HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-04-26, Page 5Their efiayQ; , April 2600.92$ BUSINESS CARDS Prow2toat, Killoran & HOLU . Barristers; Salicitoa's, Notaries, Pu4li,, Etc, Office on the Square, ilad door from Hamilton St. God- laric4. Private funds to loan at :ik*West rates, • .115►.. Proudleot, K.C. J, le -Killoran • D. E. Holmes. Ur. Holmes will be h3 Hensall on Friday of each week, mustsell es we awe over crowded pin-. YOUR Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Ete. Ads IN THIS COLUMN FOR SALE YOUNG YORKSHIRES 12 choice shoats, 12 weeks old, O 010-0100010...,.- 1010 I for room. . Andrew F. Hess, Township ClerkI E. G.Krueger, Phone 1.--85 tfe1 Mauer of.marriage licensee, Notary - Public, Commissioner, Fire and Aut- . � FOR SABLE µ *mobile .Insurance, Representing Huron and Erie Mortgage Corpora- A. 11 -hoe disk Ler tfilizer seed lion, The Canada Trust Co. Zurich, drill, nearly new. Alta a good Ozatarlo, heaely 6 -year pew. working horse. For particulars apply' to Sol. Gingeriich: Dr. G. L. Smith L.D.S. (Toronto,) (D,D.S (Chicago) DENTIST . AT WALPER HOUSE, ZURICH, EVERY WEDNESDAY i►1A1N OFFICE - HENSALL A -U -C T -I -O -N -E -E -R OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones 'Nat- ional Na•tional School of Auctiongering Try lane for Registered Livet Stock; (All Breeds). Terms in keeping 'with prevailing prices. Choice farinas for sale. Will sell Anything' anywhere. Phone 18--93 or write, Zurich. .'Licensed Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer for County *dr, Huron. In a position , to con- duct any auction , sale, regardless ail to size or articles to sell. I. solicit your business; and if not satisfied will make no charges for services. •:Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. Pitnne .31•r13. Zurich Meat MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bolog•na Sausages, etc est Cash Price for Woo ul� Huish (AM - FQ11 S1iINS & HIDES "' i gbiut & Deicitert ZURICH LIVERY I' am in a ' position to accomo- date all requirements in the Livery Line, have Auto for hire, • Any- thing done in tete teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL Phone b$ Zurich, Or, S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., .D.D.S, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Of the University of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No, One, London,Ont Office hours' at Zurich every 'uesday, Friday and Saturday from •18,00 a. m. until 5.00 pm at hte Com- mercial House. Main Office at Hayfield, Ont. -19 LIVE POULTRY WANTED Taken every day till 3 Oelock p.m. ,Do not feed fowl same morning viten brought in. !Highest Cask' Prices , --CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs • W. O'Brien Pi otne 94 Zurich COAL Spring and. Summer DELIVERIES , 1010 SEASON 1923 Owing to the strike of the Min= ars now prevailing in the Pennsyl-- 'vairia Anthracite; coal fields, we are unable to guarantee delivery or price and until conditions. be - tome more nettled orders will be taken a object to our• being able to obtain supplies' and at prevailing Price time of delivery.. total & PRODttCB MERCHANT TERTIXS;-CAS$ *Nebo: ° Of ' free lost House 10j. HENSALL tf-40 FOR SALE .A limited number of )sanalil pigs baron type, not weaned. Aliso Mr, John Haugh of the illi&` corn is on the eiek list, Mr. J. J. Merrier of Seaforth.cal- ?ed in, the village on Monday. Mr. Q. Fritz is doing some re- pairing to his cottages at Grand Bend. Mr. Sampson Colosky, of Dash- wood vi'sit&ri in the village last week. