HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-05-03, Page 1R •VoL XX III N a 43 ZURICH, THURSDAY" 1 New SpringSlippers NOW THAT SPRING IS AGAIN NEARING, YOU WILL BE. WANTING A REAL, STYLISH, AND UP-TO-DATE SLIPPER FOR THE OCCASIONS i We have just W11 at Yea are 100 king For, 4 Slipper for every Foot, in the Correct Style, aii',d a perfect fit. Watch our Window Display, and come in and ask for our ti3 Iipw prices. o WE ARE HERE T'O'DO BUSINESS WITH THE RIGHT GO- ODS AND PRICES. W. H. PFILE, - THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES ZURICH • REPAIRING NEATLY DONE v�oo•o coo •�vo��'��o•4 �•'o�',�v o � � 'o o a o•o 'o•.��':�� o d•�'� �• a� o v�•��.•o•o•�►•o G�•o•�i• o• , •rio-_,\ \.aysq'.'Z��:;:r;Yn `Cs.'.'.,'.t.'Y/ +L?^;'•: t/ �'�,'(E _ . Ay.'�. . e quiet little well [HOME] rouhle, n the easiest way 1` ' 1'\ we - place we all love.: is sure worth wor pt ..Spic a possible. JMiss Mary Mair of Clinton, was a week -end guest with her friend E THOSE WHOSE BIRTHDAYS iss Mabel Preeter, Airs: H. Pollock and Miss Sem- OCCUR DURING THIS MONTH, tiaa Johnston Were " at London on %ednesday. THE DIAMOND IS TEE PREFER- If r• and Mrs. T. L. Williams were ;day visitors' at the patter's for- RED GIFT STONEI r home at Hurondale. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rennieiof Hen• li were . Sunday viisitors at the of ;;Mrs. S'. Renniet Mrs J. Y. and Mrs. Jul Bloch wxsi.ted silt the homee of their bra- ) • re -lief•,` Mr. Acob Wurmi, at Seaforth a ;few days;last :week. ,Let us all meet .you at the Town. 11,Zurich, on Saturday evening and see the play; "Let's all get 7 Iarriedj." Remember on Saturday, May 5, ;will be crowded worse than et -- so .come early for your wants. 'Fritz" & Son, Zurich. APRIL Chester L, Smith, Publish,* $1.25 a Year In AdirinKlik 9 „i4 IN ARR{.4RS, $2 11A X Bly OEAT03E10 The Month of Diamonds LINOLEUM MAKES SHORT WORK OF HOUSE CLEANING•:; DOES AW- AY WITH HARD SWEEPING AND SCRUBI3ING AND ONLY A DAMP MOP IS ALL IT NEEDS TO RENEW ITS BRIGHT- NESS. LINOLEUMS ARE MUCH MORE MODERATE IN PRICE THAN MOST FLOOR COVERINGS AND TIIBIR LONG WEARING QUALIT- ,; TES MAKES IT MOST ECONOMICAL. oornpare�urpriceswithcatalogueprices a New Spring Hosiery �• JUST IN A NEW' LINE of SPRING HOSIERY FOR LADIES IN. DIFFERENT SHADES Men's Hosiery Plain silk, clocked silk, silk and wool, in fact every- thing in plain and fancy hosiery letel +++•1.4 ++++++•3••F•++++++++ •II + ++•II•+••II•.4•.1•.q..D••1.•p•.II••3••4••1••1'••II••1•+++•II,3• ++++II�•II�3TF�•i• €••1•�3••1••II•+•II`++++ II••3••i�•3 + p 1_,_,,,z., I,1,z.. �D �a do T • -iI Phone 59 Z U R I C H Produce Wanted Bring us Your Alsike and Clover Seed. We always pay the highest Market Price according to Quality • Ferd Haberer has purchased join Mr. John Fuss, the lot on Sentre St. next to Mr. W. F. Hruri'•s residence. Mr. Haberer irr'!;nds to erect a new dwelling hckuse thereon this 'summer. Mr. Withall', of London with a large, Ruggles Motor passer: er ' : Was a weekend visitor at hte ,ae of Mr,. J. HeyJr. The oil,det is to run! a bus line from I� in¢srdine . to- London. re.• Samuel Gascha is moving Household effects into the house r"eceiatly purchased from Mr. E. Isossenberry. Mrs. A. G. ' Ehnes is also moving.. into the "dwelling l,e purchased from Miss Agnes Dr. A. J. MacKinnon, who has taken. the post graduate course at New York City is expectedhbme thiis Thuirsdayd to resume his prac- tiiee in Zurich. We are assured the Doctor will return with all the latest methods and developements in the medical science. Mr. W, H. Hoffman, funeral dir- ector and, undertakes, has received, his: new motor horse, which he lead built at London. It is indeed a.! fire outfit', and with all the latest ii i rovenaent i;' we feel safe in saying,, it