HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-04-19, Page 8G!!Fti.,`4 l3it.#Lif. ew Spring Goods Spring is here. Warm balmy days are coming and you will want new dress materials of various kinds. We invite your inspection of Our many lines of New Goods For Ladies Suits and Coats Fire Navy and Black Poiret Twill 54 in wide at per yd .,. ... $300 Tricotine, especial quality 54 in. wide, at per yard ... ... $3.75 Botany Serge's, all colors, 52 inches *vide, at per yd. ...$2.25 FOR DRESSES Serges; all colors, from 85c. per yard. up to ......$1.50 Wool polrllinl, black, navy, and brown 50 -in. wide at ... $2.50 New Voiles, Organdies, Crepe Clothes, Ratines and Creper. SPECIAL -A11 Ratines and crepes, varied. colors, 38 -in. at ... ...75c GIN GH_9.MS-Anderson Fine Eng- lish Ginghams 32 in. width, 40 ,and 45c. per yard - A Range of Canadian Gingham's at.25c. to 35e. per yard House Furnishings SPRING HOUSECLEANING TIME IS ABOUIT HERE, WE ARE READY TO SHOW YOU A FINE RANGE OF CURTAINS AND .DRA- I'ERY MATERIALS, WINDOW SHADES, EXTENSION RODS, CR- ETONS, CHINTZS, TAPESTRY CURTAINS. SEE OUR NEW WINDOW CURTAINS WITH SILK FRING EDGE,ALL READY TO HANG, Linoleum and Cong. Rugs. WE CARRY IN STOCK 4 -YARD 'WIDE LINOLEUMS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS ALL WIDTHS, AND , A LOT OF CONGOLEUM RUGS IN ALL SIZES. -GET OUR. PRICES. BIG SHOE SALE In Town Saturday. Come! Come! LIEN'S OF LOCAL INTEREST WANTED FOR CASH -1000 toes ,o,t. ac> al> rron, rags, rubbers, old stoves, horse ' hair, wool, lead, 'cop'per and brass, geese and duck feathers, and all kinds of Junk. If•*ou have any Junk to disposeof Kindly, Phtrne 1-81, Zurich, or write,; I, Cohen, Exeter, • Ont, 41-2 DON'T FORGET TO CALL HERE AND LET US SHOW YOU OUR MANY NEW LINES OF SPRING GOODS AND ALSO SHARE IN THE SPE CIAL BARGAINS WE ARE OFFERING FOR SATURDAY ONLY. New flowered silk crepe yd 1.60 Men's Khaki work shirts ...... 98c .Buy's pullover .Sweaters fine for spring wear $1.50 to $1.75 Boy's Shirts at ... __ 39c Men's Sox at ... _.. ... 30c Rice, 4 -lbs. for ._ .. ... 25c Cooking Figs per. 1b. ... ... .._ 7c 7 bars Toilet soap for ... ... 25c Cookies, assorted., per pound 19c Small quantity of Alsike and Timothy Seed For Sale J.IGASCHO & SON Produce Wanted Phone 67 Zurich's Garage BATTERIES! BATTERIES! We are again handling the I.X. L. Battery IF IN NEED 0P A BATTERY BETITER CALL AND SEE US WE MAKE A SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BA'PTERY WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES PO COMPARE WITH ANY OTHER QUALITY AND SERVICE CONSIDERED We also handle the famous U. S. L. Battery A COMPLETE LINE OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES AND GEN- UINE FORD PARTS ALWAYS ON HAND NOW IS THE -TIME TO HAVE YOUR CAR REPAIRED. OUR POLICY IS FIRST HERE, FIRST SERVED. .C,OME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH. WE ARE EXPERTS ALONG THIS LINE AND CAN ATTEND TO YOUR NEEDSAXY ACTYLIN -WELDING BATTERY CHARGING BATTERY REPAIRING H. Mousseau Zurich .••••••••••••.o••••••004.••••p••••••`••••••••••••• • Fence Buyer's • Parmers do not be deceived and buy any .kind of fence, • There is only one kind of Vence namely Frost Tight Lock the cheapest and best on the market. ,i 1 TADS wEic PREET R BLOCK - ZURICH • ►•••••••••••••••••••XVII••••••••••••••••••••••••••► CARD OF THANKS The bereft family of Mr. . and Mrs. Conrad Sshiiibe, .wish to greatly thank their neighbors and friends for the kind assistance and sympathy rendered during the death of their daughter, Miss Nena E. Sehilbe, • the past week. NOTICE • LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter .... , 45 Eggs .i: 24 Tried apples per !lb, ... 7c Dutch setts per lb .. 