HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-04-19, Page 7SMOKE
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If you
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ask far
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Surnames and Their Origin
'Racial Origin—English.
Source—A locality.
Here is a family name which, from
its ending, might appear to belong to
that classification of surnames• which
have been derived from the names of
occupations ---names, for instance, such
as Baxter, whicihi originally was "Bak -
ester" or "Baker," '
As a matter ott fact, however, It is a
compound of a place name wti,th the
Norman -Preach • prefix "de," meaning
"of" or "from" and quite generally
used in the early period of family
name formation to indicate the locality
from which the bearer of the dame had
come, or with which he was in some
special way connected.
Earlier retards of this name as
"d'Exeter" and "d'Excester" show that
In Ste original use it meant simply"of•
itxeter, the reference being to the
Alahe it an
every :nom -
hag habit
Shoe Polishes
East or West
Eddy's Best
Insist on having
TN hours of hard, hot toil
you are paying for it—in
health --its time stolen from
pleasanter ,things—
In the Walker. Electric
Dishwasher an entire day's
. dishes are washed, rinsed,
steriliked and dried in less
than ten minutes.
Is it economy to spend
hours doing, what the
Walker does in minutes and
does better than hands
i"7'hca macislrib that's Can do it
pore careful than
hands," And there's no
breakage — no
muss - - no• Wet
hands—no shat-
tered nerves,
The Walker
avoids all of that,.
See .k demon-
Hurley Machine Co,
66 Temperance St.
ancient city of that name in Devon
Exeter is located on a river known
to the ancients as the Exe. The res
of the name oom+es from the Latin
"oastrum," meaning a camp, which the
Angio -Saxons /caned "waster," thus
indicating "Execaester" as tibia more
ancient name of the city,
The Work of Paul Peet.
_ A piece of sculpture by Paul Peel
the famous Canadian painter, whose
Picture, "After the Bath," has • Just
t been returned to Canada, purchased.
by Henry Pocok,of Loddon, Ont., from
the Hungarian government. The figure
was presented years ago to tete London
library by Paul Peel's farther.
Racial Origin --Scottish.
Source—A place name.
There is such a similarity between
the ?amity names of Kelso and Kelsey,
the latter of which was explained in
the preceding article, that one might
be pardoned for jumping at the con-
clusion that they are really but varia-
tions of the same name. They are not,
Kelsey is a name. of Cornish origin.
Kelso is Scottish. And though both
are derived from place' names', these
place names are alike neitbrer in open-
ing nor meaning.
Kelsey, it was explained, cams from
the ancient place name of "Kelsyc."
Kelso Comes from the place eamme of
"Calchow." which was a eorruption-oif
the more ancient ferny of.."Chalk-
heugh. ,v
Though Soottislti, this name is Anglo,
Saxon, being in Roxburghshire, Its
meaning was "chalk -hill. Note how
the North English speech maintained
the initial "ch" en' a "k," though the
second "ch" became softened; and Axi-
nallly changed into an "1s,".
Was Methuselah Really
}low old was Methuselah?
Nine hundred and sixty -nide years
Is the age with which we have always
credited this patriarch. Now however,
scientific research has reduced the
figure to 78% years!
Experts point not that there has al-
ways been, a certain amount of doubt
concerning the great age supposed to
have been attained by patriarchs, and
many theories' have been evolver: to
reduce Biblical records of this kind to
something near man's normal span.
It is supposed that in the earliest
times the month, or period of a moon
cyclte, was called a year, Sothat
Adam's 930 yearsof life, calculating
a year at 29'/ days, the length of a
lunar month, works out at 75?/,t years.
after the month -year there would
appear to have cornea five-month year,
the limit et five being derived from
the Regale of one Land, for primitive
peoples used the fingeng for purposes
of calculation. On the five-month year
basis, Abraham's, 175 years shrink to
72, and Isaac's 180 to 74.
It is.also pointed out that it Is pos-
sible there .intervened a six-month
year, discovered by Jacob while watch -
leg Labau's hocks. Thus Jacob's 147
years work out at about 73.
The twelve -mouth year originated
with the Egyptians, who saw that a
complete period was nettle up of two
"yearn," in one of which the "days were
longer s than the eights, and in the
other the nights were longer than the a
days. 1a.st week, All your workmates have
Try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as a
Blood -Improving, Health -
Restoring Tonic.