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Yungblut and family visited the former's mother, at At burn on Sunday.. 0. Re.. Snyder of Kitchener will hold derriere services in the Men, eonite church on S.unday.. • Mr. Ezz•a Koehler is assisting Mr H. Eckmeier for the summer in panting and paper hanging. Mr. Peter .1'topf, who is recech" &chic at L. A,. Prang's auto repair e quantity of !seed pea beans for shop is kept very: busy these days tale. Apply to phone 8--98. Jos.' Rau„ A.R. 2, Zurich 39-3 elr. Louis Wurm returned from LOST A purse containing a quantity of morre:y, on the 14th. con, Fin- =der kindly return to Hy. Krueger or to Herald Office, and • receive a reward. FOR SALE Fertilizer for spring use. - I have in different places; Kippen, Brucefield and at Zurich. Go if Zanyone wants some call phone 88, Zurich. J. Itey Jr. • 37 t NOTICE. I Ain in a position to do any kind of paper hanging, painting, graining and decorating. Canal - so. !supply wall paper a ordered from my !samples. H. Eickmeier, Wolper Holuise, Zurich ... • • , tf-37 EGGS FOR HATCHING BRED -TO -LAY ROCKS Eggs for hatching at five cen above market price. One pen Superior Bred pith's. •- These p'u let shave laid continuously sine November, eggs at 50 cents pe dozen. Phone 85-1, E. G. Kru ger`, R.R. 2, Zurich. tf-3 ts. f ztr :Zcg... H,:E•R•A>GD The annual election of officers of the W,C i'.U, Will be ,held, iarthe L,idJes Ball on. Wednesday, May gild., Alt members are expected tri take part in'the election, 1eo. E. Sawyer °o:f Mitchell, a Preruineet bowler, died 'soddenly at the; home ani ,s:pril 11, at the age 0Z 60 Years, Deceased retired ira hits usual health, bet was stricken with heart trouble about 4a,a,nf:: end ,clued without gaining conscious fleas. Ile hart 'been a resident of efitchell for 50 years and for• a long time had coadocted a bakery and grocery ?rashness. •least Thursday evening at the usual band pr�aeti.ee,, klre boys all. rrforehecl to oppbsite the Wolper' 7Tou.,, and, played a few' splendid seleettans. Our boys are. making splendid' progress, and Zurich wi ha vena hand `this summer . that we Can -be proud. of, They have re- ceived good financial., support, and ;•:W1 there are some in the commune ity who have not given anything. We all will enjoy the band this si;r,Imer,' and; you will feel out of place if you do not contribute some Ihedford on (Tuesday, where ' he thing towards it. No matter how visited, for a week, small it .maty, be„ it will be apprec- Mrs. Ed. Beaver and children of iaa'�ed' Mune payrryents at -Hese' Dashwood' were week -end visitors )or 4ilery store at the home of the formers par- MAY ROD AND GUN tints, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gellman'. There are numerous features Messrs. Chester and `Less Ben- combining to make the May is - edict who have been' staying with ristie of Rod and Gun in Canada Mr. Hy. Volland for the winter,; once of merit, and one that will gr - left for the west on Friiday. eatly please sportsmen, all the way Rev. S. R. KnechtQl 0f 'Ne.v from .the Atlantic to the. Pacific. Hamburg aml Kne attended the r` this leas&; a new department, Conference at CreditonF was a'v:is eoraises d be aneaddi o t It iter in Zurich one day Iast week.' riz•o"`'is's td t addition to the. Mr. Henry magazine that readers will enjoy: y Bowald. is busily en -It is edited'by W C. Motley, the gaged at excavating the cellar,for well known British Columbia sp- the new residence he . is building ortsrsta;n; and it is almost certain to at the west end of town. zneet. with