Zurich Herald, 1923-04-12, Page 7Surnames and Their (Night
Variations --Hawes, Haw,
Racial Origin—English,
Source -A locality.
Here Is another of th'oere Brigade
renaby names of the kind whichsprang
up in a giieet many seetion!s of that
country through the entire period of
family name formation, Thiene navies.
swore based upon ;local place names,
mostly of the descriptive kind, in many
'instances known dishy to, t 7+o5e who
lived in the CIam.mtinities, in which the
names sprang up, names like Ilil+l,
plebe, Ford, Woodsy Cliff, Grove and
the like.
Literally the name Hawley would
mean a hedged piece of meadowland,
for it is a compound oY the ancient
Anglo-Saxon word's "liaeg" and "ley,'
the tamer being the word from which
,has come our modern word "hedge" as
well as such --];names, as Haig, Hedges,
Hay and the like.
The tome Haw and Hawes, of
course, are either shortened forms of
H`a'wley 'or els'e manes• deeived s&nWIy
from the old word "haeg," •
Variation ---Groesbeck..,
Racial Origin—D. utch.
Groesbeck is reallyy the more eor
react spelling•of UN name, if it can be'
said; that there is any better standard
of spelling family names • tben the a
habit ox the bearer himself. • , ;
Grroe'sbeck is the, Dutch way of spell,
in ;it, The other tone,-Grosslbeck,' is
a avenged spelling which has ,corns'
about through the influence . of the
English language, in instances' where
the nerve has been used for long peri
ode 'either le Anverioa or England..
If you were to, translate this, name
literal'lY into 1Jugiish it would be slrp-
ly "Big!$treain," Th'e word ;'groes" is
nothing but the Dutch equivalent for 1
the English word "gross" (or "great").;
wiiie1i is also to be found in both
French and German, and "beck," mean,•
ing stream.'
The Spring is a time of anxiety to
mothers who have little ones in the
home. Conditions make it necessary
to keep the baby indoors. He is often
confined to overheated, badly venti-
lated rooms and catches colds which
rack his whole system. To guard
against this a box of Baby's Own Tab-
lets should be kept in the house and
an occasional dose given the baby to
keep his stoma.ch`:and bowels working
regularly. • This will prevent colds,
constipation or colic and keep; baby
well. .The Tablets are scold by medi-
cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a
box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
omaFarthest-North Radio
Weather Station.
Jan Ma.yen Land, a tiny volcanic is-
land north of Iceianta, is in the track of
erotic . storms sweeping toward the
wast of Norway, 600 miles distant. In
i.rder to obtain timely warning of the
dhorms which peril its interests, the
': Norwegian government lees than two
years ago establielhed on the island a
1dlo station the farthest -north sta-
tion in the world. It ,ie in charge of
sekbard Ekerolid, an. American citizen.
The operator and, his .assistants are
the first permanent inhabitants of •the
Minard's Liniment used by Physicians.
By means of airships, Bombay, In-
dia, could be brought within three and.
"a .half days' journey of London.
The Gardener.
So lovingly he holds within
His hand the tiny seeds and sees
A vision ofbright fairy things,
That soon will flutter in the sun,
Like butterflies on flaming, wings.
So lovingly be lays • them down
in beds. made soft and warm to sleep,
And carefully above their
For fear of bitter wind and storm,,
A magic coverlet he spreads.
So lovingly he .waitsuntil
Awakened bya thousand sounds•
With tender outstretched arms they
And struggle to their feet; -to find.
An eager welcome in lits eyes.
So lovingly he watches when
With quick response •they do his will,
And in his garden, kneeling there,
With busy hands, care slips away,
And peace conies like an answered
—Lillian Howard Cort.
League of Nations to Urge
Protection for Scientists.