Every man, woman and child needs
new, rich, red blood at this time of thio
year. That is a scientific fart. All
doctors know it. The blood grows thin
and poor in the winter; there is not
enough of it and spring shows the ef-
feet. Take notice and see how many
people are pale andesallow atthis time•
of the year. They complain of being
easily tired, their appetite is poor, and,
they are often depressed and low-
spirited. That is mother nature une.
ing them to improve their blood sub
ply; but oftexrtheir digestion is weak
eued so that they cannot turn food
into blood without help. Hereis
where modern medical. science comes
to the rescue. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
have a direct action on the blood and
enable you to got full use of the blood -
making elements in your meals. ,sou
soon feel their effect—your appetite
improves, your nerves are steadier,
color returns to the cheeks and lips,.
you have more vim and energy and;
can work with mess fatigue.. The above
statements are borne out by the ex-
perience of Mr. S. P, Greachuk, Janow,
Man., who says:—"Very recently I
found myself in a badly run down con-
dition. My stomach was. quite out of
order; I could eat but little and what
I did eat did not appear to nourish me.
I did not seem to have enough blood;
my hands and legs were blue, and. 1
had no strength to work. I tried sev-
eral medicines but did not get good re-
sults. Then one day reading our news.
paper I read about Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills and decided to try them, I used
a half dozen boxes,'and-now I feel well
and strong, have a good appetite, and
can do my work with ease. Naturally
I bave great faith in this medicin
a blood -making tonic."
Whether you are seriously
merely feel easily tired and out-ol
sorts, you should try Dr. Wilhelm'
Pink Pills this spring. They are sold
by medicine dealers everywihere, or
will be sent by mail at 50 cents a box
by writing The Dr, Williams' 1lfedioiee
Co„ Brockville, Ont. ,
Getting Even,
Tile foreman was going froial6 one This Bali (3utftt tad oho prizes, Poi
Boys `aped Ciris, glut n f.or seining a Pow
man to another with a sheet of paper dollars' worth of Government Tested
in his hand. When he tools to Sandy garden seeds at loo a pkg. We pay you
1 bash -also, if you wish,
'Vickie he said: nowann-olaR do :ales'
"Sandy, this is a subs'criptton to get es norm Street, Toronto
wreath for Jim Lomond, who died
tt tiii esialsii
"She• •"Ceorge, no youlove ;tie for
tnyse1f alone?"
I -ie ---""Yes, dear, bat there's neo Ilse
offending per ma and pa by letting 'ern
know it."
Once a mother has used Baby's Own
Tablets for her little one she would
use nothing else. The Tablets give
such results that the mother has noth.
ing but words of praise and thankful -
?less for them. Among the thousands
of mothers throughout .Canada who
praise the Tablets is Mrs. David A.
Anderson, New Glasgow, N.S., who
writes:—"I have used Baby's Own
Tablets for my children and from my
experience I would not be without
then. I would urge every other moth-
er to keep a box of the Tablets in the
house." The• Tablets are a mild but
thorough laxative which, regulate the
bowels and sweeten the stomach;
drive out constipation_ and indigestion;
break up colds and simple fevers and
make teething easy. They are sold by
medicine dealers, or by mail at 25c a
box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Preventing Disease.
Time modern aim of rneldteine to pre-
vent disease rather than wait for it to
declare itself is encouraging. In form-
er days people used to remark with
score amusement that among other
"queer" customs of the Chinese--,
queer because, contrary to our ideas or
practice—woe that of paying the doc-
tor only so long asyou were well; but
nowadays we are beginning to think
that the custom isperl>>aps not so fun-
unny after all. We have always been
fond of saying, "An ounce of preven•
tion is worth a pound of cure," but,
curiously enough, we applied the.
maxim to almost everything • except
health. Now, however, we am coming
to see that It applies to bodily ills with
The modern effort to prevent disease
began with the dootorsl, who in slate of
the good-natured, and the sometimes
ill-natured, fun .tiliai is paced at them
are 'tete lovers of their kind- Since,
i11 some --few exceptions', we have
not adopted the, Chineeeplan, the doc-
tor 'earns : his living solely by caring
for the sick, and the, fewer the sick
the harder It is for hien to earn his Hy-
ing." Nevertheless, be fe: working con-
stantly to teach people Dhow to keep
Societies have been formed for In-
structing the public hew. to avoid
tuberculosis, cancer, heart disease and
other great acoineses . of mankind.
