HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-04-26, Page 4TT1'T;T l;.7- reat $15,00 Thui:4tal A ,ot g6thil)23 Bankrupt end Mock Reducing SH4g sALE For 13 Days:4nly • Commencing on Saturday, April 21st and ending Saturday May 5th. THE STORY BRIEFLY TOLD People! Your one great opportunity ol• the year has arrived. As you know that we purchasedbankrupt, incity of Kitchener: and have moved have an $8000 hankru t shoe stock. the c it to Zurich. We offer the people from every Hamlet, Village, Town, Countryside this $8000 shoe stock, and our own stock at Wonderful Reduced Prices. This is a genuine Bankrupt Sale and Bankrupt Prices will prevail throughout our entire store. To our know- ledge it is thegreatest Shoe Selling Event ever launched in this community or any other, For 13 Days this store will sell shoes at Prices out of all reason, it must Be Done. For 13 Days Chas. Fritz & Son WILL TURN THEIR SHOE STORE AND KITCHENER'S BANKRUPT SHOE §TORE OVER TO THE PEOPLE. A SENSATIONAL SHOE SALE THAT WILL AWAKEN 'ZURICH FOR 50 MILES AROUND. COME, BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY AND SAVE REAL MONEY. When we Cut! We Cut! Men's Dress Shoes Think of it! Men's Dress Shoes Black Come Get Em. Reg ,5.50 On Sale Men's Tan Oxfords Rubber Heel Hand Em Out, Men's Work Boots Army Counter Tan $3.89 2.98 $4.78 $3.89 Saturday April 21st. FRITZ LETS HER GO Prices Fairly Murdered Ladies Boots - Step Lively 99c Ladies Pumps A Suitable Gift 89c Ladies Bed Room Slippers—Extra Extra 48c Infants Shoes - Think of it 24c • n Our Opening Days SUCH• DEMONSTRATIONS AND REAL APPRECIATIONTS OF TRULY MONEY SAVING OPPORTUNITIES WERE NEVER BEFOR WITNESSED IN (THIS SECTION, YES, IN HURON COUNTY. SUCH CROWDS -PLEASED CROWDS, ON OUR OPENING DAYS, ALL BE- YOND THE MEMORY OF THE OLDEST INHABITANTS. ' RICH• AND POOR ALIKE JOIN IN SAVING THEIR FULL PORTION OF BARGAINS. TO THE BUYING PUBLIC WE 'WISH TO IMPRESS THE FACT THAT C. FRITZ & SON'S SHOE eTORE HAS ALWAYS BEEN REC ',9GNIZED AS A STORE WHERE `ROU CAN EXPECT SHOE QUAL- .EtTY AND A SQUARE DEAL. 'THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT WE .E GOING TO GIVE YOU, REAL SHOES, REAL SERVICE, SAVE 'SOU REAL MONEY, AND BELI- SEVE ME, THA,T'S WHAT PEO - 'LE WANT TO -DAY. AM I RIGHT? FIFTY :SUIT CASES Standard Sizes to clear, Reg. Price X2.75, Bank'pt Price -•- -- 1.19 le ONLY CHILDREN'S SCHOOL CASES, TO CLEAR, • r OUT THEY GO AT --- --, .-, 32c Women's Pumps High Heel Button Shoes and Lace Shoes; Values ranging from $3.00 to $4.001 99c Will Clear east at ... Misses Patent Sandals, just what is wante,d now size 11 to2 Bankrupt Price ... _-_ ...'...1,49 . '-_,'1.49 WOMEN'S BLACK AND TAN CAN.: VASS HOUSE SLIPPERS, LEATH- ER SOLES Bankrupt Price 65c i ONLY 21 Pairs of Women's Oxfords and Shoes with Rubbers to fit them 'WHAT'S ITHIS? YES 1 '38 • WOMEN'S BLACK AND BROWN' Fad. Boots -Nothing better under the shining Sun. Reg. 4.53 to '7.00 Stock Reducing Sale ... ... . '1 .87 Women! Ladies! LOOK HERE WE HAVE THE NEWEST SP- IIT.N"i SLIPPERS, LATEST DES- .s..SS IN PATENT OXFORDS, STRAPS, WITH GREY TRIMM- INGS, SPORT OXFORDS AND MANY OTHER NEW LINES. ALL THESE ARE ON SALE. BE SURF AND GET YOURS DURING,THIS sse SALE. FRITZ SHOE MERCHANTS Zurich Ont. • NOTICE. Lareni; A. B, Sell, Geo. Arksey. J. The Business men of Zurich have Burnie''s special for best clydes- unanimously