5c Potatoes per bag ... ..... 75 Wheat per bushel .. 1.15 Oats ... .. . .. 45 Flour per cwt ... 3.00-3,75 Bran per ,ton ... ... ... ......... 28.00 Shorts") er ton 30.00 Ilogs 10,25 by God upon himself -God manif- ested in the fiesh-Bearing His own Justice -The full penalty of sin falling upon Him -Our sinbear- Cr, Christ, the God -man., made sin for us. Oh what Humiliation - W 1l the party who took two what love. 'Dying that we need cow chains by mistake from the not die (Eternally). -Yea Beloved, consignment ,sale at Zurich ,kindly He became a curse for us.Died under our .siins. Tasted the deep- est pangs of Hell. -Or separation from God's love when he uttered these words; "My God why .. hast Thou forsaken me?" Ali dear reader, these. words revealed to us the extreme 'justice of the law bear ing upon him our substitute. Sur- ely it becomes us to how in hum- ility as we ponder this stage df Redernption. Let us not forget His death -Its bitterness and sad - flea': But Beloved -Our sins were laid upon him. _The Sin -Offering was made. -The Blood shed. Yea and sprinkled before God's Hol- iest place, Here is the bright side -Sin's cov- ered, foi given, Yea -Believers, cru- cified with him and buried with Him. God's penalty for sin given and borne. But Death cannot hold that Man-Thel Son of C-od-:Oh no. No man's devices can hold that body in the .tomb. No Satanic pow er can hold My blessed Lord bee yond the prophetic hour. No,; the Stone is rolled back and Jesus rises from the grave triumphant over death and the grave.Here, dear readers, its the glorious aspect of that Calvary scene -Resurrect- ion. hod,, Soul and .Spirit reunited, • No, brethern ye (false teachers) can- not explain away the fact of His bodily resurrection -No dissolving into gasses. -Na stealing of the body -no, such teaching is vain - seen eleven times on the first day. Spoken ta, eaten with„ witnessed his vital presence -Yea looked inn - on by eyes who, like ourselves, cowardly doubters, and made to cry, '‘My Lord and My God." Be- hold, his forty days of stay upon the earth after his resurrection - "Whet evidene of real Jesus who had lived among them for over 33 years. Oh. beloved ones, He rose from theg, rave -The God -man bears the print of ;the nails in. his hands and feet.. . But what does this mean; Risen? Ah it is our Hope in, fruition. Life from the Dead. God satisfied re- vealed, td us as an eternal Receipt. The debt was `fully paid, Justice satisfied and now God proven to be just and the Condemnation lif- ted from the Believer -And Etern al Life given to all who believe:... Jnn. 3;16. Jno. 3;24. Oh Beloved -We (IBe1ievers) are not only crucified with Hom, Bur- ied with Him, but thank God, are risen with Him. New Life, from the dead. , If any man .he in 2nd, after an illness of several mon- Christ -he is a New Creature". ths. IHe was' anold settler of near Il. Cor. 5..17. Ah Beloved the pos Russeldale fair many years "and ition. of the believer lis glorious _- crucified, crucified, buried, risen, ascended, seated; What security -notice the plea by Paul in. Romans 8;35-39. Resurrectiol4 a proof of our Bod- ily . Resurrection (grorified) new; life -Eternal life. Four gifts are ours, believers, issuing from what the glorious Easter recalls. lst. Himself (IJesus) Jno. 3;16. 2nd, Eternal Life, Ronil,, 6;23. 