The right of scientists' •to share in
tble benefits derived from the applica=
Eon, of .their ddeeoveriee has reoeived
official attention from the League of
Nations, Intellectual, Co-operation, Com-
mission. k sub-commlittee eseigned to
go into the question has just 'concluded
its setudies, and a plans is now being
drafted -for the legal preteotdon of
scientific work. After approval by
commission, and- .then 'by' thus council
of the league, • the plan would serve as
a basis for 'legislation in the parlia-
ments of the diffeerent oountries
throughout the world.
Summer Season, 1923
A .Series of -Attractive Canadian Tours
Leaving June and July.
The. Mediterranean, France, Belgium, Holland, the Rhine, Switzerland
and England.
Inclusive Fares providing Ocean Passage, Railway and Steamship
Travel in Europe, Hotels, Sightseeing Drives, Fees, Etc.
Write for Canadian Programme,
Steamship Tickets by All Lines and Every Facility
for Independent Travel,
See How Easy It Is To
Learn Muic T
YOU know how easy it is to
a ut letters together anti
form words, once you
have learned the alphabet.
Playing a musical instrument
is not very much different,
Once you learn the notes,
playing melodies on the mandolin, piano
or violin Is simply a matter of patting
the notes together correctly,
The first note shown above , is P.
Whether you are singing from, notes,
playing • the piano or banjo or any other
Musical Instrument, that note in the.
first space is always F. The four notes
Indicated are F, A., .C, E, easy to remem-
ber, because they spell the word 'face,"
Certain strings on the mandolin, certain
keys on the piano represent these same
notes—and once you learn them, play-
ing melodies on the instrument is large-
ly' a matter of following the notes.
Anyone can now Team to play a mus-
ical instrument at home without a
teacher. A. now, simplified method of
teaching reduces all music to its simp-
lest possible form. You can now master
singing, piano playing or any musical
Instrument you wish right at hone,
quickly, easily, tiyithottt endless study
and practice.
' lou don't have to know anything
'whatever about music to learn to play
a musical instrument this new way. You
don't have to pin yourself clown. to regu-
lar hours, to regular classes. You prac-
tice Whenever you can, learn as quickly
as you please. .A.11 the intricate "mys-
teries" of music have been reduced to a
method of amazing simpIleity- eaeh
ptep is made as clear as ABC. Thousands'
have already learned to play their fay-
avBrite n=u.siert' instrunrtents this splendid
hew, (Mick
AN£'TE,13M kr"iaT'1'
Mandolin 216 kaphone
Drunter and Piano
TraThe Organ
iltarntouv-:find vtolfu
Oont'pocltiO3t Mello
Hig;Ttt l heriSK' clarinet
Ukelele vitae'
Ploosio tare1 totem eels Ceruet •
iF1'.awellen 'Celle
Steel tit .i ttr Gjtitat
Vice ami Spot°,:Ott'iture
.ktttoitttatie EURO! dental!) '
1t•on Can
Play 't due
Ffnrorite In-
s t rizetelit
3 months
'rem Today.
If ,yeti are
dissatis fi e d
with yon r
work, Tet
'music act Os
a stepp!ng-1
stone into a1
now career,.
If you long for a hobby, a
means of self-expression, let
music be the new interest in
3 our life. If you wish togain
popularity—choose your fav-
orite instrument and, through
the wonderful 'home•study
method of the B. S. School of Music,
play in three months from to -day.
You can do !t. Youngsters oaf 10 and 12
have done it, and•men as old as 60 have
Sound new interest and .• enjoyment in
learning how to play a musical instru-
ment. You don't have to listen tt hile
others entertain any longer, You can be
the eentre • of attraction; the talented
person who holds the audience fascinated,
Free !look' Explains New Method.
Every one who is interested In music
should send at once for onr t•aluable
book, "Music _Lessons In .,.;'our Own
'home" Tt not only explains the wonder-
ful new simplified •method of learning
music but tells about a special short
time oft'er now being made to music
Mair this coupon at once far your
copy. Remember. it obligates• you In no..
way whatever—Its free. But act now
before the supply is exhausted. Please
write name and address plainly so that
there will be no difficulty in booklet
reaching you. V. S. School of fi-uric,
3804 nrunseefou Sieg., New Vork City.