agreed to closetheir dale -D, Burns,. J. Young's •epee= s :apective places of business on iai-J. Young. Owen Geiger's sp- `tlearsday afternoon of each week ecials-Robt Murdock and H. c:. darling the peroid from May 17th Sold= Wm. Stone's special -J. Decher, Jr. E. Rennie's special - John Rowcliffe, Judge -Dr. N.E, Baker, Toronto. CATTLE -Aged. hull -Donald Park. Aberdeen Angus.bell, Robt. McLaren. Shorthorn bull-Doni- ald Park. !Shorthorn cow -N. Pep- per 1st; and. 2nd. Shorthorn heifer -John Elder 1st and,2nd. Butcher steer • or heifer -Geo. Ingram A Silver Cup donated by Dr. Peck for best Shorthorn female - Wm. Pepper. T. W. Pannier & Son sp- ecial for best Shorthorn bull, - Donald Parke; S Hy, Smith Hay, Judge. Boy's Judging competition -1st. Wm. Taylor; 2nd. Gordon Elliott;. 3rd John Pepper; 4th, Allan Soldan with Foster Ingram; 6th Casey Hud son,. 1 t ` et: c 0: „• ter September 13th, 1923, both dates inclusive. Also on Wednes May and Saturday evenings of each 'reek, at 10.30 o'clock, p.m. And sere asking the support and co- operation of !the public, in the lege and vicinity by doing their seeessary shopping on other days e,nd hours not herein specified, and .hereby avoiding any ill feeling or. Friction amoung our business men $re again ask and expect our cus- tomers to support us. The Business Men of Zurich; 'Chas. Fritz & Son. E. Oesch. .L Gascho & Son. M. E. Routledge Stade & Weido 'illelick & Braun �T. Preeter W. H, Pfile T. L. Wurm W. G. Hess Denomy Bros. John Knipe-, E. E. Wuerth A. F. Hess i G. Holtzman Zurich Flour Mills llensall Spring Show 'Ihe Spring Show held in •Hen- ' o11, on. Friday, April 13th -was ,a - sarong the best that has been held. #nay the society. The different el- lssees were fairly well represented esSed the quality of the animals sh- DASHWOOD. Miss M. Hanover visited with Mrs it. Davis in Exeter. last Friday. Mr. P. Moffatt has purchased +:a new Ford touring car. Mrs. E. Beaver visited with her parents in Zurich over the week- end. Mr. E, G. Kraft spent Thursday iin London. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Schroeder of near London, spent Sunday in toss n, . Rev, A. Kellerman; of Chesley, visited at his home here a few lawn were of exceptionai nrerit.T.he •dac; .this week. tair was held, on the Main St, and the thorofare was Biped with inter - ted spectators. The weather be- ing a littll chilly. OnOe of the aepecial features was the bet's jed- in.g competition and the. boys -cave a good account of themselves 43 -oiling are the prizewinners; HORSES -Clydesdale stallion se Al< bt, Murdock, John Miller. Per - *heron stallion --H C. Soldan, 1st tend. 2nd. ;Stand, bred stallion- J. !Becher jr; T. Murdock; J. Decher '.Ir. Heavy Draft team -Fred •1i - leringtotz. Heavy draft 3 -yr -older' NM McAllister & Son. Heavy dr- at 2 -yrs -old -Alex Buchanan, i.st Sold 2nd. LAgric. team -J. Rowel- nklt Geo'..A.nslos'v, Age 3 -yr old-- . C. Soldan, S. Sproat: Agr. 2 -yr ld- .0 Solder', Wm. Alexan- ze. Heavy Draft or Age, colt •i•;-"W'ni.. McAllister & Son; Gen. Pur. iteam-Wms Decker, Wrn. Patrick. airiage team -A. Bowcliife, 2nd Rev. N, E. Dahnsl of Bridge- port, ridge-i, art, renewed old acquaintances in the village. this week. untended for last week.) Mr. W. Callfas of Bosthern, Sask. visited with friends and relatives here recently. Miss E. Graybeil of