HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-04-26, Page 37' 7717'7W Therrobacco of Qua1iy 1/1 and in packages Surnames and Them Origin. ARUNDEL Racial Origin—English. Source—A locality.. It is. a Matter of fact that the`pum- ber of English family names in the classification of those which have been derived from the names of places is limitedonly by the number pf place names which existed in England through t13.e period of family name for- matien. The name of virtually every city, town and hamlet at this pei led was likely le be taken not by one but by many individuals who moved away from it to some other place. Or rather, it was likely to have been conferred upon them by their new neighbors; for family names, were more often a na- ' )ural growth than the result of ;3e - liberate adoption; and a family's neigh - born hadmore to say about the most CORNS. Lift Off with Fingers Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a ittle "Freezone" on an aching corn, instant- ly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift it right off with) finpers. Truly! Your druggist sells a tiny bottle' of "Freezone" for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or 'corn between the toes, and the cal- luses, without soreness or irritation. convenient designationthan the mem- bers of the family itself. HARTWELL Racial Origin -English. Source—A place name. Hartwell 1s one of those family names which have been taken from place names, and it is to -day better known, perhaps, as the former rather than the latter. In the period of family name forma- tion, which in England lasted, roughly, from the eleventh to about the fif- teenth century,place names formed one of the most usual sources from which •surnames grew. Family names, of course, were seldom framed by arbi- trary adoption. They were the out- growth of descriptive surnames' con- ferred upon an individual in an age when populations.had become so large that there -were not 'enough names: to go around, and it was necessary, to"dis- tinguish between two men of the same given name. A mostnatural method was to refer to the place from which a man had conte: Hartwell was a village. in Bucking- hamshire. Its name meant "the well of the deer." Intensive Farming. "How are -you making out with that abandoned farm you bought?" "Fine! I sold the quarry rights to one crowd, and rented the surface to another as a golf course. Now if I can lease the air to -some wireless com- pany I'll have about everything under Cultivation. Who says' intensive farm- ing doesn't pay?" East or West Eddy's Best Y MATCHES Insist on having EDDY'S l Ileeteie e glee' THE TEST OF TIME FOR RHEUMATIC SUFFERERS • HAS PROVEN A•sN I, fiia1Tsntl i. eili i�►ettteilkr Is a positive Remedy for Acute, Chronic and :Muscular Rheu- matism inall its various forms COUNTLESS GRATEFUL TESTIMONIALS and Repeat Orders received during past 25 years. DOBSON'S NEW .LIFE REMEDY is not an experiment but the product of a quarter century of study and research. Pleasant to take. Does -lot upset the stomach. No harmful drugs, DO NOT BE PREJUDICED. Dobson's New Life Remedy will give you a new lease on life by freeing you of pain. Thousands) I of enthusiastic customers have written us stating that after years of failure with other medicines, electric belts, etc., they t 'were cured by Dobson's New Lye Remedy. One bottle for One Dollar. Six bottles for Five Dollars, o She—"How long- ought it to take you to teach me to skate?" He—"T •should say about all winter, but I can teach a 'homely girl in half an 'hour," France's Sherlock Holmes:. The best-known detective in France et the present time is Edmond Bayle, a chemist whose labopatory is in the. Palais de Justice in Paris, He its chief of the technical bureau of the Paris 1 oeice department, and he lies met with such success that the • 1' k mole m�edueate erimi)na loo u an d � n dirm as a dabbler is magic Dr. Bayle does not work ;on the British Sherlock. Holnies lines. 