stands a little above the average of its kind in this com- munity and will be a great conven ience; toi Mr. :Hoffman when needed (A party in the north end of the viillage comlainps of the neigh- bor's - in that district of having their chicken's, ducks, gunineau hems, etc. overun the neiighbots garden and flower beds. People should "have( a heart" and observe the commandment of "doing unto other, as You would want them to do unto you", and shut up such Tress -makers, or build fences to keep them • confined on their own propertyr Mr. Berger, representing the Stromberg-Carlson Telephone Sup ply Co„ was in Zurich on Tuesday last, and the officials of the Hay Tp. Telephone Sy§tem ordered a cable line extending to the south end of Zuriich, the same as the one reaching out to the west end.; The subscribers at the south end have not been accomodated with .priv- ate phones;, as •several parties were on one line. This will now be ov- conieQ and several new subscrib- ers ,:are expected to sign up. TION ME REASONABLE PRICES. SEE OUR BEAUTIFUL SELEC- HESS the Jeweler JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN PHONE No. 74 Incorporated 1855 Capital and' Reserve $9,000000 Over 125 Branches. T l! 13 MOLSONS BANK SPECIAL SAVINGS DEpA.;~t'L- MENTS Are provided at every one et our Branches, and assure to our depositors prompt and courts* ous attention. Deposits of $1.90 and upwards• invited. y C. H. JOY �. Manager Zurich Branch, b'0000000.0®®!®•4004.0 d` 4.0.400`? 4•.0•0••••4 ••,•,,•0.0444 ie 41- 0 4. • Spring Horse Qood • Tust Received a large number of Woolen Horse e' Genuine Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72x84. 0 • Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, price® w • a A Ranging from $7.00 to .._ _.. ._. ... . .... 4,- is * SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US A CALL!. A BIG Stock of Harness and Halters always on hand. da - Club Bags, Suit Cases and Trunks at Right Prices. 0 !n, • HARNESS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY • • :; FRED ,THI-EL, PHONE In I�RICH� *44,+++++++++++++++,144,44+++++++++++++++++++++++4444 o Folks! •II• +++ rAY SATUR a • E d It All See our Ad on page e t C. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTOSNTARIO �. ZURICH 3•��•ir•II••D•�••f••i�o�••%�•�••E••l••II'3••� `�4•II•�i�••II••i••gds'p'^g••;.•i•q•.f,.g.•A•E••i••i••€••l••II••4•^II••Y•i••�•�+^&�d�+ Only a few more- daysof I Our Great Sale I THE AWFUL iFINISH of C. 1+'rit2 & Son, .Shoe Sale7takes place on Saturday May 5th Jf we say a L'ig Success, itis too small a mouth- ful,, it cannot be put into words. Such throngs 'of customers again on, Saturd ay last, old and young, rich ,and poor alike, were pushing shoving ' and edging their way in, some were waited oxer, and others left not hiving their wants sup- plied. But they are coining back this week and buying. a full year's supply of shoes. Yes some have come formiles and miles, return- ing home happily with their full supply of footwear, and their pockets still full of money. Again we must urge 'you to "Hop -to -it" aet quickly, because' Saturday night will be here only too soon and, then it is all over with. CASTOR IA "or infants and Children In Use ForOver3OYears ruralbeats The s gnatit rr d n s Repairing done by the very latest methods SPECIAL VALUES WE HAVE JUST OPENE D UP A NICE LOT OF THE LAT- EST ASEST PATTERNS AND COLORS IN CREPES, GINGHAMS, VOIL`l, PRINTS, GELATEAS, ETC. ALSO WE ARE MAKING A BIG DISCOUNT ON HALTERS, AND HARNESS REPAIRS, MITTS, AND GLOVES, UNDERWEAR, OVEIIALLS, ETC., ETC. GIVE US A CALL AND YOU WILL FIND THAT OUR PR- ICES, (QUALITY CONSIDERED) WILL COMPARE WITH ANY OP OUR COMPETITORS. Highest Prices for Farm Produce R. N. pouGLAs GENEfi'AL MERCHANT PHONE 11 .. 7 BLAKE 1 ;