TT, Sar 'ZeitoO . Or Musec
3804 7Erunswick Bldg., l+Tew Tore City
Plsaso send me your free book,
".ir•Itisic Lessons Irt Your bwn Herne,"
and particulars of yyour special gffer,
I am Interested in the following
(Name of instrument or Ceurse)
(Please write plainly)
Ad tiress.:rr.,.,...
1, ntoVVIi 4+ 4
A Tonic Medicine a Necessit),at
This Season.
Dr. Willlame" link Pills' are' an
year-round tonic • for the blood and
nerves. But they are especially valu-
able in the spring when the system; is,
loaded with impurities as a result., of,
the indoor life of the winter months.
There is no other season when the
blolod is so Mmucli in need•gf,verifying
and enriching, and every dose of these
pills helps to enrich the blood. In the
spring . one feels' weak and tired—Dr.
Williams' Pink•Pills give strength. In t
the spring the appetite is often Poor—
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills develop the,
appetite, tone the'stomach and aid
weak digestion It' is in the spring
that poisoirs in the blood find ae out-
let in disfiguring., pimples, 'eruptions
and boils—Dr, Williams' Pink Pills
dear the skin'becau:Se they go to the
root of the trouble in the blood, In. the
spring anaemia, rheumatism, indiges-
tion, neuralgia and many other trot
bles are most persistent because ,of
poor, weak blood, and it is. at this time
when all nature takes or. now life
the blood most seriously needs atten-
tion. Seine people dose themselves
with • purgatives 'at this season, but
these only further -weaken themselves
A purgative merely ..gallops ' through
the system, emptying e bowels, but
does not help the blood. On the ether
baud, Dr, Williams Pink l
the blood which reaches every nerve
and every organ in the body,, bring
new strength and vigor to weak, easily
tired men, women and children. Try
Dr. Williams Pink 'Pills this oaring—
they will not disappoint you.
Sold by all medicine dealers or sent
by mail at 50 cents a box by The Dr.
Williams' Medicine . Co., Brockville,
1 "Twentieth Floor, Please!" WILLIAMS TELLS ii:�
-New iigrls is a city of skyscrapers, QF WASTED CASH
irge is the wel4-known Woolvrorth S hemi Lots 'D Money, But
Wife gat.ta Bettsr Until
Teniae'z led Sto�na1~w
Who Wrote the Words?
At a recent concert in Winnipeg, a
gentleman said to his guest from the
East, "I just notice that on this • pro
gramme the'names, of the composers
of the song lyrics• are omitted. I woe -
der who is •responsible for such an
oversdgtht?" It ;may be said. at once.
that such omissions, are not. confined
by any means to Winnipeg. Every-
where you go you will find :programmes
giving the names. of the composers, rot
the music, but the persons respons•iblo;
nameless.. a e -
for -the texts areSome-
times the programmie - even, gives in
full the two or three stanzas of earl
of the texts without "mentioning the
writers' names. •
• Is it to save a few cents .in'composi-
'tion at the printers? Is it just thought-
iesei ess? .Or is it because the one re
siponstible•for the programme consider-
ed the,wordsi of rue importance? •
One of the foremos'tvocalists em this
continent said the ether day, "before
I. study a new' song to add to my re-
pertoire, I -read over the words care-
fully and if they are not worth while,
I would+n't put any time en the song,
no' matter how excepiticnaliy • fine the
music was." Another singer, a famous
tenor, said recently: "When I get a.
new .song, I first familiarize myself
with, the text. If the words prove silly
or sentimental, I throw the song aside.
For no matter how good the music,
a song is not worth singing unles's the
worcls-are worth hearing. Words. 'and
music should constitute a harmonious
union. For tba!t matter I believe that
the accompaniment to a song is just
as much a past of it as the portion
written for the voice."