3rd. Salvation , 4th. Righteousness. Moved Readers -ponder over over the significance of Easter- tide. Read I. Cor'. .15 carefully. ,. Notice there the order in Resurrect ion Jesus the first fruits -after they that are Hos at His' Coming -The Rapturei of, the Bride, on to ,Resur- rection of the Martyred Brethren during the Tribulation which com- pletes the 1st,. Resurrection -See Rev. 20;5. But Ah Beloved, the 2nd Resur•ection, follows See Rev. 20;7-15. What a contrast betw- een these two Resurrections with an interval of at least 1000 years, No general resurrection such as we so 'often hear spoken about, tau- ght in scripture. Let us, as „Belie- vers, rightly divide God's word.. An injunction given in II Tim 2;15. Blessed are we believers, who are, in the Resurrection -All lost, do- omed oto' eternal death which is cis Bible states it 2nd death -Lake of Fire. Do not be deceived into ,belie- virig there is no Ile' 1. The -a and 1 b it is an awful reality and its cit- iz • ens will be °.The Christ Rejectors return t o ,Herald Office. 1' LOST A purses containing a quantity of 'money(, on the 14th. con. Fin - bier kindly return to Hy. Krueger or to Herald Office, and erdeeive a reward. AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects, Etc., on C'oncessionj 18E Stephen Tp., 3 q miles Wiest and Hap mile ,South of Dashwood On Monday„ April' 23, 1923,' Commencing at 1.30 o'clock, p.m. the following; . Sideboard, dresser, . dressing st- and, 3 bedsteads with springs, cupboard, leaf table., cook stovefor coal or wood,',dozen kitchen chairs rocking chair, 100 rods barb wire 20 rods 6 -wire high fence, bedclor the's, carpets, dishes, knives and forks, lamps, lanterns, . pots, copper boiler, 2 tubs, pails/ wash boiard, forks, shovels, axes, wedges, ch- ains;, cow ehahns, crow bar, buggy new buggy, set heavy harness, set single harness, bells; and nurner- our other articles. TERMS OF SALE $5 and under cash, over that'' am- ount 6 month's credit given on'fnr- nishin approved joint notes." 4% straight off for cash on. credit' a- mounts. ' Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. i Ed. Gill, Clerk. Thuffold ITedro, Proprietor., DASHW000. Mrs. Elizabeth Geiger, spent the past week' at Zurich. Mr. Wm. Callfais of the west is visiting relatives around here at present. The joint auction sale held on Wednesday, was a big success,,, and good prices realized. Arthur Weber, our veteran auctioneeiewas. tn. his . usual good. form. Mr. Ed. Beaver was at Zurich on Sunday. r , , Miss Mabel Sehade of Exeter5 visited hers home here on Sunday'. NOTICE -Will the party holding my fence stretcher, please return it at once. -D. Tiernan, • • • 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • COUNTY ' NEW5. The Presbyterian church et Grand: Bend and Corbett have ex-, tended an unanimous call to Rev. A...M. Grant, $.A., B.D, of Toronto The Grand Bend pulpit has been vacant acant since the leave of Rey'.Carrier, last summer. James C. Balfour died at his home in Mitchell, on Monday April only last fall moved to Mitchell, A number from Grand. Bend were in Toronto last week where they joined a deputation to wait on, Honl. F. C. Biggs in referl- nee tot the "Blue Water" hi;'h'ivay. pian from Windsor to Owen Sound. Among thosm who attended were II. trill. B. Ilossen.ber.ry, G. Eccles- ton. and F. C. Wacker. c i Gilbert Plains, Manitoba. Dear Readers of the Herald;- I desire again to pen you a short letter. Three months have p'' sled since I last prate you- ' since thewe have passed through a . very cold winter. 