1 -le pays no attention to the personality or psychology of the criminal, .but con- fines himself to material things. His workehop is equipped in accord ante with this, andthe numerous pieces of apparatus;; are designed for special purposes, such . as examining forged money, the detection of, 'blood stains', and, in fact, the analysis of anything a"nd everything that is picked up by those on the trail of a 'criminal. In his records are registered the names of over eight million persons who have ever been involved in crime of any ,sort, and full particulars of any one of them can be produced at a mo- ment's notice. This extraordinary man has.' a theory that there ie no crime that cannot be. detected, and that every ,criminal, how- ever clever, leaves traces behind him. A GOOD MEDICINE FOR TIDE SPRINGTIME Do Not Use Harsh Purgatives — A Tonic is Ali You Need. Not sick—but not feeling quite well. That is the way most people feel In the spring: Easily tired, appetite fickle, sometimes headaches and a feelingof depression.. Pimples' or eruptions may appear on the skin, or there may be 'twinges of rheumatism, or neuralgia: Any of these indicate that the. blood is out of order -that the indoor life of winter has left its mark upon you and may easily develop into more serious trouble, Do not dose yourself with purgatives, as many people do, In the hope that you can put your blood right. - Purga- tives gallop through the system and weaken instead of giving strength. Any ."doctor will tell you this Is true. What you need in the spring is a tonic that will enrich the blood and build up the 'nerves. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills do this speedily and surely. Every dose of this medicine helps to enrich the blood, which , clears theskin, strengthens the appetite and makes tired, • depressed men, women and children active and strong. Miss S. L. McEachron, Nairn, N.B., says :-"I have been in the habit of taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in the spring and they keep me in the best of health. I think it is entirely tothe ' us duee of these pills that. I always have such good (health, Sold by all medicine dealersorby mail at 50c a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Bread 2,500 Years Old. It seems impessible that bread could survive for nearly 2,500 years, and yet that is the age of a loaf dug up not long ago. The discovery was made by a ]wench explorer in Syria, and he estimated that the loaf was baked in the year 560 B.O.. In the shape of a bun, it was In excellent condition and was wrap- ped in a cloth in a tightly -sealed. tomb. Other ancient loaves' have been found at Pompeii, in Italy. 'Unearthed In a well-preserved oven, they were slightly charred, but the, baker's name was read quite eastily. Not 'so old as these, but still getting on in years, • is a loaf which is pre- served at Ambaston, in Derbysthire. It is over. 700 years' old, and• was origin- ally given to the Soar family with 'a grant of land made to them by. King John. MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express Money Order. five Dollars costs three cents,. Economy. Wife ---".Toth, eine you say We must economize, I have decided not to get Josephine a new hat this winter•, but o let her have mine," Hub --"And you?" Wife—"Oh, 1 must have a Ilew ono, f course.." I The Disturbllig Element, Maloney, Jr, ---"What's an "amie,ablo ettlement, Pae" Maloney, Sr. ----"A town weere there's no Orlsh, 01 suppose, sourly;" > to ift Itenteby Contpatig 71 West Adelaide St„ Toronto Canada Mlinard's Llnin1eet foe sale everywhere Aichievetnelnt.` We .,travelers baited on a mountain 'tree, Bloclted by great pylramidal ceage et snow, "BeYond thlespoint," said one, "no man can go! He who would climb thoseeutting tow. ers must fail! He would be flogged and frozen by the gale; Tighti ing would• scorchhim, polar winds would blow; And he would fall to icy eaves below, Bleed;'illg belieatli the cliffs he could not scale!" But while one wanderer thus invoked despair, 'Ile, other dug his spikes deep in the sa�.h Mid inch on inch, by 'steady, ,strain, '"'ing tell, He -mounted that precarious', rock Stt'ewn stair. 'Hearing his fellow wail, "You are too weak!" He steed, triumphant, en a starry peak! Stanton A.:Coblentz. CI H DIIOOD INDIGESTION i Nath ng is more common in child- hood than indigestion. Nothing is more dangerous to proper growth, more weakening to the constitution or more likely to pave tho way to danger- ous . ,disease Fully nine tenths of all the minor ills of childhood have their root in indigestion.. There is no nnedi- cine for little ones . to equal Baby's Own Tablets iu relieving this trouble. They have proved of benefit in thous- ands of homes. Concerning them Mrs. Jos. Lunette, Immaculate Conception, Que.,- writes: "My baby was a great sufferer; from indigestion, but the Tab- lets scion set her right and now I would not be without them." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. - Population of Palestine. Palestine has a total population of 757,182, according to the figures 'of the census of three months ago. Ten per cent. of the people in. Palestine are given as Christian, 11 per cent. as Jews -and .79, per cent, as Mohammedans. The figures for Christians and Jews are regarded as about coriec't, but there was such strong opposition to the census on, the part of the Moham- medans that their number probably is considerably under -estimated. In two. cities only is there a prepon- derant Jewish population, Jerusalem -and Tiberias. In former, out of a total of 62,000, 34,000 are descended from Abrahaieezeidthe -balance are about equaeiy+" v; eel' be:tween the followers of Jesus i and the prophet of Mecca. Its interesting s to note that Betizie- hem is the only town in the land in which _Christians, predominate. Here there are 5,838 ofthis, faith, 818 Mohammedans and two Jews. Naz- areth has a population of 7,424 of which roughly two-thirds are Chris- tian, one-third Moslem, and only 53 Jews. The principal seaport, Jaffa, has about 47,000 people, of whom there are 20,000 eaahof Jews and Moham- medans, and about 7,000 Christians. The other large centres, of population are very largely Mohammedan. The, Palestine Weekly, a Zionist or- gan, claims that according to Roman figures' this country has supported a population of 7,000,000, but when one considers ,that the area of Palestine s about equal,to that of Vermont and teat it has about an equal amount of rabic mnd, .gone' questions seriously whether, with the highest development f cher natural resources, it will be ossible for Palestine ever to support greatly augmented population. Ver- mont, Jai. 1920, counted 352,428 people within the state. • Britain can speak by telephone to ranee, Belgium, Switzerland, and' olland. In America the range of the ong-distance ehone is over 4,000 ilex, a 0 p a F H m 1111111111111 111111111 01 tops Backaches at once -so comforting A tiring day, on your feet. Stooping, lifting, running up and downstairs -- does your back feel tied in painful knots? App,lySloan's to thosesore, tired muscles. That warm, penetrating glow brings inn mediate comfort. Almost before you realize it the pain and stiffness are gone. Wherever congestion causes pain -use Slosia's. Sloan's is prote.ctiof against pain. All druggists carry it Maa i„• aznad,x foal 's Ment•kill Pi in ' l nr rlimihriYiiwyirs,bruisc stra, hs,chest colds iS$15E No. 16 -'23. LOST 30 POUNDS THEN GAINED" 35 Veterai - Real Estate Broker of Toronto Tells of Remarkable Restoration by Tanlac. James Burns, 20 St. Albans Street, is still another man: of prominenee in Toronto to speak out in behalf of Tan - lag. Mr, Burns is now seventy-three years of age, but says: "leo one takes ine for seventy-three now, and T feel every bit as active as I dist Forty years ago. "Before taking Tanlac my weight fell off from one hundred and ,sixty to one hundred and thirty pounds, and I had begun to feel• the hand of 'Old Father Time' laying heavily on me. I seldoze ate more than one meal a day and that caused me hours of misery, Nights I would pace the floor too ner- vous to sleep, and many days I felt foo worn;,out to dress and go out any- where, "I don't believe I could have ever I pulled up to where I am now if it hadn't been for Tanlac. It has restored, my health completely and built me up to one hundred and 'sixty-five pounds.' Tanlac is -the best investment I ever made." Tanlac is for sale by all good drug- gists. Over 35 milli - on bottles sold. British boys -will be sent, across to Australia at the rate of 500 a month if a scheme " of emigration, on, recentl -launched by the Australian. Govern- ment proves successful, Mlnard's Liniment used by Physiclans. The New Testament was divided into verses by Robert Stevens, a print- er, in 1551. America's Pioneor Dog Itemofiies Book on DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. B Clay Giovor 0,,, Inc. 129 West 24th f troot New York, U.S.A. Keep Stomach and Bowels Right By giving baby the harmless, pnrely vegetable, infants' and children' s regulator. MS. vataLows SYRUP brings astonishing, gratifying results in making baby's stomach digest food and bowels move as they should at time. teething me. Guaranteed free a, �U from narcotics, Mi ates, alcohol and all harmful ingredi- ents. 