- The most success-fui eompoeers lay
great stress on the lyrics. There is
absolutely no excuse , for. ueing the
words of a song on the programme
without giving proper credit to the
writer of tleose.,words, and it would be
good taste wl>yen•listingg songs• to say
wards' by so-and-so, and music by so -
and se. No music publisher would is-
sue a song without the title page cover-
ing the; name of the lyric writer in
prominent type along with pat of the
composer of the music.
Vanity's Reward.,
Mr: Gobbler --"What do you think 1
I'll beconie•vihen I die, wife?"
Mas. Turkey "A dusting -brush, I'm
sure, if you continue 'to spread your
A New Definition.
Teacher—"Johnny, tell me what an
engineer le."
Johnny—"He is a, nl,an who Works
an engine."
,"Correct. • Now, William, can you
tell me whet a pioneer is?" •
• "Yes, sir, H•e'e a man who works a
plana," •
Send a Dominion Express Money
Order. They,are payable everywhere,
A Broad Hint.
Cilsbomee- "You doii t seelu Very
quick at figures, my boy?"
Newsboy -•••`"Tani out a' practloe, sir.
You scree, meet of the gents say, `Iterep
the diiatlgo.'
Birds have a body temperature et
108, While that of a human is only
,Mi11al'tl's t.irl,1rncnt for sale everytvhor,n
• 121gllest of Nall these fsnopluous build
Building, tread starters of tile world -
fa found
stores one of the' els of
whi t hills
just died 'lie Landonz
It 'is known " as the "Cathedral of Tro'tlble.
1. Commerce" hec�ttl,seef its, <Alain Gothic
architectero It this so0 it "1 never: 'saw such a change es Taal,'
ill height. PFstp 'is feelilag like a girl ot'ixteen
Next comes the Pl. ultab e in „
Bich tri 00 � l ' :Tlbw, d�eclaied Haa'oUd Wil'liatns; a
w , 0 clerixs are employed, It • . 111 A M A. F'. si]'PPLAna
'has <ti ri , well-irnown shoemaker, of 28 Solwall.
L1iI ngroozh;whicll seats elan,
�, y St,, Toronto, TOnt,, recenrtly, �ry `) H A T I3 A lei FANNING MTT,I,s,
]itlnclr4.G, mid a roof -garden for the ..p, d1 Chatham Inonhators, Thermoznetera;
or years, she Bras so weak and .re,4 apply Manson Campbell, �Chatllam, On •
zs mems n
• lac 'hes. made in my wife and'eae says:
Classifed A,dvertiaernent1�.,
1111 I1 .Amateur Plays, Icetobes, Tam e/Togs.
lvtUnstzsel forces, Re tations• Mako=Up,
Goods,' Ito. Fitzgerald Publishing Corp.,
Dept. W. l,8 Vesey a�''treet, flew York,
1S*Rrli•W}'iV1 T ,RU11131 3,
i, Free. All , the best varieties Qf,'
e i
c e
0 e d
eprooted ,stapls, 'x the wore -
elerful O.A,C. Stra.wb'erry, fir. H. Drank,
ley, Strathroy, Ont,
( ^hen wines the Me�tl+opel�itan Build- down I often thought she would fall in
{I hex. -tracks. Nearly everything she• ate
ling, in, qf' the hVietlopclitan In- disagre+e'd with hex and at timer's le
eura•nce Company, with its five or six
th a1sand empia e:e�s.
,the I we a so unstrung the least little thli%g
as giftnt buridiage are fitted with G
1 4 1 would worrg and upset her Lai "hpurd
most Wonderful lift'sys+tems, including And she• Could scarcely get any sleep. •'
. several that stop' at every twentierh:I "Wall, after spending 'hunudreds of
Vor.;or °sos I dollara.ondiffereut medioines; I:didn't
Olro, would have th'auglit 'that the ,
i e i '1 have much hope that Tanbac .would
i x s`tz z.g• buildings ars quite' near help her, 1)13.e -it's a fact, when she
ane g,l .o the sky as it is, but itis an- finished the .trealment`eve ailment
I ncunced that one with 150 storeys' is 1 That 1 al:
designers of finest stained gla.sa
windows, 102 Parliament Street, Tao-
o y was simply in agony. ' Her reeves. Tonto,
No Place ]Like Home.
