HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-04-19, Page 5Tleursday, April 19th, 1923 fi+ • �1s7'RIC; E' R L D BUSINESS CARDS,. PrguUtoot, Killoran & reOLN-t>~,a, Barristers, Solsi+rtora, ,tiotariGs, Publi:, Etc, Office on the Square, 9114 door from Hamilton ' St God- ericb Peivate " funds to loan at lowest rates, w, Proudfoot, K.C, J, L hiilpi'an; D. E. Holmes. • air, Holmes will be in Hensen are Friday of each ' week. Andrew F. Hees; Township Clerk Issuer of marriage licenses, .Notary Public, Commissioner, 'Fire and Aut.- mobile ut.emobile Insurance, Representing gluon and Erie Mortgage Corpora-' tion, The. Canada Trust Co, Zurich; ['PT you Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc, Ads IN THIS COLUMN FOR SALE 'YOUNG YORKSHIRES 12 choice shoats, 12 weeks . old; must sell ,ais we aro over erowded' for room, E. G. Krueger, Phone 1-8e, tf5i FOR SALE A 11 -hoe disk fertillizer seed drill, nearly now, Also , a good Ontario. heavy 6 -year old working horse. For particulars apply to Sol, Gingerriich, tf-40: Dr. G. L. Smith L.D.S. (fi'oronto.) D.D.Chieago) DENTIST AT WALTER HOUSE, ZURICH, EVERY WEDNESDAY 'MANN OFFICE -- HENSALL �A U-T•I-�- E -R OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones Nat- ional School of Auctioneering. Try me for Registered. Live Stock; (All Breeds). Terms in keeping with prevailing prices. Choice farms for sale. Will sell anything anywhere. Phone 18-93 or write, Zurich. r— _y*.r,fx.N9swcuuca.Y •/Yli 'Licensed Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer for County of Huron. In a position to con- duct any auction sale; regardless las to size or articles to sell. I solicit your business; and if not satisfied will make no chargee for services. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. Phone 31 r 13. Zurich Meat MARKET Fresh and Swat Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool{ CASK_. FOR SKINS & HIDES I Tu b'Lt & Dec.0'tl Y. ZURICH LIVERY I am in :a position to accomo- date all requirements in the Livery Line, have Auto for hire,. Any- thing "'done' in the teaming line. . GEORGE J, THIEL Phone 51 Zurich. • S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTIStT . Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and ot the University of Toronto. .Late District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No, One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every Tuesday, Friday and Saturday from 10.00 a. m. until 5,00 pm at hte Coin- mercial-House. Main Office 'at Bayfield, Ont. -19 'L.IVI POU LTRY WANTED. Taken every day till +3 Oclock p.m. Do not feed fowl same morning when 'brought in. Highest Cash Prices ---CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Photne 94, Zurich COA,L:: Spring and Summer DELIVERIES - SEASON 1923 Owing. to the strike of theMin- era now prevailing in the Pennsyl- Vafia Anthracite coal fields, we are unable to guarantee delivery et price and until conditions be- come, more settled orders will be taken subject to our being able to obtain supplies and at prevailing Place time of delivery, .A� Canteo soul & 'PRODil:CE MERCHANT TERMS ;--CASH SH Phone,: Office lOw. Souse 1oj. HENSALL ONT FOR SALE, A limited' number of email pigs ba on type, not weaned! Also a quantity of ,send pea beans for •sale.= Apply to phone 6-98. Jos, Re; 2, Zurich `--. 39-3 FOR SALE A 'large quantity of yellow bl- ossom sweet clover seed for sale. Apply to Eimer `.Thiel„ Blake, ph- one 2-83, Zurich. FOR SALE Fertilizer for spring use. I haire in different places; Kipper, Brucefield and at Zurich. SO if' Zanypne wants some call phone 88, OCRL NEWS Mr, Dan- Smith is spending - a. week at a reoaia. Mr. ;Louiis' Wurn and.'Mrs, • Hy!, Bopp' are visiting • at' Thedford, E. F. Steele, was a weekt end visitor at St. Thomas, Miss Annie. Schiibe ,left London on Monday[, Mr. Richard Geoffrey 'left for Chatham on Monday, whet+e he intends to stay for the surmner. Mr. Ernan ilei Koehler, of Kiteb- ever is spending the week bee Mrs. Eliizabeth Geiger of Dash- wood., visited a few days „in, Zur- ich last week. Miss Greta Harness of Exeter, was a week.