instant approval, Bon - Mrs. Nich. Kennel, who has been nycestle Dale, Robert Page Lin - visiting for some time at Bilden; 'coin+'C..S. Landis, J. W. Winson, ,F returned to her home near Blake X Wr'Mame and other regular eon - on Tuesday. tributors whose work is always in. Mrs, Johai; Deeiier and Miss Stella popular demand have spneidid con Geiger were visitors at the. home tributions in the May issue, and of Mrs. D. Gingerich Goshen,one there are a host of others, William day last week. Ma;crlfllian being the • author of ai Mr. and Jird. winmm and da eery fine story, "Woo -Na, the Polar ughter Cathleen . of Markham; ustrrited jarti�1e on is an i"The si3anffl were week -end visitors with Zur-winter See] 4s Ca,rnival," not to kit relatives and. friends. - splendid KennelD uuteutto .i sly it d ep- Stade & Wieido wish to announce arta: ', edited by Frank H. Wal to the public that they have roc- lie- t .ashy other features. Rod o eived. a carload of new St. Marys clnxl '.,t z 1.1 anada is publishedmon- 1- �cnient. tniy at Woodstock, Ont. By W. 1' Mr, 1, Cohen, who is gathering Tayllor,`, Ltd. scrap iron, ia'nd al) ]rinds of junk! • BORN e- ill be in Zurich on Friday of this I 7' +i " ' Iulrzbull-At Sauble• Line, Hay ,Tp. On April 19th to Mr. and Mrs. Max. Turnbull, a son. Zeftle=AfBab ylon, Line, Hay Townships on April :t2th to ltizr. and Mrs. Albert Zettle, a dau- glite& • - iv 0,1-,Vet**0 .Zurich„oz April 19".h,. td' . 1nd Mrs. WM, Valper, son. FARM FOR SALE FARM --;Fifty acres, more or les being south part of Lot No. 1 Cod. 7, Hay. On farm is I;t stor frame house, with kitchen and woodshed attached • ` Graoke 'hoe use, bank barn 30x36 on cement wall .with g alvanized roof. Shed pig pen;, hen house, driving she and other outbuildings:. Their axe a t;ariety of fruit trees on th farm. This farm is all seeded ex cept about two or three acres: Farm would be 'suitable f,r a truck farm orfor raisin celery or small Fruits. Also good for pasture as it is well watered. For further particulars apply to Chris. Schrag, Zurich, Administrat- or Estate Menno Kipfer. s y d e e' FOR SALE A small quantity o clean (Hubaan) Annual White blossom sweet clover seed for sale at 30 cents per Ds Apply to Fred. J. llaberer, R.R.I, Zurich Phone 11-94. tf-35 FOR SALE Eight acres of land; opposite Zurich Fair Ground's. Suitable for pasture or cultivation. For particulars 'apply to Jacob Del chert, Zurich; Ont. 4t-35, WANTED Dressmaking and home sewing of all kinds. All work neatly done and satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs J. A.. Meyers, co, tIr Morris Weber: Zurich.tf-36' FOR SALE A linfited quantity of Yellow 13lossoan Sweet Clover Seed For Said Apply, to E. A. Westlake, R.K. 3, Bayfield, P. Co, Phone 5-9O, Hensall Central. • t' tf34 In renewing a ,your •subscriptions for your daily and weekly papers remember. the Herald Office is agent for most of them and in sone cases can save you as much ,as 59 cents on a single subscripi- ionF NOTICE . I have taken out License .for Auctioneer for the County of Hur- on, and am iri a position to con- ec . Read, his adv. and see what he will billy inreturn for cash. Rey. F. B. Meyer, former pastor of Zurich ,Evangelical chereh, •and who attended the big conference at, •Creditod, .last week,., called on friends one day last week .in the newer. The British Chancellor of ..the rxchegitsr has a surplus of over half a billion doflaes itnd we talk of our Garden of Canada, and ;till all our Governments' show a large d.erecit each year. Mr. Jas. Denomy of the 14th• con has rn-+ved his household effects t., 0 oderichi, where they will re- si.,1? hi future, Mn. Denomy having the county agency for the celebr- ated Watkins supplies. manic - Mrs. A. G. Ehnes,. who spent the 'inter with' her son Rev. W. M at Evanstony Ill., arrived fru Zurich on Friday, and is making to move into the she recently purchasedfrom Miss Agnes Kaercher.