'Safe and ' satisfactory. ArAtt Cuticura Heals Face Disfigured With Itchy Eczema "Eczema broke out in watery pim- ples on my face and head. Later my cheeks and head be - carne so bad that they. were covered with large ' scales. The itching and burning were so severe that I could not sleep at night. My face was badly disfigured. Me hair became dry and lifeless and fell out so that I had to have it cut off close to my scalp. "A friend advised me to try Cuti- cure Soap and Ointment so I pure chased some, and after using two cakes of Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Cuticura Ointment I was healed." (Signed) 'Mrs. Elmer King, Box 278, Jackson St., Oxford, Nova Scotia. Make Cuticura Ointment and Talcumyour daily toiletpreparations. Sample tacbFreeb-Mair, Address: '4smans,r4m- lted, 348 St. pant 4., IP., Montreal," Sold every- where. Soap2sc, Ointment:5and5Oe. Talcnm2be. 5"Cuticura Soap shaves without chug. Classified Advertisement#, :Ps4,R7:1:44Et C.QOFt3`5i°,NIfANI,)l Amateur Plaches. ¥Ono10 rr v1instrel Jokes, ITepitations, ltfake-t7 , Goods, etc. Fitzgerald Publishing Corp.. i Pept. w', 18 'Vesey Street, New York. ( REP i rES AND E 1rPT,YEF,I. CHATleAle I�ANIYING zfxLL, , �L// Chatbnm Tnp•;;tbc'rs, Ther2ndtneteara„, I aPoly Manson Campbell, Chatllaln, ontw rr ADTES WANTED --TU DC? Pe -4M • 1.,e and ilght sewing at home, whore or spare time; good pay; work sent any distanee; charges paid, Send stamp for particulars. National Manufacturing CO., Montreal. Travelling by air from London tQ New York in twelve hours is prophe- sied by Major-General Sir W, 0. Brancker, Director of Civil Aviation. Enliven Your Eyes through the daily use of Murine. The alluring sparkle of youth quickly returns todlifeeyes which have become dull an. less. Used safely for many years. Sold by druggists everywhere. URINE, • foR you EYES For the Kidneys Kidney troubles are frequently caused by badly digested food which overtaxes these organs to eliminate theirritantacidsformed. Help your stomach to properly digest the foodby taking 15 to 30 drops of Extract of Roots, sold as Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup, and your kidney disorder will promptly disappear. Get the genuine. 50c. and $1.00 bottles. H EA DAC E Bathe the forehead with Minard's and inhale freely. It gives quick relief for every ache. THEY TELL TKEIII NHllIBOS Women Tell Each Other How They Were Helped by Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound . Woodbridge, Ont.—"I took Lydia E. rinkham s Vegetable Compound for fe- male troubles. I would have headaches, backaches, pains between my shoul- ders and lender my shoulder -blades and. dragging down feelings on each side. I was sometimes unable to do my workend felt very badly. My mother- in-law told me about the Vegetable Compound and I got some right away. It has done me more good than any other, medicine I ever took and I rec- ommend it to my neighbors. You are quite welcome to use this letter as a testimonial if you think it will help some poor sufferer. "—Mrs. EDGAR SIMMONS, R. R. 2, Woodbridge, Ont. In nearly every neighborhood in every town and city in this country there are women who have been helped by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in the treatment of ailments peculiar to their sex, and they take pleasure in passing the good word along to other women. Therefore, if you are troubled in this way, why not give Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound a fair trial. This famous remedy, the medicinal ingredients of which are derived from roots and herbs, has for forty years proved its value in such cases. Women everywhere bear willing testimony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pink- ham"s Vegetable Compound. ci UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all VeitO, 44,4194 Accept otlly. an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of y Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Handy "Bayer'' boxes of 12 tablets ---Also bottles of 24 and i.00 --Druggists. Aspirin IS the trade lusek trogIstrrrd In Cannflal of fla'er itaa,irfaetnre of 1Nono- eeeticacidestrr of ^altrylletcid, Vilna it is Weil known that AsPiri;r neons melee inanuftiaotrtrc, treasslsi tea publie against Milts -lions, the Tablets of barer Clomps: v/ trill bis Sttlrnped Willa their goncerar trade marl), the "Dover crow:;"