-endvisitor at the home of Mei. and Mrs. E, Oesch. for Mr. C. Eilber sold his fine pac- ing horse, to Mr. Alen. Sparks of •Seaforth for " Cilie handsome •sunt of $300.00. The funeral o!f the late Mies Nene •Sehilbe in Zurich last Thurs- day was largely attended. .Mrs Graham, Supt. of the Mot- her's Allowance, London, was in the. village one day last week. Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Schwartz of Detroit is visiting at the hoots, of his wife's parents, Mr. and Mrsl John Fuss. Mr, Wan,; Decher, sold his fine grey shown team to a buyer !role Ailsa Craig for the inticing sum of $470.00, • Mr. and Mrs, J. Hey?, "Jr.; were at London, this Wednesday. Mrs, Jacob Weido is on, the sick. Zurich. J. Hey i'r. 37 tf list. Pleased to see Mr. John Kipper NOTICE. able to be out ag{•tin, although with the aid of crutches, after. being J Ain in a position to do anylaid up for several weeks with •sei- kind 'of: paper hanging, painting, iathica•. graining and, decorating. Can al- Mr, and Mrs. Eldon Rennie sp'e so lsulpply wall palter if,; ordered ent the past week at Goderich and new Hamburg, and are attending the Conference at Crediton • this week. Iron my Isam,ples. H. Eickmeier, Wolper Hone°, Zurich ... tf-37 Again; this week we are in rec-: eipt ;of two articles for pu'blica-- EGGS FOR HATCHING ion, hut owing to no name being BRED -TO -LAY ROCKS siigned, hence they. were cast into Eggs for hatching at five cents the wastpaper basket. People, above market price. One pen of s:ho'uld. al�vars bear tin mind to Superior Bred. 13irds. - These put- sign their name to any article. put let shave laid continuously • since into oitr box ori, mailed, it will not November, eggs at 5 .be published, gg �' oen�ts per p ked; and will be kept' dozen. Phone 8f 1, n. G. 1"irue. ,confidential; 1,, ; ger, R.R. 2, Zurich, tf-37 Make your flock a paying pro- re y_.._ .-�_,---- —, position by adding new, vigorous,; quality chicks. Royal . ualitybaby> chicks are from heavy laying Can- adian stook, Rocks,_ Reds, Wyand- nttes, Ancones, Legliorns.Call at our' otfieei or we wilt ship ex press prepaid •to your • station gu.- snteeing •97 per bent, safe •arriv-. al. Canadian Chick hatehelt. Limited„ DepartYnent C. N. 143 King Street, East, Hamilton'. Ont. FARM FOR SALE FARM -Fifty acres, more or less beim ' south part g p i of Lot No. 17, [Coe. 7,.13ay. On farm is 1A` story frame House, with litclen and woodshed attar% eclSnioke ho- use, bank barn 30e36 , on cement wall with galvanized roof. ' Shed, pig pen;, hen house, driving shied and other outbuildings. Theire (axe a variety of .fruit trees on the farm. (Thus farm is all seeded ee cept about two or three acres:. Farm would be suitable for la truck farm or for raisin celery or small fruits. Also good for pasture as it is well watered. For further particulars apply to Chris. Schrag, Zurich, Administrat- or Estate Menne Kipfer. FOR • SALE A ,small quantity, o clean (Hubam) Annual White blossom sweet clover seed ' for sale at 30 centsper ib. iApp1y to Fred. J. Haberer, R..R.I, Zurich Phone 11-94. tf-35 FOR SALE Eight acres of land, opposite Zurich Fair Grounds. Suitable for pasture or cultivation. For particulars laplily to Jacob Dei - chert, Zurich, Ont. 4t-36. WANTED Dressmaking and home sewing of all kinds. All work neatly done and'eatisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. J. A. Meyers, co, Mr Morris Weber Zurich. tf-36 FOR SALE A limited quantity of Yellow Blosso.r) Sweet Clover Seed For Sales. Apply to E. A. Westlake, R.R. 3, Bayfield, P. 0, Phone 5.99, Hen;sall Central.' tt34 In renewing your subscriptions for your daily and weekly papers remember the Herald Office is agent for moat of them and in. some cases can save you as much ,ase50 cents on a single subscript- ion'. NOTICE I iia're taken out License for Auctioneer kr the County of Hur- on, and am in a position to con- duct sales by auction. Give me a trial and I will assure you Saba - /action or no charge. 