, and that I have posted up at my office at 'Zurich, on the 31st day of March, 1923,the list of all persons entitled) to/ vote in the said munic- ipality for members of Parliament and;; that ,such List remains there Lor inepection. And I hereby call upon all Voters to take immediate prer:eedings to h'ave any errors, or oumission;s corrected according to law. ,Dated;` at Zurich March 31st, 1923. ANDREW P, HESS, Clerk, ;Township of .flay. If Yor cannot afford a Ford why not buy a nice Rubber Tire Buggy HESS self; them REPAIRING Painting Fo.: d Car, One "oat, $15.00, Two Coats ... ... $20.00 iCovering Ford Top Good Material ' $27.00 Changing Ford Curtain's to open with Doors . $5.00 Painting Buggy ... $8.00 IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE I•IAVE IT WE RERUB BER YOUR BUGGY WHEELS. F. M. Hess & Co. - Zurich i °iF.-t•..•b•F•oti`i'•F•••• •F• ••i•.••II••F••3•.•II••€•.. 4.......g••'r>F••!•$•i6•II•3••II••i?••4-.•4••D•d•d z Lumber Laths Shingles 4. Everything in 4. 4, Combination storm and screen doors made to order! : t Lumber and Buikdince Material ▪ . 1,CustorE,V4'ork cur E recialty I 4+ 4 Always in the market for saw logs : I4•: t . XALBFL11SC �' *. PHONE (� I ZURICH .6 a. + ..t...' -4-1•++.1-1...64-1-1•C+++++.1.4.++++4 +C+++++4..+:++4 ++++++++++++•'+++ +++++++4 .1.—.f.-4,— �...._.,;..�.1.—,i.—:t,—•1:—•�—•i•-- ��•—•s•— 2•—•l'--•1•—�'•—•S•—�•-04—•l•- .t.. • LoOK;MENLOOKS Five Good Reasons f WHY WE CAN SELL SUITS FROM $10 TO $15 LESS THAN OTHERS. • 1. We stock our own goods. F•1 •i. 4. 15. We guarantee satisfaction or 1 Our Suits are made by work- manship, second to none. Have only one price for mak- ing Suits, The very best linings put in all our ,garments, money refunded, 4• . H. HOFFMAN + _.TAILOR AND FUNERAL DIRECTORIt DAY ANl) NIGHT P'lt0',1NJ No. 80 p '�O.':...., ...,1,•,-...:...fit•-:..,x...-�94�. +'--,t'— Ec+..,.i•,...* +..•, ,-+.,,1•,»`,ii•+•..+e• a -•'l'"y,"+H" 1 ,* 1 4 1 1 ti