'When. a native ere Prince Edward Is-
land had sailed forth to see -the world,
he ene,eged a room_ et a modest hotel
1n Boston, intending to tenidin there
while he hunted for work.
was gone a was severs mon s
ago and.since thee b.er.health .bas been
splendid, Hereafter we will always
pin our faith to'ritnlnc." -••
7lantlac is for sale• by all good dreg-
gists.- Over 35 million Battles sold.
.. '
Orient's Largest B iilding
"Wrlil you register?" asked tie clerk Nearing Canap1eti9n.
handing him a pen. • The Masunouchi Building, now near -
"Bee -star?" •said the rtraveler.:"What. ing completion in. Tokyo, Japan, is said
is that?"• •to,:he the largest' office building. in
"Write your slam+e:' Asia. Itis an eight -story stbrnuoture
"What for?" built on a grpund area '351) by 300 feet,
Weare required to keeip:a records and is 110 feet tall. The :weights of
of all our guests. - • ' 87,000 tons. is supported on piling -bet
The, •man• wrote his, name anid was extends nearly 100 , feet betoly tithe
about to lay down the penwhen the' ground line. It .contains approsilnate-
clerk added: ly 800,000 square feet of floor space
"Now the place, if you please." that will be devoted almost entlrely.tp
"What -dace?" : ofiice'purposes; and is of•flreproof••con.
"The place you came from. Where atruction throughout.. Modern equip
do you live?"
rent, such as, fire and rent ating sysk
"I live an the island." :. ' tams, bathrooms, and other 'convent -
"Well, but, what island?" • encs for the teuantsl,• 'has been in
The other ]rooked at him in amaze- chided, and tee building houses ite
meat. Then he said, with an eniph•asis own power plant.
that ` left • no doubt'of hiis, fediingss, — 4
"Prince' Edward Island, man, What It would take' a good ciaenter, "count-
etheir, dsland' isthere?" •-.ing 24 hours a `day}, move than ;9,512
' years to count a billions'
-se —An Original Explanation.
. The were having a botany lesson,
and -the -children were asked by their
teacher if they knew vniiat made the
leaves torn red in the autumn.
Up.popped bue, hand—and only one.
"Well, Johnny?" asked :the teacher.
"Please, miser," replied - Johnny,
"they halal.'to think how green they
have• been all the eumlher."
Amoii'g the Eskimos,= "conjurers,"
•who have had a special training'; and
may, lf,.either sex, wield a great
iii encs. '
Lift Off with Fingers
•Doesn't hurt u. :,.t, Drop a,' little
"Freezone'r on .an aching corn, instant-
ly, that corn stops hurting, then shortly
you lift it right! off with fingers. Tilly!
Your druggist' sells a tiny bottle •cf
"Freezone for a few ;cents, sufficient to
remove every hard ,earn, soft corn, or
Corn. between- the toes, and the calluses,
without soreness or irritation. •
est Ids
Xis order.
Whenever you feel that,
tightenin `iii the chesty that
deep-seated irritation that
is the st rd' forerunne r of a
chest coil . '
Apply SlOtlli's to chest and
neck. It breaks up the con-.
gestion and brings' instant
relief, The penetrating
warmth of the liniment re-
stores ngrmal• circulation
and redUcCil illfammatioll.
Do.n't'let''ytrur chest cold
develop. Wherever con
gestion eatetsese paile.--use Sloan's.
SA?ria,fGb Carra7r
krlan' sent
Pot filetumtissn,h ulsesy ilainelscsteoldt
i,aSUE No 1A4•-••"22,,
Olt i-`.JG��h AC 'H li
Place .a .piece. of cotton• wool
saturated with Minard's in the
cavity.,Acts as a counter irri-
taut and gives quick' relief.