Toronto} has returned home: Miss Louisa un a sraupnei• teff last week for Fort Wayne. Mrs. Yates of Sarnia is visiting +n -with her daughter Mrs. Harry Kraft. Mr, Fred Schlunidt is quite ill gat his hon we hope for speedy recovery. Rev. Graupner ifs attending Con- terence at Clifford this week. Mr. and Mer. Chas, Stire left last r, week for Oshawa. HENSALL .iiingie, carriage horse -J. A., Man- Con. Vollannd, of near Erueeflid ;see & Sony 'Wm. Hyde, Rctnlstcrhas purchased a dwelling pro pe az•nn-Geo, Thompson, Warr, 1)i'el:- t ' f:v herr and inteede rn'co1ng in- brs Single Roadster-..Robt, Mc- to the '.Kel<;;t;, MEN, DON'T MISS -THIS And get a pair of these .Brown Alligator Slippers for around the. homes Regular $2.25 Whi le they, last at, -- 1.48 MEN'S BROWN AND BLACK Slippers, Folks, These Last Long. Bankrupt Sale at won't 1.15 WOMEN'S BLACK AND BROWN Kid Oxfords, Good Year Welt, med ium heel, just riew Goods, but out They go at 1i aekrupt Price -•- 2.89 CHILD'S BUTTON SHOES One. lot of Children's Shoes; . seft and hare] soles. Ala in one hex Sizes 1 to 4 Bankrupt prices • 23c The oldest shoe store in- tovwn Compelled to Sacrifice It won't do you an ounce of good. to read this advertisement, unless you come to the store and see for yourself Mrs. A. Douglas, who recently having disposed of her dwelling property has moved. into a ` part of Mrs. John Glenn's dwelling "on Albert St. t. Jack McDonald;, who has _been- ,on an extended visit to New York and other points, has returned to his home here. ,Sam Rennie has accepted a poses ition on the stall ,of the Detroit Free Press, newspaper. The Jackson factory) which has been closed for the past few we- eks, has again opened!. Mr. Wm, Fee received last we-• ek the sad news of the death of brotheyr, Walter in Punnihey, Sask. who died quite suddenly. The de- ceased was well and .fa.\ otab'ly kn own in the- township of Hay; hav- ing lit-eid •with her ;parents on the Goshen Line; many years ago.. • • Wjhilei playing on the street last Thursday afternoon Master Evan Rennie son of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rennie, had' the misfortune to fall on the pavement andhave a heavy wagon pass over his leg causing it to be ,severely lacerated. EXETER Potatoes are being brought un to town and there is little induce- ment to market then at 5oc.. per bag. Some sixteen checker players are at present engaged in a tournak ment. Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie of Exet er have taken up residence ,,,vin Clinton' where they have taken ov er a grocery business. The South Huron Ministerial As- sociation held their monthly meet ing in James St. Church last Mon- day. - Postmaster M. Pfaff has purch- ased from C. H. Snell the fine bre ick residences on Ann st. at present E.Kuhn', occupiedA.Ku t byr Wilfred Mack has purchased from Richard 'Welsh • the residence recently vacated. by Mr. Welsh on viietoria st. I• A 1.t fR . The Bethany Methodist Church which Was recently destroyed by a windstorm, and the furnishings were sold by public auction on• Saturday last, all ,.,except of t1i sheds and organ. Theodore Grey, of London, tvho has been rgnaoist and, choir lead- er of James St. church for the past few monthshas resigned to take a imilsiar position' at Centennial Me- thodist church, Lbt dom Thursday r On ! hurstta last the two onx y y nil