HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-04-19, Page 4Page FM* IC REA re.a1 Thursday, ,A.pt'il 19th, 1923 Bankrupt and Stock ducin SHOE For 13 bays Only +�r�r�rmcn+�l+� on Satu�rdy, April'tall. and . ending Saturday May5t1i: THE SIORY. BR1EFLY' TOLD People! Your one great opportunity of the year has arrived. As you know that we havep urchased an 0000 bankrupt'. shoe stock in the city of Kitchener and have moved it to Zurich. We offer the people from every Hamlet,' Village, Town, Countryside this $8000 shoe stock, and our own stock at Wonderful Reduced Prices. This is a genuine Bankrupt Sale and Bankrupt Prices will prevail throughout our entire store. To our know- ledge it is the greatest Shoe Selling vent ever launched in this community or any other= For 13 Days this store will sell shoes at Prices out of all reason, it must Be Done. For 13 Days Chas. Fritz & Son WILL TURN THEIR SHOE STORE AND KITCHENER'S BANKRUPT SHOE STORE OVER TO THE PEOPLE. A SENSATIONAL SHOE SALE THAT ' WILL AWAKEN ZURICH FOR 50 MILES AROUND. COME, BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY AND SAVE REAL MONEY. The oldest shoe store in -town Compelled to Sacrifice V.0 trim PUBLIC— C. FRITZ & SON IS WILLING TO LET THE it IEOPLE OF ZURICH AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY HAVE VHEIR ENTIRE BANKRUPT SHOE STOCK PURCHASED AP ,KITCHENER AN A LOW RATE ON THE DOLLAR. AT PRI - S LESS THAN COST, THAN CARRY IT OVER TO ANOTH- IER SEASON. We ARE GOING TO GIVE OUR OLD " T M IMISTOMERS AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY, THE BEN FIT OF THIS GREAT BANKRUPT SALE. , WE SAY IT: WE MEAN IT; THE PROOF IS HERE, AND PR- ICES TALK. MEN, HURRY RIGHT ALONG SATURDAY. NOW THAT /'SOU NEED THEM. WE -GC- .EI—'EM WILL SACRIF- L E THIS HEAVY WORK SHOES AT ... ---- -2.79 • 1B YS, GET YOURSELF. A PAIR OF THESE BLACK OR nQ 'AN. BAL MINERS, MART` NEWEST TOE, 2e69 S'ANKRUPT PRICE la"bns Brown Oxfoi+ls EANKRUPT PRICE 4.78 few Black Oxfords to Clear at 2:48 hen we Cut! We Cut! .Men's Dress Shoes . Think of it! Men's Dress Shoes Black Come Get Em. Reg:5'.50' On Sale Men's Tan Oxfords Rubber Heel •Hand,Em Out Men's Work Boots Army Counter Tan $3.89 2.98 $4.78 $3.89 Saturday April 2ist.` FRITZ LETS HER Go Prices 'fairly Murdered Ladies Boots - Step Lively 99c Ladies Pumps A Suitable Gift ' 89c Ladies Bed Room Slippers—Extra Extra 48c Infants Shoes-- Think of it 24c Misses Patent Sandals, just what is wanted now size 11 to2 Bankrupt Price _.1 .A 9 'WOMEN'S BLACK AND TAN CAN VASS :HOUSE SLIPPERS, LEATH- ER SOLES Bankrupt Price .._ ... 65c CHILD'S BUTTON SHOES One lot of Children's _Shoes soft and hard soles. All in one box Sizes 1 to 4 Bankrupt prices 23c WOMEN'S BLACK AND BROWN Rid Boots—Nothing better 'under the shining Sun. Reg. 4.51 to7.00 Stock Reducing Sale _." .... 91 87 ONLY • 2•i. Pairs of Women's Oxfords and Shoes with Rubbers to -fit them WHAT'S THIS? YES 1.38 Women's Pumps High Heel Button Shoes and Lace Shoed Values ranging from $3.00 to $4.001 • �9� ill Clear out at ;:::... .__ Children's BOX .CALF, (WILLIAMS MAKE( A Real Good. School Shoe with Rub ber heels, Reg. $3.95 Bankrupt Price1 •49 SEE OUR JOB LOT OF DI>F'FER- ENT SIZES AND STYLES OF FOOTWEAR, 'TO CLEAR 1 00. At ' Bankrupt Pri ce V ONLY A FEW DOZEN PAIRS OF WOMEN'S ALL .LEATHER HOUSE e SLIPPERS, SOLID C. FRIT Bankrupt Price.... ... 1 •18 SHOE MERCHANTS Zurich Ont. BOYS, COME—HERE IS YOER CHANCE TO GDT IN ON A Real Bargain 12 -in. Work Shoe Chrome. The regular Price is Smashed from $5.00 to Our Bankrupt Price el BOYS' BOX CALF BLUCHERS. • A Real Shoe for School. So:id throughout. Mothers, Don't miss this chance. Regular Value $4.00, Bankrupt Price 2.25a BOYS' FINE PAT. I3LUC. AND GUN METAL TOPS. 248 A. REAL SNAP AT MEN, HOW DOES THIS STRIKE YOU/ AMES HOLDEN SHOES, Dark Brown Calf, Dress Shoes, right' • up to the minute and nothing in this town ever ap- On: proached its equal, Reg. 7.S0Bankrupt PriceeS•ClIbP SPE CIAL Men's American EIk Tan and Black (Greb's Make • A Good strong Shoe for men and will nevereget hard. Sewed and Standard screw nailed. soles. Regular 3.75 Price $5:90. Bankrupt Priro • It won't do you an; ounce Of ;ooh to read this advertis,t:'r.em 11 .less you come to the store and i for 'ourself It is said that worry kills more ljeople than week - probably be - tame more people worry thaxi `work. HENSALL Miss Eleanor Lindenfield, on Lon elton, 'visited her grandparents, Mr land, Mrs; 3. Lindenfieid in town last vetek.. Mrs. J. 