Large and Red. Itched and
Burned. Cuticura Heals.
"My face was itchy ape broke out
with large, red pimple,.. • They were
scattered all' over niy face and itched
and burned so that I scratched which
caused them, to grow larger I could.
hardly sleep at night. Tiley were a
real torture and my face was a sight.
"The trouble lasted about. three
months. • I began using Cuticura
Soap and Ointment and the first
.'treatment stopped the itching and
after using two cakes of Cuticura
Soap and one box of Cuticura Oint-
ment 1 was, healed.' (Signed) 'Miss
Ora Goulette, R. F. D. 4, Box 86,
Barre, Vt., March 24, 1922.
Use. Cuticura Soap, Ointment and
Talcum exclusively for every -day
toilet purposes.
SampleBechFreebyMea. rddress•"L sae,Llm-
itod, S44 St. Paul St„ W., Montreal," Sold every-
where. Soap Me. Ointment25and50e. Talcem25a
Cuticula Soap shaves without mug.
The most wasted of all days is that
on' which one has not laughed.
Most. .adults will be toothless in an
other 200 years, according to one den.
tal expert, who says that children toe
day 'eat• too many biscuits, cakes, po-•
tatoe5, and other starchy foods.
Pimples Disappear
t h
, t You dont need mercury, potash
or any other strong mineral to
es caused
• cure 1 1Y P
e p
blood, Take Extract of Roots—
. ,druggists call it "Mother Seigel's
in ill
' Syrup—andyour sk w
�llrative -
clear up as fresh as.a baby's. It
your stomach and
will -sweeten
lregulate your bowels."Get the
genuine.- 50c. and $1,00 Bottles.
At•'d stores.
America's Pioneer Log nsmoaiea
Book on
and How to Feed
Mailed Free to any Ad-
dress by the Author.
u. Olay Glover po„ lata.
122 West 24th Stmt.
• New York. U.B.A.
So. Says Mrs. MacPherson of
,Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound
Brantford, Ontario. -`;I was always
tired and the least exertion would put
me out for a day or two. I had a
pressing pain on the top ,of my head,
pain in thenape of my neck, and when
I stooped over I could not kat up with-
out help, because of pain m•my back.
.1 did•: not_sleeprwell and was nervous
at the least noise. I keep hduse, but I'
,was such awreclethat I couldl)ot sweep
thelloor nor wash the dishes without ly-
ing down afterwards. A friend living
near me told me what Lydia E. Pink-
ham'•sV.egetable Compound had • done for
her. so I begatrto take it. With the first
bottle t felt brighter and got so,I could
wash dishes and sweep without,having
to He down. Later I became .regular
again in my monthly terms. I hhave
taken ten bottles all told and am now
all better. I can truly say that your
wonderful medicine .cannot be beaten
for putting health and vim into' a wo-
809 Greenwich St., Brantford, Ont.'
If you are suffering from a displace-
ment, irregularities, backache, or any
other form of female weakness write
to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co.,
Cobourg, Ontario, for Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Private Text -Book upon "Ail -
menta Peculiar to Women." 0
UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you
are 'not getting Aspirin at all
Accept , only an "unbroken package" of ' "Bayer Tablets of
Aspirin,", which contains directions and . dose worked out by
physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for,
Colds Headache
Toothache ' Neuralgia
Earache • Lumbago
Pain, Pain
I'fandy "13ayer" boxes of 12;tlltblets--Also bottle's,ni `24'and 100-1 niggits,
Axy5,'rin' s thio "auris marl,.. rreglstere5 in Nesse of Bayer tiarnitrteture et "Mono-
a`St csenleste5•':01 ti,xlieyfl 0 15. G4ltihi it is well known '11',ut ...virtu nesse Payer
snn.ntttactnre, to assist the lnalelte against imitations. the 'rn.bie tc hf t a1•er Corcisilny
vas be stamped with their genural.•crade mark, the ",Bayer ills,"