'i tf-29 lames Derioiney, R. R. 2, Zurich, Phone No. 10•43 • DR. JOHN WARD Will make a complete [teat of refractive condition of the eye, and of the muscles. Spectacles eeientit'- ically fitted. Services at reasonable charges: Will lbe at;- 8-22. Ziramer's Etotel, ,i)ashwod, Waiper House, Zurich, The usual cold weath still pre- vails, nearly every night a heavy frost takca plane, while the cold winds of the day still exist. No matter 'hew nice the weather will h- froze now on .it certainly will be a backward sprint; this ;year: Messrs. WG H. Pfile and J. C; Durst of the 14th coil. were Sun- day visitors near Clinton. Some of our citizens are com- plaining of the neighbors chick- ens infesting and 'stretching out their flower beds, making a ter- rible, mess on sidewalks, , ward being in general a deplorable nu- isance. People should confine their chickens on their own prop- erty if let rue, and if 'the - fence is not sufficient to hold same, our hardware men wilt be only too pl- eased to supply them with such fencing. Tlave a Heart, and do nut let them annoy your neighbors. EOEHLER-GROSS NUPTAL$. On Saturday Apri114t1i the home of Mr. J. Gross, of near Blyth, was the scene of a pretty house wed- ding, when his daughter, Kiss Clara, was united in the holy bonds of wedlock to Mr. Wm. Ii`ocalr3erl son of Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Koeh- ler, Zurich. The ceremony '[was performed in the presence of only the 'immediate relatives. The happy couple have arriived in Zurich where they will maket heir future henna, on the groom's fine farm just south of Zurich. The Herald joins with their many Zur- ich friends in extending congratue , lations. > XETE R he 'Neter. canning: factory it coetraeting With ferners' to grow corn this year, • Sid lOsiyis has moved Ills flour and. feed store from H'ooper's' building tor' the one formerly, or- ,„ as an express office; Mrs. A. Erresan; and little lop: who have . been visiting for sever- al weelcs with Mrs. Wi G, Uissetti left for their hone, in Rochesteei N. V. Ward:enl, 13.W.F, Beavers was in Str'atfoa,fd last week ‘vith a eoiru- rnittee from iIuron Co. me,ating wiith a egrxiinittee from Perth :co- uQty with reference to uniting the eounty jaiils of ' Huron and Peed* the prisoners to be cared for at Stratford, r; Cecil Walkden; •wh'ospent eev--.. er•al weeks in the West hats return - ,aa to town and hes resumed + his posiitaon' • alt N. H'oekey's barber shop. ltxrs, John Routledge returned t6 her home- at Duttore her mother Mrs, Wrni,, Rivers returned with her for a visit. • On Sunday morning last, the de- ath took place at her home .south of Exeter,, of. Mrs. Dalnijel Wood; in'her sixty. -fifth year. The deer eased had been! ailing' for several niontlrs with stomach and heart trouble hut. had been: confined to her bed for two weeks. Her 'maiden name was Margaret A. Brownlee, She was bonen Usb- orae township and was highly es- ._ teemed. by 'many frifends in the community, COME And Enjoy the Play - 1`LET'S ALL GET MARRIED' . Given by the Young People iof Zurich, under the auspices of the Woruen's Instiitute, in the TOWN HALL ZURICH On Friday April, 27, commencing at :8.00 o'clock, p.m. CAST OF