'VA 'Boutl Bouthron is in I at- rtoo, on account of the serious - einem of her father, G. F. Yong- tint, a former business man of sur village. Dr'. Moir, who has been special- Edward Moyle and mother of I erth,Australia, arrived in Exet- rc and the latter will make her 'Isom with her daughter, Mrs. II. ening$, f izing during the winter months at the larger hospitals °contres, has returned to continue his practice at Hensall. The funeral of the late, Mrs. Con. Volland, of Clinton, whose death occured on Sunday last, took place on. Wednesday last to Hen - sail Union Cemetery. Rev, Mr. Anderson conducted the services at the house while Bev. Rivers took charge at the grave. The Henry Volland near Tuckersmith is a son. Mrs. T, J. Berry and son Ed. re- tue.ned from Windsor and Detroit,. after visiting With Mrs. Berry's son Wilasq, and Mr. and Mrs. H. ' A.. McEwen and relatives. Miss Ipma Rennie of [Detroit, spent trine week• end with her par- ents. Pleased to see Mrs. J. S. Mc- Donald., who has been quitepoor- ly able. to be out again. Quality HIRE YOU GET QUALITY AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE .PRICES You Can Buy CHEAPER Clo- thes—and forgot QUALITY It isn't what you PAY but what you receive that counts.: PAT for 'quality- here and yon 'get it— at the lowest possible prise for which good. Clothes can be made to order. Styles Pick your own to fi t you alone. Lois of Styles—Real St 'les -that's tailored in to stay+, not ironed in for a day, You Will Like Our Work erth� TaiIor Zuri�h Mrs. R. N. Douglas andeu daughter of Blake, were visiting the past week their relatives Mrs. T. Dick and Mrs. B. Bell. Miss Irene Douglas returned recently from Detroit and Wind- sor, where she had been on a visit The friends of Fred Busch will be sorry to learn that he leontin- uee very poorly and is suffering a good. deal. Our council intend shortly taking out considerable purples earth in, the boulevard portion of our str- eet, which will make a. great im- provement, as the earth has not settled down enough to prevent. the water from snow or rain run-. ning back on the, sidewalks. CREDITON W.n. Watson has disposed of his briick and tile yeard to- Aaron ii: eir Miss Lindhurst of Hespler, sp- ent. the week- end. with Miss Julia Haueb(, at the Evang. parsonaeg,. Jacob Holtzman underwent , a slight operation in London, on Sat urday, Vera returned home with hint. Miss Leona Finkbeiner, who has been holidaying with Miss Laving Smith, has returned. to Mimico to resume her teaching duties. t,•r' The Can: Conference of the Evangelical church is holding its 5?th annual session in Zion Church, Crediton, from April lith to 23,dr On Tuesday evening a musical program was given by the Chleeal• Society under the direction of Prf. y..Vcr% Anderton. An excellent program has been arranged and snecral speakers will deliver .ad- dresses each evining, to which the npublic are invited, on Friday rev; ening the Egang. choir of Zurich will be present, while on Wednes- day evening the Dashwood choir t'lvili.render the music. The meeting of the Crediton A.A, held on April 5th was evell. attended. ,i3, X. Silber occupied: the chair, the following officers vt'ere elected;—Chairman Dr. Orme \'' ice chairman, H. E. Silber; S'ee* rotary, Cl•, Wi. Sweitter; tress, Mose Foist, member to represent A. on athletic field, Ezra Oestrei- cher It was also decided to held the annual celebration on May 24, and the different committees sel- ected. 4 cliicuassiort was also held on the probability' of a skating rime and bowling green. FOR " - FLOORS' SENOURS FLOOR PAINr ,• mama. „1- --. f� c ,T z$'.�..Ce3 L ,i C?mit° 4 oce` '7 .`� FORs ''> FiJRNITUR . • 11000LAC • S74/N .0`M. FOR -. YERAN DAN S M S OUTSIDE P,Wc8 PA/A7 • 41i9,tl .lG _u ii � � l' 0.7 Spruce Up FOR EVERY SURFACE Paint Up. Now is the time you can greatly improve the appear- ance of your home with a touch of paint here and there. Don't- neglect your furniture and woodwork. A coat of protection will work wonders. Save • the surface and you save all. MARTI N5ENOU R PAINTS AND VARIVl3HES For the Walls and Ceilings NE U - T O N E. --the washable, sanitary finish that will not fade or rub off. Many pleasing tints and suggestions for stencilled borders. For Woodwork, etc. MARTIN'S WHITE ENAMEL —(the enamel de luxe) a beauti- ful finish for bathrooms, bed- rooms, eft. It stays white. For Floors SENOTIR'S FLOOR PAINT- a wide range of colors. It dries bard with a beautiful enamel finish that wears and wears and wears. For Hard -wood Floors MARBLE- ITE—The perfect floor finish that withstands the hardest usage. A hard 'finish that will not mar nor scratch white. It can be washed with soap and water. For Furniture WOOD -LAC STAIN—in many shades, Oak, Mahogany, Cherry, etc. Gives to inexpensive woods the appearance of the more costly. Easy to use. For Verandahs OUTSIDE PORCH PAINT— dries hard in a few hours and wears like iron. Come and consult us on any painting you contemplate. We will be glad to advise. We have a full range o MARTIN-SENOUR Paints andVarnishes—theeasi stand most profitable to use. For every purpose—for every surface. �.� Melick &Braun ZURICH. ONT. ve the sur t"+Iri save all 5�K .42'12°e. 9o• 40 050,1 61°4 +1,06