� The dwelling property owned and occupied by Mrs. Cathern Wuin , next to the Lutheran par- sonage, has been purchased by her son -in• -law, Mr, John Fuss of Zur- ich. Mrs. Wurzu will make her tuture home with Mr. and Mrs. Fuss. a rexll an auc- tion great & Son, as Hess place .something Dramatic entitle Friday s Hall, Grand d a fine: play store For -Use Lillian P and Miss Fl- orence be- tween Make your flock a paying pro- position by adding new, vigorous, uality chicles. Royal , uality baby hicks are from heavy laying Can- dian 'stock, ]Locks, Reds, Wyand.- ttes, Anconas, Leghorns. tall t our offices or we will ship ex- ress Prepaid to yotir station gu- nteeing 97 per cent. safe iarn'iy- 1. Canadian Chick hatchery incited„ Department C. N. 143 King beet, East, Hamilton!. Ont, Andrew .Hieke, member for S. uroni in the. Provincial itoese and w'h'ile, created a sensation J. NOTICE VOTERS' LIST 1922 Municipality of the Township of Ilay, �Coun•by ,of Huron. NOTICE is hereby given. that .I have complied with Section 1001 the Voters' List Act, and that I have posted up at any office at. Zurich, on the 31st day of March, .A.D. 1923, the list of all persoi>rs entitled to(" vote in the said munic- 'pality for members of Parliament Ehnesand that such List remains there quafor inspection: And. I hereby call upon. all voters to take immediate preparationspreceedings to have any errors, or houseomissions corrected according to iaw. Saturday was againlive day, for business in Zurich, sale, and then thebank •rupt sale of C. Fritzwell trill the other buss s in the village, all having special to offer. The Grand Bend Club will present their play "Ane I intruding`!" on night April 27th', in Brenner' .Benet. This is indeed and a• real treat is in all who will see this. M ol, lock will render solos l- orence Turnbull some the acts, Everybody coe q c a 0 a 1 a a S lI. 10 duct sates by anotion. Give rile xi a trial and T will assure you satis- co faction or no charge. ti -29 1.3 James Denoniey, K. R. 2, Zurich, •m Phone No. 10--93 ah Sti the Province on Wednesday „443-- 1 llth, when he declared that he. u;ld no longer ,follow Premier rury and he ,charged ' the latter ith having' .dickered with theLib- al party for a' fusion-: Mr.l.[icks eech 'sprung the gs atest 80n - tion that has been created in the House or the ,province in political circies in many years. Both Prem- ier D w raft .and y Wellington 1 Helen Rayl; leader of til'e Liberal party, 'have denied every having 'dick'ered for a ftcsiozati lA.s a result of the eh- arges, the Premier has decided to go to the people on Monday June Lath, hag begin set tie eieetloir day; 1 DR+03OHN WARD Will make a complete test of .refractive eondii•ion of the eye, and of the muscles, Spectacles sctentif- ieally fitted, Services at reasonable charges, 'Will ilae 842 Zinmmer's tt tel, Dashwood, Walper, House, Zuuricli, Dated "at Zurich March 31st, 1923. ANDREW F. HESS, IC Township of Hay. 1 Here and There "drive -to Nova Scotia • has adopted the drive-tothe right” rule of the road, the bill providing the change having received the assent of the adminis- trator sof the province. The veer 1922 was a banner year for Montreal in the 