CHARACTERS Professor Maxwell Carrington Ethel Carrin,•o N. Woods Tiffs Sister MisslRou•tledge elrss.L;auri Pini His Aunt Miss I. Kalbfleisch elar•J h =:neer, deer but distant c ruain.. M153 L. Siebert[. Gol,di ?nee ith, his Steno.grapher, Miss T. ;Dsnralcl Everette Payee, fanule. Lawyer, Lloyd O'Brit'rf Rev, Benjamin Morris, dear frie?d of Prof, T. Kal(lleisch Diel r Havens, college student, Lee O'Brie•-i Jack Foster, Boston Newspa ak. man‘ 1!?i C. •Milliken Berge an English. Butler, • A ahumber of musical selection will also . be given; between acts Admission -Reserved seats 50c.ru h seats 35c. (Chilel en 20c. Plan o Hall"•.at .:T. I;,;_ Wurm.'s Store, Pro- ceeda to pair for Instituit.e piano, Mrs. T. L. Worm Secy... 'Mrs. P. Manson, Pres. • 0. AUCTION SALE Of horse, rigs, harness, furniture, household effects, etc., will be held in Zurich on Saturday, April 21st, E. Bossenberry, Proprietor. Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer. NOTICE CLERK'S NOTICE OF 'FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST 1922. Municipality of the Township of Ilay, County of Huron. NOTICE is hereby given that I have, transcted :or deliered to the persons mentioned in Section 9, of the Ontario Voters' List Act, the copies required by said Section to be transmitted: or delivered of the list, made pursuant to said Act, of perisons appearing by thelast Revised Assessment Roll of . the Legislative Assembly and that Part III, of the said List was first posted- up in my office in Zurich;, on 31st day of March, 1923, and re- mains there for your inspection. And I hereby call upon \s+11 voters to' take immediate proceed- ing to have any errors or omiss- ions corrected accordirlg to law. Dated this 31st day of March, 1923. A. F. HESS, Clerk •of the Township of Hay. T EXETER On Thursday and Friday of this week April 20th and 21st. Visit Exeter and participate in the many dollar saving opportunity. re.'.r•47rti idi .Edge M'1've use e o ietaryor Pamm 11Medtcme Al edetable frecrnntielit .A5 s" UsimilatlegtlreToodby'Iiegela'r rti ngthe'S tomachs and Bowels cP4 ).,,Ji&V-Ik;igi_r__114._____.r..5T lerelniilimGheerudRe t.Gon.ainsneithe,Idorphine nosIMinerARGOTi Pimepkin,re Sennd IlorbchE.fi* Anise Semi , P ar6vmunEam +d FcCe:fu�iG (i g;' AhefpfulRemedyfor 11 Gmhstipationand'Diatrhoea a nd''everistmess and F 1L1Lr1rP restifliLOSS On>jtherefram�•ialr►faney. F SimiieSI+ln hof EC CY. Ifi MONTREAL, P��_ cit b xnoi�fla3 u'i 3�•'Do�;>es; '' r infants and Children. Whittlers KiloK.•.,That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. TRU 'mss vs,m+..- icadarlo If Yor cannot afford a Ford why not buy a nice Rubber Tire Buggy HESS sells them REPAIRING .Painting. Ford Car, One float, $15.00, Two Coats _. $20.00 iCovering Ford Top Good Material _.. ,. -Changing Ford Curtains to open with Doors Painting Buggy .....$5,00 $8.00 IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERUBI3ER YOUR 1 -BUGGY WHEELS. F. , iless & Co. - Zurich 1 r+++++++++++++++++++++++44 •:-e44+i+4+44444 teee++e' ee++S++F++i+4 i:Lumber Laths Shthgles Everything in Combination storm and screen doors made to order, Lumber and Building Material Custom,' Work t ec1! Jtv (Always in the market Tor saw logs IFa e PHONE 69 =.===NAMIA•4.+4.4.+41.44.1.+++++++4.+4.4.4 +++++++++4++++44+++..p SCR ZURICH 1.LOOK ' Five Good + + 4+ EN I WHY WE CAN SELL SUITS FROM 100 TO $15 LESS THAN OTHERS. T1. We stock our own goods. ,, ,. Our Suits are made by work- + inanship, second,• to none. 1 �' 3. Have only one price for nzak-- ing Suits, 1. The very best linings piit in � all our garments.•? tett;. • 15. We guarantee satisfaction or � . ro M I J«. money :refunded. `.,.; Reasons TAILOR AND FUNERAL DIR CTOR• • 1 DAY AND NIGHT PHO,NE No.. :86 +-+-+-+-+- „ a 4 4 A 411