1 believe the Mercury registered as low. as 50 degrees below zero, and during and March! it often. fell to' 30 or 40 w, belo. ).Abundance of snow has puled up on roads and field's, anal, spring does not yet hover in'aight It has been a hard winter en' fuel Spring, will be welcome by all when it comes. A great deal of ?sickness prev- ails here at present -several cases of sleeping disease are reported'. We have put in a busy winter with Day -school and night school. Quite a, number of the Adult. class availed themselves of the latter And profited thereby. As a result, many of the young men and wom- en have - gained a f air kn owledge o� •r of the English and learned tead and write pretty well. Two dip= om.as were obtained at the final exam. - There- would have been; five or six more granted, but for sickness breaking in upon Our work. .Now Readers, let the foregoing .suffice fox secular news, and kindly follow zne in another line of thp- ught I wish to bring before you some Truth,, bearing on Eastertide, When. this letter appears in print another Easter will have come arra. gone; but Ohl Beloved, its bles- . Thursday, April 19th, 1023 .... IpM._..66 .Y.1.i l- _- -1111 .-. *dr ...u':.w�MYYr� The store with the Liberal CashDiscount ATTENTION! r. Farmer NOW IS THE (TIME TO DO YOUR FENCING, AND- WE ARE IN A POSITION (P0 GIVE YOU A GOOD CHOICE OF FENCE AT VERY LOW PRICES..;THIS IS HIGIHEST GRADE MADE. WE HAVE FENCING HERE ALSO' AT A LOWER PRICE - COME AND LOOK IT OVER, IT MAKES A GOOD FENCE, WELL GALVANIZED AND WILL STRETCH UP, FINE. IF WE DO NOT HAVE JUST WHAT YOU' WANT IN THIS LINEU OF (FENCE, WE CAN GET IT FOR YOIN A {FEW DAYS. Take Notice Every prospective buyershould know this. This is very important:. - A Chain, no matter how large, is only strong as its weakest link. - Now this is the point we are driving at. Do not be satisfued with any Fence which has not as heavy, a wire used in the lock, asthe line and upright wires, be- cause it is bound to go at that point4irst, and time will surely tell. We have on hand an assortment of Choice Galvanized Gates Prices will be right. We have painted Gates in stock from last year, while they1ast, We won't refuse any reasonabie offer; You make the price. , Barb Wire, Coiled Wire, Plain Whre all galvanized. B•i„g�stock. enough for all. Staples, (Black wire, Augers, Pliers, in fact everything you need. 2 large Fence stretchers at your disposal. Ask for one, if you. need it, No Charge. 1/4 NOW; LET'S' GO AND MAKE THIS A BUMPER FENCE YEAR. ELICK&BRAUN PHONE 63 You Have Surplus Funds on Deposit How much interest do yor receive on $1,000? Ordinary savings gives you $30. Why not invest your surplus funds in Huron & Erie Deb- entures for a term of one, two, three, four or five nears? . You obtain; additional $25„ upon each $1,000 investrikent. Call at my office at anytime and let me exp)tain la;;hout • this sound profitable Debenture investment. Andrew F. Hess, Zurich Have You MADE YOUR WILL? • • • • • Beware of the, Cult; of to -day , - False teachers -Beware of tholse man-made. preachers who give man niede theories. !Cling to the BibleE Pour over its teac'hin'gs prayerfully with Christ in your heart. Be humble, get away, from thinking, man is Divine -or Man's develoi>enent .is kis 'salvationiSee Alan's place in Rornw.ns 1, 2 ,and 3. Matt;" in his natural state, Jost sed lessons tan abide. 'What a ruined, etc. , sad, event, Good Priiday Chrronieles God bless :you and cause you to. God. Yea the Lard Jusu5 +suffer= ;,Your Friehd, ing: in our rfitilen'hrinanityl stead. . Jas. ;S. Delgaty t.'re demands of justice meted .outlr 1;023. u's-.T to Crucifixion of the San of :nes alo w his Truth Atereh 286 Ready -to -Wear Clothing DENOM Y BROS. GENTS FU RNISHINGS Ordered Clothing RADIO) SHIRTS Full Cut For Comfort Ready- -The elaborate new Sprin line of Radio' Shirts New Novel Patterns New Fabrics New Colors RADIO SHIRTS ARE.FAMOUS FOR, THEIR SMART INDIVIDUAL S'T'YLES, CAREFUL HAND. ITA11 ORING, PERFECT WORK111ANn STi1P AND FULL CUT FOR COII,`,-4. TORT. „ IT WILL RAY 'YOU' TO C014 ".i IN AND SEE WHAT WE IIAVilt 10 OFFER BEFORE IIi'7YINfr1 YOUR SPRING OUTFIT " DE1101/17 :nos. Produce taken, ia; exohae for Goo