'number and tonnage of shiers which came to the port; a total of '6,983 ships of 12,- 089,699' tons arriving, as compared with 5;541 ships of 9,735,450 tons in 1921. ,. '=a Canada a a d led the the export of raw fus�to the lUnited States. The total fur catch for that year was over 4,0010,000 pelts, valued at $16,000,000. While the general price. of furs shows a downward trend the total ,catch shows a re- markable increase. pour of the •Canadian Pacific "Empress" liners, the Britain toile France; the Scotland and the India, are to load grain at Quebec during the 3923 season, and new berths have been provided for these vessels near the grain conveyors, at a cost of $300,000. When she was alighting from a street car in Vancouver, Mrs. Rose McLaren received injuries which pre- vented. het from concentrating and temporarily did away with her earn. - hag power as a spiritualist or psychic reader. She was awarded $1,250 against the railway, company. The addition of the 17,000 -tont "M'ontiauri4 r" to the Canadian Pa- cific "Mono Class" fleet marks an ins ori ant le c veto p cn ent+ p Not only is she the largest •One clave -cabin ship sailing to and'°froni Canadian ports, but ,she is the largest hi her class on the Atlantic. Het length is 613 feet and breadth 68 feet. Because of her xize she will sail to end' from Onebae. Ali ii7PII f11"Jn6mmmmmnmimtammnauum nuoa itp..Dawws 717-11111 0",". " fcPlroy eta yo 01ntMedicbaa , .A;YetttlePrepacatianfnC4s szrnilatingtberoodbYIga "''1 `itingtheStomachsandBo www tl IN AIYTs; Ci3i>oRpi 1. Tlleerfret luotln shoal M GheeffuinessandReskCon'ains. I ieitlier 0 ium,1orphine Heil Mineral. NOT NA3tfc°T1 .bee peat D1dDr O!1 ° .Puntplo; ,fsa AnlhaclJrod PUPpA m+N� II•Car&nati.tt roi� 1 Stud arrai.5Iar Jiro>ngrwe:�Xaror r„ ,� AhelpfutRemedyfor Cnttsti ationand'Aiarrhoea" J andpfieveridttness and e) Fi ZOSS OF SLEEP restful 1ftere ForaSralniancy YeeSimile S; of M'S CENTAUR COMPANY. MONTREAL,P.Q. 'A.t',fin►Qnt'ht'qld 35D41k5,:4I VE ' 1; "age toiro CAST�ffIJ For Infants and. Childreri. Mothers Know That Genuine. Castors Always Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CAST Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. If Yor cannot afford a Ford wli y not buy a nice Rubber Tire Buggy HESS soils them REPAIRING Painting Ford Car, One "''oat, $15.00, Two Coats._ --- $20.00 iCovering Ford Top Good Material ... Changing Ford Curtains -to open with Doors _ $27.00 Painting . Buggy $5.00 88.00 IF WEYOU WANT .SERVICE,° WE HAVE IT RERUB 13E'R YOUR BUGGY WHEELS. i F. • F. Ress & CO. >m Zurich bANININIMENIMINORMIUMMIUMENIMMINNIMIENIMMIIIIIMINImmanNINNINEMB _ 1••t a•�k••t••�4•�•��•�•�•�3•a••t••t•�•>��.•�•t••t•�••t••p+�•:..,..&•.s••i••b•Y••1••II•��••t•+F�••1•+r�•�•�•3••�•>'�•a•a Lumber��. Laths Shingles Everything in 1 Custom;,=ork curcralty !Always in the market for saw logs F. C. K&LBPLEISC PHONE 69 ZURICH f. +++++++.1-344+++++.1.4+++4.4400,: •D••t•+ +4 414.1+ t•3••k•J + ++++Y•+•$••k•J••E•44.4k Combination storm and screen doors made to order! t Lumber and Building Material4.0 * 4, -+ +1+ i•--* + + + + + + + +-+-+-+•-+--+-+---+-+-* 1.1-001( LOOKMEN LOOK Five Good Reasons 10 t. `'''WHY WE CAN SELL SUITS FROM 1 $10 TO $15 LESS THAN OTHERS. r" •3• w as° We stock our own goods. Our Suits are made by work- m.anship, second to none. Have only one price for niak ing Suits. The very best linings lint in all our . garments, _ � - . - 1010 10 10 •1' We guarantee satisfaction '� or ..�, money refunded. HHOFFIV1AN. +l+ TAILOR AND FUNERAL DICT DA Y. AN:I� NIGH °t 1;3 I' pIIOa.NI: No. 86 *