lads who were iguilty of breaking into the Exeter, high school o'ls- peered' before Juvenile Judge Reid of Goderich, and both were made wards of the court. One of the boys was taken to Goderiich- to be paced in; a home s:The other was ordered to `attend Sunday School and church each Sunday and to report- once a week to the Chair- ns>,an• oaf the Board. of Education. BAYFIELD H. Darrah, who sold the Qu- eens Hotel to Mrs. Ritz of (Strat- ford, -µmoved into Miss Simpsons residence on. Bayfield Terrace last week. . On Friday evening, April 4th, under' the auspices of the Zurich Women's Instituite a play entitled "Let's all get Married" will be rendered in the hall. This glary conies highly recommended and swill, be well worth geeing.' Mrs. M. Rtitz of Stratford, who 'purchased the Queen's Hdtel here was in. the village on Saturday last Melding preparations for repairing the building. The • marriage was quietly sol ernnized• at high noon on Wednes- day April 11th, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Thomas E;:' aiserison(, by Rev. A. McFarlane, 'of `:eta, to John, to John Williams- eil enhead, Brucefield. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Aiken - need of Brucefield, cousins of the oroonnl. • The bride wore a navy bice •sati'n 'and lace dress Alteer the ceremony dinner was ser- •t•edi r The bridal couple left for -,ondon for • ' few days -after wh- ich they; will reside'on the grrom's f:trnn, 2nd: con. Stanley. COUNTY NEWS. Kincardine has decided to ap- point a . night constable. The merchants of Kippen have decided to close their stores Tues- day and Thursday evenings com.- . nncncing May( l st at 7 pan. 1 " ed. from Sea - teeth mith .9 nn T. S. S pp Friday station to Montreal on r ay last al ear of 17 head of exception` allygood horses, five of which we- re , top mitehers. tthe Clinton Hydro shop was officially opened on Wednesday with a reception given to the citizens of the town, Peter teanneron, who has been hoiiue frdne the 'West fon' sometime has taken over the Massey -Harris Agency, at Brucefield, • which has been carried on for seine years by Fred 'i.'omlebnl. Twenty-five nate .of horses we - reshipped from Brussele station fro r 1st to March 31st. y�y 77ecennbe �' t+�f This' was a record, most of the ship' menus wee to l 'orthern Ontario. i•�•-i���••3••h•g••g••g•oo•g•; •, �••F••g• i•3 •s��s�d'�•i•-'r?�d•ti•.F.•: �,•si•✓r dor �•3-��••:..,0.1.{..;..;:.g.N,,e,�.y�, Auto Repairing - � . We have made arrangements with f the Ford Motor Co. as we JI as with 4 ook Bros. Hensall, to handle Genuine Ford Parts and always keep a good supply on hand. , r .. Also repair any make of car Mr. Peter Kroff, mechanic FARM FOR ALL ARM IMPLEMENTS, PUMPS SOLD REPAIRED, ETC., ETC. L.A. Prang, . Zurich Ont.. . l ✓r•f : 0e%9.+.1••f»+ 44✓r444.4.•i.•k+.;•++4 ro'• . o:4 4.4-4.414.4.+÷÷ +4444* Quality HERE YOU GET QUALITY AT - THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE13• You: Can Buy CHEAPER Clue- the's-gird forget QUALITY• It isn't what you PAY but what you receive that counts. PAY' for quality her and you get itee at the lowest possible price -los, which good Clothes can be Made, - to order. " {' Styles. Pick your own to fi t'you alone,, Lot's of Styles --Real Styles --that to tailored in to stay, not ironed isle for a day. You Will Like Our Work E. Wuerth, Tailor, Zurich