Moreover, ass,oclatiose• of medical men.
have been established for consdd•ering
the best means' to promote public
health and to prevent epideanics. But
at bottom responsibility for health
rests' with the individual, who should
form the habit of going to his physl-
clan for a clean, bili of health, just as
he goes to his dentist to asce;'tain the
condition of his mouth.
The Lost Mother.
Old Lady (to a little girl who is lost)
---"What is the matter, little girl? Are
you lest?"
"Little Girl—"No, my mother is lost
-she can't And me.'
Copper is a leading product of
western Canada.
i r i
Feared the Results.
T'ather "That fellow you're going
with is a. bad egg."
Daughter—"1 know it, 1'd :ave
dropped hint long ego if it weren't for
Small Garden implement Has .Many
With its ruses se spade, stirring fork,
rake, and hoe, a new oombinatian- tool
will .prove a handy• inlpleinent in the
flower and kitchen gar'd'en, It As easily
changed from one form to another by
a locking plate,
Kilinard's Ll'nitnetltused by t tiysiolan ,
given a shilling eeclr towards it."
"Och, pilon," replied Sandy, "that'll
make me' and. Jim square nno. Tte
owed me a boli, onyway,"
The sato way to send money by mail
is by Dominion :Express Money Order;.
New Devices,
RRe enlbting a rubber hand stamp is
a new device with which: ink from a
respasses through se rvoir1 ough trtencils that
can be made by any one as It is press-
ed. down.
Mihard's Liniment for .5810 everywhere
Poen Fannie,
T'a.nnte was eating •ail apple, when
she m1(1.0e11Ty cried out in pain,,
"'W''haf.. Is the matter, darling?" este
ed her nmethor,
"1 steeped on my tongue
tooth, said Pewee, .
with Any
Send me FnEu, 30 packages of seeds
and booltle tt.o:t prizes, It I don't sell
seeds 1! will return them at your
.Sox No 'Gown. .......
SEirn L' O+Atglttf�3X
Irresistible Eyes
• are those which are bright
and sparkling. Keep your eyes
young andbeautiful through the
doily use of Ivita•ine. It has stood
the test nftime. Mail druggists.
alG/ 6Yrp
f YlFYES ailidinalingriii
Jlinterioets litotteer Dog 3,tentodies
Pool: on
and Row to Peed
Mallei !'nee to any Ad-
dres8 by the Author,
itt, Moly Mover 00,,x'no,
110 lest 2•ith attest
New Yore, tees&
„es mkoitenzdtmeatrowlissairOddiedittoomizo.
ISwUE No. 16-x•'23,
tI•FRSr J. C1yL MaRE
Posiniitect E Ever Getting
Well; . B at'i "anlae Entirely
Elide` ,Stonxach Trouble,
She Declairea,
"I was just hopeless of being well
again, when along same Tanlac, and.
today T enjoy' the best- of health. i
wilt ?rales this,medicine as long as I
live." This• grateful statement was
made recently by Mrs, ;Tenet Gilmore,
73 I3eorasel tilt„ Toronto, Ont.
"Voir seventeen months I led a miser,
able existence with stomach :trouble.+
My appetite left me and anyhow I was
afraid to eat, Gas . on my ;stomach
pressed around my heart till I. thought`
I would smother, and 'my nerves were
so excited even the noise of the child-
ren playing nearly drove me frantic.
I could get no. restful aleep•and It was
next to impossible for nue to do any
"Then I- stat -ted on Tanlac and the
fleet bottle convinced me' I had the
right medicine. I now feel like a new
person, without a single ailment. Tan -
lac has no equal,"
Tan'lac is, for sale by all good drug•
gists. Over 36 million bottles sold.
Newsprint From Grass.
After four yearsof experimenting a
'Florida man has •succeeded in making
newsprint paper from native saw
11 E U1VI A T I S
Mrnard's Liniment is the
Old . reliable relief for +,
• Rheumatism. Rub it in to
the aching part and you'll see why two
generations have Drowned it King of Patin.
Claasired Advertiifemen
AT'ALQG 1't O17.1f:9`iX61 C
Amateur S'ltiyfl $lteteheta, afenolacla
indust Jokes, Recitations, ll eke,
Hoods; eta, 1+'itsgerald P b1fehln Card
Lep W. 18 Vey Street, 7 ew or;e,
ollx hexesor is ANT$,
(`,v_ Tnaaan laliy FeAN'ee CATASeele
its Fres; est the best vent t
Sbeioe. eteeprogted stock. "P
j'y e wPogv
derful Q,A,C, Strawberry. W. IL 00'8440
iev, Strathroy, Ont.
�r^ ADI. $ W,Al,*;T7sD-' o DO PLAT
1,4 and light sewing at home, ,whole o
spare bine; good pay; work sent an*
distance; charges paid. Send stamp Poll
particulars, National Manufacturing
Co., Montreal,
No Night Work.
Women in Japaxt wil be prohibite4
from working at nights by a law stns
acted by the Diet.
11111' lI�
it 'a., :
heumatic pain
— less every year
Sloan's is rapidly mak-
ing widespread -suffer-
ing from rheumatism
thing of the past.
Millions can testify to the
grateful relief it brings. j
The moment you feel the
first twinge of pain -apply
Sloan's. Its tingling, pene-
trating warmth gives instant
comfort. Before you realize
it the pain disappears.
Try it—you' 11 fired many every-
day uses for Sloan's.
OoC ,0000C 4(K=46‹:>0004C7f10 Made tit Canada
S1oanli°> i It inianennt liillspairil
For rheumatism, br uises,strains,chest colds
Uveae®e " -
"Bad breath Is a sign g of decayed
teeth, foul stomach or unclean y.
bowels." 1f your teeth are good,
look to your digestive organs at
once. Get Seigel's Curative Syrup
at druggists. 15 to 30 drops after
meals,clean .our o »
q p y f od passage � r
and stop the bad. breath odor. S Lydia E.Pii khata� S Vegetable Co n•
5oc. and $1.00 Bottles. Do not ri5zaad Brought Relief When
buy substitutes. Get the genuine. Other Medicines Failedoc,-=>oo00 X06 oorJo00oa' Qo
tad Breath
Port Mann, B. C. —"I took Lydia E}
Pinkham'sVegetable Compound because
I was tired and run-
down. I had head..i71
aches and no ap e-_.
tite andwastroubled
for two years with
sleeplessness. I tried
many medicines, but
nothing did me any
real good. While I
was living in Wash-
ington I was recom-
to take Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegeta-
ble Compound, I am stronger and feel.
Elie since then and am able to do my
housework. i am willing for you to
rise these facts as a testimonial. "—Mrs.
d. 0.`GREAVBS, Port Mann, B. C.
Feels New Life and Strength
Keene,N. 11.—"I was weak and run-
down and had backache and all sorts of
troubles which women have. I found
eat relief when taking Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound and I also
used Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative
Wash. I am able to do my work and feel
new life and strength from the Vegeta-
ble Compound. I am doing all I can to
advertise it."— Mrs. A. F. HAMMONA,
72 Carpenter Street, Keene, N.H.
Sick and ailing women everywhere
in the Dominion should try Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. 0
Keep Your !lands Soft
d White With Cutis.
The daily use cf the Soap, with
occasional touches of the Ointment,
is very effective for keeping the
hands soft and smooth. For red,
rough or sore hands: On retiring
bathe in hot water and Cuticura Soap,
dry, and rub in Cuticura Ointment.
Soap2Sc. OintmentZSen351le, Talcnm2Sc, Sold
throughout theDominion, CanadianDepot:
Lva na, Limited, 344 St. Feel St., W., Montreal.
SiRreuticuraSeat. shaves without snug.
UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you
are not getting Aspirin at all
Accept only an "unbroken package" of "layer Ta.hlets of
Aspirin;" which contains directions and dose worked out by
physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions 'Cor
Colds Headache Rheumatism
Toothache Neuralgia Neu rl1ls
» ; .
Earache Lumbago Pain. a�Il, l�'ain
Handy ' "Bayer" boxes o1;.12 tablets ---Also bottles of 24 and )00• ---Druggists.
,Aepirfn is the trade mark iregint-r!•,1 is Canada) "it iieyer 51,1,,itftt', , or ',in-,.
nc,al,atfdester of caiicyiieaeltl White it is wn;1 ibimwn that Ael:h•In merino I n,..r
monufncturc' tt, ns51st tico nubile •tf:nii,s 'na,iationa, the Ttbiets ill Plums•' ouigt.n9
will be starnpse eat 'their• ,.acro.: '-J'adV lead;, the "Barer truss,"•